Debuff Master

Chapter 617

Chapter 617

Siegfried left the Marmont Territory and headed for the Pedlock Territory to meet with its feudal lord, Viscount Minaudiere.

Viscount Minaudiere is a highly skilled person, and he has a deep understanding of both architecture and geography. Unfortunately, he couldn't further climb the ranks of nobility.

"There are many other highly talented nobles from prestigious families in the empire, but Viscount Minaudiere does not come from a prestigious family. Thus, he was stuck in the Espadrille Province, wasting his talents away.”

Siegfried remembered the information Viscount Roberto had shared regarding the viscount of the Pedlock Territory.

Viscount Minaudiere was a star overshadowed by others. The number of highly talented nobles in the Marchioni Empire was as numerous as the stars in the night sky, so there was no place for someone like him without a strong family backing.

Hmm... He had a dream but didn't have any opportunity to spread his wings... I guess I should make full use of him. I just have to scratch his itch, and he should jump onto my side, right? Mwahahaha!’ Siegfried thought of the best way to raid Viscount Minaudiere as if he were some kind of monster.

“Greetings, Viscount Minaudiere.”

“Hello, Your Majesty.”

“I have a favor.”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Please help me!”

Eh? H-How can I help–no, if you suddenly ask for help without telling me what you–”

“The Proatine Kingdom lacks talented architects.”

“Lack talented architects...” Viscount Minaudiere muttered the words under his breath.

Then, he replied with a bitter smile, “I suggest posting a job posting if you need architects. I heard that quite a lot of gold was invested in the Espadrille Province by the kingdom, so I am certain a lot of architects would be willing to come here. The kingdom will have no problems hiring architects, as they know there will be jobs for them.”

Viscount Minaudiere smiled icily and further added, “I do wonder if the kingdom could actually do that, though.”

Basically, the viscount was skeptical whether the Proatine Kingdom could pull off such large-scale developments when it was one of the poorest and weakest nations on the continent.

Well, I guess it makes sense,’ Siegfried thought with a shrug.

Who would believe his words in the first place? What Siegfried said just now was similar to a homeless beggar claiming to be the owner of a major conglomerate and offering an executive position to someone.

Siegfried was not infuriated by the viscount’s response.

In fact, he continued to try and convince the viscount.

“Viscount Minaudiere.”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“I do not want an average architect.”

“Then what kind of architect do you need?”

“I am looking for someone worthy of becoming the minister in charge of developments in the kingdom that will soon become a major powerhouse on the continent.”


“Such an individual cannot be bought with money...”

It was then.


Viscount Minaudiere felt his heart thump wildly.

On the other hand, Siegfried grinned inwardly and thought, ‘Gotcha! Mwahahaha!’

His keen ears picked up the change in the viscount’s heart rate.

What did this mean?

Time to dig into his head!’

Siegfried would now exploit the cracks and go deeper into the viscount’s mind.

“I have heard of your outstanding abilities as a talented architect, viscount.”


“And I felt something while I walking down this place, and it was the fact that this place wasn't built randomly. Every single building was placed for a reason, and the materials used were all of superb quality. This city was meticulously designed without a doubt.”

“Y-You could tell...?”



“That got me thinking... Ah, if the person who designed this city becomes my kingdom’s minister... I can't ask for anything more than that!”

“That is...”

“Please help me,” Siegfried said as he took out a check from his Inventory with a huge sum written on it. Then, he extended this to the viscount and continued, “I would like to start with this place first. I will give this to you as an advance payment, so please develop your territory.”

“What is this—Hiiiik?!” Viscount Minaudiere shrieked in horror after seeing the sum written on the check. Then, he looked at Siegfried with horrified eyes and asked, “W-What is this...?!”

The amount written on the check Siegfried gave was more than enough to buy the entire Pedlock Territory.

“Think of it as a reservation fee. I will let you use one hundred times—no, a thousand times more than that amount if you become my kingdom’s minister.”

“Y-Your Majesty!”

However, was still too early for him to be shocked, as Siegfried was yet to drive the nail in the coffin.

“You have to realize the dream you once gave up on!”

“M-My dream...?” Viscount Minaudiere muttered as the word "dream" rang in his head.

“Allow me to be blunt with you. It is impossible for you to become a minister in charge of the construction and development of the empire, but it will be possible with the new and rising Proatine Kingdom.


“Is being a provincial feudal lord the only legacy you wish to leave behind? Or do you to become the minister of a powerful kingdom and leave your name in the annals of history?”

Siegfried went silent and just watched as Viscount Minaudiere contemplated his offer again and again.

Ten minutes later...

“Your Majesty...” Viscount Minaudiere muttered. Then, he looked up and said with resolute eyes, “I will serve you.”

Siegfried van Proa smiled brightly in response, but he was cackling deep inside.


After receiving Viscount Minaudiere's pledge of alliance, Siegfried made a beeline for his next destination.

Kyuuu! Owner punk!”


“Since when did you become so sly and cunning? Kyuuu!”

“What did you say, punk? Why am I sly and cunning?!” Siegfried retorted.

“You’re sly and cunning when convincing those feudal lords! Kyuuuu! You’re giving them false hopes!”

“Why, you little!” Siegfried lashed out and pulled Hamchi’s ears.


“You’re having so much fun making fun of me, eh?”

Kyaaaaak! Hamchi will not take this! Hamchi will fight back!” Hamchi cried out and bit Siegfried’s thigh.

Crash! Bam! Clang!

Siegfried and Hamchi punched, bit, and threw each other to the ground as if they owned the hillside road on which they were walking.

It was then.

“What are you doing...?”

Siegfried was biting Hamchi’s head when a man’s voice made him stop and look up.

It was the Mercenary King, Dreyfus, who was also the man who became the foreign remittance laborer of the Proatine Kingdom after the incident at the Tundra Forest.

“Oh? Dreyfus Ahjusshi?” Siegfried muttered. Then, he hurriedly got up and dusted his clothes.

Dreyfus got down on one knee and greeted, “Hello, Your Majesty.”

“What brings you here?”

“I received a request and was on my way.”

“Oh? So you had some work here?”

“Yes, I will have to work hard to repay my debt to Your Majesty. Sigh...”

Dreyfus could not help but let out a sigh after recalling that he had to work for ten years in exchange for Siegfried sparing him. This was probably the best case to teach other mercenaries that taking the wrong job could mess up one’s life.

Hehe... Yes, you have to. I’ll be in your care from now on~”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Then, good luck with your job, and I hope you clear it to make me more money. Anyway, I’m busy, so I’ll be heading off first.”

“Certainly, Your Majesty,” Dreyfus replied with a bow. Then, he drew his sword and pressed it against Siegfried’s neck.


“...What are you doing right now?” Siegfried asked, wondering whether the Mercenary King had eaten something wrong or what.

“I am doing my job.”


“I received a request to kill Your Majesty.”

“So you will kill me...?”

“Your Majesty told me to clear it and make more money.”


“The bounty is massive, so Your Majesty could earn a lot of money if you just let it slide this once. Besides, Your Majesty is an immortal being, so it should be fine.”

“T-That sounds like a great idea, but unfortunately, I’ll lose a lot if I die now,” Siegfried said as he pushed the sword away with two fingers. Then, he asked, “Is it Count Gunther?”

“I cannot reveal the details of the one who made the request,” Dreyfus replied, but his eyes seemed to be saying something along the lines of—"so you knew?" as if to confirm Siegfried's words.

“Well, I guess you can’t reveal it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I did expect this to happen, but I didn’t expect them to send you.”

“I have a lot of work these days, thanks to Your Majesty.”

What Dreyfus meant by this was simple. Siegfried had killed Mercenary King Casillas, who was an NPC while Mercenary King Guderian had lost his weapons upon dying to him.

Thus, the only active Mercenary King capable of receiving requests right now was none other than Dreyfus.

Hahaha...” Siegfried awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his head. Then, he said just as awkwardly, “Now that you mention it... Hahaha...”

“Perhaps the reason you spared me while killing the other two Mercenary Kings was to monopolize the requests—”

“N-Not at all! Never! Really! Believe me!” Siegfried vehemently denied the accusations.

It was then.

Owner punk... I think he planned this...’

‘So it’s true?!’

Hamchi and Dreyfus believed that Siegfried had killed the other two Mercenary Kings so that he could monopolize all of the high-level requests.

Unbeknownst to them, Siegfried was sighing in relief deep inside. ‘Phew! I almost got caught.'

The reason Siegfried spared Dreyfus was simply that he respected Dreyfus’ principle of not using the request as an excuse not to be held guilty for his actions. Well, the thought of making a lot of money by killing the other Mercenary Kings and monopolizing all of the high-level requests did cross his mind as well.

Siegfried scratched the back of his head while laughing in the most awkward manner possible, which led Hamchi and Dreyfus to conclude that...

I was right... Kyuuu!’

‘So it was an elaborate plan to trap me...’

They were certain that this was all planned by Siegfried, but unfortunately, they had no evidence to prove it.


“Please do take care from now on. I am probably not the only one who received this request,” Dreyfus said.

“I guess?”

“It is highly likely, Your Majesty.”

“Alright, thanks for letting me know.”

“It is my pleasure.”

“Then, see you later,” Siegfried said goodbye to the Mercenary King and continued to his next destination, the Rhyton Territory.

Siegfried and Hamchi passed by a beautiful tree on their way and decided to take a break under its shade.

“Let’s rest here for a bit.”

Kyu! Sounds like a plan!”

“Ah, I’m thirsty,” Siegfried muttered after reading the alert that his character was thirsty.

He opened his Inventory and took out a Mint Chocolate Ade before drinking it in one gulp. The Mint Chocolate Ade had the refreshing taste of mint followed by the sweetness of chocolate and topped off with the sparkling burst of ade.

The Mint Chocolate Ade was a drink that Siegfried often drank to quench his thirst.

Kyah! That always hits the spot!” Siegfried exclaimed after gulping down the drink.

Kyuuu! How the hell do you drink that abomination? Is there something wrong with your taste buds?!”

“What did you say, punk? Do you know how good this is?”

Kyuuu! It’s disgusting! Go drink that shit alone somewhere!”

“You little!”

Just as they were about to duke it out, Siegfried suddenly screamed, “Aaaaack!”

Siegfried stood up abruptly, startling Hamchi.

Kyu? W-What’s wrong, owner punk?!”

“M-My ass!” Siegfried screamed while pointing at his left buttcheek. More specifically, he was pointing at his upper thigh right under his buttcheek, which was suddenly bleeding heavily.

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