Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1600 Chapter 1422: Ice Sovereign 2: Cocytus!

Chapter 1600  Chapter 1422: Ice Sovereign 2: Cocytus!

Panic and despair replaced their earlier aggression. Those who had considered fleeing now found themselves trapped, shivering puppets within a frigid theater. Some, overcome by the sheer power of the domain, collapsed outright, their bodies succumbing to the relentless cold. Others, driven by fear and survival instinct, lashed out blindly, their attacks easily deflected by Maria's swift blades.

She moved amongst them like a wraith, a whirlwind of chilling steel and frosted elegance. Each strike was precise and calculated, sending enemies crashing onto the unforgiving ice, their moans and pleas swallowed by the growing chorus of the wind. This wasn't a dance of wanton destruction, but a calculated display of power, a message etched in ice and fear: resistance was futile.

Maria mercilessly slaughtered the enemy. Her eyes were cold, ruthless only thinking of the future of her loved ones and in order to protect this future she mustn't falter and show pity here.

After what seemed like an eternity, she killed the last enemy. She stood in the midst of corpses. The stench of blood wafted through the air making Maria's body tremble, a reminder of the massacre. She felt no remorse but only lament on the fact that whenever humans or any other living organisms exists, war would be inevitable. It doesn't matter if you're in a medieval world or in a technology ridden world.

''Hah!" She exhaled a white breath to calm down her emotions.

A single snowflake landed on her cheek, melting instantly against the frost creeping across her skin and suddenly,


A tremor rippled through the ice-bound battlefield as Maria lifted her chin, her voice a stark counterpoint to the chilling silence.

"Why not come out now, you have witnessed enough," she declared, her words echoing across the frozen expanse like the crackle of breaking ice.

As if summoned by her challenge, a tendril of shadow stretched from the swirling mist, solidifying into a figure taller than any man. Its obsidian skin shimmered with internal fires, casting an eerie glow on the battlefield. Two horns, sharp as daggers, curled from its head, and eyes like burning embers held Maria's gaze with an unholy intelligence. This was no mere foot soldier, but a demon from the inferno race, drawn by the spectacle of her icy display.

A flicker of excitement, as sharp as the cold biting at her cheeks, danced in Maria's eyes. The worthy opponent she craved, the one who could push her to the brink, finally stood before her. This wasn't just about ending a conflict, it was about testing the boundaries of her power, forging herself anew in the crucible of battle. A grim smile played on her lips, her voice cold but laced with a thrill she hadn't felt in ages.

"Finally," she purred, twirling her twin crystal daggers in a blur of frosted steel. "A fight worthy of the Ice Sovereign."

The inferno demon chuckled, a sound like boulders grinding together.

 "You do well, little ice queen," it rumbled, its voice deep and laced with mockery. "But your frozen domain is child's play compared to the inferno I wield."



With a snap of its fingers, the air shimmered, heat radiating outwards in waves that melted the ice at its edges. The domain wavered, its power challenged by the demon's own.


Undeterred, Maria lunged forward, a whirlwind of white against the encroaching darkness. They clashed in a storm of steel and fire, her blades meeting the demon's fiery claws in a shower of sparks.

Bang! Boom!

The ground groaned in protest as their power collided, the air thick with the scent of singed metal and ozone.

This was a dance of destruction, a desperate push and pull between two opposing forces. Maria, quick and precise, her movements fueled by winter's fury. The inferno demon, powerful and brutal, its attacks laced with searing flames. Each blow tested her resolve, forced her to delve deeper into the icy well of her power. Each near miss was a reminder of the lives resting on her comrades and loved ones, she must always carry on and never waver in the front of adversary. The current enemy level was the same as her own. Lvl 201, she knew the inferno demon had the upper hand in the term of strength, making this fight extremely dangerous.

But amidst the danger, a strange sense of freedom bloomed within her. The lines between recklessnees and rationality blurred, replaced by the primal need to test her limits, to push beyond the boundaries of what she thought possible. In this dance of destruction, she found a twisted reflection of herself, a glimpse into the chilling power she truly wielded.

The battle raged on, the sun climbing higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the battlefield. Every clash chipped away at the icy domain, the demon's power slowly encroaching. Doubt began to gnaw at Maria's resolve. Could she hold out against this force, or would she be consumed by the fire she sought to control?

Still she had to continue, it was not like she had used all of her available cards, therefore she decided to go all out.

Still she had to continue, it was not like she had used all of her available cards, therefore she decided to go all out.

''Ice goddess mode!" She blurted and a change happened.


The ice domain exploded pushing the inferno demon a couple of steps back.

Meanwhile, Maria's body undergo a change, her hair turned whiter, her blue eyes more pronounced and two pairs of crystal wings appeared on her back.

The temperature plummeted to an alarming degree, frost permeated the air.


The inferno demon shuddered. He had to unleashed his all.

''Infernal Flames!"


The sky darkened.

A sinister black flame manifested after the inferno demon transformed into a sea of black flames, destroying everything, the previous unmelted ice melted easily, the sea of black flames progressed faster, devouring everything on their wake, closing in on Maria who remained unfazed.

At some point Maria closed her eyes, the sea of black flame was closer.


It was then Maria's eyes snapped open, the sky became cloudy, a blue flash of ice flashed through her eyes.

Maria's voice, infused with icy resolve, sliced through the suffocating darkness.

 The word "Cocytus" erupted from her lips, not a declaration, but a chilling command that echoed with the power of a blizzard.

A wave of frigid energy, as potent as the coldest depths of winter, surged outwards from her, engulfing the menacing sea of black flames in its icy grasp.

The black flames writhed and roared in defiance, their malevolent heat battling against the encroaching cold. But the struggle was futile. The air itself seemed to solidify around them, the flames sputtering and hissing as their fiery tendrils wilted and flickered out. One by one, they succumbed, their darkness consumed by the relentless frost.

With a final, unwavering gaze, Maria unleashed the full fury of her magic.


 A blinding flash of cerulean light erupted, illuminating the battlefield and marking the culmination of her will. Where the black flames once danced, now lay a glistening expanse of frost and ice, a chilling testament to Maria's indomitable spirit and the power she wielded.

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