Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Backstory part 1 [R18]

[2751 words]

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



[A/N: This chapter is R18 but not because it's a smut, so if you're the type that only reads R18 chapters then F off. This chapter shows a bit of D's backstory and focuses on his childhood and bonding time with his father, The next chapter won't be Backstory part 2 as I'm planning to show his past at different times, It's pretty F up by most people's standards. sooo, Find out why by yourself]

I lay on the scorching sand of the hot desert, It was currently high noon, The sun shone high above at it's brightest making the sand hot enough to cook a normal human alive, Thinking about the enticing aroma of cooked human flesh I almost drooled.

It's been five years since I've come to this world, I haven't slept in five years and haven't eaten anything but scorpions and snakes for the past half a decade, The only thing I could do to pass the time was stare at the sun in daytime and gaze at the stars at night.

The sleep deprivation and the monotony of the desert are taking quite a tool on my mental stability, I started hallucinating after three years and with that everything spiraled down hill.

I can barely keep a semblance of control over my thoughts, I can only attempt to keep control of them, I hate not being in control....

'Ugh, Why do I even do this?.....', I wondered absentmindedly.

'Oh yeah, Now I remember, It's for power, It's to gain as much power as possible or something....', I couldn't really remember what first prompted me to pursue power.

And not just any power, I wasn't pursuing political power nor military power and certainly not economic power.

I wanted personal power!

Political power can be used to get economic power and military power.

Economic power can be used to buy political and military power.

Military power can be used to take political and economic power.

But none of them can be used to acquire personal power.

In the end, The last line of defense is personal power, No matter how rich or important you are all it takes is a bullet to the head to end your existence.

Doesn't matter wether you are a president, A general or just a begger, A bullet to the head is all it takes.

'Agh, All this talk about power, Beggers and bullets, I can't help but remember my past'

I was born in a little country known as Germany.

Between a couple madly in love I forget their names so let's just call the man Naruto and the woman Sasuke, Sounds good?

Ok, Naruto and Sasuke were madly in love with each other, Or at least Naruto was considering that he actually went mad after the unfortunate passing of Sasuke.

Sasuke always had quite the frail body, She needed to sleep under a triple set of blankets in the winter and needed to always stay in the shade in the summer, Or so I heard, After all, I only ever met Sasuke when I was in her womb, When I took my first breath she had already taken her last.

The Death of Sasuke left Naruto in deep pain and sadness, He quit his job and took up a permanent post as a professional abusive screaming drunk.

I have no memories around the time of my infancy so it is a mystery to me how I managed to stay alive.

My first memory of my father is of him grabbing my head tightly and forcefully keeping my eyes open as I tried to struggle free using my feeble small arms

My struggle yielded no results as his large thumb with it's dirty black nail slowly got bigger in my vision until it was the only thing my left eye could see and the last thing it would ever see.

I lost my left eye that day. Yet I felt no sadness at my lose nor did I feel any anger at my injustice, Not then and not now.

This was a constant theme in my 'bonding time' with my father.

There is a moment in each human's life where they suddenly 'awaken', The moment when they can remember first realizing the fact that they exist and that they are conscious of their existence. Followed by the realization of the fact that they are an individual, And then comes the questions.

Questions like "why am I on this earth?" and "how did I come to be?"

They aren't questions that ask about a god or the origin of mankind, They are questions wondering about what sort of events took place that eventually lead to one's existence. The birds and the bees.

My first thought was also similar, "Why am I here?" and "Why is darkness so dark?".

Those were my first thoughts while handcuffed to the rusty cold pipe of the pitch black, cold and humid basement.

Those were my first thoughts ever. Simple and innocent curiosity.

The basement of my father's house would be the only thing I knew for the first eight years of my life.

I was fed around once a week. And was beaten every other day, Sometimes my father would just kick or punch me a few times before leaving, Sometimes He would lash me for hours until my entire body felt numb, Other times when he was really angry or really drunk he would break some of my bones with a baseball bat.

I never resisted nor did I ever scream, It wasn't out of defiance or anything of the sort, I felt no hatred towards my father and the pain was temporary, It would at most only last for a few days, Well I thought they were days, it's hard to keep a grasp on the passage of time when there's no day and night. Only the darkness of the basement and the illumination of the fluorescent light bulb.

My days just sort of blended together, Sleep, Stare at nothing, Get beaten and repeat.

This constant was first broken after what I presume to be years later. On that day the strikes of my father felt empty, They lacked their usual concentration. Naruto seemed to be in thought.

It went on like that for a few more sessions until one day there was no beating, There was something new waiting for me in store that day.

Naruto wasn't shouting like usual, He was silent, He was very focused and seemed silently determined.

He removed my hand cuffs. For the first time I had a full range of movement in all of my limbs, I stared at my free left arm, This was the first time I was able to see it clearly, After all it was on the side of my face that lacked vision.

My wrist had a thick circular dark mark from the hand cuffs, It was very conspicuous compared to my pale white skin.

My admiration of my arm was interrupted by my father as he grabbed me forcefully and turned me around, Making me lay on my stomach as he pinned me to the ground with my head right next to the bucket where I relieved myself.

I felt him tear off the rags I wore for pants, He rubbed something hard and hot on my hole and a few moments later I felt something weird go inside me. It was weird and very painful as It tore my insides apart.

It kept going inside me and back out with brutal pase, After a few minutes of my father's frantic thrusts and groans, He finally stopped as his thing spasmed inside me.

After he pulled out he cuffed my left hand again before leaving, My insides felt numb as red and white fluid pooled under me.

I wondered about what had just happened, It was painful, But I've had worse.

Although it definitely felt weird.

I also wondered about what that white liquid was. I thought about tasting it, And although I was somewhat reluctant as I knew that things that came out of my back door tasted bad.

Curiosity still got the better of me as I dipped my finger in the pool and gave it a lick, It tasted bad.

And that was how r*pe became the newest activity in our father son bonding time! Wake up, Stare at nothing as the darkness envelopes you, Get beaten, Get raped, Fall asleep as the darkness cradles you in it's comfortable embrace.

Rinse and repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, Time was meaningless, Existence even more so, It was all so boring and repetitive.

I wanted to experience something new, I didn't care what it was, I just wanted something new to happen, Curiosity about what could be out there behind the doors of the basement was eating at me.

After a long time, Something new finally happened, Naruto stopped beating and raping me, He started feeding me every day and washing me with a warm wet towel.

Every day he would bring me food three times a day, And it wasn't the usual dog food or hard moldy bread.

It was hot and delicious food, He would give me lots of food and wouldn't leave until I ate every bite, He would say words that I couldn't understand to me in a tender tone as he would stroke my long black hair.

With time, My body wasn't as skinny as it used to be. My rib cage didn't bulge out of my skin anymore. For the first time in my life I was able to eat until I was full.

Feeling bloated after a meal was very nice.

One day, My father came down to the basement with a bucket of water, A towel and a beautiful small blue dress.

He uncuffed me, removed my clothing, Washed my body thoroughly using the warm water in the bucket and dressed me up.

He brushed my disheveled long hair and put a blue ribbon on it, He used a pure white eye patch to cover my decommissioned left eye, Or Eyussy as he liked to call and use it.

[A/N: As you might have guessed, Eyussy = Eye pussy, And yes, D did get fucked in the eye by his father.]

He then made me wear the long blue summer dress, With white panties and white long socks with black shoes.

I couldn't walk yet so he lifted me up in a princess carry and took me outside the basement, Excitement welled up inside me with each step he took up the basement stairs and towards the door leading to the great unknown.

We finally arrived outside as I looked around with great excitement, Reality was disappointing however. The place wasn't in that good of a shape even though it was better than my accomodations. The walls were dilapidated, The furniture was dusty and old, There were clothes and bottles of Alcohol strewn all around the floors and furniture.

There were also windows that allowed me to see the view of the outside, There was NOTHING. Just the same darkness and emptiness.

In the end there was nothing else and no one else out there, Just me and my father, Forever...

I felt so empty, Was there even a reason to continue existing?

Naruto took me to his bedroom and sat on the bed with me sitting on his lap as he stroked my hair.

He lifted up my chin as he brought his lips closer to mine. I wondered if he was going to eat my face, But he didn't, He only kept smacking his lips with mine as he licked the inside of my mouth with his tongue.

After the make-out session he removed his clothes and then removed my underwear, Why make me wear clothes if he was going to remove them anyway?

He laid on the soft bed and placed me on his thing as another round of this weird act started as he grabbed me tightly by the hips and slammed me up and down his crotch.

I observed his face and eyes as they cycled through all sorts of expressions with the final one being immeasurable sadness and despair as tears streamed down his face like rivers and his face contorted.

"Sasuke! Sasuke!", He would cry out, I was captivated by the sight. He grabbed my hands and made me wrap them around his throat.

At that moment I was confident that even if I tried to choke him to death he wouldn't resist, Infact I could tell that he wanted me to kill him.

But I didn't, I was captivated by his suffering as a feeling I had never experienced overwhelmed me, It was ECSTASY!

Ecstasy at watching a humans suffering.

I put my thumbs at both sides of his lips and I stretched them into a wide smile!

The contrast between the cheerful smile that was forced upon him and the pain in his eyes was exhilarating.

I slammed my hips frantically on his own making him cry even harder, 'Good, Cry more! Suffer more! Show me more!'

I wanted for the moment to last forever, But that's now how things work, Not yet at least, The fun times came to an end as he came inside me.

He didn't move or say anything for a few minutes as he just blankly stared up at the sealing.

I felt hungry so I crawled around the messy house looking for something to eat, I wasn't able to find anything until I accidentally opened the fridge which had food inside, I couldn't reach most of the delicious stuff like cheese or meat, So I had to do with a few tomatoes that I found.

Five cold tomatoes later, Naruto came out of the room, He lifted me by the back of my collar as I just kept eating my tomato.

He then reached the basement door, Opened it and threw me downstairs, I landed on the ground with a heavy thud and broke my right arm, I could easily tell that it was broken, I felt that same weird numbness everytime one of my bones were broken.

My father unhurriedly came down the stairs, He then grabbed me by the hair, dragged me to my wall and cuffed me to the pipe again.

After that he left, Leaving me alone in the darkness for what felt like decades.

That was the last time I saw my father, Oddly enough I've never felt any sort of hatred towards him.

Any sort of feelings there were between us died along with him as he drove off that cliff with enough alcohol in his system to knock out a bear....

*hooooonk*, A loud train horn pulled me out of my reminiscence of the past.

"What is it GLaDOS? It's not time for your monthly report, Is it?", I asked as I got up and started dusting off the hundreds of scorpions and snakes that were crawling all over my body

<Oh, I thought the local wild life finally managed to defeat you, Or is it just another disgusting fetish of yours?>, GLaDOS said

"Ugh, Spare me the banter, I was reminiscencing about the old times, Anyway, What happened?", I asked as I stomped on some scorpions, Crushing them under my heels.

<Ok Boomer, Anyway that girl you're stalking, Max Caulfield, I just heard her perfectly predict the future while hanging out with a blue haired friend of hers, She's also been talking about how she has visions of a tornado and a blue haired figure, Thought you might be interested>

"Oh shit, I gotta go, GLaDOS where's the nearest place with a plane or a helicopter I can steal, I gotta go to arcadia bay", I said as I grabbed my scythe that had been buried by the sand.

<No need I'll take care of transport, Give me a minute>, GLaDOS said

Exactly 60 seconds later, A portal opened in mid air Infront of me that showed the view of a dinner.

<That portal should take you to their current location>, GLaDOS said proudly.

"How the fuck did you do that?", I asked as I stepped through the portal.


welp that's the end of it, cya in the next chapter.

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