Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 42 – Mithril Plate

Tek here, often times I can’t get my hand on something no matter how hard I try. I can’t get it, even though I can see other people obtaining it really easily--but, it can feel good when I finally do achieve it. This is, of course, about rare drops in MMOs


Two weeks have passed sine we got back from our short--but eventful--visit to Bornean Forest; leveling up the girls, and the project for training Adventurers is going well.


“It’s wider that I expected.”


“Ahh, it’s because I got it from lands that had been secured by multiple suppliers.”


Today, I am with Arisa and inspecting the planned site for the private Orphanage and Adventurer Training School will be built. It’s about as big as an average school--maybe two football fields in diameter? Which may not sound too large…except it is inside Labyrinth City.


Thanks to the Marchioness’s middlemen, it was much easier than using normal real estate agents. I did have to supply her with accessories, and Potions of equal value.


Since it was almost time for the Kingdom Conference, I made some shiny, gaudy, accessories for the Marquis and Marchioness--but despite using normal metals and jewels, I couldn’t use the Market Price Skill…Since they were made by a noble, and sold to nobles, their value was ridiculous.


It really makes you realize that the price of things usually are influenced by perceived value; they aren’t always calculated by the value of the ingredients.


“Next, we just need a manager for the teachers, huh.” Arisa glanced at me, and drew my attention back.


“Right, I’d like a leader for the organization, and an accountant, as the bare minimum.” I sighed.


I had interviewed Miteruna’s Family members, and some nobles who the Marchioness had suggested. But there wasn’t anyone well suited to be a manager of a school; if it were a business, I could easily find someone.


There were people who, at first, seemed capable as the leader; but, they either saw orphans and commoners as lesser beings; or they seemed to see it as some kind of stepping stones.


I was beginning to think that the only usable workforce were people who were enslaved--I would be hated on Earth for that mindset, but here, the only people you could completely trust were slaves.


When I told Arisa this, she giggled--and then asked if I wanted a ‘special shield’.


Since I couldn’t reject everyone or the Marchioness may stop helping me with people, thinking that I am too picky, so I chose three of the least objectionable. I then sent them off to the Academy at the Royal Capital under the pretext of training.


I was just getting rid of nuisances, but I gave them 10 gold each for 2 months stay, and food expenses, they didn’t argue.


Since Tifaliza doesn’t have the Arithmetic Skill, I couldn’t have her as the Accountant--she could help with management, or looking after the kids; she seemed to really like the kids.


The Orphanage building is still under construction, but we have already started admissions. I wanted to start after the building was completed, but Pochi had picked up some dying children in a back-alley--and Nana had saved others--I decided to buy a lot of tents.


We set them up on what will eventually become the athletic grounds of the school, and gave bedding to the children. We separated the temporary housing into the male and female side. Of course, I would allow fraternization, since it would be hypocrisy otherwise; and I wouldn’t stop people from having fun--but only if it was consensual.


I don’t know if Arisa’s heartstrings were touched by the hay beds, but she played around with the children, and slept with the female children on the first day.


Over the course of several days, around 100 children have ended up living here--I have no idea where they all came from. No one is complaining about the simple food, or the fact that there are 2 - 3 children per bed, and around 3 beds per tent--so the living situations are a little cramped.


I had already employed all the maids to also work as regular staff at the orphanage, and Miteruna suggested that I hire the wives around the city, and I did--part time.


Lulu had managed to set up her own information network, using the tea-parties where her food was incredibly popular, and the chefs who loved to gossip. I was really impressed with her work when she proudly showed me the extent of information she got; since good food could surprisingly be used for trade for information.


I gave her a special reward that night--she requested that Arisa and Liza join in. She hadn’t been with her sister and I for a while, and she and Liza were quite close--she was even teaching Liza to cook.


When Lulu used her information network to find out why so many children seemed to have suddenly appeared out of nowhere--apparently they were the overflow from the other orphanages.


After observing the children, I have the feeling that they pushed the problem children, and the ones with physical or mental difficulty, onto us. The mischievous children were thumped by Arisa, Tama, or Pochi when they were too bad.


I used Potions, and experimental Alchemy, to cure physical problems--since they were mostly caused by wounds that healed incorrectly, or never healed at all. As for the ones with mental issues, we tried to help them--I had no idea how to help them for now.


Arisa and I returned back to the property with the tents, she ran off to spend time with some of the older children, she seemed to be teaching them--but knowing her, it would probably be strange information.



Miteruna came back from the Guild, where I asked her to carry out some errands, with a newspaper. So I read it, and it was written that the party called ‘Lion’s Roar’ had defeated the Floor-master of the middle-stratum; they were lead by the Magic Swordsman called Crimson Noble.


“Grr! My Floor-Master has been hunted!!” Arisa read the news as well and shouted in annoyance.



“What’s wrong?”


Pochi, who was playing outside seemed to have heard Arisa’s shout, she came in through the window--of the second floor. Also, Tama, please stop coming home from the ceiling? Lulu gets annoyed when there are footprints on the walls and ceiling, as well as dust and insulation scattered around.


“Uuu, the shortest record for getting Mithtil…” Arisa frowned.






Even Mia and Liza looked disappointed.


Do they want the Mithril Plate that much?


“Of course, we do!” Arisa said with a roll of her eyes.


“To leave the record of Master’s achievement, it is something to be proud of as a slave!” Liza said in a determined tone, but her tail started thumping on the floor at the thought of the excitement and pride it would give her.


I don’t like standing out; but it is much too late for that, I just have to try and keep it as low as possible.


Well, I guess it’s fine, everyone has gotten strong anyway. Having the upper nobles of the Royal Capital as enemies would be troublesome, but I can just be Sine Nomine and kill them--using the reputation I had gained--frame them as being Demons or Demon Collaborators.


It should be manageable now, I guess.


“Well then, let’s get the Mithril Plates then.”


“Eh? Is it alright?”


“Is it fine with you, Master?”


“Fighting a powerful enemy at least once will be a good experience too.”


I nod to Arisa, who has darted over and embraced me when she heard my words. Liza’s tail is swinging, and unexpectedly, she embraces me as well, rubbing her face between my shouldblades. Tama and Pochi also join the hug.


I do enjoy being wrapped in girls.


Now then, the problem is where the Floor-Master is.


Since there didn’t seem to be an enemy like that on the map--it is likely that there is some procedure that I am required to follow before it appears.


First, I should ask someone who knows.



“What’s this, are you blinded by money and fame too?” The Pyromaniac Guildmistress heard my words and got up, stalking over to me. She grabbed both sides of my head and looked closely into my eyes, hers narrowed.


“I have enough of both. My retainers want to fight against a powerful enemy.”


“Jeez, you guys are the seventh party, you know?” She sighed, releasing my head and flicking my forehead--before wandering back to her seat, she leaned back, placing her feet on the desk and taking a swig of alcohol.


The information I got from the Guildmistress was that you could wait 10 years after the last defeat, or you can summon it by using a level 50 or higher Monster on the altar and read aloud the ‘Summoning Passage’.


The Upper-Stratum Floor-Master was defeated by Princess Ringrande 8 years ago. Then the Middle-Stratum Floor-Master was defeated a few days ago. So I won’t be waiting for either of those, it seems I will use a Magic Core I guess.


Well, I have around 20 Magic Cores of level 50 or higher Monsters, so there’s no problem if I have to use one or two. I thought about having multiple battles with the Floor-Master, but you can only summon it once a year--since reading the ‘Summoning Passage’ puts a unique mark on you which lasts a year.



A handsome man, and seven high-level Adventurers are standing triumphantly on the platform that’s been prepared in front of the West Guild. I had ignored it, because no one was using it when I first arrived at the Guild, but it seems that the Adventurers who defeated the Floor-Master are giving a public speech.


The people of Labyrinth City who have gathered in the plaza are being treated to free food and drink. They all cheer in delight as the overly-handsome man takes out his sword.


When he fills it with Magic Power, flames appear on the red blade and people raise frenzied cheers.


The group of Adventurers then show off the various Magic Items that they’ve acquired, like a Halberd that can emit fire; there are also a platinum tiara with an egg-sized ruby, an ingot each of Damascus Steel and Orichalcum.


There was an item that pulled at my soul--and no one other than me is paying much attention to it. Well, no, Arisa turned towards me and grinned when she saw it.


The item’s name is a ‘Gift Orb’.


There are three of them: 1st is Gift Orb: Light Magic. 2nd is Gift Orb: Poison Resistance…it’s the third one which draws me.


The 3rd Gift Orb -- Gift Orb: Chant.


It seems to be an artifact that will give me a powerful Skill--since I can already make any spell I want using Scrolls, as long as there are Mages with the Skill, it’s not as vital though.


But, once I get it, I can make the more obscure Spells.


I guess I will have to pull on some connections and get my hands on it when I can.

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