Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 21 – New Hunting Ground (Part 2)

Tek here, if it’s too good to be true…there must be some strings attached. This is a truth even in a fantasy world.


“Mia, use your Spirit Magic for illumination, when I give you the signal. Arisa, chantlessly fire a Fireball towards the Cockroaches as soon as Mia unleashes her Magic. I will pull the Cockroaches back with Magic Hand--Liza, Tama, Pochi, as soon as the Fire dies down; attack the Cockroaches.”


“Master, shouldn’t we call out to them before we illuminate the hall?” Liza raises one of her hands, “We wouldn’t want them to mistake us as Lost Thieves and attack us instead, after we’ve gone to the trouble of saving them, after all.”


That’s true.


“You’re right. Liza, I will have you call to them.”


Liza nodded at my words, looking strangely pleased.


“Once Liza signals that she’s made sure that the other party have acknowledged her words, that’s when Mia should use her Magic. Arisa, after that first Spell, don’t use your Magic chantlessly--also, abstain from Space Magic. Lulu, since Magic Guns are conspicuous, please use Nature Magic. Nana, you’re staying here with me this time.”


“I’m dissatisfied, so I complain.” Nana pouted.


Unfortunately, she can’t be the Shielder this time, since neither she or I should be in the Labyrinth.


After everyone signals that they are ready, and understand the plan--we begin.


Giant Cockroaches are in an arc shape, pushing the Adventurers back against the wall.


We are in the perfect position to flank the Cockroaches.


“We’re ‘Felspar’, we are here to help!”

“Oh, yer a big help! If we survive this, I’ll treat every one of you in the bar!”


I thought that they might argue, but the leader quickly and happily accepted our help. They must be feeling more pressure than I thought.


First, the Light Ball from Mia’s Spirit Magic illuminates the battlefield, drifting just below the ceiling--almost instantly after this, as the Cockroaches were reacting to the brighter light, Arisa’s Fireball exploded in the center of the Cockroaches’ arc formation. The Cockroach that was directly impacted explodes into flaming gore, while quite a few of the surrounding Monsters began to ignite.


“Urgh, disgusting.”



I can understand Arisa’s and Mia’s feeling of disgust--but ignoring the feelings, I slip my Magic Hands into the burning mass, hurling the Monsters a distance away from the Adventurers and freeing some space.


The three Beastkin girls assault the rest of the Cockroaches, slicing into the battlefield, leaving red traces from their Magic Edges.


It was a one-sided trampling.


Each Cockroach that Pochi hits die quickly, while Tama rapidly shaved pieces off other Monsters. Liza easily killed her targets, splitting them, or penetrating them with her spear--her movements like a dance, traces of crimson light illuminating her. Her dance…she, was breathtaking.



The vanguards aren’t the only ones doing great, of course. The rear guard, are also doing brilliantly.


“Fuhahaha! The Cockroaches are trash…no, oily bugs only good for burning! Cracking flames, roasting roaches, once more. I’ll go with Circle of Flame this time!” Arisa is cackling…it seems that she doesn’t like Cockroaches--I hope she doesn’t get mental trauma from this.


Of course, she is still remembering to chant, and to make sure that neither the Beastkin girls or the Adventurers get caught up in her Magic.


Arisa’s Fireballs, and other Fire Magic, are standing out. But, Lulu’s Force Spear is also steadily killing the enemies.


However, since Lulu doesn’t have as much Magic as Mia and Arisa, every time she runs out of Magic Power, she comes over to me. I use Magic Power Transferal to replenish her MP.


Mia walked through the space that had been cleared by Arisa and the Beastkin girls, and began healing the Adventurers. Unlike Arisa and I, Mia can’t see their Stats, so I use Telephone and tell her which people need Cure Poison, and which ones only need Water Heal.


As the Adventurers praised her, and thanked her, Mia nodded embarrassedly. I could see her pale cheeks reddening--she wasn’t too good with crowds or attention.


Gena from Beautiful Wings seems to have gotten a direct attack from a Cockroach, she suffered a serious injury to her abdomen. Mia was going only to heal her with Magic, but she saw that Gena had used her shirt as a bandage, and her breasts were on full display--so Mia quickly gave her a new shirt and mantle.


With Mia’s help, the Adventurers began to return to the battlefield.


The Adventurers with insufficient levels are working in a group and have managed to take down one Cockroach--however, some of them begin to chatter while fighting.


They say that Besso was the one who told them that this was a good hunting ground, that usually only a single Cockroach, or small number at least, would appear.



Arisa and Mia have returned.


“Hey hey, the leader over there said that this many Cockroaches don’t usually come out around this area.” Arisa looked at me, before muttering, “It seems to be a flag.”


I was recharging the MP of the two girls, and Arisa leaned back against my hand as she spoke, she looked quite tired.


“Arisa, judging from the movements of the Monsters in the wall, and the activity…I am pretty sure that a Gushing Hole will appear in the innermost wall in approximately 4 - 5 minutes. The ‘boss’ of this rush is a Hunter Mantis, which is a rather strong Mantis-type Monster at level 45, so be careful.”


The reason I wasn’t too worried, was because the girls were between level 38 - 43. Mia was the lowest at 38, and Liza was the highest at 43--working together, they could take out a level 45 without help.


“Okay, I will relay the information to Liza.”


While leaving the few remaining Cockroaches to the Adventurers, Arisa and the others begin preparing to intercept the incoming Hunter Mantis and Mobs. Everyone has drunk Stamina and Healing Potions, restoring themselves to optimum condition.


Nana and I are moving closer to them, under the cover of the shadows near the wall.


The Gushing Holes open, and the Hunter Mantis that appears is quite big. Its overall height is 6 meters, which is almost as tall as a two-story building, it also has a pair of giant sickles instead of arms on each side and 10 legs with needle-like points.


While looking at the Monster, I use Magic Hand, preventing the Gushing Hole from closing.


After seeing the huge Monster looming over them, the Adventurers rapidly begin rushing towards the exit in a hurry. It looks like the leader reacted very well, issuing orders at high volume--and has managed to barely prevent a panic.


When all of them have made it to the main corridor, several of the higher-leveled ones are looking back this way. It seems that they want to help if things become too dangerous, but they also understand that they are more likely to drag us down, so they stand there and look a little indecisive.



“Pochi, Tama, this time Nana isn’t participating. Pay attention, make sure that it doesn’t approach the rearguard.” Liza spoke in a serious tone, her eyes never turning from the Hunter Mantis.


“Don’t worry, be happy!”



Tama responded strangely while she jumped back to avoid the sweeping attack of the Hunter Mantis’s massive sickle. With the Flickering Movement Skill, Pochi avoided the needle-like leg that tried to impale her.


Liza was trying to intercept the thin, fast-moving leg, but she missed. She did manage to brush the edge of it, giving it a little bit of damage, but not removing it.


“It won’t be found out at this distance, so it’s alright for me to cast some Space Magic, right?”


“Master, your permission to participate.” Nana looks at me, hope in her large eyes.


I agree with Arisa, and tell Nana that she can shoot Nature Magic from her position--where Lulu shields her from the Adventurer’s view, and she also uses Nature Magic.


“Master, demonstrating appreciation.” Nana quickly hugged me, before beginning to cast Magic, matching her timing with Lulu.


As well as having a very solid exoskeleton, the Mantis was massive, so only Magic and Liza’s spear could reach the vital areas. This was causing the fight to drag on more than Liza obviously wished, I could see irritation in her narrowed eyes, and the twitching of her tail--she was, of course, a good enough fighter, so this irritation didn’t impact her fighting.


Tama and Pochi were going to climb the Monster’s legs, but it kicked them, dropping them to the ground. It’s rare for Tama to receive a direct hit.


“Ow, ouch.”

“The Mantis person is childish, despite being huge!”


Yup, they’re unhurt.


They are much stronger than when we were in the labyrinth in Seryuu City. While they would be severely wounded if they just get directly hit by the giant sickle, but if it’s a kick--they are fine.


Pochi’s helmet has a face-guard, so I can’t see her expression, but her large movements transmit her indignation very clearly.


This time, Liza pierces the Hunter Mantis’ abdomen from below, but since its exoskeleton is very durable, it doesn’t cause too much damage. Because this only caused the Monster to start to rampage more violently in anger, it may have been better if she didn’t stab it there.


“--**, Flame!”


The Flame, born from Mia’s Spirit Magic, burns the Hunter Mantis--which seems to have Fire Resistance, so it isn’t damaged by that either.


Still, it seems to feel hot, so it opens its back shell, spreading its wings.





The two girls have sheathed their swords, and are going to be doing something behind the Hunter Mantis. Tama rushes to Pochi, who has crouched while joining her hands.


Combining Pochi’s throwing power, and Tama’s own jumping ability, Tama flew through the air and landed on the Hunter Mantis’ back. She quickly pulls out her twin swords and stabs the defenseless back, now accessible because the exoskeleton split to allow the wings out.


The Monster quickly tried to close it’s shell in a panic--which was a bad move, because it only causes Tama’s swords to sink deeper into the soft flesh. Making use of the spilled blood, Mia uses her Balloon Spell, she wrenches the shell open again.


Tama got thrown into the air from the force, but it was fine because she managed to skillfully latch onto the shell while still in the air.


Arisa quickly cast Space Destruction, and Liza used Magic Edge Cannon, which greatly decreased the Hunter Mantis’ health. By now, one side of the shell can’t close anymore.


Nana has used Physical Reinforcement, stealthily tossing Pochi towards its back.


Finally, the Hunter Mantis runs out of Health, and dies.


“Big victory!”, “Victory!”


Pochi and Tama raise cries of victory. While still standing on the Monster’s back.


I can hear the Adventurers also shout in joy.


Since I won’t be able to collect the remains like this, I use Magic Hand to move it like a marionette and go back into the Gushing Hole--after which, I quickly place into my Storage. Magic Hands still technically count as touching the remains, so it’s easy to store.


I tell Liza my plan for their exit, using Telephone, she will have tell the Adventurers.


“We will chase after the Hunter Mantis, which has managed to escape! We will not come back here, so please go back without waiting for us!”


After Liza relays my words to the Adventurers, we enter the Gushing Hole, and I allow it to close behind us.


There are no Sign Monuments here, so we use Mia’s Light to light our way. I’ve confirmed using the map that this would work as a shortcut to our new hunting ground.


There are a lot of enemies, but they are mostly small-fries, so we will probably arrive faster than planned.

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