Death March — Fixed

Vol 1 – Chapter 8 – Demon’s Descent

An existence that can only be called a Demon descended.

It had horns like a ram, deep glowing crimson eyes, and a body that was as black as a cloudless night. Four arms sprouted from its massive shoulders, ending in clawed hands; bat wings spread, shadowing a large area of the stone ground--a tail with a stinger, like that of a scorpion raised threateningly above it.

Truly, this embodied the essences of a Demon.

This monster mowed down the knights with ease.

The once peaceful plaza filled with chaos as carriages toppled and dead bodies were haphazardly scattered around, dying the stones red--

This bloodthirsty monstrosity appeared out of nowhere, in the middle of a peaceful afternoon.


The inner wall is mostly occupied by the mansion belonging to the nobles and the wealthy, while shops are only located on the sides of the main street which leads to the castle.

When we arrived at the inner wall, Nadi stopped the carriage and I followed her lead, disembarking; she lead the way as we took a stroll around and looked at the luxury shops.

“This shop sells high class armour for the Knights. The shop however doesn’t only have metal armour--sometimes they manage to get Magic Armour--which you need dozens of gold coins to buy.” Nadia pointed at a shop with a display window full of brilliant armour that glinted in the sunlight, then she shifted her finger, “This one here is the largest jewelry shop around--their service for the sale of ruby and sapphire are the best in the entire kingdom--As for commoners, I would recommend Liz Jewelry across the street.”

This girl could explain a lot between breaths--even I felt dizzy as I listened--at least she did her job as a guide very well.

“If you want robes tailored, and have the spare money, this shop is very good. The son of the owners went to the capital, only returning last year, and succeeded the shop--leading to it becoming awfully popular. However, it costs between 2-3 gold coins for a simple article of clothing”

Nadi is almost like a living Wikipedia, as to be expected from a jack-of-all-trades.

The traffic is relatively sparse, so our carriage can stop on the road.

I wonder if Nadi is thirsty after that much talking?

“This is the most popular open terrace shop for sweets and tea among the upper class of Seryuu city.” Nadi’s eyes sparkle, but it doesn’t seem like a plea, just pure longing.

“Nadi, my throat is dry, and since we are here already, let’s take a break in there.”

“Alright, please go ahead. I will wait here.” Nadi sits back, seeming to prepare for a break.

“You don’t want to enter, Nadi?”

“I’m sorry, since this is a high class tea shop--” Nadi looks intently at me, before pausing and speaking slowly.

“Please tell me about the castle and plaza while we drink. Of course, I will pay for the tea and sweets.”

Nadi’s face lights up for a second, before she forcefully suppresses her obvious excitement.

Is it that expensive?

Oh well, let’s be slightly forceful here.

“Well, let’s go.” I speak with a grin, grabbing her small hand and leading her inside the shop.


I was prepared for an incredibly high price--but the set of tea and sweets were only one silver coin.

Isn’t that cheap?

That was what I thought, but considering that you could stay for two or so days at a high class inn with that money, it’s probably quite expensive for the general public.

There were stylish marble tables laid out on an open terrace, the teacup and pot looked expensive; they didn’t seem to put sugar or milk into the tea however. But in exchange, they serve the tea along with sweet cookies--which you can spread jam, or some kind of cheese on if you choose to.

When I look at the people in the surroundings, who are mostly girls, they all seem to be eating what looks like hotcakes with honey cream.

So I called over the waiter and asked for two serving of those same hotcakes--it’s three silver coins.

“Delicious!” Nadi speaks with a particularly charming expression on her face, as though she was melting--I would expect her to make that kind of expression after sleeping with someone, not from eating hotcakes.

Even while enjoying the tea and sweets, maybe a little too much, she didn’t forget why I hired her and spoke about Seryuu City castle, and the noble, among other things.

However, such a peaceful afternoon break didn’t last long--

At first, a huge shadow passed through the plaza, followed by screams and a deep, bass, howling.

Shooting across the plaza was a giant fireball, which soon smashed into the castle--one of the opulent spires tumbled forwards.

After the cloud of dust blew away, and the booming sound of the collapsed spire, the once frozen people began to move again. Screams pierced the air, soldiers shouted loudly as they urged civilians to take shelter.

The four-armed Demon floated in the air above the plaza, his leathery wings spread--but not flapping.

“Shit--let’s escape--Quickly!” Nadi pulled my arm, urging me to escape; but maybe because of fear, she can’t seem to force herself to her feet. I too seem to be slightly affected, I can’t seem to digest the information, unable to act--as if my body is moving separately from my head.

When the second fireball crosses the plaza and slams through the castle wall, a semi-transparent blue barrier stretched into the sky, and the fireball stopped.

Groups of knights and Mages came out from the hole in the castle wall.

Why don’t you guys utilize the castle’s defenses?

From someone so pathetic that he can’t even get up from his chair, I cursed at the knights, even though my knowledge about battle from mangas and games--

The Demon lands in the center of the plaza, he deliberately chose to fight on the ground, instead of in the air where he had an obvious advantage.

Standing behind the row of knights and soldiers, behind even the Mages, the heavy infantry let loose a raise of arrows. With the sound of a violent rainfall, even the thick stone of the plaza is pierced. Unfortunately, every arrow that managed to hit the black body of the Demon was easily repelled.

Three Cavalrymen, holding lances in their left hands, line up to assault the Demon together.

The Demon grins a toothy smile and exhales a cloud of purple mist towards the knights.

Is that a poison breath attack?

The knights, and horses, who got hit directly suddenly pale--they look terrible. They quickly lose their energy and fall off their mounts; the Demon smiles harder, opening its disgusting maw and showing off terrible fangs, before punting the fallen men back into their companions.

From the opposite side, three more Cavalry charge forwards!

Although the first two knights are mercilessly mowed down by the Demon’s tail, the last was successful in impaling the Demon with their lance. The knights who where mowed down managed to stand up and strike the Demon with their swords.

The Demon easily parries their attack with his obsidian claws and roars.

Debris and little rocks begin to rise and swirl around the Demon’s jet-black body, the speed rapidly increasing--

A chilling premonition crawls up my spine!

Without time to think, I lift myself off the chair; Nadi, who still can’t move, enters my vision. All thoughts of escape leave my mind, I lunge forwards and pulled Nadi from her chair, grabbing the table with my free hand and pulling it over; I quickly turn it on its side and use it as a shield, facing the Demon.

While I couldn’t see it from my position, at this time, the Demon unleashes a powerful shockwave--which generated deadly vacuum blades in all directions.

Timing wise, it was close, but I managed to successfully cover Nadi and I with the marble table--pushing her behind me, for extra protection.

A heavy impact shook the table.

When I slowly got out of my crouching position and looked at the surface of the table, I saw that a large portion of the marble was blown away. The view from the open terrace changed from idyllic and peaceful, to a tragedy of blood and destruction.

The shops surrounding the plaza are either partially, or completely, destroyed. One of the shops has been struck by a carriage that has been hurled through the air and into its stone facade--resulting in a coat of red--’paint’.

I took a sidelong glance at the Demon, who began to walk towards the soldiers that had been struck down with the shockwave.

Picking up Nadi, I carried her out of the shop and out of the plaza.

People were evacuating, hustling towards the inner wall, and causing a dangerous situation.

I turn down a side street, before I arrive at and get boxed in by the packed crowd. Since both my hands are occupied, carrying the soft and warm Nadi--who seems to have passed out; I operated the Menu with a thought, raising both the 3D Maneuver and Jump skills to Level 10.

Approaching the Inner wall, I found a large building.

Jumping, alternating between the Inner wall, and the building’s wall--like a ninja, I quickly reach the top of the Inner wall.

>>Skill: Retreat Acquired.

When I pause and check the Map, it seems that I am near the East Town.

I forcibly stop a carriage that happens to pass by, asking the driver to take Nadi to the Worker’s Guild. At first, he was reluctant, but cheerfully undertook the job when I gave him a gold coin.

Relying on my memory from yesterday, I take a certain item from storage, while continuing to run.

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