Death March — Fixed

Vol 2 – Chapter 3 – Chanting, The Soldier, and a Noisy Afternoon

Tek here, when waving around the short staff--I feel a like those kids who pretend to be Donatello, the Ninja Turtle. While this makes me feel nostalgia, it means I don’t feel much like a Mage--and I don’t get any ‘Tech Genius’, or ‘Ninja’ skill, which makes me slightly disappointed--

After I managed to return to the hotel, completely unmolested, I put the Alchemy set in my room; the whole way back I wanted to put it all in my storage, but Nadi had told me that space bags were popular for the wealthy back in the Ancestor King Yamato’s era--but nowadays it’s only attainable for the army, higher-ranked nobles, or only really rich merchants.

Since it’s like that, I can’t pull out my 30 Space Bag and use it so easily; it’s not a problem if some thieves eye it--but if a noble got interested, it is very likely that it would be impossible to stay in this city.

After placing my new purchases in my room, I quickly grab a cheap wooden bucket from my storage and fill it with water from the Hell Water Jug. I dip a cloth into the water and squeeze out the excess, before laying it on a plate I bought yesterday.

Alright, preparation complete, it’s time to chant for Dry!

“Lu lula la li lu--la?”

Even though I can read the words, I can’t pronounce them correctly!

Do I need to read over one hundred words in twenty seconds or less?

What kind of impossible game is this?

After feeling slightly disappointed, I pull myself together and continue practicing chanting--but I couldn’t even after a few hours. The cloth will dry by itself even if I don’t use Magic, but I’m not happy about this.

I look up and realize that I have been trying, over and over, for almost the entire night--the sun is rising and a dim light shines through my window. While I couldn’t read in the Inn yesterday, I spoke to Martha, who agreed to lend me a lamp, and asked me to keep it a secret--if the landlady found out, she could get in trouble.

“Okay! Let’s ask Nadi for some help!”

I have decided that when there is trouble, I will ask Nadi! She already said that I should anyway--however, Nadi is still out working when I arrive at the Worker’s Guild. I could ask someone else, but it makes me feel like I am--dumping, Nadi if I do that.


Since Nadi will only return by the evening, I decided that I will go to the bookstore in the central plaza. There should be even more books about Life Magic there, and there were others which I had marked on my Heads-Up-Display to buy later.

On the way there, I was called in by the clothing store owner on the way past, apparently my order had been completed early--I wonder if he remembered that I said that I didn’t have a change of clothes, so he had hurried the order along.

Let’s go in and get it.

“Hmm, yes--it really suits you well!” The old man spoke with a happy smile and a chuckle.

“Yes, you look like the heir of a big company, or a noble!” The old woman praised me as well.

To make sure I was happy with the look and size, I posed in front of the full-length floor mirror.

“Hmm, isn’t this better than the sample back then?” I ask.

“That’s right! Since it is a rushed order, I worked alongside a different tailor than usual. But these fine lines, and accurate sewing are very well done--truly splendid! Really, thanks to you, I found another nice tailor.” The old man gives me a thumbs up.

Well, let’s wear this one now.


When I got to the inner gate that lead into the central plaza, I was asked to present my ID--according to the soldier at the gate, it seems that some thieves had used the disturbance to slip in and cause havoc, so now people need to present their ID when they enter or leave.

Quickly showing my ID to the guard, I got the go-ahead and entered the plaza.

In the plaza, most of the stores along the main road are open--because most of the fight happened in front of the castle gate and in the northern edge of the larges clear area, so other than a few unlucky shops, most of the area were unscathed.

I quickly bought some tea leaves from a shop that Nadi had showed me before the Demon attack, I also bought some spices. There was a luxury store that allowed me to buy a bunch of cheap food.

As I walked passed, I heard a bard singing about yesterday’s Demon attack and the knights, in a very realistic manner--though he suggested that the mysterious silver-masked stranger was a bastard child of the earl.

Well, the mask was actually made from tin, but they think it was silver.

Since I enjoyed the song, I gave him a silver coin--though I felt a little shame.

I wonder how many more detours I will take before I get to the bookstore?


“Tek, thank you very much for yesterday!” Somi greeted me with thanks and a smile from inside the bookstore; apparently, today is her turn to look after the store.

“Hello Somi, how’s your grandfather doing?”

A small frown crossed her beautiful face, “Well, he was administered healing Magic yesterday, but because of his age--the Mage suggested he stay at home under Grandmother’s surveillance for the next two or three days.”

After getting the small talk out of the way, I begin on the real subject, “I’m searching for books which may help me with chanting. I was able to understand the explanation from the book about Life Magic, but I’m struggling with the actually chanting--”

“Umm, Tek--while Life Magic is relatively easy to remember, normally you need three to five years of training to master the chants; moreover, even with that much time spent training--around 80% of people usually end up failing.” Somi looks at me with a worried expression.

So, I got the skill after receiving Life Magic only once?

It seems to be a cheat after all--

“Even if you already have the Life Magic skill, people who manage to remember all the chants are--rare.”

She then said that people who end up as Mages usually come from a long line of Magi, and have skills from birth, as well as good memories--she seems to want to say that it is very difficult to learn from textbooks.

It seems that it can’t be helped, I will buy some vocal training and acting related books--this should help a little at least.

After buying the books, I chat with Somi for a while longer, before saying my goodbyes to leave for my next destination.


The Magic shop which faces the main street is covered with something that looks like a mixture between thin leather and a plastic tarp.

It’s closed, just as I thought.

“Hello, Mister Nimble!”

I hear a voice and turn my head--and standing there is a girl wearing a white one piece, she is tilting her body forwards slightly and looking at me with upturned eyes.

Her body is slender, and her blonde hair is cut into a straight bob--she is an incredibly beautiful girl.

“Hello, soldier, you look great in that dress.”


>>Skill: Lip Service Acquired.


“Ehehe,” She let out a cute, rather girly giggle as her pale skin blushed slightly, “Since we have so few rest days--I rarely get a chance to wear it.”

Looking closer at her, I ask, “Have your broken bones from yesterday healed correctly?”

“Yes! Well--I want to say that they have healed completely--but the place which was broken still aches a bit, so I was planning to go to the temple.” She looked down a little, one small hand rubbing her left arm.

Just to make sure that it is obvious--she is the soldier who I rescued from the tree yesterday.

“Can you heal yourself?”

“Well, there’s no method for healing using Wind Magic, that I know of.”

To be honest, I had the suspicion that maybe every element had some kind of healing spell--which is common in fantasy: Water, Light and Life are obvious with their healing spells; Fire has Rejuvenating Flame (which is what Phoenixes are known for); Earth has quite a few, one of which is Earth Pulse, another is Regrowth; and air would have Healing Wind, or Blessing of Zephyr or something--

“Ooh, is Zena boy hunting?!”

“Well, he is well dressed, and furthermore he is around the same age as her. You’re good, Zena!” The girl who said this paused for a second, before continuing in a lower tone, “--if you put aside his face.”

“You girls, please don’t tease her. Even though she’s a late bloomer, she works hard--let’s just watch over her.”

It seems that these must be the soldier’s friends, some rather noisy girls are standing in front of the entrance to one of the shops and whispering to each other.

Oi, it seems that there was an insult mixed in with one of them.

So, the soldier’s name is Zena, eh?

It’s a nice name--though she makes me think of a warrior princess from Earth--though I doubt the spelling is the same.

Zena is standing there, opening and closing her mouth silently with a red face as she hears her friend’s words.

This is a really cute reaction.

“Y-You’re mistaken--I was just thanking him for saving me yesterday.”

The three girls stiffen a bit at her words.

“By saving you, don’t tell me!”

“That silver-masked hero?!”

“It can’t be! He was brandishing a sledgehammer and two-handed axe together, you know? This delicate looking boy can’t possible manage that!”

“No--that’s not it.” Zena tries to explain the misunderstanding, but her words don’t reach the other three girls.

“But isn’t his height just about right?”

“The colour of his hair is different, the silver-masked hero was blond.”

“And he’s not wearing a mask.”

That last one was a little off point, since the ‘silver-masked hero’ would easily be able to take off his mask--urgh, now I’m doing it, speaking as though it was someone else.

“Sheesh, please listen to me!” Zena raises her voice.

The other three girls suddenly stop chatting and finally pay attention to her.

“This man saved carried me, because I was unable to move due to injuries, all the way to the relief station yesterday!” Zena spoke quickly and rather loudly, but her face became even brighter pink, and her eyes sought out mine.

“Ahh, you mean that kind of ‘helped me’.”

“But then, it’s still a golden opportunity!”

“Don’t compare her with you--Zena isn’t anywhere near as resourceful as you are.”

Yeah, they seem rather excitable as well, but the three of them seem to be cheering for her, in their own way--there is no malice or sarcasm--they seem to really like, and look after her.

This seems like a good time to interrupt.

“Pleased to meet you all, I’m Tek, a traveler.” I took a chance as they all paused to breathe, and quickly spoke.

“Bro--you’re really not Zena’s boyfriend?”

“I just met her yesterday--further more--she didn’t get the chance to introduce herself before you all called her by her name.” I grinned at the girls and Zena looked down.

“But, but--for Zena to wear a dress, it must be a date!”

“It, it’s not a date.” Zena said, her words trailing off as she sounded strangely unsure, her eyes again meeting mine.

“But you never wore a dress--even on holidays, before.”

Zena and the three girls, who looked like they were the same age as her, were all looking at me.

“I’d love you to go on a date with Zena. This poor girl, even at her age, never spends time with the opposite sex--let alone having a boyfriend.” The most mature seeming girl said as she looked between Zena and I.

“Yep, even though she’s a fallen noble with no money or status--she’s a good girl. She may be flat-chested, but she is an adept Wind Magic user with a promising future as a soldier.” The childish seeming one spoke as well.

The last girl just nodded enthusiastically.

Zena gently taps my arm to get my attention, “We’re not fallen! My little brother has inherited his rank. Although it’s true that we don’t have much gold, or status--” She almost seems like she is pleading.

Though she didn’t object to having a flat chest.

“Well, let’s stop playing around with Zena and go back to the castle, if we’re late for our shift--the commander’s special training will await!” The mature girl, with her surprisingly long brown hair done up in a ponytail, shuddered slightly as she mentioned ‘special training’.

“La-ter then, Zena. Tell us all the--sordid--details laaater!” The childish seeming girl, her green hair in a similar bob-cut to Zena’s, grinned and winked at me as she drew out her last word.

“Zena, push through with sex appeal and defenselessness! Show us your guts!” The last girl cheered for her.

All three girls reluctantly turned and walked away, returning to the castle.

Zena looked both relieved, and a little bit ashamed.


The mature girl turned to the third girl and whispered in her ear, in response the girl grinned and then darted back to us--before handing something to Zena, doing it in such a way that both their bodies shielded my view.

Zena initially had a blank look--but after she understood what it was she had been handed, her face went bright red.

As though she had been expecting this reaction, the third girl laughed and ran back to her friends, shouting ‘Gooood luck!” over her shoulder with a smirk.

Zena secretly puts the thing into a pocket, which I didn’t notice was sewn into her dress, before turning back to me.

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