Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 3: The Rest

The plan is simple. But there’s all that rot about mice and men. I have every intention of making a beeline from the cave to Whiterun and finding out if my suspicions about a certain barrel are correct. Its what I did in my most recent playthrough of the game, after all. Passed straight through Riverwood and never looked back. Didn’t have any time for any main quest nonsense, no sir.
But that was a video game. This… this was all too real, even if my existence seemed to be Gamer-esque now. Which meant all too real things could happen. Like for instance, we could start making our way down the only road in sight of the cave… and almost immediately catch up with Hadvar since the three of us happened to all be going the same way.
It would have been rude to just walk right on past him, and so Svanna and I both instinctively slowed our steps to match his. I could sense a fellow introvert in the young Nord woman if I was being honest. Always easier to just avoid confrontation where possible.
Of course, that didn’t necessarily mean either of us had forgiven the man for being party to our would-have-been execution. We were grateful enough to not be rude and just pass him by, but when he tried to engage us in conversation about the Civil War, both of us were quite… uninterested in discussing it.
Instead, Hadvar ended up doing a lot of the talking as we spent hours getting to Riverwood, rather than the minutes I had assumed it would be. The town was not just down the road as it was in the video game… another oversight on my part. By the time we reached Riverwood, it was already late afternoon, and while the sun hadn’t set yet, it would soon and then it would be dusk… and traveling Skyrim at night sounded like a really bad idea.
But also… staying at the Sleeping Giant Inn sounded like a REALLY bad idea. Especially as an Altmer, given what I knew about the Innkeeper, Delphine. Heh, and wasn’t that a shock to the Thalmor half of me. The last remnant of the Blades, hiding out in a small town in the Province of Skyrim. Given the Thalmor’s zealous hunting of the entire organization after the Empire betrayed them with the signing of the White-Gold Concordat, some of my instincts were screaming at me to go and off the Nord woman.
But no… no, I would be avoiding so much as coming into her vision, if I could help it.
Luckily, Hadvar was at least aware enough to not offer us his place for lodging. Or maybe it was the fact that there were two of us, instead of just one. Either way, we parted ways at Riverwood’s gates, and Svanna, still enthralled by my magic and willing to follow me for the time being, if not quite to the ends of Tamriel, willingly followed me right past the Sleeping Giant and down the road a little further.
I’d resigned myself to staying the night in Riverwood… but that didn’t mean the Inn and Hadvar’s place were our only two options. No, there was another option… the Riverwood Trader.
As Svanna and I step inside the Riverwood Trader, the sounds of bickering immediately reach our ears.
“Well, one of us has to do something!”
“I said no! No adventures, no theatrics, no thief-chasing!”
“Well, what are you going to do then, huh? Let’s hear it!”
“We are done talking about this! Oh, a customer. Aha, sorry you had to hear all that.”
Lucan and Camilla Valerius are right where I expect them to be, having the exact conversation I expect them to be having when I step through the door. Which… is odd, isn’t it? On the one hand, the world around me feels real, and I’ve confirmed through my experiences so far that I’m the only one operating on video game physics at the moment.
So then how did Svanna and I end up showing up just in time for the brother and sister’s argument? Was it because they had been arguing about it all day? But those were the lines from the game, verbatim. What was the answer? I didn’t know, and at the moment, I supposed I didn’t care. The Thalmor in me was too busy drinking in the appearance of Camilla Valerius to question it too much. Honestly, the human in me was admiring her as well.
Like the other women I’d encountered so far in this real Skyrim, Camilla looked nothing like she did in the game. Rather, she looked like an idealized, incredibly beautiful version of herself, with flowing dark locks, pouty and kissable lips, gorgeous eyes, and a perfectly cherub-like face. On top of that, her dress was showing quite a lot of cleavage… just as much as Ulfrida Stormcloak’s attire had, in fact.
As she turns to regard us along with her brother, I plaster a smile on my face and give her a respectful nod, before turning my attention to Lucan.
“Evening, good sir. Not a worry… it sounds like you’ve been dealing with a thieving problem of some sort?”
Lucan groans… and then proceeds to launch into the whole sordid tale regarding the Golden Claw and the thief all the same. I nod along as he speaks, while out of the corner of my eye, I watch Svanna prowling the shop, looking at his wares curiously. Of course, Camilla is also watching Svanna, and from the look of things, the red-haired Nord Girl realizes it. She keeps her hands to herself, even as Lucan looks at me hopefully.
“If you’re going out that way… to Bleak Falls Barrow… well, I could offer you some coin if you could find the claw for me.”
Camilla makes a noise in the back of her throat at that, even as I just smile, cocking my head to the side.
“Well, my traveling companion and I are planning to head for Whiterun on the morrow. We’ve been tasked with delivering critical news to the Jarl there. But if this Bleak Falls Barrow is on the way, then perhaps something can be done…”
I’m very careful not to promise anything. Despite knowing that Bleak Falls Barrow is the first ‘main quest’ dungeon in the game, and that you get sent back there by the Whiterun Court Wizard to find the Dragon Tablet or whatever it’s called even if you ignore the Golden Claw quest, I’m really not inclined to go dungeon diving until after I’ve visited Whiterun. Fighting wolves on the road is one thing… delving the depths of trapped and undead infested tombs is another entirely.
Still, Lucan’s eyes light up, while Camilla crosses her arms over her ample chest and scoffs.
“So then, this is your plan, Lucan? Waylay a pair of travelers with critical information for Jarl Balgruuf and send them off on a treasure hunt?”
“Well now, you were the one who was saying I had to do something, were you not? Now you don’t have to go!”
“Yes, well… they’ll need an escort to the Barrow if nothing else.”
“Wha- no! Absolutely not! I forbid it! I… f-fine! To the edge of town, but no further!”
Before the bickering can continue, I raise my hands, stepping between them.
“Please, let’s calm down. The sun is setting anyways, so me and my companion are looking for beds to rest our weary heads, not to run off into the night searching for adventure. I was hoping you might have some extra space here, if it’s not too much trouble. And in the meantime… I also have some wares to sell.”
Lucan’s mouth is open, ready to deny me, when I bring up the wares. His teeth click shut at that, and suddenly there’s a look of avarice in his eyes. There’s on in Camilla’s as well, as she leans forward, suddenly curious.
Smiling, I hold up my empty hands.
“Don’t be alarmed… I’m a Mage.”
And then I bring out several of the things I collected during our escape from Helgen. Maybe running around showing off my pocket dimension isn’t a good idea, but to be fair, it’s not like I have a pack to put things in or pretend to take them out of… yet. I’ll pick one up eventually. For now, I sell everything I can to Lucan… though I think better of bringing out the multiple sets of Imperial and Stormcloak armor I’m holding at the last second. No one bats an eye in the game if you sell the armor of your defeated foes despite them being the uniforms of either the rebels or the law of the land, but this isn’t a game.
I still come away with a tidy some of a few hundred Septims for my troubles, all of which disappear back into my Inventory. The last fifty Septims, however, I push back to Lucan and give him a smile and a nod.
“Please… for the beds, if it’s alright.”
Needless to say, the trader’s greed takes over, even as he looks at me with a newfound wariness and respect. Right, he might be a capitalist and an Imperial, but he’s living in Skyrim, where they disdain and fear magic. It seems his Nord neighbors’ superstitions might be wearing off on him.
“… Very well, kind sir. Beds for you and the young lady, for tonight.”
But thankfully, not enough to influence him just yet. And so, night falls as we get to bed, and after a quick dinner that the four of us share, everyone does indeed bed down for the night. Except, as I lay there in my own bed, I don’t sleep. I’m not sure I can sleep anymore, but even if I can, I’m not testing that particular game feature tonight.
Instead, I wait a good ten minutes, before slowly sitting up. We’re all in the same room, the four of us… which is why I start by casting Pacify on both Svanna and Lucan. The two are already sound asleep from what I can tell, and the Pacify Spell will keep them that way, leaving them all but dead to the world, and without a care of it. Theirs would be a deep and restful slumber.
Camilla’s, on the other hand, would not be. Rising from my bed and moving over to the beautiful sister of Lucan Valerius, I look down upon her with a smile. The magic comes to me easily… this is actually something that my Thalmor half has done before, with great success. Silencing the area so that no sound leaves our part of the room, I disrobe, pulling free my golden cock and stroking it to full hardness.
Then, I climb atop Camilla, reaching up and casually grabbing one of her breasts through her own sheer nightgown, giving the sizable tit a good, hard grope. She wakes up with a squeal, but the sound never materializes, even if I can tell from her parted, pouty lips exactly what’s happening. Her confused eyes stare up at me for a moment in shock, before widening as she realizes what I’m doing.
I just grin, already in the process of casting Charm on her. Those very same eyes of hers, far more intelligent then her brother ever gives her credit for, glaze over as I push hard with my Charm Magic. I didn’t dare go this far with Svanna just yet, not until I was sure I could make her mine… but where Svanna was the Last Dragonborn with a mysterious past that I’d only received the barest of hints to, Camilla Valerius was just an Imperial Girl living with her brother in a small town in the Province of Skyrim.
She longed for adventure, that much I knew from the games, but that didn’t mean she was at all prepared for it. Indeed, as the Charm Magic takes hold of her mind and I twist and corrupt the beautiful Imperial Woman to serve my ends, her glazed eyes fill with lust and adoration, and her pillowy lips curl into a wanton smile as she moans up at me… once again silently.
Chuckling just as silently thanks to the magic muffling any noise from the bed, I pull down the top of her nightgown, causing her huge tits to spill free. Then, I put my cock between them. Without missing a beat, Camilla brings her hands up and pushes her tits together, still mewling and moaning from the way her mouth is forming an o, even as she happily forms a valley for me to fuck into.
Thrusting in and out of her cleavage as I titfuck her, I reach down and pinch at her nipples, pulling and tugging on them, elongating her huge mammaries to enhance my pleasure even further. It’s a little odd, not having any sound for the entire experience… but its also insanely pleasurable, having Camilla’s fat chest wrapped around my length.
Imperial cunt deserved no less than to be made into a fuck toy for my Altmer cock. This should be the fate of all the Races of Men on Tamriel. When the Thalmor finally succeeded in proving their superiority over everyone else, I would make sure to take a dozen women as beautiful as this one as my slaves and-
… That was definitely the Thalmor Agent in me talking. Though, it wasn’t like I entirely disagreed with him. Even as I tip over the edge and spill my seed all over Camilla Valerius face and tits, much to her enthralled delight, I can’t deny that I want to mind fuck and physically fuck my way across all of Skyrim. There are so many babes from the game that I want to wrap around my cock.
But I still don’t know if that damn barrel is in Whiterun or not. That… that barrel is my future, if it does in fact exist and contain what I need it to contain. But that’s for tomorrow. For now, I slide down Camilla’s body… and grab her by the hips, spinning her over. My Thalmor half disdains looking down into an Imperial bitch’s eyes after I just covered her face and tits in my cum. My human half… just doesn’t mind doggystyle, if I’m being honest.
Pulling Camilla up onto her hands and knees, throwing the back of her nightgown up so the garment is bunched around her waist, I proceed to thrust into her cunt from behind unceremoniously. The Imperial woman is quite tight, and feels amazing wrapped around my cock, even as I start to fuck her hard and fast. It’s the sort of vigorous, powerful fucking that would no doubt rock the bed, and is no doubt drawing all sorts of moans and cries and begging for more from my bed partner…
But even as Camilla’s back arches and she tosses her head backwards, her eyes rolling around in her skull and her mouth wide open as her tongue lolls out madly, not a single sound emanates from our part of the room. We fuck in absolute silence, because while the Pacify Spell will certainly keep Lucan and Svanna deeply asleep, that’s only if no loud noises knock them out of it.
Still, reaching around and grasping Camilla’s swinging, shaking tits from behind as I suckle at her neck, I must admit, I’m having the time of my life. This is my first sexual conquest in all of Skyrim, and honestly… I wouldn’t have it any other way.
When I finally spill my seed inside of Camilla, cumming a second time and blowing my load deep in her womb, I’m momentarily concerned about knocking her up with some sort of half breed… but the Thalmor in me declares that the Imperial Bitch should be honored to bear my child, if that is what happens… and honestly, I can’t really find it in my human half to argue.
Pulling out of her as Camilla collapses face first down onto the bed, I set about fixing up her nightgown and tucking her in. The smile she gives me before dozing off is one of contentment and satisfaction. She loved what I did to her, and when she wakes up in the morning, will remember loving everything we did together. Charm Magic, when used on the weak and defenseless, was incredibly scary, incredibly powerful stuff.
Making my way back to my bed, I lay down and do not close my eyes or try to activate Skyrim’s sleep function for even a second. I stay up the entire night, and honestly… it doesn’t hurt one bit. I’m not remotely tired, when the next day finally comes, and the others finally begin to rise.
Camilla does show us to the edge of town and point us in the direction of Bleak Falls Barrow. Svanna and I even head that way… but as soon as we’re out of sight of Camilla, and she’s out of sight of us, I direct us back to the road.
“Whiterun first. We might double back… but I’m not putting this off any longer than necessary. We NEED to get to Whiterun, as soon as possible.”
Svanna blinks at that, cocking her head to the side for a moment, and I consider whether I should use more Charm magic on her, especially now that we’re alone. But finally, the so far rather quiet and timid seeming Dragonborn nods.
Heh, man I really want to know her story. If I was a better person, I might actually take the time to get to know her and earn her trust for real in order to learn it. If I were a worse person, I wouldn’t care. The Thalmor in me certainly doesn’t care, beyond being very interested by the thought that she’s actually the Dragonborn.
But me, the me that’s an amalgamation of Thalmor Agent and Twenty-First Century Human? I’m going to find out everything there is to know about Svanna. Maybe not through the most moral of ways, maybe not by taking the long road to get to know her properly… but my hunger and curiosity would be sated, one way or another.
First… Whiterun. And finally, with the sun just rising and a full day ahead of us, I was sure we’d be able to reach our destination before the day’s end.


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