Degenerate Masochist’s Reincarnation as A Goddess

Bad News

Bad news: My orgasm denial and tease continued for several agonizing hours. Good news: Neither the elf hunter nor the amazonian trainer believed my story. My slave training resumed.

While barely conscious from a missed night of sleep and intense ache to cum, I was removed from the ghost-hand cell, then shoved into a small room, hosed with ice-cold water, and bound again.

A short chain was attached to my ankle irons, restraining me to tiny steps. My wrists were attached to a thick shackle fixed around my narrow waist, and my elbows shackled together behind my back, forcing me to arch my back. Cruel, cruel slavers. I couldn’t reach my breasts, nor my slit! To make matters worse, they locked a chastity belt on me. 

Thankfully it came with a deliciously thick ass filling plug. Oh, and another big plus! They gagged me again, this time with a slimy wooden cock that reached my throat, and forced my jaw wide. Mmph, delicious.

Naked, restrained, and led on a leash across the dank halls of their hideout, I felt like the slave I was.

“Came tah find us all on ‘er own. Girl’s a virgin and actually wanted to be enslaved. She’s kooky as a headless goblin, that one,” said Trainer. “Thought she was a god or sumthin’.”

The elf gave me a frowning glance. “Untrainably kooky, or ‘aww shit, we gotta sell her for discount’ kooky?”

“Eeeh…” Trainer tilted her head from side to side. “‘ard to say yet. Got ‘er to woof, and cum on mah boot.”

“So, submissive, but crazy?”

“About sums 'er up, yeh.”

The elf nodded. “Alright. A natural slave, with a touch of crazy. I can work with that. Get her ready as soon as you can, I’ll go find a buyer. Shouldn’t take more than two weeks, but if I’m not back by next month...”

“Ah’ll ask Black to send a crow to check on ye.”

“Great. And do try keep an eye on this one. We’ll end up with collars ourselves if we try and cross the border without a fat bag of cash.”

They are fleeing the country? That explained why the compound had no other slaves.

“Hear, hear. Don’t ye worry. This one won’t give me tah slip. Promise.”

This one? I had to have missed a development, if the last few slaves had somehow managed to escape captivity. But how? The training facility was secure, the slaves were monitored, and kept restrained through the clock.

The elf nodded, exchanged a multi-step gangsta handshake with Trainer, and departed. Light of the outdoors blinded me momentarily, until the door closed. For a moment, I stared at Trainer’s muscular back, listening to the sounds of my own gagged breathing. Drool flowed past my lips, staining my breasts, flowing down my abs. Juices of my arousal glued the chastity belt against my pussy.

“Mhhhhngh.” I shivered with anticipation. Two weeks of torment, slave training, pleasure torture. Just the thought of it made me drool.

“Aight.” Trainer turned to me with a serious expression. “Ah prayed for divine guidance last night, and mah spiritguide told me ye really are a demigoddess. Ah can’t apologize enough.” She knelt beside me and began unlocking my bindings.

I tried to step back. “MMHG?”

Trainer frowned, her face one of determined apology. “Hold on. Ah will untie ye. We can figure out how to regain yer powers and get ye back to tah Heavens. Ye can take mah soul to atone for mah sins against yer grace.”


Why-hyhyhyhyyyyyy… Yyyyyhh. I sobbed as the shackles came undone.

She freed my limbs, removed my spit slicked gag, and took off my cunny-juice smeared chastity belt. Frustrated and enraged, I grabbed the trainer by her cloak’s collar.

“Did you not listen to anything I said? I want this!”

“But…” Trainer blinked and took a step backwards. “You’re a goddess.”

“Can’t a goddess get ravished when she wants to? Huh? Who are you to police my sexual desires? You’re a slaver! You’re supposed to be a ruthless girl taming, breaking, selling slaver for Gods’ sakes!”

“Ah have changed.” Trainer looked away guiltily.

I tightened my grip on her collar. “Huh? Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh?”

“There was ah girl, a blonde elf named Sunshard. Ah couldn’t do it. Ah let ‘er go and mah spiritguide finally spoke to me again. Ah been pretending, biding mah time to turn mah companion in.”

I released her, and held my head, stumbling backwards. “No…”

“Is all truth. Ah swear.” Trainer held a hand to her chest. 

I stumbled backwards, my voice one of shock. “Then why tease me with all that good stuff?”

“All to keep mah partner fooled. Ah’m sorry.”

My back bumped against the wall and I slumped down into despair. Was there anything I could do to escape impending freedom? Overpower Trainer and betray her to the elf? Impossible. I was in a mortal body. Could I… Perhaps… What if… All I got was blanks and blanks and more blanks. As Trainer set her reassuring palm on my shoulder and pulled me into a gentle hug, I came to accept that my plans of becoming a sex slave were doomed.

“Don’t cha worry, mah goddess. We’ll get ye out of here.”

Next few days passed in a daze. I was clothed. Fed. Taken care of by Trainer. The amazonian warrior carried me across wilderness, pampering me every night, praying for my forgiveness while I gave her a betrayed deadpan stare.

She took me to the closest temple of Ion. I had temples. Hah. Who’d have thunk, right? Well, the Ion before me had temples.

It was the dryest most boringest place you could possibly imagine. Walls were drab gray. Furniture was gray. The worshippers’ clothes were gray. Heck, even their food was gray! It was a temple full of mousy old crones and men with collections of odd trinkets, books, and esoteric spells of questionable usefulness.

Trainer submitted herself to servitude in the temple, and cleaned my feet for… I’d like to say a month, but it might’ve been a week. That’s how bored I was.

I tried to escape the place, first to get myself at least captured and ravished by a rowing band of orcs or something! Then, after several failures, I escaped simply to try and get myself put into bondage. I mean, being bound and taken care of by your worshippers would’ve been a decent humiliation play. But nah. The monks had spells to keep me inside the temple and to keep me prude.

In the end, I gave up and tapped out via DIVASLAB, accepting a decade of paperwork as my punishment for not picking a perilous enough peril.

I won’t go into detail about what happened next. Let’s just summarise:

Agonizingly boring.

There. Ten years of my life in two words.

Afterwards, while fapping furiously, I contacted the spiritguide who had ratted me out, and found out something interesting.

The spiritguide and many other lesser deities and demi-gods had a communication network of sorts called Lesser Deities’ Afternoon Club, where they shared their plans to ensure no-one’s affairs overlapped. Surprise surprise, the former Ion apparently had been too much of a shut-in hermit to join the club. That’s where we are now, and that's how I found this place to share my stories in.

I’m posting this escapade, as well as some of my thoughts on trying to live a kink-positive life as a deity, on the Lesser Deities’ Afternoon Club. Hopefully some of you will find useful tips from my romps for how to prepare sexy adventures in the mortal world. Also, please don’t hate me for being a reincarnation. Take care of me y'all!

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