Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1583 Chapter 1411: Two Generals 2

Chapter 1583  Chapter 1411: Two Generals 2

Wilhelmina was in an intense battle, but the second general wasn't in the mood to care for her well being because at this moment, he couldn't even ensure his safety. He wielded the heavy sword in his hand, the crimson radiance glowing from his eyes under the helmet flickering all of a sudden. If he weren't an undead without the ability to sweat, he would be drenched in panicky sweat by now!

As one of the four legendary generals, Garcia had witnessed all sorts of mysterious and strange happenings. But now, he swore by his name that he had never seen such an odd battle style. It was especially so for this young lady in front of him, as he sensed an indescribable, massive pressure from her.

Although she didn't say a word, she hovered before him, leaning back slightly while a tome floated in front of her. At a single glance, she wasn't any different from the deliberately mystifying spell casters. But he remembered clearly the disturbing scene from a few moments ago.

"Who are you?"

Garcia asked in a deep voice, gazing at the young lady. He wasn't surprised that Maggie and Scarlett showed up as almost everyone had heard of their big names before. It could also be said that in the Alex's territory, they were seen as the top fighters under Alex. However, he didn't know who this young lady in front of him was and had never heard of her before. She hovered leisurely before him, separating him from Wilhelmina. Facing his imposing presence, she didn't even bat an eyelid and this behavior puzzled him.


Upon hearing Garci's  question, Alice responded plainly and didn't go into details. Instead, she lifted her head without looking at him as though he were just a little, unworthy brat.

This enraged him, but even so, he didn't attack recklessly. He swept a glance to the surroundings.  He chose to be wise in his decisions as he knew that the Dark Dragon sent him and Wilhelmina over to give the this young man a little warning. As the saying went, 'a general in the field is not bound by the orders from his sovereign'. No matter what, his purpose here was to besiege the traitors. Therefore, it would be enough as long as he captured the traitors and brought them back for punishment. Even if Alex was already aware and ready for their arrival, there was no meaning in dragging this battle any longer!

"Carry on with the mission; capture the traitors!"

At this thought, he gave a decisive order. Garcia raised the huge sword in his hand, staring vigilantly at the young lady. Upon hearing his orders, the death knights surrounding him responded immediately, quickly dashing forward. Facing the intimidating death knights, Alice remained unfazed as she continued to float in midair, gazing down at the tome in her hands. But at this moment, something unprecedented happened before the general.


The instant the death knights were about to enter the forest, they came to a halt abruptly and let out ear-deafening screams that surprised him. Garcia turned around quickly, only to witness an unimaginable scene.

They stood before him, death knights unliving, clad in heavy armor that mocked their shrunken, desiccated forms. Like withered husks, they were the essence of death made manifest. But in Garcia's gaze, a shift, a ripple in the fabric of reality. The macabre tableau began to warp, defying comprehension.

No, not restored, but reclaimed. Life, stolen at some forgotten point, surged back into their starved frames. Wrinkled skin bloomed with youthful fullness, bones knitted and muscles flexed, imbued with newfound vigor. The guttural moans of the undead yielded to the raw, terrified screams of living men. Garcia stood aghast, witness to a miracle even the hallowed halls of the church could not replicate.

Yet, this was mere prelude. Before his bewildered eyes, the towering figures crumpled inwards, shrinking at an impossible rate. The chilling screams devolved into whimpers, then panicked baby cries, before fading utterly into the inky cloak of the forest. Only the silent sentinels of discarded armor remained, eerily aligned in a stark row, a chilling testament to what transpired.

A tide of understanding washed over Garcia. Time, that most unforgiving river, had been bent, its flow manipulated by an unseen hand. The death knights, unmade, were not simply granted life anew, but thrust back into the swirling vortex of their past, their very existence unwound thread by thread until they ceased to be.

Can anyone do this? The question hung heavy in the air, laced with awe and dread. The answer, shrouded in mystery, whispered of forces beyond mortal ken, forces capable of wielding time as a weapon, a sculptor, an eraser. Garcia knew then, with chilling certainty, that he had glimpsed the edge of something immense, something both wondrous and terrible. The implications stretched far beyond this grim clearing, hinting at machinations beyond human comprehension.

Even Garcia, hardened veteran and leader of the elite guard, scoffed at the notion of the Dark Dragon achieving such preposterous feats. Yet, there it was, unfolding before him with chilling clarity. His most trusted soldiers, honed to perfection, vanished in mere seconds, leaving not a wisp of their existence behind. In stark contrast, the unassuming young woman named Alice floated serenely, seemingly oblivious to the carnage. Her hand rested atop the drifting tome, her expression calm, undisturbed. In fact, she barely blinked.

The reality of the situation gnawed at Garcia. This wasn't some theatrical performance, but a terrifying testament to Alice's hidden power.

He swiftly banished the creeping absurdity. Hesitation was a luxury he couldn't afford. He had to gauge her true strength, unravel the enigma before him.

Except... retreat was no longer an option. A humorless chuckle escaped his lips. He was caught in a game with stakes far higher than he anticipated.

Garcia lifted his head and gazed at Alice, his eyes glinting with determination and faith. No matter what, he couldn't lose his life here. Her abilities were indeed mysterious, but he also had his very own ultimate move! At this thought, he clutched the hilt with both hands and slowly raised the sword.


This was the first time Alice lifted her head. Even though her stance seemed as bored and carefree as usual, she had widened her half-shut eyes and quietly stared at Garcia in front of her, at the same time holding a page with her right hand. This was also the first time curiosity glinted in her peaceful eyes.

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