Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1661 Chapter 1479: Quality time with Silveria

Chapter 1661 Chapter 1479: Quality time with Silveria

She balanced a wicker basket overflowing with tempting treats. Freshly baked scones, their golden tops dusted with powdered sugar, peeked out from a checkered cloth napkin. A steaming jug of what could only be her famous lavender lemonade sat beside them, condensation clinging to the glass like morning dew.

"One hour is hardly enough to catch up on the world's woes, is it?" she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

"But even heroes need to fortify themselves."

Alex chuckled, the sound warm and genuine.

"Especially with such tempting distractions," he replied, gesturing towards the basket. He set the newspaper aside, the troubles of the world momentarily pushed to the back of his mind.

The scent of lavender and warm bread, the gentle breeze rustling the leaves, and the presence of the silver-haired goddess beside him - these were the things that truly mattered in this stolen moment of peace. Alex and Silveria settled back onto the bench, the wicker basket a bounty between them. The scones, light and fluffy, practically melted in their mouths with each bite. Alex savored each mouthful of Silveria's cooking, the taste a familiar comfort that transcended mere sustenance. It was a love language all its own, a message of care woven into every buttery flake and hint of lavender in the lemonade.

He watched Silveria as she sipped her drink, the sunlight catching the silver strands of her hair and casting a soft glow on her face. A contented sigh escaped his lips. Here, in this haven of blooming flowers and dappled sunlight, the weight of the world seemed to melt away. He had faced countless battles, shouldered burdens that threatened to crush lesser men, but in this moment, with Silveria by his side, he felt a profound sense of peace.

A small smile played on his lips as he reached across the table, his fingers brushing against hers.

"Thank you," he murmured, the words encompassing not just the delicious food but for the quiet sanctuary she provided, a refuge from the storm.

Silveria's smile mirrored his own, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"Always," she replied, squeezing his hand gently. In the quiet murmur of the fountain and the symphony of birdsong, they continued their meal, a simple act imbued with a love that transcended words.

The final bite of scone disappeared from Alex's lips, leaving a sweet aftertaste and a pleasant ache in his stomach - a welcome sign after a light lunch. He stretched languidly, the movement sending a satisfying pop from a particularly tight muscle in his shoulder.

Silveria, ever observant, noted the telltale signs of tension in his posture.

"You seem tired, love," she remarked, her voice a gentle caress in the dappled sunlight.

"The weight of the world can be a heavy burden, even for heroes." Silveira added with a teasing smile, it was a silent jab.

Alex chuckled, a low rumble that resonated in his chest.

"You could say that again," he conceded, rubbing the knot in his shoulder with a grimace.

Countless battles, both physical and mental, had left their mark on his body. While his training kept him in peak physical condition, the constant pressure of being a protector left its mark.

Silveria's gaze softened, a knowing glint in her silver eyes.

"Then perhaps a more...restorative activity is in order?" she suggested, a hint of amusement dancing on her lips.

Alex couldn't help but grin at her playful tone. His body, though resilient, ached from the constant strain. He didn't need to be a mind-reader to understand her suggestion.

"A massage, you say?" he raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence.

A playful glint lit up Silveria's eyes.

"Indeed," she confirmed, rising from the bench and extending a hand towards him.

"Unless, of course, you have a pressing engagement with someone?"

The playful jab elicited a hearty laugh from Alex. He took her hand, the warmth of her touch instantly easing the tension in his chest.

"This can wait," he declared, letting her lead him out of the dappled sunlight and back into the cool embrace of the mansion.

"The world can wait a little while longer. Right now, all I need is a skilled masseuse and a comfortable bed." With a soft laugh, Silveria squeezed his hand.

"Excellent choice," she replied, leading him towards their room, the promise of a soothing massage and shared relaxation hanging heavy in the air.

Their bedroom was an oasis of tranquility, a stark contrast to the battles Alex often faced. Sunlight, softened by sheer white curtains, streamed through large windows, illuminating a haven of comfort and luxury.

A plush king-sized bed, draped in a canopy of shimmering white fabric, dominated the center of the room. The duvet, a cloud of softest goose down, promised nights of restful sleep. On either side of the bed, elegant bedside tables held ornately framed photographs - mementos of happier times, adventures shared, and stolen moments of joy.

Thick carpets, the color of deep emerald moss, cushioned their footsteps as they entered. An antique chaise longue upholstered in a rich velvet sat beside a roaring fireplace, promising a cozy haven for reading or quiet conversation.

Bookshelves overflowing with leather-bound volumes lined one wall, a testament to their shared love of knowledge and stories. A large oil painting depicting a peaceful meadow bathed in golden sunlight hung on the opposite wall, adding a touch of serenity to the space.

But what truly set this room apart was a more personal touch. Above the fireplace, a different kind of portrait hung. This one wasn't a landscape or still life, but a depiction of Alex. He wasn't clad in the battle armor he often wore, but in simpler garb, perhaps the clothes he wore when they first met. The artist had captured a more vulnerable side of him, a hint of a smile playing on his lips and a warmth in his eyes that only Silveria could truly evoke. It was constant reminder of the man beneath the hero, a cherished memento displayed with pride in their haven of love.

Everywhere, the air carried the subtle scent of lavender - a fragrance that was uniquely Silveria. It was a room that spoke of both luxury and comfort, a place where the weight of the world could be momentarily forgotten, replaced by the warmth of their love.

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