Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1617 Chapter 1436: Wyvern's Rest

1617  Chapter 1436: Wyvern's Rest

After extending an invitation for her to witness the slumbering beauty, something unexpected occurred.

"Fascinating," Melanie remarked, her eyes shifting away from the dormant figure with a curious blink.

"Despite encountering similar entities before, this is the first instance where I'm unable to discern the precise circumstances. Such beings are inherently enigmatic. Since my knowledge of the Continent is limited, I can only rely on my past experiences to make sense of the situation."

"Is that so…" Alex responded, shrugging helplessly. He had pondered this very issue upon first encountering Melanie. While plane merchants possessed a wealth of knowledge, their abundance of information often made it harder for them to unravel certain mysteries. Like himself, Melanie could immediately recognize the essence of the slumbering woman, yet struggled to pinpoint the exact anomaly.

"Yes, I've encountered similar scenarios multiple times, where individuals intentionally create and preserve puppets that bear their exact likeness. Upon their demise, their spirits inhabit these puppets, allowing for resurrection. Judging by the similarities, it appears this woman might be a vessel," Melanie explained.

"A vessel?" Alex questioned, perplexed by Melanie's revelation. Suddenly, the inspiration that had eluded him earlier materialized in his mind.

"Thank you for the reminder, Miss Melanie,"

Alex expressed his gratitude before carefully stowing away the slumbering beauty. Perhaps she would serve a purpose in the future.

Following a casual conversation with Melanie, a Plane merchant who traversed the world to sell her goods, Alex bid her farewell. It was now time for him to return to his territory and strategize before the inevitable showdown with Bahamut's clones. The prolonged game was taking its toll on him, and he yearned for a swift resolution. The fear of losing himself, losing sight of his purpose, loomed over him, urging him to bring matters to a close with haste.

Together with Maggie who had joined them a day prior they departed. They arrived few hours later.

The next day.

Sunlight filtered through the delicate fabric, casting playful patterns on the intricately carved bed. It was a sanctuary fit for a king, where Alex and Silveria found solace in each other's embrace. Silveria, with her shimmering silver hair, looked ethereal even in her slumber, nestled against Alex like a contented kitten. The rhythmic rise and fall of her breath created a comforting melody against the crisp sheets.

As Alex gazed at her peaceful face, a warmth spread through his chest, a familiar and bittersweet ache. He was falling, completely and irrevocably, for this extraordinary woman. In that moment, the weight of the world and the impending war seemed to fade away. The decision he had made earlier to prepare for battle lost its urgency.

Today, Alex decided, would not be a day consumed by strategies and steel. Today, he would create a haven for both of them, a refuge from the storm on the horizon. Today, he would whisk Silveria away, not to wage war, but to embark on a simple date. It was an ordinary gesture meant to convey the depth of his love and devotion. Instead of words of war, he would show her through acts of love the magnitude of his feelings. Amidst the opulence of the palace, Alex would craft a day of normalcy, a testament to the extraordinary woman who had captured his heart.

Carved into the very heart of the fortress, the Wyvern's Rest wasn't your typical garrison mess hall. Stone walls, once cold and forbidding, were now adorned with vibrant tapestries depicting fantastical creatures and bountiful harvests. Glowing orbs, embedded in the ancient stone ceiling, cast a warm, golden light that shimmered off polished silverware and crystal goblets.

Crimson velvet drapes pooled around arched windows, offering glimpses of the bustling marketplace below. Lush ferns and climbing vines, meticulously tended by the head chef, spilled from ornately carved planters, weaving a sense of nature's embrace within the fortress walls.

The air hummed with a gentle symphony. A harpist plucked at her strings, weaving a melody both lively and soothing. The rhythmic clatter of plates and the murmur of contented conversation created a comforting ambiance. Chandeliers, crafted from polished dragonbone, glittered overhead, catching the light and casting a mesmerizing play of shadows on the polished flagstone floor.

In the corner, nestled amidst the greenery, a small fountain trickled merrily, its gentle gurgling a counterpoint to the lively chatter. Each table, draped in crisp white linen, boasted a centerpiece unlike any other – a polished gemstone, cut to reflect the flickering candlelight in a kaleidoscope of colors. It was a place of unexpected beauty, a haven of warmth and elegance nestled within the fortress's formidable embrace.

Entering through a discreet side entrance, Alex guided Silveria into the enchanting Wyvern's Rest. They had both concealed their identities with inconspicuous cloaks, but now, in the privacy of a secluded vestibule, they shed their disguises, revealing their true forms basking in the warm glow of the waiting area.

Deep red velvet drapes framed bustling market scenes below, offering a glimpse of the vibrant life that thrived beyond the fortress walls. Lush greenery spilled from meticulously carved planters, creating a tapestry of verdant hues that softened the stonework.

A symphony of sounds filled the air. The delicate melody of a harp intertwined with the rhythmic clatter of dishes and the murmurs of contented conversations, crafting a warm and inviting ambiance. Soft, golden orbs cast a gentle glow, illuminating polished silverware and crystal goblets, while dragonbone chandeliers, intricately crafted, danced with light above.

Alex gently took Silveria's hand, silently inviting her to accompany him. Leading her to a secluded table nestled amidst the lush foliage, they discovered a single, polished gemstone centerpiece that reflected the flickering candlelight, creating a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors. Here, within the fortress's formidable embrace, they had found an unexpected haven of beauty – a perfect beginning for their unconventional date.

Alex perused the extensive menu, carefully considering his options. After much contemplation, he settled on a selection that promised a delightful contrast - a light and refreshing citrus salad to cleanse his palate, followed by a succulent roast duck glazed with a sweet berry reduction. This particular dish was renowned for its tender meat and intricate flavors, ensuring an unforgettable dining experience.

Meanwhile, Silveria took her time to ponder the menu. Eventually, she made her decision - a creamy and indulgent seafood bisque, whose rich aroma wafted enticingly from a neighboring table. Alongside the bisque, she opted for pan-seared scallops served with a vibrant herb pesto. The combination of flavors promised to create a harmonious symphony for her taste buds.

Once their choices were relayed to the discreet server, a tranquil silence enveloped the air. The soothing melody of a harpist playing in the background enhanced the serene atmosphere.

Before long, a procession of artfully arranged plates arrived at their table. Each dish was a masterpiece in its own right. Alex's citrus salad was a vibrant composition of seasonal greens, adorned with ruby-red pomegranate seeds and dressed with a delicate citrus vinaigrette. The dish glistened like dewdrops under the warm glow of the candlelight, inviting Alex to indulge in its refreshing flavors.

Silveria's bisque arrived in a steaming tureen, its creamy white liquid exuding a comforting warmth. The aroma of the seafood infused the air, enticing her to take her first spoonful. The scallops, elegantly fanned out on a bed of emerald green herb pesto, showcased the chef's artistry and attention to detail. They were perfectly seared, offering a delicate texture and a burst of flavors with each bite.

As the first courses were set before them, the tantalizing aromas filled the air, promising a culinary journey that would perfectly complement the unexpected beauty surrounding them. The stage was set for a memorable dining experience that would delight their senses and create lasting memories and it was just the beginning.

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