Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1466 1313: Finally Meeting

Chapter 1466 1313: Finally Meeting

After Alex's training and a little adventure in the Illusionnary Battlefield, he is back in the outside world. He didn't waste time and moved to the last floor.

It was a forest and beyond this forest was a ghost town and beyond this ghost town was a castle Alex's final destination.

''Fuck, that was annoying but finally, I guess I've arrived.'' Alex spat a curse. He knew that the enemy must have intentionally done this to annoy him and truth be told he was annoyed.

Alex massaged his temple before observing the castle in the distance.

Ten broad, square towers have been built on various tactical spots for an ideal defense and are connected by fairly low, massive walls made of golden stone.

Stylish windows are scattered here and there around the walls in seemingly perfect symmetry, along with holes of various sizes for archers and artillery.

A moderate gate with thick metal doors, a draw bridge, and archer holes guard the inhabitants of this island castle, but it's not the only way in, which fortunately only very few know.

The forest outside of the castle gates is lit up with bioluminescent creatures, adding to the atmosphere of the castle. This castle has been improved and improved over the ages, some parts of the castle are newer than others, and the inhabitants are determined to keep their castle as modern as possible.

Kaa~ Kaa~


''It is the same as in my memory I guess.'' Alex walked toward the castle after seeing the doors opening as if inviting him in. He was not afraid of an ambush nor he was afraid of this place being a trap. The host who seemed to have been awaiting him would not do something so boring, not before conversing with him. He must have prepared something Alex was certain of this but only after seeing him would he show what he reserved for him. Taking everything into account Alex walked nonchalantly until the throne hall.

In a beautiful throne hall. 

Great braziers encircling each of the fourteen alabaster columns light up the entire throne hall and their light wraps the hall in a warm radiance. The intricate and symmetrical design patterns on the slanted ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies look down upon the stone floor of this opulent hall.

An ivory rug splits part of the room in half from the throne to midway down the hall while winged banners with adorned tufts droop from the walls. Between each banner hangs a lantern, almost all of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the paintings of powerful monsters and dragons below them.

Tall, stained glass windows of heavenly mosaics are framed by curtains colored the same ivory as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with embellished borders and intricate embroidery.

An impressive throne of gold sits amidst two large statues and is adjoined by five similar, but smaller seats for those aiding the master of the throne in all affairs.

The throne is covered in baroque emblems and fixed on each of the rather slim feet is a sparkling sigil. The fluffy pillows are a light ivory and these too have been adorned with gilded tracery.

Occupying this throne was a man with black reptilian pupils like that of a dragon. This man is Bahamut's clone and a man was standing on his right.

Black, shaggy hair slightly covers a fine, menacing face. Smart gray eyes, set handsomely within their sockets, watch meticulously the feet of his master he'd looked up for so long.

Scars stretching from the bottom of the right cheekbone, running towards the tip of the nose, and ending above his left eye leave a tormenting memory of redeemed honor.

This is the face of Kade Eustis, a true behemoth among the Numbers and former powerful adventurer from the outside world.

''Welcome my guess I've been waiting for you.''

As soon as he saw Alex walking in full of confidence Bahamut's clone smiled and welcomed him. He was inwardly shocked because the last time they met he could still see through Alex's strength but now he couldn't accurately tell which level he was at. Normally, this should have annoyed him but he was not annoyed on the contrary he was pleased, this would be fun. No matter how big an ant has become it is still an ant.

''Yeah, yeah I'm happy to see you too. I can't wait to kill you.'' Alex replied with a provocation.


Kade glared at Alex, he didn't like the man's arrogance, he didn't see why his master thought highly of the man. His strength shouldn't be above his own as he couldn't feel any powerful aura coming from the man despite him standing a few meters away.

Bahamut's clone stopped Kade from stepping forward. He was not surprised by Alex's provocation. It would have been boring otherwise.

Since the start, Alex never looked at Kade as if he was not present.

''Hahaha! Don't be hasty. There is something I'm curious about before we begin.'' Bahamut's clone didn't respond to Alex's provocation as he had expected.

''Ask,'' Alex responded nonchalantly.

''Some of my subordinates I've painstakingly nurtured disappeared somewhere, on a certain island, you won't happen to know something do you?" Bahamut's clone was smiling as he asked this but Alex's body tensed, this smile was not a smile, it was an evil smile.

Kade's body shook as he was visibly shaken when his master brought this up. The death of his subordinates must have greatly affected him. He was curious as well.

Meanwhile, Alex felt a chill run up his spine when he saw Bahamut's clone's evil smile. That smile gave off an ominous feeling but he quickly regained his composure and tilted his head to the side.

''I dunno.''

Anyone with a brain would have seen through Alex's lies but Bahamut's clone simply smiled.

''I see. I have prepared a surprise for you but this will have to wait for tomorrow. You should rest for tonight to be at your full capacity. I don't want you dying easily after all.'' Bahamut's clone said, gesturing to Kade to guide Alex to his room. The latter although reluctant still carry his master's order.

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