Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Backstory part 4

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This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior

{L̸̢̢̢̨͍͉̗͇̟̺̪̤̹̣̹̖̜̲̜̹̪̹̖͖̫̙̤͒͋̔́̏̐̽͊͐̊̄̓̀̅̍̈͗̾̅͑͗͑̿̓̊̒̌̀̐͠ų̸̡̨̧̢̡̨̨̛͚̳͚͚̪͇̦̮͕̗̮̤͉̞̼͈̣̭̼͖̘̺̭͓͓̗͍̩̞̱̦͎̬͚͕̒̓͌̾̄̌̿̄̽̊̎̈́̿͒̏̃̾̎̊̋̈́̄͆̋̑̐̇̄̍̃́͋͌̽̽̄́̕͜͜͜͠͝͠͠ş̴̛̛̩͚͖͕̬̳̲̮̼̜͓̣̯͓̙̪͎̞͚̖̱̭̜̦̥͚̪̖̣̭͔͕̜͕̌̾̇͒̔̅̽͊̉̽̆̇̈́̂͆́͑͊̋̽̄͌̅̓̏͗̐̈́͋̍̾͒̊́̾̾͊̚͜͝͝͠͝͝ţ̶̧̨̢̨̡̧̤̞̼͈̰̖̹͉͔̭͍̖̝̱͖͈͚̩̅̓̓̊́̌̐̑̿̽̐̾͆̋̀̈́̀͆͂̃̆̀̅̅͛͌̍̾̕͜͝͠͝f̸̡̢̛̬͙͚̰̰͙̮͚̠̝͇̙̟͍̪̬͓͍̘̘͓͓͇̜̳͍̫̪̦͙̦͇̭̦̪̙͙̣̜̣̺͎̻̬̳͛͋͜ư̷̡̨̨̧̙͇͚͔͍̖̹̳̭͔̺̤͔̳̻̟̠̮͖̰͑͗̑̔͒̃̐̈́̄̿̓͂͛̒̓̈́̾̈͌͒̔̍̿͂͐̈́̒̍̈́͌̏͋́̆̒̀̄̀̈͌̽̕̕̕̕͘͜l̶̢̢̢̡̯̩̰̝͎̹̫̦̘͉̥̥̬̼̝͚̱̲͉̥͎̭̏̍̀̊̉̑̀͐͗̂͛̍̄̌͋̒̃͊̔́̀͒̐̀̂͌̈̉͘͘̚͜͜͜͠ ̸̨̢̨̜̳͇͓͚̦̮̜͈̮̣̪̜̍͊̃̔̿͗̎̆̎́̉͊̄͒̅̍̒͂́̀̈́̀͊͋̐̒͑̈̄̍̀̋͆̕̚͜͝͝͝D̵̻͗̎́͑̅͗͛̈́̕ę̷̛̭̟̦̱̻͇̼͖̭̺̠͓̼͈̞̓̀̈́͆̄̋̌̆́͑̅̐͛̌͆̈́̏͆̇̃̍̔̆͆́̇̑̆͌̆̔͑̾̕̕͘͘͘̕͝͠ȁ̴̼̊̆̊͛̔͐̈̏̉̉̕͘͝͠t̶̛̛̬͚̮̹̻̜̞̞͍͖͊͌̈͒͋̇̒̀́̑́̈́̾̄̀̉̐̎͠h̴̨̨̻͈̙̣̝̞͕̜̲̲̠̜̹̱͓̝̭͎̳̦̭͎̫̹̝̙͈͚̱̝̝̝͕̬͚̠̭̜͍́̌͆́́̅̏̾͊͗͐̔̓͋̋̉͊̆̌̀́̊͋͑̓̇͆̽̋̾̎̎͋̀̿̆̚̕̚͘̕̚͠͝͝}


❞𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖. 𝕀𝕗 𝕨𝕖'𝕕 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞, 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕓𝕖 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕦𝕟 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕔𝕠𝕨𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕤.❞

–𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕟 ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕥

Danielle spent the next few weeks in a state that is for lack of a better term, Paranoia.

Always keeping his vigilance whenever he passes by a cop, Maybe they would turn around and arrest him, Somehow knowing of what he did.

That never happened however, There was no talk or gossip in town of any murder and no policeman ever came looking for him.

In hindsight Danielle's target of choice was an integral part in why he hadn't been caught, Just like many of his serial killer seniors he had chosen targets that the law didn't care about or even looked down upon. Targets like bums, Low-lives and prostitutes.

When it comes to such cases, Many times they just collect the bodies and just write it off as a heart attack so that they don't actually have to investigate, And when if they do investigate, They don't do it all that seriously, Never pulling out all the spots. Inhumane? Sure, But it was good resource and time management.

After all who would pressure them about finding out the reason for the death of a homeless drunk? Their homeless friends? Or their worried nonexistent family?

So an investigation of the crime scene would be pretty much something like this.

"Sir this is a clear case of murder"

"Now hold on there young lad, No need to be hasty, First let's run through the facts, Were there any drugs or alcohol in the victim's system at the time of death?"

"Yes detective, A large amount of alcohol was indeed found in his system"

"Hmm then the poor stinky fella died from alcohol poisoning, It's an open and shut case"

"But detective the victim died from sever head trauma after having been smashed on the face by a shovel at least a dozen times. Look his face is bloody and completely flattened."

"Ugh, Then he lost his footing and fell on the shovel. Open and shut case"

"Over a dozen times? And the murder weapon was found over 300 yards away, Hidden inside a-"

"Like I said, Open and shut case"

"...Yes sir"

"Come on, I'll buy you a beer, First round's on me"


Although those few months wore down on Danielle's nerves it was also quite exhilarating, The stakes were high, Just one mistake or small but crucial oversight on his part would decide the direction in which the rest of his life would be going.

To continue living on freely or to be imprisoned for all of eternity. Although he would most likely be put in a mental institution and left to be forgotten, But he didn't know of such places just yet.

As for the act of killing in it of itself, Danielle felt nothing, He didn't dislike it but neither did he like it either, But planning for it and avoiding the long dick of the law was very fun however.

Although Danielle enjoyed indulging in violence, Killing was just the climax to that, Just the end of the fun, There wasn't much sense in beating a dead horse.

Danielle continued on living the next few years of his life just like usual, Always pursuing his curiosity and whims, With no real care for his well being or that of those around him. His body was already riddled by the scars and marks left to him by his father, What difference would adding a few more make?

Danielle had reached the age of thirteen and not much has changed. He still went to school, Still lived in the orphanage and was still being followed around by Eva all the time like a lost puppy and in all honesty he had grown bored and tired of her.

They had known each other for 4 years yet they actually didn't, He knew plenty of stuff about her, If he wanted to know anything about her all he would have to do is ask her and she would happily tell him 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 he wanted to know without hiding any of it.

But she didn't know anything about him, Well she did know quite a lot, After all it would be weird if you're glued to someone all day for 4 years and didn't have a solid idea of the kind of person they are, Even if you learned just one single thing about the every day you'd still know 1460 things about them. And considering that they talked all the time she certainly knew most things about him.

But she didn't know everything, And although the rest wasn't much it was still very important, It included everyone he tortured, Everything he stole and everyone he killed.

Eva obviously knew that he wasn't a good person, She knew that he lied all the time, Acted friendly and very kindly towards everyone even though he didn't like or care for them in the least and she knew that he probably didn't even care about her. 

But she still stuck to him and seemed to really insist on keeping his company for reasons impossible for Danielle to understand.

But what if she knew? What if She knew everything about him? What if she knew what he really thought about and did whenever she wasn't around.

Would she hate him? Probably, But if not, Then how would she see him? Danielle knew why he shouldn't do this. If she snitched on him he would end up in prison.

But he really wanted to know, He was very curious about how she would react, It was an itch that he had an urgent need to scratch.

(I bet you read that "itch" there as "snitch")

But he managed to smother it before it could bloom, It was too risky, It wasn't worth it. He couldn't risk his goal for just some curiosity.

La mentally rolled his eyes at Danielle's 'goa'l that he was so dedicated to, Power, That was his dream, And ironically enough it was something that he decided to dedicate himself to one morning on a whim after having woken up from a particularly deep sleep.

All those characters in all those stories had dreams that they were willing to do anything for, Like finding the one piece or becoming Hokage.

Danielle wanted a goal that he can strive to achieve, Something to keeping striving towards and to keep him occupied for the the rest of his life, So he decided on a never ending goal, Gathering power.

La thought at first that it was just another one of Danielle's many whims that he would forget about in a month at most, After all this was the first actual long term goal that Danielle has ever set for himself, And having a goal just for the sake of having a goal wasn't solid motivation and reason for him to abide by his oath of "doing whatever it takes"

Surprisingly Danielle actually followed on his 'goal' with maximum effort and dedication, Training and trying to learn as many things as possible everyday.


One week after Danielle buried his impulse to share incriminating evidence about himself just for curiosity, Eva was adopted at the age of 12 years old by a nice young couple.

She was going to leave in a week, Danielle didn't really care much, Though he did acknowledge that he was definitely going to miss her company in the future. 

Danielle gave himself a mental pat on the back, He was glad he didn't follow his impulse to tell her everything about himself, Sure she knows a lot about him but nothing incriminating, If he had told her she would would have been away from his watchful eyes and when they grew apart she may have decided to share his secrets with others.

Eva wasn't like Danielle, She was capable of guilt and remorse as opposed to Danielle who understood it but never felt it. He often exhibited such emotions but that was just to keep a favorable reputation with people.

All the orphanage kids held a celebration for Eva, They were happy that she could finally get a family, She was kind to everyone and all the kids thought of her as a very nice older sister, Most kids get adopted by the age of 10, After that your chances diminish as you get older and once you reach 18 you are basically thrown out into the streets.

While the small celebration was going on, Danielle left, Eva wanted to follow him but was blocked by the other kids who were congratulating her.

After she was finally able to slip away from the others, Eva found Danielle sitting on one of the swings on the play ground.

Eva walked towards Danielle and sat on the swing next to him. They both just sat there in silence.

"....So uh I'm getting adopted", Eva said while staring at her toes.

"Yeah I heard", Danielle said, His voice clear, Probably different from the gloomy or sad one Eva somewhat wanted to hear.

"You don't seem too sad about it", She said.

"Why should I be? We're orphans, It's normal to be separated eventually", Danielle said.

"Will you miss me though?", She asked.

"I don't know, But probably not, People come and go like seasons, Even if they may linger on for a long time Sometimes, They eventually leave.", I explained.

"I'll miss you though...", She said, Voice cracking.

"I wanna leave this place but I don't want to leave you...", She said unable to stop the tears that streaked down her cheeks.

I kept silent, I didn't know what to say, The best choice was to remain silent.

Eva got off the swing I thought that she would walk away but she walked in the opposite direction towards me, Coming face to face with me, I looked up at her and started at her tear stained face as she looked back at mine.

One gaze was indifferent while the other was full of emotions. She lowered herself and kneeled between my legs, Not caring about her pants getting dirtied by the ground.

We were at eye level with each other, Our faces only a few inches apart.

"Danielle.....I-I love you...Do you love me?", She asked hesitantly while visibly forcing herself to not break eye contact with me. It must have been very hard for her to confess, I read that people are afraid of confessing to people they have a close relationship with because they are afraid of ruining the relationship, Knowing that she was leaving soon was probably what pushed her to confess to me.

"Nope", My answer was instant.

"That's what I thought, But it's ok, I'll make you fall in love with me.", She said as she wrapped her arms my torso and hugged me tightly as she buried her face into the side of my neck.

She was really close there, I thought that she was going to kiss me, So I gave my thoughts a voice.

"I thought you were going for a kiss instead of a hug", I said.

Hearing what I said she immediately pulled away from the hug and pounced on my lips, Her right hand holding my face in place while her left held the side of my neck.

After smashing her lips with mine a few times, She didn't retreat like I expected and instead advanced, Invading foreign territory, Boldly grabbing my chin and prying my mouth open before invading my mouth with her tongue and clashing with mine.

I wasn't very enthusiastic about the kiss at first since I've done it before but not one so passionate and deep. Feeling her soft lips smashing mine and her soft but tongue invading my mouth, Something inside me ignited, I wanted to touch her more, I wanted to push her down.

I did just that, I pushed her onto her back on the ground with me on top of her, Our tongues intertwining as our kiss grew heated and we let our hands roam each other's bodies.

I slipped of my hands under her shirt and started rubbing her hot stomach as she wrapped her arms around my neck forcing our faces closer to each other.

We kept at it for a few minutes before we separated.

I laid down next to her on the ground as we just stared at the orange sky above. I felt a soft hand grasp mine so I looked back at Eva who was laying beside me.

"You know~ you were pretty intense for someone who 'doesn't love me'", She said as she looked back at me, Giving my hand a tight squeeze.

"I wasn't lying", I said.

"Well you love my lips that's for sure.", She remarked as she licked her lips sensually.

"Yeah, I love kissing you", I confessed without hesitation.

She lifted her eye brows momentarily in shock. Probably not expecting me to admit it so easily.

"You're my boyfriend now", She said.

"I forgot the part where I agree to that", I said.

"Your consent only makes things easier, The outcome is still the same.", She asserted.

"Isn't that illegal?", I inquired.

"And bashing someone's skull with a shovel isn't?", She casually retorted.

That made me go completely vigilant, I never told her about anyone that I killed, The only way for her to find out is to somehow piece things together or to have followed me.

Seemingly having read my thoughts, She explained while stretching lazily.

"You know Danielle, You always think that I don't know things about you, But I know everything, I was there every time you robbed something, I know Everyone you killed, All 7 of them. The girl and the boy you raped and the dozens of people you tortured. I was always there, Standing behind a tree, Peeking behind a wall or listening from behind a dumpster", She casually revealed all the 'perfect' crimes I planned and executed under everyone's noses while looking at me in the eye, Unfazed by my stare digging holes into her.

"How do you know I won't just kill you to shut you up", I asked.

"Simple, For the same reason you've done most of the things I listed, Because you're curious about me, And that's also the reason why you'll agree to be my boyfriend, Because you're curious about what a romantic relationship will be like with someone just. like. you. We're not so different you and I wouldn't you agree Danielle? We both wear masks Infront of everyone in the world, And that's good, Always keep your mask on, Only remove it for me and I'll only remove mine for you", She said with a small smile as she caressed my face as I just stared back at her.


Welp, That's the end of it, Who could have guessed that the sweet and clingy Eva was the same as D all along! Oh the plot thickens!

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