Degenerate Masochist’s Reincarnation as A Goddess

On the Run

“Dang girl,” Shadada chuckled. “Of course I’m in. You think I’d stop being your sexiest bestest paladin just ‘cos you’re not a goddess anymore? Pah, have some faith!”

I giggled back at her, relieved.

Gorgeous curves of muscled and scarred elf lie on top of me, pinning me to her bed. We’d been making out, touching each, and engaging in friendly, totally non-romatic lesbianics since I butt-planted on her face out of nowhere. She’d been working out while wearing nothing but a black collar and thong, which was now soaked in her girlcum, arousal, and my spit. My own slave clothes were equally sticky.

“I am your sexiest bestest paladin, yeah?” Shadada asked slowly.

“Whah? Yeah, duh! I don’t have others, though… I do kinda need to gather more–”

She let out a hurt whimper, clutching her chest. “Cheat!”

I rolled my eyes. “–but not paladins necessarily. Just, having a bunch of apostles makes ascension a lot easier.

“Hahaha, joking, joking. My cute ass goddess can have other worshipers. She deserves them.”

I made a little embarrassed sound, suppressed a big smile, and failed to meet her eyes. Hers had turned golden since she’d become ‘mine’. Combined with her cool warrior aesthetics, ruffled black hair, tanned bod, and slightly deeper voice that gaze of hers did dangerous things to me. 

“Alright, so, what do you need to re-ascend?”

“Well,” I paused to think for a bit, tongue between my lips as I focused. “Now, this is all kinda me spitballing since I don’t rule over the knowledge domain anymore, but… there was this dude back in my world who had I think magical apostles, a bunch of miracles, and also he gave his followers rules and whatnot. I think that’s a good starting point.” I dunno if you’ve heard of him, but I was of course talking about Jesus.

“‘Kay, doesn’t sound too impossible. Apostles, miracles, and a defined dogma.”

“Yeah, yeah! That’s the word,” I said, blushing a bit. “Heh, I’m a bit dumber without godly powers.”

“Ye, you are.” Shadada grinned, giving my butt a spank.


“My dumb cutie goddess,” she cooed, stroking my rear affectionately. Her tone and expression stiffened with sudden seriousness. “They are here.”

Dread washed out some of my arousal. I let out a shuddering breath, touching the womb-tattoo that marked me as prey.

My brave Shadada noticed my distress and offered me the kind of cool winsome smile only muscular elf paladin hotties can give. She stood from the bed, picked up a shirt, and said, “Toss me the sword would–”

The bedroom wall burst inward in a storm of stone and wood. Wall shrapnel stuck to the red-clay skin of the hulking golem that stepped inside. Arcane symbols blazed on the metal core peeking out of its smooth-featured bulk. Two mitten-like arms reached out towards me.


Wind whipped my hair as Shadada moved. A slender two-handed blade was out of the scabbard and in her hands in a blink. In the next it was a gleaming blur carving magically reinforced clay. A limb was lopped off and a second sculpted to a useless ribbon. A kick sent the golem back into the dim-lit alley outside.

I sat transfixed, staring at the tight muscular back looming before me, the gorgeous waist, thick legs, and the way that Shadada’s panties dug deep into the crevices of her full ass. Oh wait, she was talking to me?

“...of here now!”

I jolted back to reality, scrambling to my feet. “Um… What do I…”

“Clothes!” Shadada snapped, pointing at an open wardrobe. “And my travelbag.”

The door next to the wardrobe burst off its hinges. A second clay golem ducked its neckless body to fit in through the opening. It’s arcane core twirled, locking an eye-shaped symbol on me.


“Ion’s tits,” hissed Shadada. “To me, stick to me!”

I stumble-sprinted away from the golem, smacking face-first into an elf ass. Shadad grabbed my wrist and pulled me along, while slicing a leg off of the golem she’d already pushed back. Half naked, we ran into the alley.

“Roll,” said Shadada, throwing me into a narrow canal between buildings and dove in after me. We splashed into icy-cold water green with algae.

Behind us, the alley lit up with blazing light as ethereal azure chains clashed into nothing and a huge cage of steel fell down onto where we’d just been. Three mages with pointy hats hovered above the roof.

“There, in the canal!” pointed one sitting on a floating sphere of metal.

“Aw crap!”

“Deep breath,” said Shadada and I inhaled.

She pulled us below the surface and into a pipe. I swam on my own, though Shadada never let go of my broken chain leash as she led us through watery darkness, navigating labyrinthine corners of slippery stone and metal-grated dead-ends. 

Bubbles escaped my lips. My lungs began to ache.

A current began tugging at us, gently at first, but soon it swept us away. I tried to get Shadada’s attention. I needed air!

She gave me a thumbs up.

A pipe spat us out into the sea. I struggled towards the surface, until Shadada pulled me up against her.

I gasped, panting to catch my breath.

“That won’t buy us long. C’mon, swim fast.”

Shadada was already swimming towards a particular ship some distance away – a huuuge iron yacht with multiple decks built for opulence and luxury. Massive metal oars covered in arcane glyphs sprouted from its rear and a big pink flag fluttered atop it with a crest that screamed lesbian dommy mommy. 

“Where are… …we… …going?” I asked between huffs as I tried to paddle after her.

“That’s the private yacht of a Hellonian archmage. There’s enough magic onboard to throw off your tracking brand. At least for a moment.”

“And they’ll… …just let us… …on board.”

Shadada favored me with a charming over the shoulder grin. “It’s a Hellonian archmage. They’re always open for new harem applicants.”

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