Death March — Fixed

Vol 8 – Chapter 9 – At Toruma’s House (Part 2)

Tek here, people who behave like mad dogs often appear in tales, but on Earth, I only saw those kinds of idiots during my school days. Do they mellow with age? Or do they grow up? I feel that in a fantasy world, they’d get weeded out before they had time to grow up.


“Oh? The one they call the Silver Valkyrie of the Battlefield is playing with a kid, huh?”


The people who intrude in this precious swordsmanship classroom, directed by Ringrande, are three knights wearing white armour. They’re subordinates of the Shiga Kingdom’s King, the Holy Knights. As well as the knights--there is also two young-looking men, one of which looks serious and the other looks humourous, who have the title of ‘Shiga Eight Swords’.


The humourous-looking handsome young man is called Sharlick Shiga--the third prince of Shiga Kingdom.


By the way, by kid--did he mean me?


“Prince Sharlick, it isn’t polite to intrude into other people’s house, even if he’s your retainer?”


“Ringrande, you’re too stiff. Heya, little brother of Viscount Shimen--”


“Toruma, your highness.” Toruma supplemented the Prince, who was hesitating.


Without any change of expression, the prince says, “Sorry to intrude unannounced.”, and Toruma also allows him like it’s natural.


“I have some business with Ringrande. You guys, step away.” The Prince speaks as though it’s a request, but it’s obviously an order.


Nevertheless, I know that he has business with Ringrande, but how come these other guys are coming too?


“Your highness, I’m sorry--but this is my house, and she is my cousin. Even if it’s your highness, it’ll be better if you avoid being alone together with an unmarried woman.” Toruma speaks rather politely.


“Hmm, what’s wrong with fiances being alone together?”


“Our engagement should have been canceled since sever years ago.” Ringrande rolls her eyes at the prince.


Well then, I want to get away from this complicated spot--I wonder what I should do.


“Your highness, you should stop with the troublesome talks, and just do it like this.” The Holy Knight boy, who has been looking like a mischievous kid since earlier, draws his sword and approaches me--slashing at me.




What’s with this guy?


His speed is quite fast, but compared to Ringrande, his swordsmanship is full of holes.


“Oh, you’re drawing your sword in front of his highness--it’s fine to label you as a rebel then, right?” He maliciously laughs.


I had forgotten to sheathe the Fairy Sword because of the sudden intrusion.


What kind of logic is that?


It’s a false accusation--a badly thought out one…which would have worked if I wasn’t a noble. A commoner could easily be arrested or killed if the Holy Knight used this excuse.


Since it would look even worse if I swung back, I avoid his attack without blocking--without moving my sword at all.


However, he ignores this and continues to attack relentlessly--he releases consecutive attacks, like a tornado of sharpened Mithril.


I would look too conspicuous if I avoid that, so I receive some of the attacks with the Fairy Sword, and pretend to get blown back--Karina and Hayuna call out my name in worry. Arisa knows that something this small wouldn’t cause me even 1 point of damage, even if he had stabbed me in a vital point.


Karina jumps with Raka’s power, literally flying over the ground and catches me in her arms.


“Heh, you can use physical reinforcement too? If you pick up his sword, I’ll be your opponent, you know?”


What do you mean ‘physical reinforcement too’? For an insect like you, I wouldn’t need to use Physical Reinforcement.


Just as Karina’s hand reached down for the sword I allowed to slip from my fingers, I stop her, “You wouldn’t able to win.”


<I agree with Tek--you are not that man’s opponent.> Raka agreed with me, making the hostile expression to fade from her face.


Meanwhile, Toruma is doing his best to try and stop the Holy Knight, talking to the prince. Toruma is quite weak-willed, but work hard, “Your highness, he’s a retainer of Baron Muno, and a noble who holds a Peerage--can you please stop the man over there?”


“Oh, serving that cursed territory, he must’ve been quite broke.”




That line just now made me feel anger--I’m quite fond of Baron Muno and his retainers, if I say so myself. Arisa looks quite offended, but she looks to me, silently telling me that I need to be the one to take care of this.


“I won’t forgive you for insulting our territory, even if you’re a prince. I’ll make you take it back, even if I have to risk my life.” Karina speaks before I get the chance.


“Hmm, are you trying to gain the favour of that kid and join the rank of nobles? Women should just stay home and raise the children obediently.”


Karina told me that she has never participated in upper society even once, so that’s probably why he doesn’t know her. It seems that he thinks that she’s the wife or mistress of the retainer of Baron Muno, in another word, a worthless noble--not his daughter.


It’s quite pitiful.


“I am the second daughter of Baron Muno, Karina. There’s no reason to treat me like a maidservant, you know?” Karina stands up, placing her hands on her waist--firmly facing him and glaring.


She dropped me as she stood up.


I also stand up, while rubbing my head--which had impacted the ground.


“I cannot remain silent, since my Master’s house was insulted--even if you’re a prince, I’ll have you retract those words.”


Though it may have been better to wait, observing the situation--but I acted on impulse and stood up, side-by-side with Karina.


It must have been the influence of this teenage body.


Well, I’m discreet enough to leave my sword in its sheath--if I drew my sword, I would certainly be declared a rebel if I turn my sword towards one of the Royal Family.


<Karina, the chance of us winning is almost zero, understand?”>


“Raka, there are times when a woman must not withdraw.”


The two are heating up?


However, you shouldn’t confront him physically since he’s part of the Royal Family, okay.


“The same as ever--you think women are only tools for giving birth to children!” Ringrande speaks in a voice that’s shaking with anger as she cuts between Karina and the Prince.


Toruma comes over and claps his hand onto Karina’s shoulder, her limbs are trembling--she was really forcing herself. I place a hand on her shoulder as well, which changes her trembling from nervousness, to blushing as she lowers her eyes--good, she’s calmed down…well, she’s tense for a different reason, but she isn’t scared anymore.


“Your highness, the person you’ve falsely accused, is the Hero of the Muno City defensive war. Moreover, he defeated the Demon that appeared in Gururian City and stays here in the Dukedom Capital as Duke Oyugock’s guest of honour. Putting aside your highness, I think it would trouble the people over there.” Toruma speaks quickly--oh, he’s more eloquent when defending his niece.


Shifting the blame from the prince to the battle-maniac boy, huh.


The Prince wouldn’t back down if he was criticized anyway.


“Hmm, it can’t be helped--I suppose I’ll leave it here. It’d be troubling if the available forces were to decrease before the Demon Lord awakens. Right, was it Toruma? The only Capital is the Royal Capital--calling Oyugock City a Capital is blasphemy.” The prince gets the last word in as he leaves.


I didn’t think that it would be Toruma who would be the one who restored peace to this place.


Nevertheless, I’m worried with the way that the prince is speaking as if the Demon Lord will be revived here for certain--don’t tell me, the mastermind behind the Wings of Liberty is the third prince, isn’t he?



“Is the Prince going to participate in the Martial tournament too?”


“No--you’re doing very well after receiving that attack.” Ringrande looked at me askance.


“I had a Magic Potion in my pocket just at the right time.” I wave an empty bottle to deceive her.


Toruma answers my question, “I think his highness is going to attend the wedding ceremony of Rin’s little brother, Tisrad--which is to be held after the end of the tournament.”


Tisrad is another grandchild of Duke Oyugock, he’s going to marry the daughter of Marquis Elett, it seems. The next Duke is going to be the father of Ringrande, and after him will be Tisrad. It seems that the reason Ringrande has also come home in order to attend this wedding.


“There’s also a rumour that his majesty will also attend this ceremony.” Toruma spoke in a conspiratorial tone.


“Brother, that’s a confidential matter--please don’t spread it around too much.” Ringrande glares at Toruma/


One of the nearby maids recommends for me to change my tattered clothes to new ones--so I leave.


Still, events are starting to accelerate--it seems that I won’t be bored during and after the Martial tournament.


When I’m going to leave Toruma’s house after changing clothes, Ringrande calls out to me, “You’re better than I thought. Come to the castle if you want to become stronger--I’ll give you some lessons while I’m in the Dukedom Capital.”


I begin to worry that maybe she is like Karina…


I’d be glad to receive her lessons, but I wouldn’t particularly like to do it in such a conspicuous place like the castle.


“I’ll say this just in case, it’s not like I’ve recognized your relationship with Sera, alright?”


She reminds me of a very dislikeable character in Light Novels--the tsundere--I cannot stand them in the books; Ringrande doesn’t seem to be as much of a bitch as those…things. I will have to make sure to watch out though.



“I won’t forgive him.” Karina is indignant.


“That’s right. It’s good that he’s only the third prince.” Arisa jokes.


Karina turns and stares at Arisa, unable to comprehend her words.


“See, if that became the King of this era--it’d be hard to live in this Kingdom,” Arisa explains.


“When that happens, I would have no choice but to move to the Saga Empire.” Hoping to improve Karina’s mood a bit, I joked around.


I heard Arisa sigh from beside me--and facepalm.


“Y-You can’t. Tek is Father’s retainer, so you mustn’t leave!” Karina quickly comes over, talking in a shaken tone, and presses against me, speaking worriedly.


I said the wrong thing, it seems--I now understand why Arisa facepalmed.


With an apologetic expression, I gently stroke Karina’s hair, saying that it was only a joke. She blushed, and made some strange sounds, but she didn’t push away. It took Pina grabbing her shoulders and pulling her away, before she said anything, “Is, is that so? Then, it’s fine.” -- before she rushed out of the garden, followed by a tolerantly smiling Pina.



In the evening, I get entangled with the grumbling of Karina and her maids. Someone from the maid troop has brought liquor--I thought to allow the girls to join in, but Arisa thought I should ‘take this chance to get to know the daughter of my boss.’--she takes them away.


However, Liza stays as my ‘bodyguard’, she’s participating in the drinking, but she seems to be regulating her intake more, as she is just red faced with her tail wrapped around my waist from her position slightly behind me and to my right.


The two younger maids are smashed, they’re sleeping with their heads on my lap.


“Tek! You should be gentler with me.” Karina says with red cheeks as she hangs off my side, “Hey, are you listening?”


When I look over and smile at her, she smiles back and rubs her face on my neck, “You smell nice.”, She’s slurring.


Raka is silent, but I know that he is paying advantage and won’t let me take advantage of Karina--if I would do that kind of thing--which I wouldn’t


Oops, seems that Karina is sleeping, or pretending to.


So I wake up Liza and get her to help moving the younger maids, while Pina can--barely--walk to their rooms by herself. I carry Karina in a princess carry, ignoring how she’s giggling and randomly stroking my chest--she can’t walk.


When I place her down on the bed, she asks me to help her get undressed, but Raka glows in warning--I nod to him, and mutter ‘good job’, before tucking Karina in and leaving the room.

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