Death March — Fixed

Vol 8 – Chapter 7 – Nighttime Training

Tek here, recently, on top of being online, save data is saved automatically onto the computer--making the ‘reset trick’ from the time of old consoles no longer usable.


“What do you mean? Skill Points can be reset?”


“They can, you know? Didn’t I tell you?”


This is, of course, the first time I’ve heard of it.


I still have an excessive number of Skill Points remaining, but since the chance of me leveling up again isn’t too high--the existence of a reset is quite important.


“So, how do we do it?”


“You acquire the Skill called ‘Reset’, and use it. You can get back all of the Skill Points from all Skills--except Unique Skills, Innate Skills, and Racial Skills.”


How convenient--but I don’t think that I can get that Skill.


“Hey, don’t show such a face.” Arisa seems to be able to read my expressions, even when I subconsciously activate Poker Face to not show my feelings--when angry, upset, or other such expressions I want to keep hidden.


“Even reset isn’t all-powerful.” Arisa patted my cheek a few times, before leaning back and continuing, “You lose between 5-20% of your Skill Points once you use it. And there is no known way to recover them.”


I would lose anywhere between 155-620 Skill Points if I used it--that cost is too great, unless I were in a desperate situation. I also understand why Arisa hasn’t used it before now--at least not after getting Mind Magic.


“There’s also another reason why I don’t want to use it,” Arisa screwed her face up, “It’s REALLY, painful.”


Then, wouldn’t the neighbourhood get annoyed if she used Reset here--with the pained screaming and groaning. Before I could even suggest a pain-killer, she said that according to one of the Saga Heroes--apparently, people who used pain-killers tended to lose more Skill Points; it was almost as though whoever developed this ‘system’ though that a cost-less reset would be too much of a cheat--and if someone were to have to use it, they should be serious enough to suffer the pain.


Arisa looked at me, a little fear in her eyes.


I quickly used Air Curtain.


“I’ve used Magic to make this place private--so sounds won’t leak out.”


“Oooh, so that’s how you felt confident with sleeping with some of us while out traveling--I though you may have just gained a like of exhibition.” Arisa giggled, and poked her tongue out at me.


Even when scared, Arisa never changes, huh.



Arisa is exhausted and laying on my lap.


After she executed the Reset Skill, I placed her on my lap and hugged her--but not only did she claw at my back, she was going wild in my arms. I was worried that her violet hair would turn white, but it didn’t. When the terrible Reset was over, she lost consciousness, so I held her while she slept, stroking her damp hair and back.


Even after that much pain, as soon as she woke up, she pressed herself against me and kissed me--what a tough girl.


After breaking the kiss, I asked her the question that had been bothering me, “So, did it go well?”


“Sort of, I don’t have quite enough Skill Points--so in exchange of both Mind and Light Magic, I’ve got my Space Magic to level 6.” Arisa feels accomplished, I can hear it in her tone, and the way she is almost vibrating with excitement.



Arisa requests to go to a place where she can test her Magic as much as she wants, so we go to the underground Labyrinth.


I inform Liza that Arisa and I are going somewhere.


The Duke has subordinates are guarding the teleport device, and the hole that I made before--so I make a new passage in another place, leading to the labyrinth.


Holding Arisa in my arms, I jump straight down--it’s not connected to the floor where I fought the Demon Lord, but another one.


“Haah, I thought that I was going to die.” Arisa lets out a relieved sound from my embrace.


I properly regulated my dropping speed--so that neither of us would get injured.


Since I’m afraid that the effects of powerful Magic would be detectable from above the ground, I dove down three layers below the deepest maintained sewers.


“What kind of place is this? It looks like a labyrinth, but there’s no Monster.”


“It’s the Ruins of a labyrinth.”


“Eh? It really feels like the Demon Lord will come out,” Arisa says in a partially joking tone.




Did I forget to tell her about the fight?


“Didn’t I say yesterday? When I was hunting Demons, I also defeated a Demon Lord that popped up.”


“Eh? You were serious?” She gapes at me.


So I did tell her, it just seems she thought I was joking.


“Very serious.”


“Lying! You’re lying. If it’s true, your title should have become ‘True Hero’!” She says, glaring at me.


Might as well, I put on my Sine Nomine disguise and the title ‘True Hero’--I don’t put on the wig, however.


“Waa, it’s true. How did you defeat it? Ah, it must be with a Holy Sword, of course.”


Galatine delivered the finishing blow--but the one that did the most work was Durandal, so I show it to her.


Arisa went to return the sword, but acting on a whim, I tell her to keep it, “The Demon Lord has been defeated, so I’ll leave it to you. I have a lot of other weapons, so it’s fine.”


I thought to leave a Holy weapon to Arisa, as an insurance measure--in case I’m not there and a Demon shows up.


But Arisa interprets it differently, she has a desperate look on her face as she draws closer to me, “Don’t tell me--the repatriation offer from the god has come to you?”


What does that mean?


“After you defeat the Demon Lord and become the True Hero, it seems that the god will come to ask if you want to be returned to your world, or if you want to stay here as a Hero. The story goes that if you answer ‘Go Home’, the god will return you.”


“Well, there’s no need to worry about it, even if the god asks me if I want to go back--I’ll stay here.”


Not only will I refuse to go to my previous world before all my girls become strong enough to defeat Demon Lords--I won’t abandon them. The only way I would ever go back is if I can take them with me, or if I get the ability to travel between the worlds.


Furthermore, I wasn’t summoned with the normal Hero summoning, so there’s no guarantee that I can even go back to my previous world. If I get the chance, I probably should find a way to send a letter to my family.


“Th-That means--” She blushes and stares at me with a cute look, her eyes wide.


“All of us, we will all stay together forever.” I kiss her on the forehead, and then gently push her back.


She begins muttering with a joyous smile.


“Hey, you’re here to practice, remember?” I snap my fingers to draw her attention back, grinning at her.



“Did you get any rare drops? Like a Demon Lord Core or something?”


Although it sounds like something real--it seems that it doesn’t actually exist, at least in the drops I got.


It may just be that I am very unlucky.


“There’s nothing great. There are two Sword-Breakers, which the Demon Lord used, but they’re too big for a normal Human to use. Moreover, one of them is broken. The other things are the belongings of the Wings of Liberty members, like: a Demon Summoning Magic book; or the Specific Magic Circle for summoning the Short Horn--and a few other miscellaneous accessories.”


I also have quite a few Short Horns, but there’s not really any reason to include them in the list of loot--she already knows that they were the reason I originally came here.


After finishing that quick distraction, we begin our practice.


I test out some of the Elementary-Grade Magic together with Arisa, but it’s dangerous to try Intermediate-Grade or higher Magic with Arisa nearby--I go alone to the room where I fought the Demon Lord.


As expected from real Magic intended for attacking, not blacksmithing--the power really isn’t a joke.


I can only use Implosion, from the Explosion Magic that I got from the Demon, and a powered-down version of Laser, from a Light Magic scroll I got as a reward, when I am in a town.


This finishes my off my practice, so I return back to Arisa.


“Welcome back.” Arisa, who welcomes me back, is looking listless as she sits on a cushion that she had placed on the floor. She’s probably totally exhausted--I can smell a sweet scent,so she probably drank an MP Recovery Potion while testing her Magic.


“What kind of extreme Magic did you use? I was scared that the labyrinth would collapse, you know.” Arisa focuses on me.


That’s strange--on top of being quite far away from her, I also covered the inner wall with Barrier Magic that I had learned from a scroll.


“I’m sorry, it looks like I wasn’t as subtle as I tried to be--”


“It’s fine already--I can’t get surprised anymore.”


In other words, you were surprised, huh.


“Rather than that, could you make me something like this?” Arisa asked me to make a Carved Seal, that’s drawn in the Magic book, on a wooden board.


Looks like it’s a unique mark needed to be put at the teleport destination for Teleportation Magic, at least until you can do Intermediate-Grade Teleportation--which just requires knowing the location.


“At this level, it only reaches several kilometers at most. Even leveling up the Skill only helps to increase the number of people that can be Teleported together, and decreases MP consumption.” Arisa looked at me with a slight disappointment.


Presently, Arisa can only take one person along with her--moreover, she’ll run out of Magic Power by just leaping a bit of a distance, the fuel consumption is bad.


“During a real emergency, I can use Over Boost and take everyone along to escape.”


Okay, that’s good.


I set up a Magic Granting stand, making several carved seal boards and giving them to Arisa. These take 1 gold coin and 2 silver coins in total to make--it seems that Space Mages can easily run out of money.


Of course, I hide one of the boards here.

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