Dead Star Dockyards

245 Initiation

It would be a lie to say that Donovan rarely woke up with Diana in his arms. At this point it was rarer that she wasn't. A naked Diana was a different story though. Diana sought to maintain a modicum of 'modesty' in the bedroom, her clothing of choice being underwear. Intimate enough to arouse a reaction but 'modest' enough to be presentable to any unwelcome guests.

Donovan had brought her here fully clothed last night, and acutely remembered how hard he struggled to remove those clothes from her so the two of them could sleep comfortably. Her underwear had remained on.


"Good morning Donny." An unenthusiastic response was never a good sign, but given her behavior earlier this morning it wasn't unexpected. "Are we planning on getting out of bed anytime soon?"

"Mmm, no." Donovan squeezed his cozy little body pillow closer, moving one leg over to cover her legs. "Why do you ask?"

"I think Cherry is getting impatient."

"Cherry can wait to clean the room. I need my Diana time, you need your Donny time."

"I don't deserve any Donny time." Diana was doing her pouty voice. "I almost did something very bad to you."

"Almost means you didn't do it, right?"

"But, I mean, I kind of did? I think there might be at least a risk of pregnancy." That explained why the elastic strap of his underwear was in a fairly uncomfortable position right now. "What do I do if I am pregnant? Doesn't that ruin our plans?"

"It does, and you'll have to be punished for it."


"Yep. I'll be having you devote all of your time to caring for and raising the kid. That means no parties, no diplomacy, and tons of love and affection directed my way. Donovan rubbed his cheek into the side of her neck, his morning stubble tickling her. "Do we have a deal?"

"C-can I at least handle important diplomacy? Like our relationship with Merndil and the Sanctum?"

"Hmm, that depends on how convincing you are." Donovan stretched one arm behind him to grab something off the table before rolling over on top of Diana.

"C-convincing? What do you mean by that?" Diana was embarrassed, blushing as she looked away from Donovan's face. He wasn't having it though, gently turning her back by the chin so he could kiss her.

"I think you know what I mean." Donovan slipped this little packet into her hand. "I want you to finish what you started this morning, the proper way. No funny business."

Donovan then rolled back to his position on the bed, dragging Diana with him. Now their positions were reversed.

- - - - -

". . ."

Titanyana and Trebar sat quietly in the cafeteria, indulging in simple snacks and drinks as they waited for Donovan to come downstairs.

"How much longer do you think they'll be?" The question Trebar asked was innocent, but it's connotation assumed a completely different meaning to someone who knew what Donovan and Diana were probably doing.

"Th-that, um. Donovan didn't, couldn't, get to sleep for quite some time yesterday, so I think he is taking his time waking up. I would have to assume Diana is enjoying their time in bed together."

"Hmm, that's all well and good, but it is past noon at this point."

"You said you had all day, didn't you?"

"Yes, but I would still like to get something done."

Trebar was here to advise Donovan about his entrance into a squad tournament. The sign-up was tomorrow, something Trebar could handle on Donovan's behalf, but he at least wanted Donovan to know all the proper procedures surrounding group battles. 

"More tea?"

"Thank you Cherry, but I am fine for now. What is the word on Donovan? Will he be down soon?" Cherry suddenly got a lot redder, looking more like her namesake. Titanyana was fighting off a similar phenomenon.

"They've been, um, occupied with each other, for a while now. The last time I passed their room the ruckus had died down so he might be out soon, but I imagine he would like to shower in order to appear presentable."

"He is aware that I am waiting for him, yes?"


"You told him I was here, right?"

"I did nothing of the sort!" Cherry's voice was extremely high pitched right now.

"What do you mean? You said they were awake and-" It finally seemed to click for Trebar. "Oh, oh I am sorry, Cherry. I didn't, um, wow. Sorry, I understand why you didn't make him aware of my presence."

Trebar returned to his normal posture, grimacing a little from the embarrassment. Titanyana was also beginning to blush whilst averting her gaze, making it clear to him that she had also known about their activities. Their collective embarrassment was made all the more intense when Donovan, shirtless, entered the cafeteria.

"Good morning everybody." His breathing was ever so slightly heavier than normal. "I just came down to get something for Diana and I to munch on. What brings you here Trebar?"

"I," Trebar coughed to clear his throat, "am here to catch you up on the etiquette and procedures of squad battles. I already had a talk with everyone else."

- - - - -

Titanyana struggled to keep track of the conversation, only barely able to maintain an upright posture. The odor from Donovan was just too strong, and were those bite marks? Was biting part of that? If so, why?

The questions Titanyana needed to ask Diana were rapidly growing in number and complexity, none of them particularly appropriate. 

"So, with that I shall take my leave."

"Thanks. I'll make sure everyone gives it their best."

"Just don't push it too hard. You aren't going to have much time to fix your mistakes, so focus on getting a feel for the flow of battle instead of trying to win. You should see what I mean when I said that commanding won't do you much good."

"Alright. Oh, I talked with the guys. They would rather not be shuffled into other squads in Titanyana and I's absence, but they still want the chance to fight in dueling tournaments. Can you accommodate that?"

"There isn't much to accommodate in the first place. My squad will assume a mentorship role for the three of them as we have discussed, and I hear Kerefel has devised a training plan specially designed for Wall."

"He'll be tickled to hear it. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Donovan and Trebar shook hands before going their separate ways, Titanyana still analyzing her tea. He had a plate of fruits and pastries in hand, more than enough for he and Diana to munch on. "Oh, right, Titanyana."

Titanyana flinched, a drop of tea spilling from her cup.


"Arc wants to talk to you, to get started on your education. You are free to enter and exit that room as you please, just be careful you don't break anything. You weren't too freaked out by the exam last night, were you?"

"U-um, no?"

"Good. Honestly, I shouldn't need to say this, but don't give yourself too hard of a time for not knowing something. Arc might be harsh with you, but his isn't trying to put you down or drive you away. His philosophy on education is that there is no greater disservice than coddling, and it will do everything in its power to bring you up to speed. You can tell me if it ever gets out of hand, I don't want you overworked, but don't immediately jump to the conclusion that Arc hates you just because he keeps giving you tough problems and difficult lessons."


"Excellent." Donovan then walked away, leaving Titanyana hot and bothered without an outlet. 

- - - - -

"Good evening, Titanyana." That strange voice spoke to her the instant she closed the door, the pale and ghostly light in the middle of the room following soon after. "Please, take a seat. There is much I wish to speak to you about."

Titanyana obliged Arc's request, she didn't exactly have a reason to refuse. There she sat, the same seat from the night previous, for a few minutes as she waited for Arc to continue.

". . . I never imagined that I would struggle to begin a conversation, and yet I cannot determine what the most effective way to start our little chat could be." Titanyana raised an eyebrow. Was that really something to worry about? "Maybe it would be best to do this over time, then. A series of conversations . . . yes, that should do. I apologize if Donovan made my request to meet with you today sound urgent, it seems we will not be able to cover everything today after all."

Titanyana still didn't respond, unsure of how she was supposed to do so (in English) or if she was meant to respond at all.

"Let us start with the most pressing matter first. Queen Titanyana Strapper, what name do you wish me to call you by? Up to this point I have referred to you by your first name in a bid to maintain the tempo Donovan and Diana had set, but now that Donovan has decided to grant you the operator code 1-1, you possess a level of authority over me second only to Donovan and Diana themselves."

"Titanyana is fine."

"Very well, Titanyana, do you understand the implications of having an operator code on the first level?"


"Then I shall inform you of the powers vested in you later. For now, all you need to understand is that Donovan has deemed you a trustworthy and important enough individual that you should have unlimited access to information I possess that Donovan and Diana have not specifically restricted your access to. This means I will have to provide you information about extremely important and sensitive information should you ask. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes?" Titanyana responded on instinct, but decided that wasn't right. "No, no I don't understand."

"I thank you for the honesty. You will learn in time, for now you should not worry about it. The most you should be concerned with is that Donovan has deemed you trustworthy and loyal enough to provide some level of power over me. Do you believe be has made a mistake?"

"No! No. I would never betray my savior."

"So you say, but that is a question that can only be answered with time." Titanyana's ears flattened. "With that out of the way, let us begin your introductory lesson, a lesson on what 'Terran' truly means. I know not what it means to be 'Nekh', but I can assure you it does not fall anywhere close to what 'Terran' is. Nobody else can claim to be similar, not even the Holifanians."

"I'm learning about their bodies?" Titanyana had heard Donovan refer to topics such as anatomy multiple times, often with regards to differences between races. She didn't understand the terminology used, such as the difference between anatomy and biology, but she understood enough to know that these might not be the same for both her and Diana.

"No. This is not a lesson on the human body. It isn't even a lesson on biology, chemistry, or any other science. This lesson won't even be about science, or math, or any topic Donovan and Diana have covered with you thus far. My goal, at least for our first few sessions together, is to make you understand Terra - Earth - the planet Donovan and Diana and every other Terran called home, the birthplace of the Terran race. You will learn the most important parts of its history, both good and bad, and how those events, cultures, and ideas shaped the future and present. I will provide visuals for you to further your understanding, a window into a past and place that has now been destroyed. All I ask of you is to sit and absorb that information. I will not test your knowledge of a history that you are seeing for the first time, of a people that is not your own. To do so would be a cruel and ineffective way of achieving my goals.

My only expectation is that you come to a better understanding of the gravity behind what it means for Donovan and Diana to be the only heirs to this history, in my mind the greatest to ever be, and begin to see how it drives and informs their decisions. Should you come to love this history as much as your own, I would be overjoyed. Should you come to hate it for what you see in it, I will not hold it against you. Will you provide me with the proper amount of time and attention needed to learn those lessons?"

Titanyana found herself hesitating despite her desire to know more about Donovan and Diana. Despite their openness on a great many fronts, the two of them remained enigmas to her. Questions surrounded them at all times. How did they come to know so much? How could they possibly provide aid for the Nekh on a scale larger than the Holifanians, without having much of anything to do it with? Why was Diana so obsessed with learning about her people? Why was Donovan comfortable with pushing himself to exhaustion? This presented her the opportunity to learn the answers to those questions, no, the answers were being offered to her.

And yet she felt nervous about it. Something about Arc's tone didn't feel right. These aspects were supposed to be a secret, right? Donovan and Diana's motives and knowledge and capabilities were supposed to be a secret, that secrecy gave them an edge. Was it truly alright for her to learn about them so easily? If she did, what would she lose in turn?

Titanyana shook her head, lightly slapping her cheeks as if to wake herself up. Why was she worrying about losing something to the Terrans? Had she not already offered everything she had to them already? Her fears were unfounded, their source not being something she had to worry about anymore. Had the Terrans so pleased they could've forced Titanyana and the Nekh into a position of subservience, and Titanyana would have had no problems accepting their proposition. In fact it was the Terrans who proposed a relationship of equals, and every day that passed further convinced Titanyana that she would be unable to hold her end of that deal.

"I will do all I can to know you and Diana and Donovan better." Titanyana didn't know if her response was the most eloquent, but it was the most concise and firm expression of her intentions and desires that she could tailor in the moment.

"Thank you, Titanyana. If you would please close your eyes for a few seconds while I get the simulation started, I would appreciate it. You are free to keep them open if you wish, I simply wish to provide you with the most impactful experience I can."


Ahem, back to ground level. My vacation is over (insert crying emoji) but I'm not going back to college yet either. It will be my last semester, so I will need to focus real good and get a job, expect chapter releases to approach similar levels as October (about 1 per week instead of every 2-3 days). This said, I have approached something of a block when it comes to this story. No, I'm not confused as to how I should be progressing, and no, I'm not thinking about dropping it, but the order I need to do things and cover the time spent on Nectar and Nekh needs the sort of attention and planning I'm not used to.

I don't know if you've noticed, but Donovan is anything but a self insert. He is serious about everything he does, I struggle to wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night. He works out, I ordered another pizza. He has a loving wife-to-be he semi-regularly has 'fun' with, I am older than him and haven't even had my first kiss. We have similar hair colors, heights, and thoughts on drugs/alcohol, but that's about where the specific and intentional similarities end. Would I like to envision myself as a guy like he? Certainly. Will I ever say that I am him? Only if (by some miracle) this book is made into a movie and Ryan Gosling plays the role of Donovan, in which case he will literally be me.

r/DeadStarDockyards - Donovan?

(The best I could get out of the AI)

Much the same with Diana, I am not woman. I not know how think like woman. I not know how woman feelsies work. I also not know how diplomacy work. Me wing thing, hope all work out.

r/DeadStarDockyards - Diana?

(Also the best I could get out of the AI)

Wall, big man, very chill. Just the sort of dude I would want to go work out with (if I actually worked out). Has a bit of a problem on the manners front, but otherwise not a bad dude.

r/DeadStarDockyards - Wall?

(If the generator didn't give him facial hair, toned it down on the muscles, made his hair yellow, and those shoulder scales a variety of colors it would be fine.)

Joking aside, I just wanted to point out that - damn, this writing shit kinda tough? Especially when I'm not making the progress I want to be (too many things, too little time)

Anyways, on my cruise I hammered out the first six chapters of a side story/spinoff story that takes place about 60 years into the future. Unlike Sappho 3, the other story I had to put a stop on for super serious spoiler reasons, the information/leaks/spoilers in this story should come as a surprise to nobody who has paid at least the mildest amount of attention to the characters and plot of this story. I have decided to title it DSD: The All Terran Vacation. The name is something of a pun (how it is a pun will be revealed later, I haven't gotten to it in the main story) and follows a young prince stressed out and down on his luck.

Is he a Terran prince? Absolutely not. That would be boring. I decided that he needed to be a foreigner (albeit one with a few connections to the Terrans) urged to take a chance opportunity offered to him by the rather unhealthy spending habits of his mother. It is primarily a comedy, but I won't shy away from the serious things sometimes. I do not have particularly high hopes for it, I just needed to do something more modern and get my head out of the wood block it is currently in and have fun while doing so. I'll have the first fiver chapters released shortly, and would appreciate the feedback.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.