Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1569 Chapter 1397: The Date 1

Chapter 1569  Chapter 1397: The Date 1

Alex and Silveria decided to go on date. He held Silveria's hand tightly as the two started their journey outside the of the fortress disguised as simple couple. They had no set destination but for now, just the company of each other seemed to make them tremble with excitement on how this day would end.

The night had yet to fall but given that it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was already tinted orange. The busy street outside the city also seemed like a different place than before. The pression of war seemed to have not reached here at all making one wonder if the past events were from dream.

A few steps out and the silence engulfed the couple.

Alex looked at Nemesis walking quietly by his side and caught her staring at him.

With her beautiful eyes filled with her deep thoughts, a small smile bloomed from her lips.

"What? Can I not stare at my man?"

"I haven't said anything yet."

The way she said that would surely make anyone's heart skip a beat and then her following giggle would spell their death sentence.

Somehow, he felt like they were back to where they started. Alex was carefully treading the line to understand this girl behind her mask. And likewise, her meaningful gaze seemed to see past his mask of confidence.

"That's how I interpreted it, you jerk. I trust you won't just let me trip over. And even if I do, your strong arms will prevent me from being hurt. Hence, I can whimsically decide to just admire your side frame."

"Alright. You can do that but isn't that unfair to me?"

"Eh, how is it unfair when you're always staring at me every when you see me? I'm not busy this time so it is only right that it will be my turn."

'She's not wrong. That's what I always do whenever she appears.'

"Come on. Accept your fate. I'll keep admiring you like this. Besides, if I let my eyes only have you as my focus, no one will dare attempt to provoke you and flaunt their ugly desire to gain my attention." Silveria declared while wearing a sweet smile on her face. This smile made her normal face more charming, so cute Alex's heart skipped a beat.

"I see. I guess that's fair. I might take down more idiots if that happens. Your eyes are only for me."

Undoubtedly, Alex found himself agreeing to her words. But then again, the way she said that was filled with confidence. She was more than aware of her beauty. For sure, she had been hit on many times over by those ignorant during their past dates. Walking along these streets alone, she would be thought to be a target they could impress.

Alas, she had neither the time nor the interest to get to know them.

"A jealous jerk will probably be a sight to see... However, I won't intentionally do that. That's a vain thought."

"You don't like the fun of seeing me act childish when I'm jealous."


Silveria's short answer was then followed by a squeeze on his hand. Then as though she was asking for his full attention, she tugged at Alex's sleeve.

Taking this chance to look at her again, he found her desire written on her face.

Stopping in our steps, Alex then moved in front of her. With his hand on her chin, he lifted her head and caught her lips with his.

They were in the middle of the street. But who cares, right?

Silveria felt like asking for Alex's kiss and he would always deliver that.

"Simple-minded, jerk."

"I'm always an idiot when it comes to you, no?"

"Indeed. You can't help but make me fall for you when all I did initially was to accuse and provoke you."

"That's already in the past. You know why I fell for you, right?"

"What? Because I'm always besides you?"

"That's a part of it. But because my Silveria is so beautiful beneath that mask. My desire for you bloomed right away, not wanting to see you get taken by someone else."

"Greedy idiot."

"You love this greedy idiot anyway."

"Yeah. I also love how shameless you are."

Another smile bloomed from the two lovebirds' lips and a moment later, they once again got taken in by their desire to convey their affection through action.

In that moment of the kiss the two are in each others protective cocoon.

With this kind of conversation becoming like a sprinkle of sugar that made this moment sweeter for them, every second that passed was already something memorable.

Before long they reached the shopping district near the station. But instead of going to that crowded street right away, Alex and Silveria walked into the bookstore.

Inside was also quiet and the smell of brand-new books permeated in the air.

The walked around and reached the General and Educational Books aisle, browsing through them.

When Alex asked her why she picked this place, her reason was simple, "From research I've found out that going to the bookstore is one of the top picks when people are asked what they want to do on a date. We can talk about our interests and share them with one another."

That was a cute reason but even more so was the fact that she did some research. She also spared no effort to make this date meaningful for them.

"That's not wrong."

"You didn't finish that sentence."

"Hmm? But I did."

"Tsk. I'm always besides you and I see the girls who you often went to the bookstore with. I became curious and decided to share the same hobby as you. If not I'll be like an outcast right?"

 She was not wrong. It was s already in his head. How Luna and Artemia loved it whenever they were in place like this.

Although it hadn't happened a lot of times yet, those moments were really something Alex truly cherished. Their genuine enjoyment from discussing things with him and at the same time the glint in their eyes as they listened to him try to describe his interest in books. He loves reading books whenever he can. He used to think books are valuable treasure because they contain knowledge and knowledge is what makes a man.

'The book was the expressions of a brain still connected to the deepest emotions, and on those pages the higher brain was infused with the guidance of the soul, of empathy and the creative gift. It was humankind's intellect at its finest, showing how these logical abilities are only a blessing when they are combined with love. And so they may have only been papery pages, and only ink from a printing press, they were hope in a way I hadn't felt before. That's what a good writer can do... change the world by showing a beautiful perspective.' Alex thought before shaking his head and focus on the matter at hand.

Like Silveria said, they were able to understand each other better during those times, they bound freely while sharing knowledge.

Alex recalled something Silveria had said, he thought he had misheard therefore he asked.

''Why did you think you're an outcast?"

''Come on, I'm hard to talk to and I rarely stay with the others.''

Silveria shrugged, talking as if it was a matter of fact.

Hard to talk to? Her?


She was frugal with using words, true. But she was already getting along with the others. Hell, even Maria found it fascinating to be in her presence.

"I guess that's one thing I'll disagree with, Silveria. You're not an outcast. You never are and never will be."

"Alright. Explain."

"It's simple. Because you're one of my girls. Including Maria, everyone already sees you as their sister."

Alex picked up a book that caught his eyes, it was an educational one but it was probably written to not be filled with boring terminology. It was an introduction to psychology. It was something he read once before. However, he had yet to continue delving deeper into that subject.

Alex handed the book to her. Her eyes alternated between the book and him before shaking her head and flipping the book open.

A few seconds in, Silveria still tried to respond to what he said last. Or maybe refute it. But slowly but surely, she became engrossed even with just the first page.

Before flipping it to the next one, she looked up at Alex, placed the book close to her chest, and tiptoed to deliver a kiss on his lips.

"They see me as their sister? Okay. I'll believe you. Let's go, it's my turn to share with you my interest in books."

While still holding the book, she grabbed Alex's hand and dragged him further into the aisle.

The couple were just starting their date but there was no doubt that they were already enjoying it to the fullest.

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