Death March — Fixed

Vol 9 – Chapter 3 – At The Town Of Magic Hunters (Part 2)

Tek here, I remember the time when I was going camping and got a bad burn--because I was playing with a stick that was on fire. Luckily, my family brought a first-aid kit, so there was a cream for helping burns.


“Where are we going?” Tama asked, looking into my eyes and twitching her ears. Pochi quickly looked at me and then back at her surroundings, her tail waved as she squeezed my hand.


“We’re going to the harbour. It looks like they’re selling many kinds of rare fruits, and other things, so we’re going there to sightsee.”


We are walking down the street while I hold their hands, too keep them from darting off and exploring--well, I like holding their hands, and they enjoy it too, Pochi’s tail won’t stop swaying, and Tama has a skip in her steps--so cute.


It’s about 10 minutes walk from the inn to the harbour. According to the innkeeper, it’s not exactly a market, but just several stalls and food carts that sell food and drinks for labourers and sailors, so I’m just going for a look.


Mia and the others seemed to be interested too, but she looked like she was planning something with Arisa, I left them in the inn. Liza wanted to follow along as a bodyguard. Since the security at the inn looked bad, I asked her to guard Lulu and the others. Nana didn’t mind either way, so I left her--there are a lot of Sea Lion children near the harbour, she loves carrying them around, but their parents would get angry at us.


There are a lot of one-story houses in this town, they have quite a few windows, maybe because the temperature around here almost year-round is Spring-like. Every house is built about 30 centimeters above the ground. The roads are bare soil, and weeds are growing on the edges, and there are some vacant lots here and there too.


Overall, the people walking in the town wear thin clothing with short skirts, or short pants. Even the grown women either wear short skirts that end part way down their thighs, or one pieces which also end half-way down their thighs. The men wear pants that stop at their knees, and either no shirt, or shirts which are open at the front.


Tama suddenly releases my hand and runs over to the edge of the road, apparently she’s picked some grass, before coming back and presenting proudly to me.


“Found Ninigi grass!” She’s giving off a praise-me aura, so I say she did well, and pat her head.


Ninigi grass is a medical herb that goes into Potions that treat fevers--they can only be used in Compounding since they have a weak poison in them. Which is why most people don’t recognize them as Medicinal Plants. The poison only causes an upset stomach, so they can also be used as a laxative if diluted.


However, Tama does a good job remembering them even though we’ve only ever found them 2 or 3 times during our journey.


I receive the Medicinal Plants from Tama, and put it into my storage. While stroking Tama’s head, I search for Ninigi Grass in a one kilometer radius. Apparently, the Medicinal Plants are growing commonly like grass in the vicinity of this town. It’s not a medicine that I use much--but I guess that I’ll secure some as a supply.


In the vacant land along the way, the Ninigi Grass like earlier are growing en masse, so I ask Tama and Pochi to gather them--I search again, just in case, and beside the Mugwort-like plants that can be used to stop bleeding--there’s no other usable plants. Beside having red veins on its leaves, the Mugwort-like plants look just like normal Mugworts.


After seeing Pochi and Tama, children from the neighbourhood also begin to gather the Ninigi grass and put them on the mat that I put on the ground beside me.


I wonder if they think of this as some kind of game?


When half of the Ninigi Grass growing on the lot have been collected, I announce that it’s over, and give something to the children. One copper coin each.


I can’t help but feel that it’s too cheap, but they are delighted when they receive the money.


“Yo, big brother, what are you trying to do making the children gather poisonous plants? Are you going to serve it to the dammed lord?”


“Indeed they can be used as laxatives, but they will turn into fever medicines if you Compound them.”


His words make him sound like he’s a hooligan, but it doesn’t seem like he’s trying to pick a fight. He seems to be really interested. This young Human man seems to be a labourer--he’s tanned, with bulging muscles. However, since he’s only level 10, Pochi and Tama are probably stronger than him.


“So, you’re really a pharmacist! Please, I’ll pay the cost no matter what it takes, can you give me some medicine for burns?”


Burns huh?


I am pretty sure where this is going, so I ask for the details--and it’s what I expected. The stupid noble from before came to them to ask about the white tiger Princess, and threw several Fireballs towards the houses of Beastmen, burning many of them to the ground.


At that time, the big sister of this young man tried to save the Beastman children and got serious injured by the large fire.


I ask the young man if the guards of this town would do anything to him, but since the stupid noble is under the protection of the governor of this town, Baronet Poton, they can’t throw him into jail or out of the town.


After the day the stupid noble was confined to the house of Poton, Poton’s servants began to search for the whereabouts of the white tiger Princess. However, they’re not getting any clues, and have started to become violent.


Of course there won’t be any clues, the white-tiger Princess is heading towards the Royal Capital after all. Her group probably pretended to flee here, to spread false information--I think it’s quite effective, but it’s ended up being troublesome for me.


“Sister, I’ve brought a Pharmacist.”


She only replies with a whimper. From the information on the map, she’s only 22.


I ask Pochi and Tama to wait near the entrance to the room, and then I follow the young man.


This is awful.


The burn isn’t spread out, but it goes from her right hand to half of her face. The young man sends his niece and nephew to the room where Tama and Pochi are waiting, to make room for me.


She can easily be healed with one diluted Potion, but to do it without leaving scars will be a little more difficult. I guess I will use this as a chance to observe the effects of the Potion.


I make the woman drink a Magic Potion with a normal concentration, without the boost of adding Magic Power, or any of my healing related titles. Since one bottle heals for around 300HP, it can heal the woman, even if she was in a critical condition, 10x over.


The young man beside me is tense, holding his breath and watching his sister.


New, pink skin is already forming on the exposed muscle tissues.


Just in case, I have the woman eat some high calorie foods, and give her some sleeping medicine that I made for treating serious injuries--she should be completely recovered by tomorrow morning.


The young man thanks me to the point I begin to worry that he’s going to kiss my shoes. As reward for the treatment, I ask him to lead me to the place where the noble went wild.


It was a three-story building, possibly a tenement--but it’s been burned down. Several people are laying on the mats that have been spread out under the shadow cast by the wreckage.


Since I notice that the Beastkin are raising their guard, I have Tama and Pochi lower their hoods. The Beastkin slightly drop their guards after seeing the two.


“What do you want. Human.”


“I’m Hyona’s little brother, I’ve brought a pharmacist.”


“Come to think of it, I’ve seen you before. Go heal Hyona rather than us--it’s already impossible for the fellows here. It won’t be enough to buy the medicines, even if we sell ourselves.”


Well, it’s certainly expensive if you buy the Potion from the shops.


However, this town shouldn’t have problems with the materials for Potions if the Magic Hunter hunt the Goblinkin, the Magic Cores must be exported straight to the Duchy Capital after all, huh?


There are two Rabbitkin and one Ratkin who are currently sleeping. Their burns are much worse than the young man’s big sister. Their gruesome wounds are only covered with big leaves that seem to be for soothing their fevers, or for protecting them from the sun.


Though their wounds were so bad that even bone showed through in some places, they recovered by just making them drink the same Potion that Hyona drank though. I feel that the effects of the recovery is better, I wonder if it’s because Beastkin have better Endurance than Humans.


Since the three also look famished, I give them some high calorie food and sleeping medicines.


Since there are several people who have minor burns near the tenement, so I leave one bottle of cream for soothing the minor burns--it’s just a small bottle with around 50 grams of it inside though. It’s also a leftover from when when I was experimenting, but it should be more effective than the one on sale.



“Young master, here it is.”

“Young master, it’s here.”


I said my farewells to the Beastkin who expressed their gratitude, rather exaggeratedly, and arrived at my original goal, the harbour. The daughters of the Rabbitkin who I saved earlier, who are 9 and 6 years old, guided us.


Baskets full of fruit are lined up on the mats. There are small melon-like fruits in one of the baskets, citrus-like fruits in another, as well as other baskets having pears, apples, bananas, etc. It seems everything is something that grows wildly in the forest near this town.


“How ‘bout it, anything is a penny.”




Since we’re already here, I buy various things and share it with everyone. Which of course, includes the Rabbitkin girls. The melon is quite delicious with its watermelon-like taste.


I buy several fruit for Mia, and for Nana--she may now be able to eat, but she still loves water with fruit juice dripped in.


“Yo, little brother, how ‘bout some vegetables?” Another man, who seemed to be attracted buy my spending, comes to pitch his vegetables.


While I didn’t particularly come to buy vegetables, I may as well ask him to show me his stock--some of the recipes I worked out with Arisa and Lulu, we had to substitute fantasy vegetables that didn’t taste quite right.


In the basket that the man brought out, it has some gourds that I don’t recognize, vegetables that reminded me of paprikas--and what seem to be red tomatoes. They were some of the missing vegetables, some that would greatly improve the flavours.


He says that I can try it, when I ask about the tomato-like fruit, and I take a bite of one of them. It tastes like a tomato, although it’s a little overripe--it seems that around here, they’re called Red Fruit.


“Are these all the Red Fruits that you have?”


“There’s a lot more on the field. But, it’s still a bit more until they’re ripe enough for eating.”


I rather have ones that aren’t quite this ripe, so I ask him to deliver them to the Gate Inn--after I gave him 10 copper coins as payment, he vigourously rowed a small boat upstream as if he had grown wings, and came back with the crops. There seems to be a small farm village that is upstream from here.



There were a lot of children following along, after Tama and Pochi shared some of their food.


However, it seems that I need to disperse them.


I pick up a decently-sized stone, and play with it. I thought that it was light, when I check the Heads-Up-Display, it’s not a stone, but a coconut-like fruit--it’s much too unripe to eat, so someone threw it away.


The crazy nobles shows his face around the corner of the street.


“There you are, you cursed white beasts! *** **--”


The people of this town are probably aware of this noble’s face, both adults and children are scattering and running away--well they can’t really be blamed, since he is a level 35 Mage.


Men who look like they’re the noble’s retainers, and the Baronet’s personal troops follow along behind him. Looking at their expressions, they probably also want to stop this stupid noble’s act of violence.


Since he’s obviously aiming for Tama, who’s beside me, I throw the coconut at his face. He’s chanting dangerous Fire Magic, in a busy downtown area…


With a comical sound, he fell from his horse.


The retainers’ horses do step on him before they manage to stop--his health decreased incredibly quickly, but thanks to his level 35, he narrowly escaped death.


The retainers dismounted their horses in a panic, and confiscated a cart from the nearby townspeople, put the stupid noble in it, and transported him back to the Baronet’s mansion.


I place my hands on Tama and Pochi’s shoulders. They had raised their wooden swords, and stood defensively in front of me, they relaxed at my touch. As soon as they saw the noble beginning to chant Magic, they stood in front of me, to guard me.


The surrounding townspeople broke out in cheers.

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