Dead Star Dockyards

268 Traffic

Morizo dapped a handkerchief against his glistening forehead, gazing with some level of awed horror at the massive metal box occupying his field of vision. He was late, delayed really, but the specifics were not important at this point in time.


"I know." Stressing slightly, he dismissed the concern of his driver. He nor anyone else in the caravan belonged to an unrelated third party, so there was little chance of a leak, but a wave of guilt washed over him. Donovan and Diana's willingness to put such a large secret on open display had been met with tardiness on his end. "Just, move us a little bit faster, alright?"

"Yes sir."

Morizo devoted himself to some last second adjustments of his appearance as his carriage continued to approach, his throat drying up as he spotted his grandson approaching.

"Good morning, Rize."

"It's afternoon." Rize's terse response came from a taut expression. Evidently he felt some second hand embarrassment from the lateness of his grandfather. "What happened?"

"I made arrangements to provide the Terrans with a token of goodwill, and was delayed by matters outside of my control." Morizo told the truth, sort of, but only received a more concerned look from his progeny in response. "Am I in trouble?"

"I don't think so?" The uncertain answer did not provide a sense of security, though it was leagues better than a 'yes'.

- - - - -

"I don't see why I would protest such a moniker, though it hardly seems fitting for individuals of our standing." Diana did not think particularly highly of the 'Masters of Light' nickname Gawan proposed. "It feels a bit too self indulgent, especially considering we do not possess complete control over it."

"A lord does not possess complete control of his subjects, and yet he may still be called their master." Diana's eyelid twitched at Merndil's retort, but held her tongue. "The fact of the matter is that the two of you are capable of doing things with light the rest of us could never dream of. That alone is enough justification."

"It just doesn't feel like us."

"How do you mean?" Hlapven, normally not one to act in such a manner, offered some pressure of his own. "In what way do you feel it unfitting?"

". . . I don't know, it's weird."

"Light is synonymous with virtue the galaxy over. Would you say you are lacking in virtue? The people throwing everything they have into saving the Nekh?" Merndil continued pressuring Diana. "I understand the desire for a fitting nickname, every king would rather be known as 'the Brave' than 'the Bald', but you can't be too picky with these things. Besides, it isn't uncommon for people to receive multiple nicknames over the course of their lives, even if they don't receive a title."

"That's . . . fine, I suppose." Diana truly wanted something more descriptive of her as an individual, such as a comment on her diplomatic ability, personality, or even appearance. "This feels like a bad time to start spreading it though."

"Is it now?" Gawan tilted his head as they descended the ramp. "A talented couple in dire straits leaving the academy early to aid those in a dire situation? Utilizing their control of light to provide those less fortunate a chance at a future? I'm sure a certain crown prince and his entourage could make use of an interesting topic of conversation during the long break between semesters."

"It definitely helps that you've hosted a party for me." Merndil raised his eyebrows in a manner suggesting he had a plan. "You know, it is about time I hosted a party in my own abode. I just so happened to be given a rather unique work of personalized art recently, you see, and I plan on making it a centerpiece. It is sure to spark some conversation among the upper class."

"Very few artists are capable of such detailed renditions of an individual's countenance, after all." Rashtvice followed up on his brother's implication. "Even fewer would be able to do so on a similar medium."

"Fine. You can start referring to us as 'Masters of Light'." Diana acquiesced, realizing there was little chance of a better nickname in the short future. Having something work for her while she was away would also be beneficial, but only so long as she could manage it when she returned. "I don't want to come back to learn I've become the child of the Arboreal Maiden, you hear?"

"Yes ma'am. Only passive mentions and light explanations." Gawan saluted before splitting from the group, returning to his compatriots alongside a sighing Montaug.

"I will follow suit, though I may decide to elaborate on your character should the topic arise."

"Thank you, Merndil." Diana smiled, gently allowing an exhale to escape her. "I trust you to keep things in check. I just don't want to have a mess to clean up when I get back."

"You have nothing to worry about." Merndil placed a hand on her shoulder to reassure her. "While I may have my detractors, my word is generally considered to be truthful amongst even them. All I need to do is set a stage and some expectations for you, right?"

"Right." Diana rolled her eyes in mock sarcasm. She would have to be an idiot to think the task Merndil set himself was a small one. "Now, I do apologize, but I must greet the final guest of the evening."

- - - - -

"Traffic?" Diana raised an eyebrow. "You were late because of traffic?"

"The Veins are much more congested than I thought, especially in the regions bulk goods are transported between levels." Morizo wiped some more sweat from his brow. "I hadn't known that before leaving this morning."

"That's . . . ugh." Diana wanted to laugh in disbelief, but held herself back. She wasn't mad at Morizo, not after hearing his explanation, though she wondered what could be down there. It had to be pretty important for him to take the trip personally, right? "What did you even buy? I can't imagine it's something cheap."

"It was, is, a gift, for the two of you. This planet of yours is wild, untamed, and while you've secured a selection of seeds for growing food, you lack a selection of livestock. My experience as a merchant says that livestock is the most difficult and expensive good to transport relative to its selling price, making it a profitless endeavor outside of specific situations. However, if we aren't expecting profit from a voyage in the first place . . ."

"It would make sense to transport them instead of something cheaper."

"The necessity of the situation changes the priorities a little, but yes. It helps that starting here, in the Sanctum, reduces the costs somewhat, however we have also selected to transport mostly young ones. They don't eat as much, don't take up as much space, and should hopefully live longer."

"So you brought cows." Diana felt a desire to go look inside the various carriages if only to see what alien livestock looked like. 

"I bought one adult female for every six children, one male in each bunch, however there are a multitude of species. Some offer their wool, others leather, each offers meat and milk." Morizo had regained his composure after seeing Diana's lack of anger.

"So you used the same rationale we did." Diana shook her head. An awful association between the Nekh and cattle formed in her mind, and she needed to clear it. "Um, thank you. I won't hold it against you, life happens and whatnot, though we won't be able to care for them on our ship."

"Oh, no need for that. I only brought that which could not be put on my ship. Their ships will not be transporting much cargo on the way there, which I considered a waste." Morizo bowed slightly, as if flattered by her concern. "Oh, I hope you don't mind, but I recruited a few individuals to serve as shepherds for these flocks. Second sons and daughters of the Sanctum's ranchers with the skills to perform the job but no prospects of inheriting the responsibility."

"I am fine if they become our citizens, if that is what you are asking."

"Perfect." Morizo once more sighed in relief. "I had told them there was a possibility of you paying them a sum to return to the Sanctum after a certain period of time, a sum I am still willing to pay, however most appeared eager to start life anew."

"Then we will happily accept them." Diana wasn't entirely sure if the Nekh practiced ranching, shepherding, or hunting when dealing with their meat, but she would much prefer transporting people over products. "Enough of this, we've a party to return to. We can finally begin the main event!"

- - - - -

"Still, livestock . . ."

"I was under the impression that the majority of your ships would be busy either transporting Nekh or ferrying raw materials to," Morizo glanced towards the centerpiece of this party, "make something like this."

"Oh, I wasn't questioning or denigrating your choice, in fact I thought it quite prudent. I was simply thinking about what to do with them. As you might be able to tell, they can transport a few thousand people in a single trip. That's already stretching what the cattle you bought can support, and they are going to be making many more ships than this one."

"I realize this, and was thinking that some space might be dedicated to-"

"Take it up with Donovan." Gawan stopped Morizo before he could continue. "When it comes to logistics and economic planning, he is at least three steps ahead of us at a given moment in time."

"As it stands, we are operating with discretion under his direction. Right now, he has made it abundantly clear that he is prioritizing people." Trebar clarified for Morizo. "If you can make a good argument he may be amenable to the idea, but I wouldn't get your hopes up."

"I see." Morizo furrowed a brow. He knew little of this big ship's capabilities, but he considered himself an expert when it came to galleys - particularly with regards to packing them full of cargo. "Weight may be a concern, but my experience tells me there is always room for something more. Perhaps there would be space between the ribbing for a specimen or two, however I imagine that would be dedicated to food or people."

"Would you like to speak to him about it?" Diana snuck up on them from the side with another glass of this sparkling wine.

"Um, if that can be arranged. He seems to be engaged in quite the conversation with that young man over there." Morizo referred to the miniature lecture Donovan was giving to Rize and Titanyana with regards to 'Spatial Reasoning'. "The last one was quite delicious, by the way. Strawberry, you said?"


"I understand it lacks alcohol, however I imagine it would do wonders as a light party drink. Just enough zest and bite to ward off swigging, but sweet enough of an aftertaste to encourage another sip." Morizo graciously held out his cup for Diana to pour another sample into. "Have you come up with a name for these yet?"

"I was thinking 'Sitrisian Wine', though I admit my sense of naming is not the best in this arena."

"I think that would work, though simply calling it 'Citrus Wine' would get the point across better. Perhaps 'Sparkling Citrus Wine' if we wish to keep nothing to the imagination." Morizo sipped the lemon-lime concoction, immediately recoiling. "Too harsh on the tongue for my tastes, sorry, though I must say it looks the best in the bottle."

"Can't win them all, I suppose." Diana expected a few flops. Such was the nature of experimentation. "If it doesn't come off as too rude, may I ask what your fixation on livestock is about?"

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing too major, more of a family history. See, my company's unique merchandise is Meatroll, an animal product, and so we have always held an interest in assuring the quality of our producers, so to speak, and subsequently finding ways to improve them whenever possible." Morizo once more tried his drink, deciding that he did not like it. "As such, I have learned quite a bit about livestock, and have come to the conclusion that they form a key component of both the economy and the culinary environment of a place."

"So you think we would be making a mistake by forsaking their livestock?"

"Not necessarily a mistake given the situation, but definitely a misstep."

"Interesting. I'll bring it up with him at a later date. The Trawlers are specialized for people, something which won't change, but there might be a case for the galleys."

Made a cover for 'The All Terran Vacation'. AI is kinda useful for those of us without talent. Honestly thinking about a commission for Donovan, Diana, Titanyana, and the Arboreal Maiden. I have an artist in mind, I love the way she draws eyes, however it is my understanding that she is constantly booked and quite busy. She primarily does the, ahem, funny art, though I am not interested in a funny commission at this point in time.

A-ny-ways, two chapters of ATV for each chapter of DSD is looking like a good balance for my brain.

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