Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 27: The Arch-Mage’s Due

A few days later, I have Mirabelle call a meeting. As Master Wizard, she has the authority to assemble the College’s Leadership in one place for a discussion. It doesn’t happen often apparently, as most of the College’s Masters are reclusive introverts who prefer to be left to their own fields of magic and their own research. But she has the authority, and with my backing, she’s even managed to exercise it.
Having had me deliver the requests to attend the meeting myself, we’ve managed to secure a full house, every Master of the College stood in the Hall of Elements. This is a fact I can tell surprises Savos Aren as he arrives, the Arch-Mage’s brow furrowing as he takes in the assembled mages. The College is the greatest concentration of magical power and knowledge in all of Skyrim, and this room is now the greatest concentration of magical power and knowledge in all of the College.
As he takes us all in, I notice the way the Arch-Mage’s eyes linger on me and Svanna standing on either side of Mirabelle. At first, he thinks nothing of us… or rather, he expects someone else to point out the obvious. When no on does, and silence reigns, Savos himself lets out a huff and clears his throat, directing a pointed question and an arched brow in Mirabelle’s direction.
“What exactly is the meaning of this, Mirabelle? You asked for a meeting of the College’s Masters, but I see Apprentices standing at your side.”
Smiling a smile that does not reach her eyes, Mirabelle nods.
“Indeed. Vayral may be an Apprentice in name still, but he has learned much in the short time he’s been here at the College. Given that he and the Dragonborn were the ones who found the Eye of Magnus, I felt it appropriate they be here for this… discussion.”
To his credit, Savos doesn’t so much as twitch. Neither drunk nor otherwise impaired, and not alone with just his favorite colleague, he doesn’t give anything away. Mirabelle, of course, told me the entire story of the other night, what happened between her and the Arch-Mage while I was playing with Nirya and Faralda. It was everything I’d hoped for in all honesty, and it had let me plot out this… confrontation.
“Vayral deserves a spot with us! He’s a better Restoration Master than even me!”
Colette’s sudden support startles the rest of the assembled Masters, with most of them looking at her somewhat askance. Her new ‘healslut’ philosophy had left the members of the College, her colleagues, unsure what to do with her. Still, after a moment of staring at her scantily clad visage, Phinis Gestor pipes up.
“He’s mastered Conjuration. Certainly, he’s surpassed all of my previous students.”

The prideful Breton mage stops short of saying I’ve surpassed him like Colette did, but that’s okay, I don’t need anything more. Drevis Neloren nods along with his two colleagues, shrugging his shoulders.
“He is a Master of Illusion Magic as well.”
Even Faralda, who has been a lot quieter since I showed her where her true desires lay alongside Nirya, speaks up quietly.
“He has completed every test I gave him when it comes to Destruction Magic.”
As the four Masters of the College all voice their support for my presence, Tolfdir, the Master of Alteration, chortles rather good-naturedly.
“Well now, I feel a little left out. Where have you been when it comes to my Alteration Lessons, hm Apprentice?”
He gives me a grandfatherly smile that I return, showing he means nothing by it before looking to Savos and shrugging.
“It would appear that Vayral has earned a place at this meeting. And I don’t think we can rightly keep the Dragonborn away. Fate stirs with her every step.”
To his credit, Savos can clearly tell that something is up. His eyes narrow as the old Dunmer Mage looks around at us all, frowning most severely. He IS Arch-Mage after all, and this could be construed as a challenge to his overall authority. Still, in the end he’s not necessarily power hungry, and clearly not willing to go against the will of so many of the College’s Masters.
Gesturing to Mirabelle, he clears his throat.
“Right then, let’s get to the purpose of this meeting, shall we Mirabelle?”
“Yes, let’s. I called you all here for one reason and one reason only… to give our Arch-Mage a chance to tell you all what he told me the other night.”
Savos stiffens at that, even as every eye in the Hall swivels towards him. I smile. This is why I had Mirabelle get the Arch-Mage black out drunk. I didn’t want him to properly remember their conversation the other night. Instead of just telling her vague things about Labyrinthian and giving her the Torc, I wanted him to believe he’d confessed the whole sordid affair.
To his credit, the Arch-Mage doesn’t give in quickly.
“I’m not sure what you mean, Mirabelle… but any conversation we had should remain private.”
“Normally, I would agree. But the tale you told me… leaves me unsure whether you are fit to remain Arch-Mage.”
His eyes widen, as she pulls the Torc of Labyrinthian out and holds it up for all of us to see. Glaring at him furiously, the Master Wizard of the College flares her nostrils.
“Now, will you confess? Or shall I be the one to tell our colleagues that our Arch-Mage has left two of the College’s own to suffer in agony for decades, their spirits twisted towards the terrible task of containing an ancient evil that you and they, in your youthful folly, unleashed?”
For a long moment, Savos just stares at Mirabelle, eyes wide. His silence is, at the end of the day, the final nail in his coffin. I see the exact moment that he realizes as such and his shoulders slump. Stumbling back, he leans against the steps leading up to the main mana well within the Hall of Elements, the Eye of Magnus floating serenely just behind him.
“I… there was no other way. I had to do it. I had to keep the monster sealed. You don’t understand. Their sacrifice were necessary.”
Mirabelle snarls as she steps forward.
“That was not your choice to make. You were naught but an Apprentice at the time. You told me yourself how you returned from that disastrous, unapproved mission all by your lonesome and lied through your teeth about what happened to the others and where you all went. If you’d told your Masters, if you’d told the Arch-Mage of that time period… perhaps your fellow Apprentices would not still be suffering, even now!”
That attack is very clearly a critical hit on Savos, who flinches back. I don’t smile… in fact, I don’t let any emotion show itself on my face at all. Instead, I stand with the Masters behind Mirabelle, arms crossed over my chest. As Savos has an existential crisis, all of the guilt hitting him all at once as he questions his entire life, Tolfdir steps forward.
“This all sounds… horrible, certainly. But I’m not entirely sure what it’s meant to mean. Mirabelle, are you proposing what I think you’re proposing?”
That gets a certain tension through the air, even as Mirabelle lets the silence drag for a moment before shaking her head.
“No. Not yet at least. I will not contest Savos for his position of Arch-Mage… unless he proves so cowardly as to not make up for his past mistakes.”
Immediately understanding what she means, Savos’ head flies up.
“What?! No! We can’t go back there! I don’t… I was drunk when I gave you that Torc, Mirabelle! Labyrinthian MUST remain closed!”
Clearing my throat, I finally step in.
“Ah, respectfully Arch-Mage… I disagree.”
My tone is anything but respectful, and I see anger flash through Savos’ eyes before he reads the room and realizes I have MUCH more credibility with pretty much everyone in here right now than he does. Most of that is because of Dream Charm of course, but he doesn’t know that, heh. Looking to the rest of the College’s assembled Masters, I explain.
“I’ve been researching the Eye of Magnus for the College ever since we found it, doing the busy work and running here and there to figure out what’s going on. And I’ve discovered the existence of a second artifact called the Staff of Magnus, that will help us secure the Eye if anything was to ever go wrong. The Staff of Magnus… can be found in Labyrinthian.”
Surging back to his feet, Savos grits his teeth.
“The Eye is fine! It’s stable! The members of the College know not to interfere with it, and we have been very careful with our research. This… there is no need for us to retrieve the Staff of Magnus!”
I don’t have to respond, because Mirabelle does it for me.
“We will continue to maintain strict safety protocols regarding the immensely powerful magical artifact in our midst… but there is no reason for us to ignore a possible route to salvation in the event that the worst takes place. More than that, the crimes of your, our Arch-Mage’s past, MUST be absolved. You have left your fellow Apprentices to suffer for far too long. I ask of you Savos Aren, as your friend in colleague of many years… will you rise above your fear and prove yourself the Mer I know you to be? Will you do what’s RIGHT?”
Mirabelle’s words impact upon Savos like physical blows, which is amusing to me, given they’re all the product of mind control. But I keep such amusement off of my face as Savos, stricken, looks to Mirabelle.
“What… what would you have me do?”
Straightening up to her full height, nostrils flaring, Mirabelle speaks. She speaks my words, as she’s been doing for most of this meeting. My Dream Thrall, providing me with the perfect mouthpiece to get even the powerful Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold to do my bidding.
“You and I, along with Apprentice Vayral and the Dragonborn, will journey to Labyrinthian together. We will right the wrongs of your past, together. We will retrieve the Staff of Magnus and return it to the College for safekeeping… together.”
Here, Mirabelle softens her gaze and holds out her hand to Savos in a sort of peace offering.
“Do this thing with me, old friend. Prove yourself worthy of the title of Arch-Mage once more. In our absence, the other Masters will keep the College safe. And together, we shall right the wrongs of the past, once and for all.”
Silence falls over the Hall of Elements. No one speaks, as Savos stares at Mirabelle for a long moment before finally his shoulders slump, and he bows his head.
“… Very well. Together.”
As he takes her hand, there’s some light applause from the surrounding Masters, the lot of them radiating approval that clearly strengthens and bolsters Savos. I applaud too, smiling softly while inwardly hiding my utter glee. Everything was going according to plan. And not the game’s plan, because I’d kicked off the rails of the game’s College Questline AGES ago.
Instead of Savos and Mirabelle dying to Ancano’s stupidity, the Thalmor Mage was gone and I… I’d managed to convince the two leaders of the College to leave the safety of Winterhold behind and come with me to Labyrinthian. For Mirabelle, it wasn’t a hard sell of course, but for Savos… to make the Arch-Mage NPC of a video game confront his past and actually come along for one last adventure? That was exciting.
And it would be one last adventure. I would make sure of that. With the rest of the College under my sway, Savos Aren’s heroic sacrifice in the bowels of Labyrinthian wouldn’t even be questioned. Svanna and I would go with Mirabelle and Savos, and we would face the horrors of the dungeon together. I wasn’t worried about any of it, besides maybe making sure Mirabelle stayed alive. But Savos?
Savos Aren would not leave Labyrinthian alive.
“You did well, my pet.”
“Oooh~ Thank you, Master. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
We would be leaving the next morning, which meant I had time to reward my Thrall for her hard work while Savos was preparing for his final adventure ever. Dragging Mirabelle up to the College’s roof, I’d pushed her up against a wall and begin to feel her up. The Master Wizard could only moan and wiggle in my grasp, completely at my mercy as she was.
Sliding a hand into her pants, I drag my fingers across her slit, working her up into a frenzy as she bucks against my digits, moaning into my mouth while we kiss each other breathlessly. Our tongues duel for supremacy, though in truth she’s not actually fighting for control. She’s submitting to me, wholly and utterly, for thanks to the Dream Geas, she can do nothing else.
Not that I would be so foolish as to rely on simply the Dream Geas. In fact, I had no intentions of keeping Mirabelle as my single allowed Dream Thrall for much longer. Instead, I’d been building her properly all this time. Even now, as I’m kissing her, one of my hands runs through her hair, casting further Charm Magic onto her.
She is to be my Second-in-Command once Savos is dead, after all. She will be the woman who looks after the College for me, once I’m Arch-Mage. After that, I’m going with Svanna to Riften, where we’re going to take care of her past once and for all.
Truth be told, I almost regretted going here first now. While both parts of me had come to terms with and were even mutually pleased by Ancano’s death now that time had passed, the human half of me felt like we’d been stringing Svanna along just a little bit. She hadn’t complained even a single time, and yet… and yet, I couldn’t help but feel like I was treating her like a doll or a toy. Given she was the only woman in my life who wasn’t under the control of my Charm Magic in some shape or form, I felt bad…
Pulling away from Mirabelle’s lips, I call out.
The lithe Dragonborn all but appears at my side, coming out of her stealth as her bullshit gear lets her just sneak right up on us. I grin at her, even as she grins at me, before gazing at Mirabelle consideringly. Looking to Mirabelle, I hum for a moment… and then tug her away from the wall I’ve got her pushed up against, nodding for Svanna to take her place.
Spinning Mirabelle around, I bend the Master Wizard over, and drag her pants down to her knees, exposing her ass and her glistening wet pussy lips, down betwixt creamy, pale thighs.
“Mirabelle. Svanna is my other half. I am your Master… and she is your Mistress. Show your Mistress how much you appreciate her.”
“Y-Yes… Yes, Master.”
Svanna licks her lips and exposes herself as well, before grabbing Mirabelle by the hair and pulling her in close. As I impale the Master Wizard on my cock, filling her cunt with my meat, I also push her forward into Svanna’s cunt, my lithe little Dragonborn moaning and tossing her head back in ecstasy as she enjoys Mirabelle’s enthusiastic, eager tongue upon her pussy.
Together, the two of us share the powerful mage between us. The second most capable spellcaster in all of the College, the Second-in-Command to the Arch-Mage himself… and she’s all ours. Not just mine, but ours. Leaning over Mirabelle, pushing her even deeper into Svanna’s quim, I reach out and grab the Dragonborn by her hair, sliding a hand around to the back of her head so I can bring her in for a kiss.
We swap spit for a few moments before coming up for air, at which point I press my forehead into Svanna’s, grunting as I continue to fuck Mirabelle all the while.
“You and me against the world, darling. You and me against the world.”
Moaning, Svanna’s eyes flicker with something unreadable, even as she nods against my forehead.
“Y-Yes… you and me.”
We go back to kissing after that, even as we both use Mirabelle to our utmost satisfaction. The encounter ends with the Master Wizard of the College stuffed full of my cum and her face coated in Svanna’s fluids. All in all, an excellent encounter if I do say so myself.
Tomorrow… tomorrow, we would make for Labyrinthian. Tomorrow, I would begin bringing this entire affair to a close and solidifying my position as Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, once and for all. All that stood in my way were a Dragon Priest and the current Arch-Mage, after all. Hopefully they’d kill each other for me. And if not… well, some things you just had to do yourself.



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