Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 23 – Residents Of The Mansion

Tek here, I always imagine murder cases when I think of mansions. Where the butler, or the mistress of the house is the mastermind behind the events and death.


After spending 2 days training in the new hunting ground, in Area -74, we decided to go back to the mansion. Of course, I had gone back every day with Return, so as to make sure that the injured children were recovering.


Arisa and the others wanted to meet Miteruna, and are currently traveling back through Area 4. Of course they couldn’t return instantly, since we needed to hide Arisa’s Space Magic. It would also be strange for them to come back earlier than the group of Adventurers who were exterminating the Labyrinth Cockroaches, when they were supposed to be behind them.


Nana and I directly transport to the Mansion.


We didn’t surprise the horses when we teleported in, they just looked at us a neighed, rolling their large eyes.


After leaving the stable, we go to the main building. The girls working on the garden noticed us and came over. They were Roji and Annie, if I’m not mistaken.


“Welcome home, Chevalier.”

“Welcome home.”




They smiled happily at my words, nodding to us with a badly-executed curtsy, they were still practicing. My radar picked up Miteruna, who seems to have noticed the two’s cheerful voices, and was waiting for me in the entrance hall.


“Welcome home, Master.” Miteruna spoke with a smile, and a smooth curtsy.


“Thank you, did anything happen during my absence?”


“Yes, two letters arrived.” She politely hands me the letters.


One of which was from Viscount Shimen, and the other from Marchioness Ashinen.


The Viscount was going back to the Capital the day after tomorrow, so he’s inviting me to dinner tomorrow. And Marchioness Ashinen invited me to a tea party noon, the day after tomorrow. It seems that the wives, and daughters of Selbira’s influential nobles regularly meet--I have no idea why they loved to invite me.


Well, I was now 15, and they seemed to want to engage their daughters to me. It was also very likely that the tea parties would be much more interesting than a group of older men sitting around--the opposite of a Sausage Party.


I gave Miteruna some acceptance letters, and asked her to give them to the Viscount and Marchioness. I also gave her a bundle of letters, from myself and the girls, to the people in Seryuu City and Baron Muno’s castle--yes, I remembered a letter to Zena. I also wrote some for Princess Menea, Ririna, and Sera; I told them about our present condition and location.



The children that we saved have recovered enough to do simple chores, thanks to both the nourishment and Magic Potions. They now just need to recover some of their muscle mass.


Miteruna moved their beds into the servant building, from the main building.


The reason as to why they were in the stable, when we originally found them, was because they wanted a special kind of grass that was growing around there. There was seeds that grew on the grass, seeds that while bitter, worked as pain killers--they were called ‘Tami Poppy’.


However, it also contains a weak toxin. If someone ingests too much, their consciousness would fade, becoming lethargic. They needed the pain killer because of injuries that they received in the Labyrinth.


For baggage carriers who have bone fractures, their only choices are either selling themselves to the slave trader, to to die a dog’s death. The slave trader had given up on these children--since getting saved, like in this case, was quite rare…they were extremely grateful.


Of course, this wasn’t the reason I wanted to employ them as servants. The management of this large mansion requires quite a few helping hands, since there are a lot of Magic Tools, which I installed.


“Then, are you going to let them stay in the mansion?” Miteruna asked politely, standing to one side as Nana and I sat on a large couch.


“They don’t seem like they have any aims, if we were to let them go. It is very likely that they will either go back to being baggage carriers, or die. So, could you teach them how to work?”


“Of course I can, I will raise them into excellent maids.”


“Right, how much should we pay them for their labour?”


According to her, in exchange for not paying them, we will have to give them food, clothing, and shelter. If I was to hire them once they grew up, then the common payment was a silver coin. However, this wasn’t 1 silver a day, but a month.


By the way, Miteruna’s wage was 1 gold coin a month.


“Master, if you’re going to employ them, please give them clothing and footwear. You don’t need to give them something expensive, but if you let them wear old bags and be barefooted, people will doubt the status of house Felspar.”


It’s a little strange to worry about the status of a house that had only been established for several months. But, I do plan on giving them clothes and shoes.


I knew that Arisa would love to tailor maid uniforms for them later.


“Tailored clothing for servants, is it? Having matching maid uniforms happens fairly often in grand noble’s mansions, but usually in big cities, such as Royal and Duchy Capitals. But, it hasn’t occurred in Selbira, yet.” Miteruna explains to me.



Arisa and the others have returned. She contacted me with Telephone when they left the Labyrinth Gate, apparently they’ve been surrounded by Adventurers and can’t move.


It seems that after they handle it, they will come here.


Arisa and the others arrived an hour later.


“We were crowded, it was terrible, you know. They’re going to hold a party celebrating our safe return in the tavern tonight, they said. Master was also invited.”


“Understood. I will go, since I have no other plans.”


Arisa handed me a small sack of money, while grumbling. The payment from the sale of the Magic Cores and materials is a bit much. It seems that the leader of the Roach extermination party gave the Magic Cores to them as payment for saving their lives.


“He apologized that he couldn’t bring any of the materials.”

“What kinds of things can be made from the material?”

“Don’t know, maybe Roach armour and helmet?” It seems that she’s not really interested, because Arisa replies absentmindedly.



Now, I gather all the girls, including the servants, in the hall, and let them introduce themselves to each other.


By the way, the children found in the stable are all Human girls. Their names are: Junni, Aina, Kitona, Teriona, and Hoho; from the eldest to the youngest. I thought that maybe the slave trader had abandoned them because they were ugly or something, but they look pretty normal. Their hair is cut short, since grooming is difficult.


The oldest was just short of her 15th birthday, almost an adult, while the youngest was 13.


“So, everyone other them Nana and Mia are slaves?” Miteruna asks.


“Yeah, It’s like to release Arisa and Lulu, but I can’t, since there are some circumstances. I would immediately release Liza and the others if they wish so, though.”


They’ve obtained Red Iron Plates after all, and are fine to be released at any time. I have to keep searching for a way to release the Geass, especially after they level up some more.


“Master, we wish to stay as your slaves,” Liza speaks with a smile, gently placing her palm on my chest.



“We will be by Masters side, forever!”


Pochi and Tama rub their heads on me.


“You can stay with me, but how would you feel about being released and becoming my retainers, once Arisa and Lulu can be released?”


The girls looked at me, before Liza spoke, “Do you really not want us to be your slaves?”


“I will go along with what you guys want.”


They smiled happily, Arisa walking up behind them and draping her arms over their shoulders, though she had to reach up with Liza.


“That reminds me,” I quickly take some cards from storage, making it look like they are from a pouch on my belt. I had also written out instructions on a sheet of paper, “Since they’re going to be employed here, please teach them letters.”


“Yes, Master.” Miteruna said, politely accepting the cards with a bow.



I’m sitting on a chair that I’ve put under the tree in the courtyard, pretending to read a book. In actuality, I’m currently investigating the experiment notes on the Power Core of the Living Armour.


Lulu calls out to me, “Master, how about some tea?”


She is carrying a glass goblet with blue tea inside it, it’s a cold tea.


“Thank you. Did you cool it with Life Magic?”


“Yes! Using Magic is really convenient.” Lulu answers with a wide smile, she looks dazzling. Her Magic Capacity has increased with her level, so she’s become able to freely use Magic.


While thinking such things, I go back to studying Magic Tools.

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