Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 48: The Dunmer Thief

Luckily for Svanna, Mercer and Karliah had chosen the location of their Final Showdown well. Meaning, they were actually pretty close to Winterhold, when all was said and done. And so, with Mercer doing most of the lugging, they left Snow Veil Sanctum behind and made their way up to the College, where Svanna knew they would be greeted warmly and with a big welcome. After all, the College was Vayral’s stronghold, his fortress. She’d helped him bring everyone inside of it under his control, and none were more loyal than Mirabelle and Lydia.
Sticking Mercer Frey in a room, knowing he wouldn’t do or say anything until she or Svanna gave him further orders, the Dragonborn let Lydia and Mirabelle bring Vayral to the Arch-Mage’s Quarters for a lie down. Karliah was brought along too, and much to Svanna’s delight, she was able to procure a set of magical restraints from a helpful Altmer named Nirya.
As Karliah comes to, she finds herself in an unenviable position. Her hands are restrained behind her back by shackles powered by magicka, and her ankles are likewise stuck together. She’s face down on a bedroll in one corner of the Arch-Mage’s Quarters, within view of the bed where Mirabelle and Lydia are… tending to a recovering Vayral.
Watching them for a moment, Svanna notes Karliah trying to get up, trying to push onto her knees despite having her hands tied behind her back. There’s not a scrap of clothing left on the gorgeous Dunmer Thief’s body, and Svanna has divested the woman of every lockpick she had… including the ones in places that even Svanna hadn’t thought to put them. Luckily, she was VERY thorough.
Still, Karliah is making the effort… and so Svanna plants a boot in her back and pins her in place. She’s used to Vayral taking charge in times like this, but since he’s out of commission, why shouldn’t Svanna have some fun too?
“You’re finally awake.”
Her words cause Karliah to stiffen up under her for a moment, before the Dunmer grits her teeth.
“… Where are we? Where’s Mercer?”
Shrugging, Svanna reaches down and grabs the Dunmer by her hair, yanking her head up so she can see the ostentatious Arch-Mage’s Quarters. Whether she’ll recognize them or not, Svanna neither knows nor cares. But she certainly recognizes the sight of Mirabelle and Lydia, both naked as can be, leaning over either side of Vayral’s body as they rub themselves against his flesh, as they fondle his junk before taking it in their mouths, one after the other.
“… You’ve brought me to a brothel?”
Svanna snickers.
“Do you know who I am, Karliah?”
She’s never done this before, but there’s a first time for everything. She’s even looking forward to-
“I know you’re the Dragonborn, supposedly. So did Mercer, just to be c-clear…”
… Huh. She’d been all ready to say ‘I’m the Dragonborn’ too. Luckily, she hadn’t just blurted it out. It’d been on the tip of her tongue, but hadn’t left her lips, thankfully. That would have been mortifying. Instead, Svanna quickly recovers, nodding along like she always knew that Karliah and Mercer knew.
“And do you know who Vayral is?”
“Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold. Wait… this is the College of Winterhold, isn’t it?”
Huh, she was pretty quick. From the way Vayral talked about her, she’d sounded like an idiot. Svanna revises her estimation of Karliah’s intelligence up a bit, even as she smiles and nods.
“Yes. Don’t worry. Vayral will know what to do with you, once he wakes up.”
“You don’t understand. He’s not going to wake up. Nocturnal has-!”
Svanna sighs, as she silently revises her estimation of Karliah’s intelligence back DOWN, while also backhanding the Dunmer across the face. Even as Karliah is still recovering, Svanna takes the interesting ball-like device she’d also gotten from Nirya, and stuffs it into the Dunmer Thief’s mouth. The ball gag fits in nicely, and just as Karliah is starting to struggle, Svanna is tightening the straps along the back of her head and firmly buckling it down.
“Mmm! Mmmph!”
“Nocturnal this, Nocturnal that. I get that she’s a Daedric Prince and a big deal, and I suppose I even understand why you’re afraid of her. But if you think Vayral is really that weak… you’re a fool.”
Well, or just plain ignorant. Except, Karliah had some intel. She knew who Svanna was. She knew who Vayral was. She also knew, even if she hadn’t had time to process or accept it, that Svanna healed faster than she took damage, at least from that arrow of hers. You’d think Karliah might have picked up on that and reorganized her thinking, but no…
She was smart, but she was also willfully blind to things she didn’t understand or didn’t want to accept, wasn’t she? Shaking her head, Svanna smiles as she runs her hand down Karliah’s body, playing with her tits, watching her squirm. She’s trying to get away, but restrained at the wrists and ankles, she can’t escape Svanna’s grasp.
“Let me ask you something… is Nocturnal your Mistress? Do you owe everything to her? Does she control you; does she own you?”
Karliah blinks at the question, and then slowly, hesitantly nods. Svanna’s smile grows positively wicked.
“Well then, I’ll make you this promise. Once Vayral wakes up, we’ll go see Nocturnal and clear this up. Because you see, I’ve taken a liking to you. I’ve decided you belong to me now. Me and Vayral. So, from now on, I’m your Mistress and he’s your Master.”
Karliah looks at her like she’s insane. Svanna just beams at her.
“Don’t worry, everything will be made clear soon. All you have to do is be a good little girl. Bow your head. Say ‘Yes, Mistress’ as best you can.”
She waits to hear the muffled ‘Yes, Mistress’, but to her mild surprise… and maybe sadistic pleasure, Karliah pauses for a moment before actually trying to struggle harder. Svanna can’t help the way her grin becomes positively evil as she pulls forth the LAST toy that that nice woman Nirya gave her. The thick, fat phallus is enchanted or something, and Svanna won’t lie… she’s been looking forward to trying it on Karliah since she got it.
Even if Karliah had submitted, Svanna would have used it. But now? Now the Dunmer has given her a reason to be ROUGH with it.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
I awaken to the joyous sounds of sexual intercourse filling my ears, and I can’t help but smile. Even before I open my eyes, my hand goes down to the woman currently bobbing up and down on my cock. As I collect what feels like a full head of lush locks into one hand, I notice that there’s another mouth on my balls. So, my other hand goes down there to rest upon that head of hair as well.
Opening my eyes finally, I can see where I am, though I’d already figured it out beforehand. After all, where else would Svanna bring me? And besides that, the muffled screaming wasn’t coming from the bed, which meant Svanna was busy nearby and wasn’t one of the two currently fellating my cock and balls. No, that pleasure fell to Mirabelle and Lydia, my Master Wizard and Housecarl both submissively working over my genitals with their mouths and tongues.
I let out a contented sigh, as I look down at them and find their devoted, adoring eyes gazing right back up at me. That was… a good, productive rest. And what a way to wake up, as well.
Part of me had worried that having Ten-Thousand in every Skill would change me. I was now a hundred times MORE than I was at the start of all of this. That was pretty intense. But… I still felt like me. I still felt like myself. I was just aware of so much more now.
Like for instance, I had an inkling of precisely what was going on with this odd world that Svanna and I had found ourselves in. Hopefully, Nocturnal would be able to confirm it. Yes, I was still intending to go and see her. Of course, what had before sounded like a harrowing experience where I would have to do everything in my power to avoid selling mine or Svanna’s soul to Nocturnal, now sounded like quite the fun jaunt.
I wasn’t afraid of Nocturnal anymore. I wasn’t afraid of any of the would-be gods and demons that played around in this particular sandbox. I could feel it. I could stretch out with my senses and see it… this world would bend to them, but it would BREAK before me.
Smiling a carefree smile, I sit up in my bed. And it is indeed my bed. The Arch-Mage’s Quarters, which I had only had a few opportunities to use since they became mine. As far as places to get my first real sleep went, this wasn’t a bad one. And indeed, waking up with Lydia and Mirabelle both giving me head was a treat I would cherish for a long time to come.
On top of that… the sight of Svanna, half a dozen feet away, fucking Karliah with the magicka dildo that Nirya had used on Faralda all that time ago, is a beautiful, glorious sight to be sure. I lick my lips and tighten my grip on Lydia and Mirabelle’s hair, pushing them further down onto my cock and into my balls, as they gurgle and suck and slurp, doing their level best to pleasure me with no expectation of their own happiness, health, or safety.
Lydia in particular, I nearly let pass out on my dick, knowing how much the masochistic slut loves being asphyxiated thanks to my manipulation of her mind. Only nearly though, I let her go and get a chance to breathe after a moment, even as I watch Svanna go to town on Karliah, practically mesmerized by the sight.
Karliah’s hands are restrained behind her back, and her ankles are stuck together as well. She’s also wearing a ball gag, if the muffled noises coming from her unseen head, are any indication. The view I’m getting, and the reason Svanna hasn’t noticed I’m awake just yet, is of Karliah’s ass. Svanna is forcing the magicka dildo up into the Dunmer Thief’s cunt, pushing her up onto her knees into a downward doggy position.
The Dragonborn is relentless as she fucks Karliah’s poor pussy hard and fast with the sex toy. Even as Karliah screams through the gag for relief, for salvation, Svanna shows her absolutely no mercy. She just keeps slamming it in and out. And while Karliah clearly isn’t enjoying it, she’s also… very much enjoying it. Her pussy is sloppily wet by this point, and a spray of fluids flies through the air every time Svanna yanks the dildo back out again.
The Dunmer Thief is reluctantly turned on from the rough treatment. I’m not sure if that’s Svanna’s Dragon Soul pushing down on her own soul until she unconsciously submits to Svanna’s wants or something, or if it’s just who Karliah is… but it could be both. Both sounded lovely.
Ah, Svanna is even more beautiful to look at now than before. The Skeleton Key unlocked her true potential, and as the Dragonborn, she had an awful lot of that. She shines under my gaze, burning brightly like a star, a blazing sun in her own right. The view of my beautiful Dragonborn, fucking Karliah with the dildo… it’s enough to tip me over the edge.
As I grunt and paint Lydia and Mirabelle’s faces with my cum, Svanna swings around immediately, her nostrils flaring as she catches my scent on the wind. Her eyes widen at the sight of me conscious, and she bounces to her feet, leaving Karliah to struggle on the bedroll, ass wiggling in the air as the dildo, with a life of its own, wiggles back and forth energetically inside of her poor cunt.
I grin and accept Svanna as she runs over and grabs me in a hug.

We rest our foreheads against each other’s, even as Lydia and Mirabelle are still collecting my cum down below. Staring into my Dragonborn’s eyes, I slowly nods. Yes… this feels right. Svanna feels right. No matter what happens next, she’s staying with me.
“… I prepared her for you.”
I let out a laugh at that. Just as I hadn’t changed, neither had Svanna, it would seem. Letting the red-haired Nord draw me away from my Master Wizard and Housecarl and over to Karliah, my cock twitches in excitement as I kneel in place behind her, gripping Karliah by the hips and forcing her steady. She freezes at my touch, and whimpers through the ball gag as Svanna sits down in front of her and lifts up her head.
With one hand in her hair, Svanna uses the other to tear the ball gag out of her mouth. Smirking evilly, Svanna looks down into Karliah’s violet eyes.
“You know what I want to hear. You belong to me and Vayral. Say it.”
Cocking an eyebrow up, I reach down and grab the dildo lodged in Karliah’s cunt, yanking it out as she squeals before she can speak. Tossing it aside, I focus back on the Dunmer Thief just in time to hear her recover… and submit.
“Yes… Mistress…”
Svanna beams and nods at me. I take that as an indication to begin and thrust forward into Karliah’s cunt. The Dunmer Thief’s pussy wraps around my cock and clenches down tightly, even after the abuse it’d just suffered. She’s sopping wet, as I sink into her depths and marvel at her tightness. It’s all to do with how fit she is, of course. Her body is a lean, lithe stealthing machine, made for sneaking about and fitting into tight places.
Well, now she’s the tight place being fitted into, and as she gasps and moans, Svanna watches her, seeming fascinated by Karliah’s contorted expression of pleasure. I, meanwhile, can see Karliah in the same way I’m looking at Svanna. Her soul… is much smaller than my Dragonborn’s blazing sun. But it’s still there, and I can see the connection to it. A connection that’s long soured and become a festering link that will get her killed, if not taken care of.
I understand now. There were still parts of the Thieves Guild Questline that didn’t make much sense to me, but Karliah at least, was an open book. Reaching out and grabbing her by her hair, I yank her head back and speak in a soft tone.
“You never intended to come back, did you? You were forced into it.”
“W-Wha… w-what?”
Svanna has her head cocked to the side and is watching carefully.
“Mercer killed Gallus twenty-five years ago and framed you for it. So, you ran. You ran with Gallus’ journal and didn’t once try to have it translated in all those years. Because you didn’t want to. You were afraid. You would have stayed away forever, would have never come back with this hair-brained scheme of yours, if it wasn’t for the curse.”
Karliah freezes in place… and then closes her eyes tightly in answer. It’s enough to tell me I’m right.
“It’s not just Mercer and his Thieves Guild who have had a run of bad luck ever since he took the Skeleton Key. Its you as well. You didn’t understand it at the time, you didn’t know what it could be, but wherever you ran, wherever you went… things went wrong, didn’t they?”
“… Y-Yes…”
Nodding, I keep on fucking her. She’s enjoying it, I can tell. She also hates how much she’s enjoying it, and I won’t lie, I’m enjoying her self-loathing more than I probably should be.
“Eventually, you thought you figured it out. You thought Nocturnal wanted you to get back at Mercer. So, you put together this stupid, idiotic plot.”
“… G-Gallus was always the Mastermind. I’m j-just a thief. I did the best I could…”
Snorting derisively, I shake my head. Not in disbelief, but disgust. I truly believe that this whole plan was the best she could do. She’s honest in that much, at least.
“It’s too bad you made the mistake of trying to shoot Svanna. That was never going to end well for you.”
“P-Please, I’m sorry… I’m sorry Mistress for trying to shoot you! Please… h-help me with Nocturnal?”
She sounds so broken, so pitiful, so… helpless. It’s kind of hot, but even hotter is the look of pure wicked delight on Svanna’s face as Karliah fully breaks down and pleads with us. My Dragonborn is an evil little shit, and knowing that to my core, I can’t help but spill my seed in Karliah right then and there. This in turn sets off a reaction, as she shudders and clenches her jaw as she cums explosively all over my cock.
In the aftermath, I pet Karliah’s head, brushing her hair with my fingers for a moment before chuckling.
“Not to worry. You belong to us now, just as Svanna told you. Nocturnal is going to quickly learn not to mess with our things.”
Yes… it was time. Time to confront Nocturnal. Time to confirm my suspicions. Time to get some answers.
And of course, more than anything, it was time to have our first meeting with a Daedric Prince. I wasn’t as worried as I would have been a day ago anymore. No, this was going to be FUN!


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