Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 56: The Right-Hand

After a bit more squirming, Odahviing well and truly gives up on escape. Not only had they managed to trick her with a Dragon Girl’s greatest weakness, that of the Sweet Roll, but they knew about the second greatest weakness of Dragon Girls everywhere… getting stuck in too tight of spaces! Now, admittedly Odahviing hadn’t gotten stuck of her own volition, so much as the wall had closed around her and sealed seamlessly shut, but the point remained!
With her upper body on one side, and her lower body on the other, there was simply no way for her to slip her way through. On the one end, you had her arms and her wings, the latter of which were scrabbling uselessly against the large wall but to no avail. You also had her tits, which, while they could be compressed down, were nevertheless much larger than her itty bitty waist.
On the other end, you had her legs and thicc thighs, and worst of all, her huge, gorgeous draconic tail! Not every Dragon Girl had a dragon tail, but Odahviing did, and she was VERY proud of it. Unfortunately, it made it just as possible to squeeze through the front of this hole, as her wings and tits did for trying to squeeze out the back.
Worst of all, she couldn’t use her Voice here. For the same reasons that she couldn’t just breathe fire all over the place. If she tried to Speak, the vocalization would almost certainly disturb the Sweet Roll sat on the plate before her, likely toppling it to the ground or even sending it flying and smashing against something entirely.
No, she had to keep herself as quiet as possible, and with a conscious effort, was already suppressing the true power of her voice down to that of a normal, mortal tone. She was definitively trapped here, completely caught by the Dovahkiin! It was embarrassing, it was humiliating, but all she could do was wait for whatever the Dovahkiin had planned next.
Almost immediately after slumping in defeat, Odahviing freezes as she feels a pair of hands fall upon her big, round bubble butt.
Odahviing tries to whip her head around, but of course, it’s not like she can see anything. There’s a wall in the way! And despite her reaction, the molestation of her ass continues!
“D-Dovahkiin! Desist at once! You mustn’t be so c-cruel to a defeated opponent!”
The hands continue to grope, and Odahviing isn’t even sure that the Dovahkiin can hear here. Wait… it is the Dovahkiin back there, r-right? It would be one thing for the Dovahkiin to molest her. Humiliating, sure, but also… t-tolerable. After all, she’d ran right into the Dovahkiin’s trap, had gotten herself captured because she was too aggressive and had been looking for a f-fight.
But what if it wasn’t the Dovahkiin? Wasn’t the Dovahkiin supposed to be female? These hands… they felt like a mortal male’s!
As Odahviing begins to connect the dots, a sudden flash of movement in front of her makes the Dragon Girl whip her head back around. She finds herself face to face with the subject of all of her thoughts. There, before the red-scaled, red-winged, red-headed Dragon Girl stands the Dovahkiin in all of her glory. Odahviing knows this by instinct, because she can FEEL the power radiating off of the Dovahkiin. The number of Dragon Souls that the Dovahkiin carries… she hadn’t known there were that many Dragon Girls in all of Skyrim!
For a moment, Odahviing’s mouth is completely dry, as she stares at the Dovahkiin and realizes her doom has come. The way that the other woman looks down on her with an almost ravenous hunger tells Odahviing that she’s completely and utterly fucked. Of course, it’s a little hard to be terrified… when someone is still molesting her ass on the other side of the wall out of her line of sight!
“I-If you’re over here, Dovahkiin… then who’s got their hands on my butt?! KYA!”
Finally fully recognizing that it must indeed be a mortal man who’s currently touching her, Odahviing does what she never would have done to the Dovahkiin… she whips her dragon tail as hard as she fucking can in what she believes is the approximate location of the offending mortal’s head, trying to take it clean off his shoulders. She’s expecting to encounter a brief moment of resistance, followed by the sound of a meaty thud as the head bounces across the floor.
Instead, what she encounters is a LOT of resistance as… as the mortal catches her tail effortlessly with one of his hands, blocking her attempt at decapitation! Odahviing’s eyes widen as she strains ineffectually against the mortal’s might. Only, how can he be mortal, w-when he’s so much STRONGER than her?
Before she can figure out what to do next, her tail is slapped up against the other side of the wall, and when he lets go of it, it sticks there as if by some magic. No matter how hard Odahviing strains to pull it free, it’s completely and utterly immovable… leaving her ass even more defenseless to the man’s depravations then before!
Blushing profusely by this point, Odahviing whimpers, tears in her eyes as she shies away from the Dovahkiin’s hungry gaze.
“D-Don’t look at me, Dovahkiin! J-Just eat my soul already! I can’t stand this humiliation!”
She’s supposed to be Alduin’s Right-Hand! She’s supposed to be Odahviing the Terrible! Alright, so no one had ever called her that second thing, but she’d definitely thought it to herself more than once! But instead, she was here, getting molested and toyed with and… a-and it was just too unbearable!
But just when Odahviing things it can’t get worse… the Dovahkiin takes a step forward. She catches the movement out of the corner of her eye, and flinches in preparation for having her soul sucked into the Dovahkiin’s greedy maw. She’ll become part of the Dovahkiin and join her sisters in the depths of the Dovahkiin’s bottomless soul. It won’t be too bad, she supposes… better than what’s currently happening to her!
Coming to this conclusion, Odahviing decides to face her consumption head on. She looks up to meet the Dovahkiin’s eyes again. Better to focus on what’s happening on this side of the wall, or so she thinks… until she sees the Dovahkiin reaching not for HER, but for the Sweet Roll in front of her.
“N-No… no, please don’t do it Dovahkiin…”
Surely not! Was her humiliation not already complete? Odahviing whimpers, as the Dovahkiin closes her hand over the Sweet Roll and lifts it up into the air. Meanwhile, as if moving in tandem on the other side of the wall, Odahviing feels a draft as the man molesting her ass pulls down her panties from under her admittedly short skirt. A tremble goes through her, as something thicker and larger than mere fingers presses against her slit, rubbing back and forth along her lower lips.
This was… the worst day of Odahviing’s life. As the Dovahkiin brings the Sweet Roll to her mouth and takes a big honkin’ chomp out of it right in front of her, all the Dragon Girl can do is sob, tears streaming down her face. She wants a bite of that Sweet Roll SOOOOO bad!!!
The Dovahkiin slowly chews, as the mortal cock pressing against her entrance continues to toy and tease with her. Odahviing trembles, anticipation and dread building in equal amounts. Then, just as everything seems to be reaching a precipice… the Dovahkiin steps forward and offers Odahviing the half-eaten Sweet Roll, placing it right in front of her.
Odahviing is stunned into silence. The Dovahkiin… was offering her a Sweet Roll?! Slowly, with trembling hands, Odahviing reaches out and takes the uneaten half of the confectionery from the Dovahkiin’s grasp.
“F-For me, Dovahkiin? T-Truly?”
Smiling slightly, looking a lot less scary than before, the Dovahkiin just nods. Odahviing didn’t need to be told twice. She immediately stuffs the rest of the Sweet Roll into her mouth, scarfing it down rapidly and swallowing just as quickly, just in case the Dovahkiin suddenly has second thoughts and tries to take back this gift.
Not even Alduin had ever shared a Sweet Roll with her before! No, the World-Eater was the kind to hoard her Sweet Rolls, and to kill subordinates who so much as looked at her Sweet Rolls funny! In that moment, Odahviing comes to a decision. As tears once more stream down her cheeks, this time in pure joy rather than in horror and fear, the messy Dragon Girl looks up at the Dovahkiin, crumbs covering the outside of her mouth due to her hasty eating of the offered treat.
“I gladly acknowledge your thuum, Dovahkiin! You are worthy of my loyalty!”
Odahviing, at the end of the day, is a simple Dragon Girl with simple needs. She’d thought Alduin was fulfilling those needs, but only now, having come face to face with the World-Eater’s Nemesis, did she realize how much the grass was greener on the other side!
Stepping forward, the Dovahkiin reaches out and grabs Odahviing by her horns, and for a moment the red-head fears that she’s going to suck her soul out and add it to her collection anyways. But instead, the Dovahkiin just draws Odahviing’s face down to her naked pussy lips. Belatedly, the Dragon Girl realizes that the Dovahkiin isn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. She’d been so caught up in the overwhelming presence and power of so many Dragon Souls, as well as all that Sweet Roll business, that only now, as she finds her nose being grinded down into the Dovahkiin’s cunt, does she notice.
The Dovahkiin’s voice washes over her and Odahviing, having already swapped her loyalties in her head, gladly submits. As she does so, as she begins to lick at the Dovahkiin’s slit, the man on the other side of the wall finally thrusts into her from behind… but it’s not as bad as Odahviing that it would be. In fact, to the Dragon Girl’s surprise… it feels QUITE good.
I grin as I meet Svanna’s eyes over the top of our newest Dragon Girl fuck toy’s head. Though Odahviing can’t see through the wall I made specifically for this bit of fun, Svanna and I can. It’s completely opaque for the trapped Dragon Girl, but utterly translucent for the two of us. Which meant Svanna got to watch as I molested Odahviing and caught her tail mid-swing before pinning it to the wall with a bit of magic, sticking it there so she couldn’t keep swinging it around.
Meanwhile, I had gotten to watch as Svanna did the whole thing with the Sweet Roll. Needless to say, I’d nearly bust a gut laughing, as Odahviing nearly had a mental breakdown. Truly, Svanna was a master strategist and politician, to be able to turn Odahviing’s near mind break into a moment where her loyalties shifted entirely. Yes, by offering Odahviing the other half of the Sweet Roll, Svanna had ‘unthinkingly’ made the Dragon Girl rethink her entire life’s path, and realize she was soooo much better off with us than with Alduin.
Grinning wickedly, I give Svanna a nod, even as I fuck Odahviing for all she’s worth. Her tail, still pinned to the wall, twitches and shivers as I plow her from behind. Her pussy, meanwhile, tightens and grips down on my pistoning prick as much as possible. She’s much tighter than Paarthurnax was, but I think that’s because she’s stronger. Her inner walls are either trying to push me out or trying to hold me in, and they’re failing at both. But they’re giving it their all nonetheless, and I groan in enjoyment of the Dragon Girl’s tight, wet cunt.
Svanna, meanwhile, smiles right back at me, gazing at me through heavily lidded eyes as she uses Odahviing’s horns like fucking handlebars to grinds her pussy further into the Dragon Girl’s face. I knew for a fact that those horns were erogenous zones, something in turn confirmed with just how much Odahviing was tightening up on me whenever Svanna gave them another tug.
I couldn’t not include that little trope in my construction of the Dragon Girls. Horns or other head adornments besides hair being erogenous zones and making the woman cum instantly or cream her brains out her ears was something I’d incorporated into dozens of smut works, in my previous life.
Not nearly as strong here, of course… Odahviing had to stay coherent enough to pleasure Svanna with her tongue, after all. And pleasure her the Dragon Girl was. Throwing her head back, Svanna lets out a wanton moan, as she squirts into Odahviing’s mouth. The Dragon Girl eagerly laps it up, so very happy to submit and serve a more powerful dragon. Truly, Odahviing had a nice and simple personality. Eager to please, eager to pleasure.
Her pussy walls even clench down around my thrusting cock as she drinks Svanna’s fluids, and I groan for a moment before letting loose as well. My seed fills the Dragon Girl from behind, pumping her to the brim right there on the spot. As I finish with her and Svanna pulls back as well, I snap my fingers and the wall holding Odahviing in place dissipates.
The Dragon Girl falls to her hands and knees, her draconic tail falling down to drape over her freshly fucked, creampied pussy. One of the first things she does as she recovers is whip her head around to gaze upon the man who fucked her so hard and thoroughly. I just smirk, allowing some of my true nature to leak through, so that she can see I am no mortal.
Odahviing’s eyes widen, and she twists her head, looking between me and Svanna and back again a few times before swallowing thickly.
“… A-A good mate for you, D-Dovahkiin. You have chosen w-well…”
Svanna just nods, accepting the compliment with a sort of silent imperiousness. Odahviing takes this in, before bowing her head again.
“Thank you for sparing my life, Dovahkiin. Please… I will take you and your mate to Alduin. The World-Eater has gone to Sovngarde, to feed upon the souls of the dead. I r-realize now that what she is doing is retreating entirely. At her core, Alduin… is a coward.”
This seems to be no small admission for Odahviing, who has spent a long, LONG time not only waiting for Alduin’s return, but idolizing the other Dragon Girl. Svanna and I share a glance and a smile. Almost done now, aren’t we?
Getting through Skuldafn and reaching the portal to Sovngarde is not particularly difficult. We kill the draugr and leave a trail of fucked silly, creampied Dragon Girls in our wake, before finally reaching Sovngarde proper.
Just like in the game, the place is covered by a thick mist, set in place by Alduin herself so she can hide and like some sort of ambush predator, feed upon the trapped souls in order to gain strength. Clearly, after seeing all Svanna and I had accomplished, she had realized she was utterly outmatched, leading to her early retreat to Sovngarde, in the hopes of overcoming us both.
As we make our way towards the Hall of Valor in order to confront and defeat Tsun so we can gain access, however, a mighty gust of wind greets us before we can reach the bridge, and to my mild surprise, Alduin reveals herself early. It’s not part of the plan, what she’s doing right now, but then, I hadn’t taken away ALL free will. If the Dragon Girl wants to go off-script and get her ass whipped early, who am I to deny her?
Floating down to the ground before us, Alduin lands with a hand on one hip, her red eyes narrowed into slits as she gazes at the two of us. Her big, menacing black wings are flared out from her body, and her dark hair goes all the way down past her ass. Her dress is a skimpy one, and open in the front to show off her pale thighs and the leotard she’s wearing under it. Finally, there’s her thick, spiky black dragon tail, and her thigh-high scaled heeled boots.
She certainly looks menacing, though at the same time insanely erotic. This was a Dragon Girl villainess MADE to be fucked, I can’t help but think, even as I wait to see what her plan is. It’s not like she can hurt me or Svanna, so letting her do what she likes, letting her try what she’s going to try… why not, right?
She glares at us, and we smirk at her, all three of us knowing exactly how this is going to go down. And then… Alduin the World-Eater surprises me.
In a flurry of movement too fast for the mortal eye to keep track of, Alduin bursts into motion… and slams her forehead into the ground as she takes up the dogeza position. Next to her, neatly folded up, are the clothes that were just on her body. Completely naked now, the pale World-Eater trembles, her wings folded as tightly in as she can possibly manage as she prostrates herself before us in complete and utter, total submission.
“P-Please don’t kill me!”


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