Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1629 Chapter 1448: Aerial Warfare

Chapter 1629  Chapter 1448: Aerial Warfare

Each nation possessed its own unique advantage in the sky. Take, for example, the Renner Kingdom with its fleet of floating magic warships that gracefully sailed through powerful gales, or the Dali's Kingdom, which boasted a formidable ghost fleet. However, there was a condition that restricted the deployment of these trump cards—they could only be unleashed if their respective countries were invaded. This restriction wasn't just a matter of bureaucratic red tape and legalities; it came with its own set of challenges. For instance, the magic warships of the Renner Kingdom relied heavily on the strength of the gales to remain airborne and maneuver. Similarly, the ghost fleet of the Dali's Kingdom required a dense death aura to maintain its ethereal presence in midair. If the death aura wasn't sufficiently thick, the massive ghost fleet would be rendered immobile, thus limiting its mobilization.

It is worth noting that the Kingsley's Kingdom also possessed their own aerial units known as the Holy Arks. However, due to the need for Valkyries to operate them and the fear that they could be used against the ruling parliament, these Holy Arks were completely banned and destroyed when the parliament gained authority.

In the midst of a dense fog, dilapidated warships sailed forward in a wavering motion, resembling boats riding the rough waves of the sea. They spread out in a scattered formation, their hulls positioned strategically as their black cannons aimed at the towering magic warships ahead. Despite the vast difference in size, akin to fishing boats challenging cruisers, the worn-out warships exuded a formidable energy that could not be ignored, despite their fragile appearance.

Suddenly, a blinding light erupted.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of flares exploded from the distant ghost fleet. Their artillery shells whizzed and twirled, leaving behind long trails of blue spiritual flames, akin to ominous comets descending from the sky and crashing into the magic warships' protective barriers. In comparison to the soul griffins that were easily attracted to the flames, the artillery shells proved to be much more effective. Their relentless bombardment caused the protective barrier, upheld by powerful magic, to flicker and weaken. The continuous storm of attacks began to overwhelm the barrier, causing a headache for those defending the magic warships. Adding to the challenge was the fact that the ghost fleet seemed to lack a physical presence. As the magic warships on Alex's side retaliated by unleashing their own cannons, the vibrant colors of red, yellow, orange, white, and blue magical brilliance from the explosions collided with the fog, only to be absorbed into nothingness. Meanwhile, the massive ghost fleet vanished from sight, only to reappear on the other side of the fog, their movements shrouded in secrecy.


Observing this spectacle, Alex sneered in disdain at the incompetence of the enemy.

With a swift glance at the battlefield, Alex raised his right arm.

The moment had arrived.


Out of nowhere, a fierce hurricane erupted from the rear of the magic warships, hurtling towards the enemy ahead. Dust and sand swirled and twirled in the wake of the raging gales, creating a whirlwind of air as it surged forward. Even the massive magic warships couldn't withstand the power of this mighty force. If it were an ordinary hurricane, it would have had no effect on the magic warships protected by their barriers. However, these winds were different. They carried a potent blend of magical and elemental powers—the power of the wind element, to be precise.

"What is happening?"

The sudden appearance of the roaring hurricane filled the ghost fleet with uncertainty. The captain, whose body had decayed to nothing but bones, stepped onto the deck and made his way to the bow, peering ahead through a pair of binoculars. As he lowered the binoculars, the spiritual flames in his empty eye sockets surged with newfound intensity.

"This is...!"

Visible to the naked eye, a green radiance flowed like a massive river from the back to the front, carving a new path in the sky. A colossal sky whale materialized beneath the clear, starry heavens. With its graceful movements, it asserted its dominance over the wind, causing the strong gales to change direction and head straight towards the pitch-black Dali's Kingdom. Simultaneously, it brought forth a new adversary.

At the same time, from the regent's warship, hundreds of warships followed, commanded by a black-haired girl.

"Advance and go all-out! Our target—the Ghost Fleet!"

Nearly 100 floating magic warships sailed downstream, riding the strong gales. They converged and cut through the sea of death like a razor-sharp knife, aiming for the location of the ghost fleet. Powerful gusts of wind collided with the dense fog of death that had formed a barrier. In the next moment, the floating magic warships, shimmering with magical radiance, pierced through the barrier. Brilliant white halos erupted from the warships, dispelling the deadly fog that could kill any mortal who came near. But this was only the beginning. The battle had just begun.

"Starboard—third to fifth cannons, get ready. Lock on the targets and fire!"

A holy white brilliance pierced through the thick fog, directly targeting the ghost fleet. Almost simultaneously, meteor-like spiritual artillery shells retaliated, whizzing through the air. Blinding cannon blasts clashed amidst the dense clouds, sending sparks and flares in all directions. Both the floating magic warships and the ghost fleet rocked with violent explosions. Despite the ghost fleet's attempts to maintain their battle strategy of firing and repositioning, the regent's floating magic warships pursued them closely, forcing them into a head-on battle.

"The Renner Kingdom's floating magic warships are certainly formidable."

Deafening rumbles and explosions filled the air. Standing at the bow and observing the artillery fire ahead, the commander of the ghost fleet, Higgins, let out a deep sigh. Higgins acknowledged his mistake. He had not anticipated that the enemy would find a way to manipulate the winds and launch their attack from that direction, catching the ghost fleet off guard and throwing them into disarray. But...

Although the Renner Kingdom's floating magic warships are powerful, the Dali's Kingdom's ghost fleet is not to be underestimated!

With this thought, Higgins raised his head. His ethereal form was faintly visible in the fog. As the commander of the ghost fleet, who had always dominated his rivals in the sky, Higgins now felt an unparalleled thrill and a strong will to fight.

"Pass down the order! The first, third, fifth, and sixth warships retreat from the front line. The second and fourth warships are responsible for covering. The seventh warship, prepare to attack!"

Following Higgins's command, the ghost fleet immediately underwent changes.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ghost warships on the left and right unleashed unprecedented firepower, targeting the advancing Renner Kingdom's floating magic warships. The ghost warships in the middle seized the opportunity and retreated.

"Advance, second and fifth warships! Head straight into the fray! The rest of you, turn towards your 3 o'clock! Port cannons, take aim at the targets! Fire!"

Following the command of the black-haired woman, the enchanted warships swiftly adjusted their positions and changed course. The two warships at the forefront, despite facing a barrage of enemy fire, did not falter. Instead, they activated a powerful magical shield before boldly charging forward. Simultaneously, precise beams of magic shot through the ethereal sky, intercepting the seventh ghost warship that dared to intervene from the side.


Witnessing this spectacle, Higgins couldn't contain his frustration. The pipe clenched between his teeth emitted an irritated squeak. Higgins had planned to deceive the enemy by feigning retreat and using the seventh warship as bait, only to launch a surprise counterattack. However, he hadn't anticipated the opposing commander's quick wit, who immediately discerned his intentions, outsmarting him by abandoning the pursuit of his main warship to eliminate the seventh ghost warship instead. If luck hadn't been on his side, the second and fourth warships might have suffered severe losses as well.

In that moment, two enchanted warships, encased in a protective magical barrier, sliced through the ghost fleet like razor-sharp knives.

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