Death March — Fixed

Vol 9 – Chapter 15 – Secret Of The Bornean

Tek here, when I went to Disney World for the first time, I was surprised by the overflowing exotic atmosphere of that theme park. I was slightly shocked when I saw the entrance to the underground tunnels that the workers used--I saw someone leaving them, and a little through the open door that rapidly closed behind him.


How far are we going?


“Just ahead.”


While looking around at the townscape that the Elves have naturally adapted, I follow along behind Mia as she grips my hand. She is trembling a little.


“Here.” She leads me to an open space that’s encircled with multi-coloured mushrooms. There are two layers of the mushroom circles.


The Heads-Up-Display indicates that it’s called a Fairy Ring.


“What is this?”




I wonder if this is a place for holding some kind of ceremony.


“Teleport.” At Mia’s words, the two rings began to rhythmically flash. I don’t know where we’re teleporting to--but since it’s Mia who’s doing it, it shouldn’t be anything bad.


As the rate of blinking increases, an intense light bursts out of the ground. The blinking stops, and the teleport begins.


The next moment, we’re on top of a hill that overlooks a town, constructed from bungalows.


When I look up, I see semi-transparent canopy that seems to be supported by what seem to be tree roots, a single massive tap root extends down and further into the ground. It seems that we’re underground at the moment.


“The true town.” Mia parts her hand from mine and goes to a place a slight distance away that looks like a tram platform. There’s Boards, from Nature Magic floating at the station-like location--they are transparent, but they are also have differing colours, so they are slightly different from the normal ones in Nature Magic.


A bit later, a short time after we arrive at the platform, a young man who’s riding a Board arrives. His appearance looks like a boy, but he has a beard that doesn’t really suit him, he should be a young man.


“Welcome back, Mia. You’ve already brought him, haven’t you? Heya, I’m Tsutoleiya. Please call me Tsuya. I have studied in the Human’s country about a century ago.” He speaks with a slight smile.


According to him, the place above-ground, where we just were, is something that was constructed to look like a ‘genuine’ Elf town, for visitors. That said, the Elves are not doing it out of ill-will, it’s all for entertaining guests--I’m told that the Saga Hero from 400 years ago, who had grown tired of fighting, and lived here, made it.


Since the young man’s story is long, the sulking Mia pulls at my sleeves, so I promise to meet the young man again, and leave.


Mia skillfully jumps over the place that looks like a platform. The board floats back to its former height after sinking a little. I jump to the board beside hers, as she advises with a simple point of a small finger.


The board receives a series of numbers, which seem to be the house number that she’s announced, and it starts moving. Even though I didn’t say anything to the board that I’m riding, it follows after her.


Every house is huge, around 7,000 square feet each. The walls look like they’re made from a white resin-like material, and slate roofs. The walls are overrun with ivy, so I can only slightly see the colour. The houses aren’t divided with fences, but hedges and flower beds.


However, there’s no one here.


I wonder if everyone is participating in the banquet at the town above?


The boards we’re riding at 20km/h flies through the town, gliding above the streets. The road is similar to asphalt, or rather it’s closer to a tennis court’s ground, made from pebbles that look like small, light brown beads.


I ask Mia about it, but since she didn’t seem like she had interest in it, she replied with, “Don’t know”. Let’s ask that seemingly well-informed young man if I meet him again.


We’re slowly stopping in front of a house, the boards gently descend to the ground and then disappear into it.



The house where Mia leads me looks more like a modern building from Earth, then a fantasy one. What makes me think that is quickly apparent--it’s the windows.


Windows in this world are generally relatively small, all of them are holes made in wood for the purpose of ventilation or lighting.


However, Mia’s house is different, and before me are big glass windows and glass doors with a high degree of transparency. Back at the Duchy Capital, there were some mansion that used Oak Glass for windows, but none were ever this big.


Since the ones here are fit on window frames that have rails, they seem to be able to be slid open and shut like on modern constructions on Earth.


When Mia touches the front door, I can hear a sound like air escaping, and the automatic door opens--after I enter behind her, the automatic door closes.


The ceiling of the corridor is transparent, and the light from the sun, visible through the canopy and ground--which is somehow transparent, made using Magic that I don’t recognize.


Yet, the light is gentle, since one of the layers of glass seems to be partially tinted.


Mia is leading me by hand as we walk through the corridor.




It seems that this is Mia’s room.


There is one bed, and one desk. Dolls in the shape of penguin-like deformed birds are lined up on the shelf beside the bed. The room is generally dyed in a pink colour--there’s nothing like houseplants.


So, she wanted to show me her room.


How do I say this, it looks like the room of a highschool girl from modern Earth--as for how I know this, I have teenaged, female, cousins, and I have seen their rooms.


“Don’t look.” Mia says, entering a room that looks like a walk-in closet.


Since it’s quiet, I use Telephone Magic to contact Arisa.


“Yesh, the completely normal Arisha ish shpeaking.”

“Sorry, wrong number.”


Since Arisa is clearly drunk, judging from her words and slurring, I cancel the Telephone Magic. This time I cast it toward Liza, but there’s no reply--it seems that she’s sleeping. It connects to Mia’s mother in the end, so I tell her that I’m visiting her house.


That day, I accompanied Mia with her fashion show until late at night.


Genuine Elf native dress, complete with green Tricorne, one-piece-like clothing, and fairly short pants and miniskirt--there were more variations that I had expected.


I am sitting on the edge of the bed and watching her--eventually she finishes the last of her clothing that she wanted to show off. She comes out of the closet in some rather impressive lacy black lingerie, and sits down on the bed next to me, her cheeks are pink and her ears twitching as she looks up at me.

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