Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1535 Luna's Story 5: Rose/Stay

Chapter 1535  Luna's Story 5: Rose/Stay

The air outside was warm. Red and orange leaves danced soundlessly across the ground in the breeze. Twigs were strewn endlessly around the parking lot of the high school. Broken or not, techer tripped on them. Small translucent clouds were floating on the vastblue sky above. People raced down the sidewalk, in a hurry to get to the fall festival.

From the outside this house looks gorgeous. It has been built with red pine wood and has burgandy brick decorations. Short, wide windows allow enough light to enter the home and have been added to the house in a mostly symmetric way.

The house is equipped with a small kitchen and one small bathroom, it also has a fairly small living room, two bedrooms, a grand dining area and a snug basement.

The building is shaped like a circle. The house is partially surrounded by cloth sunscreens on two sides.

The second floor is smaller than the first, which allowed for a large balcony on one side of the house. This floor has a very different style than the floor below.

The roof is high and slanted to one side and is covered with rounded roof tiles. Two small chimneys sit at the side of the house.

Several large windows let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof.

The house itself is surrounded by a well kept garden, with a grass field and flower patches at the edges of the garden.

Inside this beautiful house, Luna was getting slowly dressed for another day at school. Her red sheets lay in a tangled heap on her bed. She pulled her long, black hair out of her black and gray checkered hoodie. She looked into her mirror and frowned. She applied a light shade of purple eyeliner and pulled on a pair of her jeans. Though they were a bit baggy. Looking down, she realised she had on a pair of her childhood jeans the latter left here upon sleeping over last time.

She shrugged and slipped into her black high-top converse.

On her way outside, Luna grabbed a skateboard. On the bottom of the board, a hand-drawn dragon skeleton stood with a black and purple backround. She held the skateboard in her hand and walked outside.

Across the street, the small Alex was writing on his wrist with a sharpie. He looked rushed.

Luna ran across the road and held the present behind her back.

"Hey cutie." She half smiled and looked up at Alex's emerald eyes. Her golden eyes looked so dull compaired to his she thought.

Meanwhile, Alex quickly put the sharpie away and smiled.

"Good morning Luna." He leaned into her and seemed to melt in her arms. Pulling back, Alex kissed her lightly.

 "Happy Autumn."

He chuckled and put his arms on Luna's shoulders. Her curved his wrist so he could resight his poem that he wrote just then.

Luna pretended to be oblivious, but she knew he never spent alot of time on gifts.

"Roses may be red,

And violets are surely blue,

But no flower poem,

Can say my feelings for you."

Luna smiled. Alex always knew how to be romantic. He continued, he has his way with words.

"I know we are young,

So I can't propose,

Instead of a ring,

I present you with this rose."

Out of his sleeve, Alex pulled a slightly wilted red rose. Luna took it.

"Aw. You're so sweet." She kissed him quickly.

 "It sure beats what I got you." She slowly pulled the skateboard from behind her back.

 She flashed the dragon.

"I drew it myself."

She smiled weakly.

"It's magnificent." Alex took the skateboard.

He suddenly felt bad for hardly spending any time on her gift. He admired her drawing.

 "I really love it." Alex hugged Luna for a few seconds, smelling her pomagranit perfume.

He pulled back and noticed her jeans. He laughed.


"You were the one who left them." Luna pointed out. She giggled and took his hand.

They headed off to school, almost matching in an aray of blacks and grays.


Luna's Diary ####:

No need to speak

Luna waited in the shadows, deep purple ones that cloaked her from view. The foyer was darker than usual, the lamps glimmering a deep, smoldering amber.

A smile curved her full lips as she dared to lean forward as Alexander Kael Touch swept past her. He smelled of the night air, of musk and the dinner they had recently ate. A sigh soughed from her lips as she treasured the scent, treasured it like the finest wine.

Time will slow when we surrender

Whisper now over the edge

"Go on," Alex was telling his friend. "I'll catch up with you in a minute."

The friend nodded.

 Luna sighed once more as Alex approached her, hands out only to touch her face. His emerald eyes bored in hers, the rugged face framed by his longish hair.

'Head rush

Are you still breathing


Taking me higher!'

"Luna…" That was the only word he spoke before his sweet, sensual mouth slanted on hers. Instantly, her hands threaded in the velvet of his hair as she cherished this moment…cherished it.


Darkness take over now


No thinking twice

Stay for tonight.'

"How much is a little bit?" Luna managed as Alex kissed at her neck, brought sensations she never thought she could feel. The sensations that only belonged in romance novels. But then again, she was in her own romance novel, a cliched version of the quiet society girl falling for the handsome childhood friend.

The sound of your heart racing faster for her

Is what would save her.

"Tonight…" Alex whispered.

 "I don't give a damn, frankly. About what they think…they don't own my life."

He stared hard at Luna and she almost laughed, almost cried at the emotion filling his eyes.

Whispering softly.

Anticipating this eclipse.

"I love you…" Alex whispered. She smiled.

 She was the one to kiss him this time. And she was the one to start peeling off the other's clothes.

Pulling you closer

Melting now covered in silk

Letting go into the stillness

His jacket fell to the floor, along with Helen's hairclip. Her long, copper-blonde hair spilled over Alex's face, his shoulders as she kissed him with the passion she was always amazed at.

Head rush careful don't drop me

Shiver taking me higher.

"I love you too," She said against his lips as she pulled off his shirt.

 "I love you so much…"


Darkness take over now

No thinking twice

Stay for tonight

The sound of your heart racing faster for me

Is what will save me?

She felt the silk of her dress peel away, felt it pool around her feet.

Moans filled the foyer and Helen felt the soft press of heated skin against hers, the passion beginning to show in Alex's kisses, his caresses smoothing over her curves.

Faster for me

Feeling you save me

The belt buckle was undone. So was the pants fly. She was clinging to him like he was her air, her water, her nourishment…and he was taking them upstairs.

Memorize every moment (Breathe)

Letting this love take you over (Breathe)

Just breathe and stay

To the bedroom.


Darkness take over now

Finally…Luna was nestled in the mattress, feeling so right and yet so dirty.


Stay for tonight

"This is wrong…" Dhe protested thinly. "We shouldn't be doing this…"

Alex didn't let up, just whispered in her ear.

 "Please. Stay. Stay for tonight."

The sound of your heart racing faster for me

Luna nodded her assent.

Is what will save me?

Faster for me!

Feeling you save me!

And then she felt the rush of heat envelop her.



Extra: To the future me: Luna

To have a great romantic relationship, first learn how to be alone. You must be truly yourself and able to love and hold onto who you are, and so must your partner. Otherwise you both fall as you seek to please and keep the other in fear of losing them, crippled by a fear of being alone. So, master that, feel solid ground, and anything is possible.

I could love you as no other has, in a way you'll always crave, be the lover of your dreams - just know that I can have my independence too. If I need to walk away, if I ever become less than your romantic love, less than the one you touch with excitement and joy, less than the one who's voice you feel soothed by, the one you long to walk next to, then I will. It feels these days that there are no standards for boyfriends or husbands - anything goes it seems. Not for true lovers though, the poetic kind who love with the soul, for them there are standards. For them there is a bond beyond marriage, beyond mortality, beyond reason. So be my lover for always, be my poem, my heart song, the one I long to touch and keep safe. The one believes in standing together, protecting each other, in the real meaning of love, accepting the costs.


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