Degenerate Masochist’s Reincarnation as A Goddess

Enslaved In My House Raping Party

“The portal-code is 5757, just follow the omens and you’ll land right here~ Oh, no-no-no. Snacks and snacc are provided, just bring yourself, your purse, and a healthy dose of greed and lust,” Other-me said cheerily, dismissing a planar scrying spell. “Now, let’s get you ready. Projector, unseal the hand mitts and release the bindings.”

I let out a shuddering gasp of surprise as the buckles and latches snapped loose and I fell on my knees. I pulled the skin-tight hood off my face to see what had happened after she’d abandoned me to struggle alone in my bondage.

The woman before me was now barely recognizable as my reflection, more a sister than a twin. She’d taken off the bridal-white lingerie and replaced it with magic and power.

The snazzy cocktail dress licking her figure was wrought from cosmic fabric, dark with distant constellations twinkling. It’d been the masterpiece of the original Ion’s magic teacher before her ascension. Her unnaturally billowing cloak was a stitch-work of ten thousand summoning circles crafted by the original Ion on her first day of godhood. Her thigh-high boots were ice and white nothingness, a divine relic of antimagic that stabilized reality. The heaps of jewelry on her neck, ears, horns, wrists, and hips glinted with impossible shades of jade and unreal metals, each studded with magic and divinity. 

Despite the divaslab branded over her womb, the items on other-me made her not quite a demi-god, but something more than mortal.

“Like the look?” she asked, twirling smugly. With how short the dress was I could see she was not only commando, but still wearing the butt plug. Her pussy glistened with familiar arousal. 

“Hot,” I agreed, finally noticing our surroundings.

Tables, shelves, books, curios, and all manner of artifacts had been organized in neat piles with asking price denoted in souls. The invaluable materials used for the floor and walls — crystalline woods and living metals — had been ripped off and stacked beside them. Most of my clothes collection, magical sex-toys, and potion collection were on sale too at waaay under their actual value.

“A garage sale…”

“Yup!” Other-me nodded, arms crossed under her gorgeous breasts.

“You’re turning my demiplane into a frigging garage sale.”

What had once been a cozy magic filled tower (tweaked into a comfy sexual masturbation cave by me) had been hollowed out entirely. All that was left was a plane of pale thoughtstuff, some crude freshly sculpted seats and tables with refreshments, as well as a variety of bondage furniture, bindings, and toys.

“Well, I kept the best stuff, of course, but the rest… Yeaaah, it’s gonna go into funding my lifestyle. Whatever that ends up being like.”

“Y-you’re leaving me—”

“Nothing. Nada. Zero. Big fat ‘O’ is what you deserve.”

“BITCH! I need those to plan my pleasure vacations.” 

Other-me cackled heartily.

I was fuming! My hands balled into fists. Could I take her, I wondered, balling my gloved fists. I was clad in bdsm-lingerie, while she wore god-tier wizard garbs, but we were both mortal underneath. I could’ve still fought back and reclaimed everything I owned.

Determined, I stood. I tried my best to project a godly authority though my legs were weary from being bound so long and I was still clad in a kinky bodysuit. “You think I’ll forget this? That I won’t hunt you down once the divaslab wears off?”

Grinning, she stepped up against me, taking hold of my collar and forcing my chin up. A thrill of submissive pleasure ran down my spine and I couldn’t help but let out a small ‘ahn’. She pulled harder on my collar, tightening it around my neck, choking gently.

“Ngh… Ahh…” I grit my teeth, eyelids fluttering.

“Pathetic slut,” her words slapped me with red-hot shame. “Oh, I’ll absolutely get away. All I have to do is leave you one dildo and you’ll waste a couple decades masturbating yourself silly, using days soon to follow as fap-material. I know you, my wayward reflection. You’re nothing but desire and laziness. A pathetic degenerate gifted an overpowered body she doesn’t deserve. The worst kind of person. An absolutely irredeemable piece of garbage as a deity. A leech, that’s what you are! What’ve you done for your religion since replacing the OG Ion? Once in a hundred years you do the bare minimum of paperwork required to maintain your religion and divinity and call it good-work. When have you last appointed a prophet other than Shadada? When have you given visions to priests?”

“Well, ah-Nhah!” I gasped as she choked just right though my vision was getting foggy. I couldn’t help but start touching myself through the durlatex bodysuit, rubbing my rubber-sealed slit.

“Yeah… Some goddess of Knowledge and Magic you are. Dynja was right before you corrupted her. You don’t deserve Ion’s divine portfolio, so I’ll take them from you.”

“Nhuh…” Ahh fuck, the choking was good, a perfect blend of harsh tightness. My legs were trembling. “Can’t… impossible to steal divinity…”

“Yuh-uh, because you’ll come gift it to me after we’re done here. You’ll beg and plead for me to free you from all this, from decisions and thoughts. After all, do you really need power when what you truly want to enjoy is submission? Do you really need a way to escape, if someone knew how to keep your kinks perfectly satisfied and kept you as a pet 24/7 for the rest of your life?”

I let out a whimper as my knees gave out. My lower body was trembling as I slicked away, close to cumming.

Other-me released the choke to let me gasp a lungful. She pressed the tip of her thumb to my lips and without realizing I suckled it in, licking and working her finger like a good slut does a cock. She rolled the thumb over my tongue.

“Can you experience true humiliation and helplessness with this?” She slid her fingers over the lewdly glowing divaslab over her lower abdomen. “You go through so many hoops to chase the real thing: real peril, true helplessness, genuine humiliation. Think about what it’d be like to have the real deal. Every day. All day. You could be a sex slave for the rest of eternity.”

“Mnhaahh! Ahh!” I pressed hard on my clit, rotating as my thighs, vag, and anus clenched in climax. A violent body-shuddering orgasm tore through me, sapping my strength and leaving me a fuzz-brained heap of subby instincts and rubber-clad sluttyness. 

I never stopped sucking Other-me’s thumb. She withdrew it and wiped the drool on my dumb-cumming face. “Think about it. Think about what I do to you here,” she said. “Now, let’s go over the rules.”

She clicked her fingers, and the constellations of her cloak spread to twinkle over our bodies. Her lilac skin turned tan, the horns, tail, and hooves vanished, leaving her looking like a cute human version of myself. My body on the other hand turned sharp scarlet, my tongue and lips black, my tail lengthened to gain a spade-end, and my horns grew slightly larger and more demonic. In a flash of demonic energy, my eyes turned into glowing green eyes with white irises and pupils.

My vision changed to show a purple-pink energy overlapping with other-me’s body, most of it concentrated around her lower half and breasts.

She then shoved her palm against my mouth and forced something down my tongue. I struggled, grabbing her arm, but Other-me held tight and sealed my nose. 

Whimpering, I swallowed something.

Immediately, I felt hot tension in my groin and let out a moan. A demonic crimson girlcock grew out of my clitoris, and was squished flat against my pussy by the tight bodysuit. A fiery-green magical seal glowed around the base of my cock, so bright it showed through the fabric, and snapped onto my skin with a harsh spank. 

“Fuck!” I sucked in a breath as she released me. “What’s this, demon roleplay?”

“Exactly!” Other-me snapped her fingers. Another brand snapped onto my tongue, tickling. “With a twist! You see—”

My divine doorbell rang.

“Oh~ here come the quests! Come on in!” Other-me teleported to open the barrier.

My heart skipped a beat and my back straightened.

She’d invited every last enemy and rival I could think of and a couple I’d never have guessed. 

In waltzed a gaggle of fallen celestials turned succubi–tall dark-red skinned women with halo-shaped horns, hooves, and burning green eyes that took in the stacks of items and my lewdly dressed body. These six were trolls I’d banned on my divine blog for being over-clingy and spamming every update with detailed fan-fics of me.

One was obsessed with me doing a limbless fuck-nugget episode (either amputee or dimensional limb storage), the second wanted me to stop doing this and become their obedient subby wife, the third had a mega hard-on (both literal and literal) for breeding me and making me a stay-at-home mommy for her demons, fourth wanted to put a tracking spell on me so she could stalk me when I go visit mortal realm in disguise, fifth wanted to hire me to become her piece of living furniture for a hundred years, and sixth had a strange fixation with self-made demonic butt-plugs and wanting to hear detailed descriptions of how they felt to use.

After my crazy fans entered a small group led by a pale-white demoness with black horns, eyes, hooves, and dark-scaled legs and arms that made her seem as if she was clad in sleeves and stockings. She wore a black choker, a sleeveless leotard, and cuffs on all her limbs. 

Think she was called Orane… Orani, or something like that. She was, or used to be, my number one rival divine/extraplanar smut content producer. That was like 100 or more years ago though, before Fap Club.

I’d since driven them all on the verge of bankruptcy. 

Now she was a bitter small-timer making ‘seduce a human’ videos to lonely fuccubi, basically a submissive demon version of sad pick-up artists.

The gal had sent me almost as much hate-mail as Dynja!

After Orana and her hanger-ons and die-hard fans followed a delegation in drape gray cloaks and masquerade demon masks. Through the poor disguises, I recognized them as the Ionian council—the current mortal elders in charge of my religion. They regarded me and the rest of the guests with prudish disdain, though more than a few seemed reluctantly aroused by the wealth of demon-flavored nudity around them. They kept on banishing my more sex-liberal priests from the monasteries and fighting against Shadada’s reforms, but because they basically owned my entire religion I’d no choice but to pretend to be the good old Ion of Knowledge to them. 

Honestly, they were all assholes more interested in power for power’s sake than any teachings old Ion might’ve had about Knowledge and Magic and stuff (shit, just realized I never really looked into her actual teachings lol).

Already, my sanctum was filled with scum of the world whose leery gazes made the hairs on my neck stand up and my guts churn with disgust. I’d endure whatever Other-me had planned, but she’d better keep me tied up tight. Like hell was I going to serve these fuckers and be a good sub!

Then in came a group that made my stomach drop.

First was an unassuming blue dragon girl, lithe and athletic, garbed in nothing but platinum and cosmic jewels, with a sharp-eyed look I’d recognize any day. With her was a tired, middle-aged woman with black top-knot and a suit. Behind them trailed a thickset black goblin with a golden afro and a permanently angry face, a pine-green dryad with black eyes and a revealing outfit woven of her own overflowing hair-vines, and a young, confused looking human girl in a suit with a familiar company name-tag pinned to her breast.

I swallowed thickly, covering myself up on instinct.

“Surprise!” Other-me appeared beside me, sliding a hand over my shoulder, whispering conspiratorially. “Your boss and co-workers from back home! A couple of them reincarnated already after dying from overwork. Penny I snatched myself. I believe we— ah, you, had something of a crush on her? One sided. Desperate. The confession didn’t play out too well if I recall correctly.”

They glanced at me.

Kat, my old boss, the dragon lady, scoffed like she’d seen a piece of garbage. 

My heartbeat was in my head now

Thankfully, it didn’t look like she recognized me.

Klara, Hillary, and Terry, my old coworkers, took in my lewd, durlatex wrapped body and shared a giggle, while pointing at me, like I was their joke. 

My breathing grew shallow.

Penny simply averted her gaze in second hand embarrassment, mouthing ‘ew what a slut’.

They saw me, but thank the Worlds they didn’t recognize me.

What would they have said if they knew it was me? If they knew what I’d been up to? 

I wanted to disappear and never be seen again.

All of a sudden I was a loser back on Earth, a perverted, closeted maso bitch too kinky to survive in a normal society.

The last, lingering fiber of propriety in me told me that my life would be over if they discovered who I was and what I’d become. Word would get around. Everyone I ever knew from before would recognize I’d become Ion, that my death had only been the tutorial level of my ultimate depravity. 

Gosh they’d despise me so much.

And despite that. Despite the shame smoldering on my ears and cheeks, I found my pussy and cock flooding with dangerous heat and clenched my thighs together, sucking in deep horny breaths.

I couldn’t let it happen, never.

But oh fuck how I wanted them to know. I drooled at the very thought.

“You bitch,” I hissed at Other-me. 

She chuckled, giving my ass a whimper-inducing squeeze. “That’s not all.”


My eyes made  a ‘holy fuck’ expression as in stepped both Shadada’s parents – both grizzled elf veterans with tanned skin, white hair, and perpetual ‘I shall slay you in honorable duel’ looks. From what I’d heard of the deity they worshiped, they blamed me for corrupting their daughter (who’d been a pervert long before I made her my paladin) and wanted a piece of me.

And the people who walked in with them…

My first and only gf reincarnated as a gorgeous elven mage covered in demonic tattoos, and her boyfriend, reincarnated as a big muscular demon-girl with red skin and a big bulge in her too-tight black-durlatex mini shorts.

I’m surprised I didn’t bite my lip off.

My brain was a mush of stupid horny and ‘ohfuckoffuckohfuck’ playing on a loop.

My girldick chose this moment to harden to its full admirable, but somewhat pathetic length, pulsing softly underneath its rubbery confines.

Other-me stepped towards the crowd, arms spread. “Welcome, welcome to my special yard-sale and looting event. I am your host, the Great Sorceress Noi, and this is the realm of a poor, pathetic creature I caught and prepped for your profit and pleasure tonight. Get comfortable everyone! Take your time looking around the items, there’s looooots of treasures to be found here. Payment is accepted in all divine currencies and IOUs. The catering will arrive shortly, so please bear with it until then. Now, if you’d excuse me for a moment.” 

A few quests gave her appreciative nods or lame applause.

Other-me returned to my side as I continued to lament my predicament and stand awkwardly in place.

“So, here’s the deal my obedient, little fuccubi slave, you have the demonic pleasure-vision given to you by your new form.”

I did. It wasn’t vision exactly, but a subset of life-force sensing. I could tell by color what kind of mood people’s life-force was — whether they were healthy, harmed, dying, or horny, and those colors of horny ranged from pale to darkest of dark pinks.

She continued, “Your disguise spell is triggered to the average ambient pleasure. Let it fall below aroused, and your demon-skin will go ‘poof’ and everyone here will see who they’re really rape-robbing tonight. So, unless you want to be humiliated before your BFF’s parents, have your highest priests disgusted at you, and have your co-workers and old friends see what a loser you really are, better keep them all entertained and thinking of sexy thoughts.”

“Huh? Y-you want me to what, act as some sexy clown?”

“And whore yourself for their entertainment. Yup, got it in one! Kinda surprised, considering how lazy your brain cells get after being aroused.”

“Jerk! How do I even know what they like?”

“Well,” Other-me bit her gorgeous dark lips, leaning into kissing distance. “You can start learning now, look.”

Her touch guided my attention to the durlatex cuff encircling my wrist. Pulsing fey-green lines had appeared over my shackles, their patterns slowly depleting.

“Quickly, before your disguise fades.”

I growled at her and cast my gaze around the room.


Fuck, I’ve gotta do something.

How do I get a room horny as fast as possible?

“Let it not be said that I’m not a good simulacrum. I’ll help you get started.” Other-me, or Noi, raised her voice and said, “We haven’t had much time to train you in your new position as a sex-slave, have we? Let’s fix that. Kneel.”

I stared at her.

Eyes turned towards us, curious and aroused.

“Kneel,” she repeated, and though we stood eye-to-eye she felt a mountain taller.

Neither magic nor bondage bound me to obey and I wanted to punch her smug-ass face, but, in the end, I settled down onto the floor, my heels digging into my ass.

She slapped my face.


“Useless bitch. Don’t make me repeat myself again. Now, open your zipper, get your dirty little cock out.”

Biting down a frustrated whimper, I obeyed, my head already filling up with the cloudy fluff of submission. I hated it, I hated that bitch Noi, I hated the situation she forced on me, I hated being watched like this, and that’s what made me oh-so impossibly horny.

The zipper had wedged between my ass-cheeks and I had to wiggle it a bit to open up. I felt the horny-energy in the room grow towards light-pink as my now demon-red anus and dark-lipped pussy spilled out from their rubber-prison. My girldick flopped out too, upright and eager, its tip leaking with pre-cum.

“A moment of your time, ladies and lady-gents! In case you’re wondering, my little whore here is the former owner of these goods you’re perusing, and will yours to use during the duration of the auction. Consider her the event’s cum-dumpster if you will! However, beware, she is quite a skilled slut, as I will now demonstrate.

“Hey, slave, face up, make yourself a chair.”

“Fuck you,” I whispered, but obeyed anyway.

I lowered my ass onto the ground until my pussy kissed the cool, cloud-white floor, arched my back, and leaned my head back. My body and flexibility let me bend into a gorgeously curvy seat, the hottest bench on this side of reality.

“Tongue out. Mouth open. Beg for it.”

Reluctantly, I opened my lips wide and let my tongue loll out onto my chin. “Pheahe, hih oh hee.”

“Meh, fine I guess.”

Noi hiked up the hem of her tight cosmic dress, tugged her panties (white lace string) aside, and sat her hot, drooling pussy on my lips.

Taste of my own juices filled my mouth. She back-pedaled a little, burying my nose between her ass-cheeks. My nose booped into the huge white buttplug still buried in her anus. 

Guess you could make slut into a sadist, but couldn’t take the anal out of an anal slut.

I let out an involuntary moan, writhing as her weight settled on me. Cool, velvety soft skin compressed around my face. I couldn’t breathe! Neither could I help myself.

My tongue reached out for her folds, slathering up her slimy arousal, immediately homing in on her hard clitty and her sluttily twitching opening. I knew my spots. I’d masturbated for hundreds of years. I’d trained my tongue on monsters, girls, and monstergirls.

The cunt-eating I served Noi was my masterpiece.

The pace was like that of a perfectly crafted story, with ups and ups and a couple more ups before the downs that heightened anticipation of the climax. Like a good slut, I worked tirelessly, breathlessly, slowly choking towards ass and thigh-filled unconsciousness, running my pervy little hands all across my tits, taut stomach, lewdly spread legs, and crotch as I worshiped my own pussy.

I unzipped my crotch before the audience, feeling a perverted rush at the murmurs and gasps as my hard, demonic girldick flopped out into freedom. Drunk on the taste of my own arousal, I began touching it, massaging the shaft against my soft thighs, squeezing and grinding it against the squeaky, slippery durlatex wrapped tight around my legs. 

The sensitivity was divine.

I moaned into Noi’s pussy, snaking my other hand up to my neck to play with my collar as I fapped to being used as a living seat.

My own release was close when I felt her body twitch. “F-fuck! Shit, ahh… Nggh!” Noi grunted.

Girlcum spurted out of her pussy as she came on my face. It splattered all over, bits going into my eye and nose, some flowing down my dark-glistening bodysuit. I scooped it up and used it as lube for masturbation

Her lower body shuddered with convulsions of pleasure. She grit her teeth as pleasure wrecked her and ground herself on my tongue, eking out a few extra waves of bliss before the high began to subside.

I simply continued. My brain was growing foggy, too subby and air-deprived to think, and I was close, oh so close. My jerking intensified. I pulled on my collar.

She grabbed me by the horn and yanked me off.

With a panting ‘oof’ I fell sprawled on the floor to stare at a hazy crowd. The room’s arousal was bright-pink now, hot enough to slow the loss of my demonic transformation, but not enough to halt it entirely.

I knew how to fix that though, and continued my one woman act of depravity in the middle of a crowd of people I hated and people I couldn’t let see me.

I stayed on my back, rising on tips of my hooves to thrust my hips up, putting my lewdest bits on full display with my legs spread wide-open. I snaked my spade-tail around, wrapped it around my cock, and tail-fucked myself before them, while burying both my hands three-knuckles deep in my ass and pussy respectively, shlicking away furiously, while letting them hear the pleasure in my moans.

I was in full slut-mode, my shame an all-but forgotten spice to the backdrop of pleasure. 

Approaching my climax, I squeezed my thighs and abdomen, trying to hold off the first orgasm of the night. I’d do it with the cock, I decided, withdrawing my hands to smear my pussy-juices all over my bodysuit and suckle my own ass-drenched fingers like they were the most delicious cock in the world.

My mind was about to explode.

I felt it building up. I’d blow a frigging huge load, then instantly cum with my ass and pussy, turning into a rag of bliss.

“Chumming… chumming…”

A putrid-green rune glowed around the base of my cock.

Right before orgasm, Noi’s voice spoke in my ear through magic, “Oh, I forgot to mention the vibe in the plug as they say. Every time you cum, I’ll broadcast a prophetic dream to all your adult believers and share with them your most intimate and embarrassing memories.”

My brain sobered instantly.

“Nggghf!” My tail-fapping screeched to a halt.

I gripped my thighs, clenching my butt, abs, and legs as I fought to stop myself from cumming. The ghost of a pleasure, damnably intense, smoldered in my lewd-bits. My body froze in place and I steadied my breathing. 

I teetered on the edge. Tiniest breeze would’ve been enough to make me cum.

The crowd murmured. Disappointment replaced arousal, and the magic seals in my cuffs continued to tick down, threatening to reveal my identity. 

“You bastard,” I groaned, glaring at Noi who towered above me, grinning. “Fuck theft. I don’t mind that, but you dare ruin my orgasms now?” I whispered.

“Hey, I thought you’d find it hot,” replied her voice in my head.

I did, but—

“Happy serving~ Hope you find a good work-life balance in your new duties.” Noi winked and stuck out her tongue as she stepped backwards, dropping magical communication to address the audience gathered around me. “As you can see, she can be a bit of a brat, but rest assured, the slave will obey your commands. Use her however you like!”


Ran out of deity-bucks, which made my connection go zzz-bzzz. Parts of the update had to be delayed. 

To all of you who expressed worry, don't worry! Your favorite degenerate Ion is totally gonna make a full recovery from being sexually burglarized. You could even call this incident a much needed 'self reflection' (AYOOO!) and the turning point in how I'm gonna run my religion in the future. Honest, stuff is gonna turn a-okay! Just... the transition is taking a while.

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