Degenerate Masochist’s Reincarnation as A Goddess

Apparently I’m scarousing…

My world was a warm slimy mire of touch neverending. 

Large flat tendrils drowned me in a touch soft and tongue-like touch, slathering me with clear slime that had the taste of the most addictive pussy I’d ever eaten. Over the flat tentacles slithered thick braids of strong hard cords, which unraveled and rewound around me as meaty bindings, tying me up and digging into my pregnancy swollen curves like a cruel, sentient, and ever changing shibari. Thinnest of them, the ones tightening around my nipples, clitoris, toes, and fingers, were more wires than ropes, forming webs that at times cinched so tight into my flesh I felt akin to a packaged ham. And beyond them, larger even than the thickest braids, tentacles like pythons writhed around me, forming the walls of my fleshy prison. These had maws, massive gaping holes that would on occasion open up and swallow my limbs up to the hip or armpit, to alternate my bondage with the ropy tendrils.

My freedom fluctuated between stages of ‘freedom to struggle and moan during anal pounding that left my rear gaping for hours’ and ‘complete and utter helplessness of being crushed by a fleshy cocoon of unyielding flesh, while the other tentacles kept transforming. Textures and sensations changed from rough and bumpy to slimy and silky, infinite and ever changing, the army of pleasure assaulted my body.

Around me, the soundscape was one of soft squelching, wet sliding, and my own moans amplified by the absence of other sounds.

Now and then, a bioluminescent blob or tendril would light up, illuminating my body and predicament in all of its horrifyingly arousal glory. First time it did, it was to show me a scene of my sore milk-filled breasts bouncing as a cock the size of a large man’s fist slammed in and out of my womb, nearly blacking me out from pleasure and pain.

I howled and nearly lost my mind, when large suckers with a dozen tongues inside vacuum-like cups latched onto my cunny and tits. How long they milked me, I don’t know.

I gagged and cried tears of masochistic pleasure, when a swarm of bulbous feelers assaulted me, roughing up every corner of my swollen body like harsh hands, and treating my orifices as ‘bully-Ion’ buttons.

I felt a few brain cells die, when thin tendrils invaded my body though nipples, pee-hole, ears, and nose.

I giggled like a lustmad maniac, when a large tentacle opened up into a dark maw and swallowed my face, making me squirt from asphyxiation alone.

Over time, thousands of tentacle assaults blended into one gooey gropey continuity. My days were a slippery haze of existing solely to be used as my fleshy owner wished, as a piece of fuckmeat, a pussy with barely enough consciousness left to stitch together a thought that didn’t start with ‘cumming’.

I couldn’t tell how much time passed. Couldn’t even remember where I was, barely who I was.

My body was horny, ready, and my ovaries were begging, screaming for sperm to impregnate me.

A figure appeared through the lust dream that was my daily existence. She was a girl, young, late teens or early twenties by her slender figure and gentle features. Except for her bright ruby eyes, her entire body was composed of pink tentacles woven together into a seamless mass. She said something sexy—everything sounded sexy to me with how fucked up I was—and stroked her thick hot girldick into full erection, while pressing the shaft against my painfully aroused—to the point it was puffy, red, and throbbing—slit.

The girl’s fingers sank into my hips. Her crown aligned with my opening, and slid in, filling me up one slow and oh-so wonderful inch at a time. My lower muscles, trained into the extreme by the tentacle montage, clenched her hard, and though I was bound too tight to even squirm, I made the girl breeding moan like she was the one being railed by a massive futacock.

Angered, she hissed, gave my tit a spank and used the moment I loosened up to ram in hilt-deep.

The moment she did, organically grooved runes lit up in bioluminescent hues around us as divine energy gathered around her.

In response, golden glyphs hummed into life all across my body, as, in response to detecting a divinity, parts of my automated divaslab safety restrictions came undone. 

Searing bright, my glyphs washed the fledgling goddess’ tentacular pocket dimension in my divine might. Pure weight of my divinity unraveled the tentacle bondage and reverted my body to the slender curves I considered to be my true self. Scales of lust and confusion shed off of my mind. My thoughts expanded from those of a breeding stock to genius to the demigoddess of knowledge and magic, slowing time to a crawl. Magical arrays and defensive measures I’d layered in divaslab in case I got abducted by a hostile deity activated, engulfing me in a translucent armor of glowing gold scripted to endure the end times themselves. A circlet manifested upon my brow, bending reality to consider my surroundings a part of my own divine realm, thus extending my reality bending to my line of vision.

Before me, huddled under a pile of terrified tentacles, shivered a petite pervy goddess, staring at me wide-eyed.

“P-p-p-please senior goddess, I-I-I h-h-had n-n-no idea. S-s-spare me, please I swear I didn’t know IswearIswearIswear!”

After a groan and sigh of frustration, I waved my hand. “Relax, I’m not gonna delete you.”

“T-thank you! Eternal gratitude, senior goddess!” She jumped into a kowtow so fast her face smacked against the tentacle floor. “Ow!”


“D-d-did that please senior goddess? If that’s so then I will…” She started banging her head against the floor.

I raised my hand, dismissing my automated defenses as I took a seat on a thick tentacle. “Ack, stop it before I feel bad.” Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I muttered, “Damn, didn’t think I’d run into terrestrial deities, though that explains why I couldn’t scry everything here… Fuuck, we can’t really forget about it and continue banging either or you’ll pop my baby-blocker.”

“S-s-senior goddess, I would never dare to impregnate one such as you!”

I winced at her submissiveness. “Raise your head, I’m just a lesser goddess myself. I’m Ion by the way, hi.”

“Greetings of uttermost respect, senior goddess Ion.” She raised her head and bowed again. “Compared to you, I, Cstabath, am a humble worm.”

At one point, she had indeed been a worm. My all seeing eyes unraveled her story from beginnings as a small squirmy thing, to a sentient beast, to eventual ascension into spirithood, further deification by a tribe of goblins worshiping her, and eventual capture by the human arcanists looking to use her to breed demigod babies. 

My powers unleashed, I could finally see the intricate tapestry of arcane workings biting into her body like a bondage harness, restricting her to this facility. It didn’t take a genius to puzzle out her reaction to me. The insane arcanist who captured her must’ve told her a thing or two about other deities, instilling deadly fear in the girl to ensure she didn’t seek help or freedom.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the thought of Cstabath being imprisoned by a mortal didn’t feel a pang of anger. Not because I thought everyone shared my obsession for imprisonment and bondage, but because being a goddess had changed my perspective on time. What was a few decades spent serving a mortal like doctor Murchvoch? A blink. Eventually, the wizard would die and her facility crumble, and eventually Cstabath and her tribe would go on. 

What irked me was that a fledgling deity had been purposefully kept in dark and made to fear the rest of the divine community, regardless of the potential consequences of how it could backfire. My mind’s eye saw the probabilities paint images of potential wars, of Cstabath attacking a goddess out of fear, of another deity slaying her in self defense and ending the poor girl before she had a chance to flourish into true godhood. Fully conscious of her actions, Dr. Murchvoch had fostered enmity between gods for personal benefit.

I felt the frustration on a conceptual level, as an itch in my mantle of knowledge. This, as a goddess of knowledge and magic, I could not abide.

“Eeek! P-p-please don’t hurt,” Cstabath begged.

“Sorry,” I tuned down my presence. “That wasn’t aimed at you.

She peered at me cautiously.

I offered her a gentle smile. The fact that I’d fully become a goddess not just in body, but mind and soul hit me. It’d kind of snuck up on me at some point between the constant sexcapades. Mortal worries had vanished, even mortal morals had bled from my mind, and in their place I’d begun to look at the world through the eyes of an eternal being. A very horny and utterly degenerate eternal being, mind you, but one nonetheless.

And as one, even if I disliked the actions of a mortal, I valued the balance of the world more than my sense of justice. It would be horribly irresponsible of me to waltz out of this pocket dimension and punish the naughty doctor.

Luckily, my brain wasn’t in bimbo-cattle mode anymore. I had options. I had schemes… But first, I had the worries of a confused fledgling goddess to tend to, using language she knew.

I stroked the tentacle beneath me, causing Cstabath to shiver. “Relax, friend,” I whispered, “What you’ve been taught about us are lies of a fool trying to manipulate the divine. You’re safe with me.”

“Y-you won’t eat me?”

“I might.” Smirking, I opened my mouth and dipped a finger deep in my throat, staring straight into her wide-eyes as I did. “If you’d like to continue from where we left off and take care of that, it must be painful.”

I gestured at Cstabath’s hardon. She looked down, frowning. Doubts and fears swirled behind her eyes as she fidgeted, but in the end curiosity won and the petite futa stood up, taking a cautious step towards me.

“I-if it’s alright. W-we could?” Tentacles of her pocket dimension rose with her, just as cautious as their mistress.

I let the golden armor fall off into dust, reshaping it into a form-fitting chastity seal glued over my pussy. “Can’t have me actually getting pregnant,” I said, sliding onto my back, and lifting my legs up, high and wide. “But feel free to use the rest of me, like a toy.” I stuck a finger in my mouth and pussy and spread them sluttily.

Cstabath dashed forward. Tentacles sprouted to grope me and I let them as their mistress pawed at my body, reverently whispering ‘senior goddess’ this and ‘senior goddess’ that, while exploring my toned lilac flesh. She was hesitant to plunge in, so grabbed her cock and gulped every monstrous inch of it, eliciting wonderfully cute sounds from my new friend.

I did my best to coax her into boldness, to encourage that ruthlessness with which she’d handled me before my reveal. However, Cstabath seemed to have decided that I was higher on the hierarchy and the decision stuck, no matter how I bent over. Tho, I kinda did kinda enjoy being the bully in bed, prolonging her orgasms, and riding her face, so maybe there’s a switchy bone in me yet.

Either way, we had a good time.

Afterwards, while cuddling the smaller goddess in my arms, I told her about the order of deities, various communities, and invited her to perform a little heist that was going to doom Dr. Murchvoch’s research facility in the most degenerately delicious way.

And so, like eight days of fucking and chatting later, I resealed my divinity and transformed myself to as close as approximation of my formerly fucked up cattle-self as possible and bid goodbye to sanity for a while.

Soon enough, I exited the Goblin enclosure. Led on a tight leash, dressed up in my durlatex cattle uniform, tied up tight with belts and chains, drooling lustfully through my gag and lower plugs, with my tits leaking Voidbee honey, I looked like every other womb fucked silly by the goddess sealed within the facility. Except, instead of a demigod baby, within my womb squirmed an extension of Cstabath herself. And when the mass inhabiting my pussy got within tentacling distance of a monster enclosure door, the pandemonium was unleashed.

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