Death March — Fixed

Vol 8 – Chapter 11 – To The Duke’s Castle (Part 2)

Tek here, there are a lot of people who are very light eaters, of which I am one. But it’s said that women have another stomach for snacks--and that doesn’t seem to change even in a fantasy world.


“Prince, he’s the favourite of my father. My father and I are also fans of his slave’s cooking.”


Just as I was thinking how to deal with the prince who had come again to start a quarrel, Ringrande’s father threw a lifeboat.


It seems that the prince had only seen Ringrande and me, he looks very surprised when he sees the next Duke, after he calls out to the prince. As expected, it’s an opponent that he can’t mess with easily, so he looks troubled. I can see Arisa’s smirking face and glinting violet eyes behind the table--she’s giving a peace sign with her small hand. How nostalgic.


“My, your highness Sharlick, so you’re here. Please let us hear about the Royal Capital over here.” A woman with somewhat thick make-up pushes her way through the crowd and invites the prince.


The princes takes advantage of this, saying his farewells in a completely noncommittal tone, and goes towards the woman.


“Hmm, it’ll be good if that man mellows a bit more.” The next Duke says.


“That’s impossible--he hasn’t changed in 10 years.” Ringrande sounds irritated.


“If we’re talking about swordsmanship, he’s among the best in Shiga Kingdom, but--”


“Father, a person’s personality isn’t proportional to his strength--if it was, then even Masaki would be, more--” Ringrande was about to complain about the hero, but she quickly covered her mouth.


“Are the Shiga Eight Swords famous?” I ask.


“Are you really a noble of this kingdom?”


“I come from the countryside, so I am a little lacking in knowledge of the upper echelons of this kingdom,”


I’m then told that the Eight Shiga Swords are titles given to the top eight swordsmen in the Holy Knights, which is the strongest group of warriors in the kingdom. The prince seems to be a candidate to become one, but he has been given permission by the King to wear the kingdom’s treasure--the Holy Sword: Claiomh Solais.


By the way, the favourite staff that the Ancestor King Yamato used is now given to the top Imperial Court Mage in successive generations. It seems that the reason why the King doesn’t use the Holy Sword and Staff himself is because Yamato has implemented a system where they can only be used by the right person.



After the next Duke and Ringrande leave, the young nobles that have been watching us from a distance begin to gather with great interest, they begin to eat the dishes that were on the table near us. Yes, they didn’t watch us with interest--they watched the food, that Lulu cooked, with great interest.


Though some of them do ask about my relationship with Ringrande, I honestly tell them that I’ve just been coached in the way of the sword by her.


Before 30 minutes have passed, all the food is gone.


“Sir Felspar, can I have a bit of your time?” Karina came over with a male companion.


Although I call him a male companion, it’s nothing romantic, he’s Karina’s little brother--the oldest son of Baron Muno--Orion.


He’s a 14-year-old young man who’s currently studying in the Duchy Capital. I’ve wanted to meet him at least once since we arrived in the Capital, but he has been busy recently.


“Oh, if it isn’t Karina. I presume the one next to you is the next Baron? I am Tek Felspar, nice to meet you.”


“Mhm, I’m Orion Muno. Nice to meet you too, Chevalier Tek.” Orion introduces himself after nodding to my greeting--he seems to be at the age where he wants to be seen as someone who is important. However, he speaks in a quiet voice when he says his name--the name given by the Baron, who loves Heroes, is probably to blame. It really is unfortunate.


After we chat for a bit, they go to the dance hall. Just in case, I advise them to be careful of the prince.


The dance, the highlight of a ball, finally begins at the center of the hall.


I didn’t think to join the dance, since I was keeping Lulu company. She is going to introduce the final dish, one which is Mia’s favourites: Crepes. As per my suggestion, she added slices of this world’s strawberry, and some fresh cream.


“My, it smells good.”


“It’ll be done soon, so please wait for a bit.”


Lulu puts the currently-finished crepes on a plate, with a small knife and fork--I grab the plate and pass it to the young noble woman. She beams when she bites into it, her face almost glowing--she has a lot of make-up, but at that time it looks innocent and appropriate for her age.



The ingredients that were prepared in advance have all been used up.


“My, her food is quite popular, isn’t it?”


The familiar voice makes me look up--it’s the Head Priestess of Tenion temple.




“It’s been a while, Tek.” Sera is standing by the Head Priestess’ side.


There are two arrogant-looking Priests of the Parion and Garleon temples behind the two women. Both of them are thin men with white hair.


Standing beside Sera are the two girls who were kidnapped.


We stand there and start chatting, and I find out that the other two Priestesses are also blood relatives of the Duke. They’re from branch families, unlike Sera, who’s a direct descendant.


It looks that the girls have come here to congratulate Sera’s big brother, Tisrad, for his marriage. Since they want to meet him before the wedding day, it’s a good opportunity at this ball.


Lulu and Arisa have come back with extra ingredients, so Lulu continues making crepes. The Priestesses really like the crepes and look delighted, like normal girls.



“Chevalier, would it be okay for you to dance with me?”


I wonder if I look like I’m easy to invite, since a lot of noble girls have been asking for dances. I can dance with no problem, both because I had to learn ballroom dancing and it was similar to the style that was used here--and because of getting the Dance Skill early on.


Several of the girls that I danced with invited me to drop by their houses. Apparently, it’s not because I’m popular, Arisa tells me that it’s because they expect me to bring snacks as presents.


“You’re quite popular aren’t you, Tek.”

“That’s not the case at all--I was invited to dance as thanks for the snacks.”


“That’s not the case at all.”


It was Sera that spoke to me, she had just stepped up next to me.


Even though she sounded a little grumpy, she began to giggle almost as soon as she finished her words, “Would you dance with me as well?” She looked at me with upturned eyes.


“Yes, I’d be happy to.”


Well, Ringrande would probably become noisy again--but I couldn’t decline her invitation.


“You are quite skilled,” Sera said in a pleased tone as we began to dance among the nobles in the central hall.


“So are you.”


She blushed lightly at my words, her gaze fluttering between me and our surroundings--she seemed a little flustered.


“You don’t need to sound so respectful when talking to me,” Sera looked at me and poked her tongue out at me.


“Well, you are a Priestess, so you deserve respect.” I smiled when I said those words, what I didn’t say was that the church would only deserve a modicum of respect in a world with real gods--and I knew that gods existed in this world.


“You look so kind, yet you are also unexpectedly mean.” She rolled her eyes and leaned against me as we danced, I could feel her warmth and heartbeat--and her voluminous breasts--as she acted strangely intimate.


The dance ends safely--even though I could swear I could sense Ringrande’s gaze trying to burn through me.


Sera managed to convince me to help the Tenion temple with distributing food during our stay in the Duchy Capital--she is surprisingly good at negotiating.


“Thank you for the delicious snacks today--please get along well with Sera, alright.” The Head Priestess thanks me, before dropping a bomb in a low voice as she leaves, “I will keep the matter of that night a secret, so please don’t worry--you look cute behind the mask.”


How did she figure it out?



“It must be because of your voice,” Arisa mutters, though she looks astonished.


Dang, I had neglected in getting a voice disguising skill--let’s practice with making strange voices and see if I can get a skill tonight. But, well, the level and name are completely different--it should be fine if I keep feigning ignorance.


The Head Priestess seemed like she was baiting me too.


“Thank you for waiting, Master, Arisa.” Lulu, who had been called by the head chef, returned.


It seems that she was invited to work here.


We’re allowed to leave, since the Duke’s family has left. The Dance part of the ball is still ongoing. We can hear the music from the mansion where we are staying.


In the main room, I turn to Lulu and ask, “Young lady, how about a dance?”


“Y-Yes, I’d be happy to.” Lulu blushes as she answers me.


I had been dancing with Arisa before Lulu came, but since it was received better than I had thought--I also invited Lulu.


“Ah, this is like a dream.” Lulu spoke with a sigh.


I rubbed her slim back, “I’m glad to hear that.”


Lulu and I continue dancing round and round.


“H-Hey, wait, how long are you two going to dance, please change with me.”


“Fufufu, oh Arisa, you’re cute,” Lulu looked at her older sister and giggled.


I thought that Lulu would stop the dance when she became tired, but since she didn’t--the dance continued until Arisa intruded because she began to feel left out.


The three of us continue dancing together while alternating--sometimes maids pass through the corridor, and look at us like they’re seeing something heartwarming.


A day like this is good once in a while, though I dislike the attention I gathered--but I enjoyed spending time with the girls.

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