Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1625 Chapter 1444: Maybe it wouldn't be so bad

Chapter 1625  Chapter 1444: Maybe it wouldn't be so bad

Maria tossed and turned throughout the night, her mind consumed by the news of Kuina's pregnancy. The opulence of Alex's mansion within the sprawling Foxia Empire felt suffocating as the weight of the revelation cast a dark shadow over her surroundings even after she acted strong during the confession. Sleep, a rare and treasured commodity, eluded her completely. Driven by an inexplicable force, she found herself standing on the expansive balcony, bathed in the ethereal glow of the starlit sky. The cool night air offered solace from the internal turmoil that plagued her.

Above her, the sky was adorned with a dusting of diamonds, each star a tiny guiding light in the vast expanse of the cosmos. Lost in a wordless conversation with the celestial realm, Maria was oblivious to the gentle whisper of silk against stone. It wasn't until a hushed but urgent voice called her name that she snapped out of her reverie.

"Maria?" Luna's typically vibrant and cheerful voice carried a tinge of worry. Standing beside her was Sakuya, her playful demeanor replaced by genuine concern.

There was a momentary silence before Luna spoke.

Luna's voice, tinged with an artificial lightness, drifted across the balcony,

"Oh, I understand the sting, Maria. It's not easy when the first pregnancy doesn't come from one of us three. But you know, life is unpredictable, and all we can do is accept it and move forward."

Her eyes gazed upwards, seeking solace in the starry tapestry, silently pleading for understanding.

Maria let out a heavy sigh, the weight of her emotions palpable.

"As Alex's first fiancée," she began, her voice strained,

"To say that Kuina's pregnancy didn't affect me would be a lie. But I accepted it, and I thought you had too. We were supposed to create harmony, remember?"

Sakuya, usually the playful one, stepped forward, offering a solemn nod.

"She's right, Maria. It hurt me too. But as Luna said, life is a twisted path."

Maria attempted a smile, the effort evident in the tightness of her features.

"You're both right, my sisters. I was just... momentarily lost. It hurts, deeply, but I will find a way to cope. I will be strong."

Seeing the lingering turmoil beneath Maria's composed facade, Sakuya decided to take action.

"Come," she said gently, "let's brew some tea. Perhaps some midnight treats under the stars will soothe our spirits."

''I'll be back.'' Leaving those words behind Sakuya disappeared but soon she was back.

Sakuya materialized on the balcony like a silent guardian, a tray overflowing with steaming teacups and an array of tempting midnight snacks. Relief washed over Maria at the sight – a simple gesture, yet filled with the unspoken language of shared solace. It was a reminder that even in the midst of emotional turmoil, the comforting presence of companionship remained.

Luna, ever the optimist, took charge. As they settled onto the plush cushions, she uncorked a bottle of what appeared to be a sweet, syrupy concoction.

"Starfruit nectar!" she exclaimed with a flourish, her voice sparkling like the distant stars.

"Just the thing to lift our spirits and remind us of the sweetness that still exists in the world, even on a night like this."

Sakuya, usually the observer, surprised them all by joining in. A ghost of a smile played on her lips as she reached for a delicate pastry.

"Luna is right," she said, her voice softer than usual.

"We can't let this bring us down. We are stronger together, aren't we?"

The playful banter, a delightful counterpoint to Luna's exuberance, slowly chipped away at the walls Maria had built around her emotions. A genuine smile, fragile at first, bloomed on her face. The shared laughter, a balm for their troubled hearts, began to mend the invisible cracks that had formed in their bond. As they sipped their tea, interrupted by Luna's jokes and Sakuya's wry observations, a sense of camaraderie, strengthened by their trials, filled the night air. The vast expanse of stars above seemed to shed their indifference, twinkling now in silent approval of their newfound resolve. They were a family, bound not by blood, but by a love as vast and enduring as the universe itself. And that, they realized, was a truth more comforting than any starlight.

From the void Incursio observed them and sighed, relief filling her.

''They are strong. I like their bonds, maybe I should try having one like that with my little sister Alice. She was created the same way as I am after all.''

She vanished shortly after.

In another room, Artemia,Sera and Saeko were sleeping after a small discussion. Everything was for the harmony of the harem.


Infinity Maze, in the deepest part of the dungeon.

The aroma of sizzling bacon filled the room, a delightful contrast to the chorus of birdsong that welcomed the day. Silveria hummed contently, a mischievous grin dancing on her lips as she expertly flipped the strips of bacon. She stole a glance at the bedroom door and saw Alex's tousled dark hair on the pillow. A playful spark ignited in her silver eyes.

Perhaps breakfast in bed would be a more fitting reward for his... performance. She assembled a plate, adding a fluffy golden pancake and a steaming mug of coffee, the enticing scent promising a much-needed caffeine boost. With practiced ease, she balanced the tray and quietly returned to the room.

The sunlight battled against the sleep in Alex's eyes, coaxing them to open. He blinked, momentarily disoriented, before his gaze was filled with Silveria's presence. A slow smile spread across his face, mirroring hers.

"Good morning, beautiful," he murmured, his voice husky from sleep.

 "The smell alone could revive the dead."

Silveria's smile grew wider.

"Consider this a reward for your... bravery last night," she teased, placing the tray on his bedside table.

"Although, some might argue that the real reward is already in front of you."

Alex chuckled, the sound deep and comforting.

 "Perhaps," he conceded, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek.

 "But let's have breakfast first, then we can discuss how much of a reward I truly deserve."

The air crackled with unspoken desire, a tantalizing promise of what awaited them after their morning meal. This quiet exchange, filled with knowing smiles and playful glances, embodied a different kind of intimacy. The embers of their passion from the previous night still glowed, offering a future filled with warmth and love.

A few moments later in another location.

The couple sat in Silveria's enchanting garden, savoring their tea, when Silveria unexpectedly posed a question.

"What if, out of the blue, one of us, one of your women, were to become pregnant? You would become a father."

Alex's reaction was immediate and dramatic. He choked on his tea, spewing it out in surprise, his eyes widening in shock.

Silveria watched Alex's reaction with a mix of amusement and tenderness. She understood that her question had caught him off guard, but she couldn't help but find his sputtering and stained shirt endearing.

She reached out and placed a hand on his, offering a reassuring squeeze. "No need to apologize," she reassured him, her voice filled with warmth. "It was just a hypothetical question, after all."

Alex took a moment to compose himself, wiping his mouth with a napkin and mustering a sheepish grin. "I suppose I never really considered the idea of fatherhood," he admitted, his voice tinged with a touch of awe.

Silveria nodded, her gaze drifting to the vibrant blooms surrounding them. "Life has a way of surprising us, both in this world and beyond," she mused softly. "But imagine the joy of creating new life, a symbol of hope and love in a world filled with wonder."

A contemplative silence settled over the garden, the air heavy with the weight of possibility. Alex's initial shock began to give way to a sense of wonder. The idea of being a father, of nurturing a child born from their love in this extraordinary realm, ignited a spark of warmth within him.

"Maybe," he finally conceded, a hint of wonder in his voice. "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be a dad. It might even be... wonderful."

A smile tugged at the corners of Silveria's lips as she squeezed his hand once more. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of their otherworldly garden, they allowed themselves to dream of a future that held the promise of love, growth, and the joy of parenthood.

Unbeknownst to Alex, a seed he had unknowingly planted was quietly sprouting its roots, ready to grow.

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