Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 2 – The Two Earldoms

Tek here, I have once heard of a saying ‘too many boatmen makes the ship climb the mountain.’ It popped up in my mind whenever I attend a meeting that loses control because of there being too many people talking about too many things and no one in charge. But, in a fantasy world, ships climbing mountains seems like it may be normal.


Our sailing ship is flying quite far on the open sea, so we’re not meeting any other ships. Our altitude is only a little bit higher than the crests of the waves, so from afar we would look like it’s sailing normally.


That said, the ship is moving three times faster than an average ship, so if people stare for long, they will notice that this ship isn’t normal.


We’re fully enjoying our sea travel while sometimes ignoring pirates, exploring undersea ruins, and swimming near the shore of random islands. Since I had carefully chosen the course, while looking out for other nearby ship, the journey was rather roundabout.


By the beginning of the third day, we have traveled around 1,200km to the south-west of our point of departure. The ship is currently cruising along the water’s surface, at a normal speed. We are soon going to be entering the port, in the bay of the Ukeu Earldom ahead. Lulu and the others seem like they are beginning to get seasick, but it will soon be over.



There are seven Galleys, that are as big as our ship, and three much smaller boats anchored in the port. It seems that the port facilities are lacking--only four of the ships are in the port, while the remaining six are anchored a small distance out to sea.


I also lower our anchor, since there’s no real need for us to drop by the port, we’ve decided to lower the small boat and go on a sightseeing tour in the town.


After everyone boarded the small boat, I used Magic Hand to gently place the boat on the sea’s surface. Of course, I did this in a location where it couldn’t be seen from the port.


I leave some modified MK.8 Scarecrows, shaped like parrots, to guard the ship. However, even though they were shaped like parrots, they couldn’t fly. They can only monitor or send an alert if an intruder arrives, and also manipulate some wires. Moving these wires would move dolls designed to look like sailors, they could also activate traps.


The dolls aren’t battle-capable, but since they look like people working from afar, it works well enough for crime prevention.


Liza and Nana row the boat.


“What kind of town is it?”


“It’s the port of the Ukeu Earldom, but we can take a shortcut to the port of the Kirik Earldom, if we cross that mountain. We don’t have to make a trip around the peninsula that extends 500 kilometers from here to there, it would be a big time saver.”


“Won’t it only take two days for 1,000 kilometer round-trip?”


“Arisa, you shouldn’t think that the speed of Master’s Magic ship is normal.” Liza looks at Arisa.


“You’re right, it’ll take a normal ship more than half a month” I say to Arisa with a smile, as she pouts.


It seems that the other members aren’t interested in the subject, they’re playing around by dipping their hands into the sea’s surface. Tama is sitting on my lap and almost laying down flat as she stretches out while attempting to touch the water.


“How long will it take to cross the mountain?”


“It’s about 20km long, and there seem to be a rest area every 4 - 5km, so there seem to be a lot of people who get off their ships here and cross the mountain.”


My personal opinion is that it’d be better if they used Magic to make a canal. Though they may not have the budget to employ Mages. But, since it seems that it would become an important asset for marine transportation between the Royal Capital and the Duchy Capital--I thought that there should be people who would want to invest in it.



As we get close to the wharf, an official standing at the port gestures to us, and I lead direct Liza and Nana to the dock.


“Hey, merchant. Never seen you before, is this your first time in Ukehaba port?”

“Yes, it’s my first time here.”


I take my ID Plate from under my shirt, showing it to the man--while holding Lulu’s small hand and helping her from the ship.


“Please excuse me, Chevalier. The stagecoach that crosses the mountain range to the Kirik Earldom has already left, and the next service will be tomorrow morning. The only inn that’s suitable for a noble, is the Lighthouse Light Inn, shall I arrange someone to take you there?”


“No thanks, we’re going back to the ship when the night comes, so there’s no need for an inn. How much does it cost to anchor one small boat?”


“It’s free for one ship. If you need guards, they usually cost one copper coin per day.” The official is talking smoothly, it seems that there are a lot of nobles who have come ashore here, heading towards the Royal Capital.


I hire two guards.


However, one copper coin a day, isn’t that too cheap?


There are a lot of Beastkin working in the port facilities. Raccoonkin and Apekin are particularly in the majority. There are some small Ratkin too, but they’re not working for loading/unloading things, but do odd jobs that don’t require power.


“Isn’t it Chevalier Felspar over there?”


When I turn my head towards the voice that calls out to me, I see that it’s the head of a noble family who I visited several times in the Duchy Capital. His name is Baron Eguon, if I’m not mistaken.


He’s someone who is in control of the primary route used to get spices that grow on the archipelago that’s located in a straight line north from the peninsula.


“Excuse me for the long silence, Baron Eguon.” I have to emulate the expected ‘noble’ talk.


“What a coincidence for us to meet here. Thanks to that extraordinarily talented slave girl of yours, the sale of spices have rapidly increased.”


Come to think of it, Earl Houen once mentioned that there was a rapid increase in cooking in the Duchy Capital--using recipes that Lulu had taught a few cooks, or traded with some restaurant owners for recipes unique to this world, at my request.


Apparently, there will be a cooking tournament sponsored by Earl Houen in three months time. I wonder if that’s why people would issue me papers which were cooking challenges, for Lulu, when I was visiting the Scroll Workshop--I didn’t think she would accept, but I showed her the messages anyway, she declined as expected.


Since there’s the chance, I ask him about Earl Ukeu’s, and Earl Kirik’s personalities.


It seems that Earl Ukeu is, politely speaking an honest person, and frankly speaking, a bumpkin. His territorial army is relatively strong, but their marine force is only a few Galleys. It seems that the marine force is primarily for defending the port from Monster attacks, not securing trade routes.


Earl Kirik is a dandy. He is cheerful during trading, but on the other hand, he can be frivolous, and skimps when it comes to projects that require a lot of money. His territorial army seems to be small, but because of superior equipment, it can rival Earl Ukeu’s army. His Marine force is slightly better than the other Earl.


The two Earl’s houses have a bad relationship with each other--moreover, this bad relationship isn’t only limited to the top positions, the people of the territories are also competing with each other, and strife tends to break out one way or another.


Recently, they were arguing over who should pay the expenses for maintaining the bridge that connects the highway between the ports. Even now they’re having a dispute about whose workers should work on it--Baron Eguon spoke with a tired expression.



There’s an inner gate outside of the port facilities, and beyond that is the residential area. The population is around 8,000 people, 40% of which are Demi-Humans. There are a lot of slaves, and most of them are doing manual labour.


Probably due to the subtropic climate, a lot of the townspeople wear clothing with a high rate of exposure. Lots of young women are wearing wonderful clothes like almost transparent, thin shirts, and mini skirts. The men wear shorts, and either thin shirts, or no shirts.


For some reason, the women are busy working, while the men are napping, having a drinking bout, or just lazing about under the tree. It’s a strange scene, but it’s probably just how it is in this land.



After thoroughly exploring and enjoying looking through the town, we returned to the ship with various souvenirs. Fortunately, the Scarecrows were unneeded.


When the sun sets, and the sky darkens, I produce a ‘night fog’, using Fog Magic. Unlike when Mia casts it, which only covers a few meters, the whole port becomes shrouded in a very thick fog. Using Air Control, I push the fog to the mountain, and after three hours--the fog reaches the port of the Kirik Earldom on the opposite side.


I move the ship under the cover of the fog and cross the mountain using the map. Halfway through the mountainous path, I see that the bridge on the border of the Earldoms has fallen. While Viscount Rendo and his retainers are dying in the bottom of the ravine.


The bridge seems to have fallen because of the maintenance kept getting delayed.


I can’t reach them with Magic Hand from this distance, so I stop the movement of the ship, and go down as Sine Nomine, with my black mask and clothing.


Unfortunately, the horses and coachman have died, but the Viscount and other guests are still alive, so I pick them up and move them to Earl Ukeu’s side of the now-ruined bridge. Furthermore, I used Aqua Heal for them, so they will probably survive--and I put some food and water near them.


The inside of the damaged coach is now in an uproar. If they’re energetic enough to make a fuss, they should be alright if I leave them as is.


I go back to the ship, and finish crossing the mountain without meeting any more trouble. I keep the ship flying inside the cover of the fog, and land in a small bay located on the outskirts of the Kirik Earldom, dropping anchor.

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