Demented psycho through the multiverse.

D’s power.

[2203 words]

[A/N: Apparently, In the last chapter I said Chakra instead of Chi, Turns out Chakras are the points in the body that help the flow of energy, Not the energy itself, I meant the energy which is Chi. Thank you to ooowwweee for pointing it out.]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



❞𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥.❞


[A/N: I had to lightly skim through the story while reposting it on Wattpad and I realized that I tend to be quite lazy when it comes to providing pictures for characters, I plan on fixing that so to start it off, Here are the pics of all the currently known primordial spirits.

(Primordial spirit of life)

(Primordial spirit of death)

(Primordial spirit of time)

(Primordial spirit of space)

(Mind-break free Father of all names.)

(Mother of all faces.)

Btw this chapter was written on Wattpad since the tools for writing there are better, You can add pictures while writing the chapter instead of doing so in post, You can also add YouTube videos which is dang rad, You can use different fonts while writing and it autosaves so I won't lose my chapters incase of any unforseen circumstances which is a life saver considering that my phone was rebooting itself constantly while I tried writing this. Btw if you're from Webnovel then go give the story a look on Wattpad to give it a bump in views I literally only got one single view on Wattpad.

Apparently it's really hard to find so just look up my profile and go through there. My user name is the same: Lustful_Death.

Lastly I'm planning on posting this story absolutely everywhere so if you know of any platforms where I can post this story then please tell me.]

"What do you mean devoured La's soul?", The primordial spirit of space asked.

"Devour: To eat hungrily or quickly.", The primordial spirit of death explained in a condescending tone.

"I didn't ask for the definition!", The primordial spirit of space said with a hint of anger at having been made fun of by the insinuation that he didn't know the meaning of the word.

"I think what Uju was trying to ask is how such a thing is possible and of the method used.", The father of all names said.

"Well normally just intaking someone else's Qi is fatal if done in a large amount, It is akin to drinking poison. That is due to the structure of souls in our world each soul is made up of a number of identical pieces that all store within them a copy of a beings memories, Instincts, Traits, Personality components and Qi.", The primordial spirit of death started explaining.

"Wait are you saying that-", Uju, The primordial spirit space cut in before being interrupted back.

"Such a structure is particularly advantageous because it allows for the ability to think about multiple things at once and makes killing some beings like primordial spirits who's souls are made up of millions of these hexagon shaped cells practically impossible due to the required destruction of every one of the cells in order to achieve the complete annihilation of the being. Due to the Qi being stored with the memories, Personality and will of the being, Each lifeform's Qi is practically poison to other beings souls.", Explained.

"Well are you going to tell us what's different about the outsider or are you just going to keep rambling this pointless explanation?", Shēnghuó, The primordial spirit of life asked.

"Patience Shēnghuó, You are already so old, I thought you would be more patient by now.", The primordial spirit of death criticized uncaringly, Even though he was the size of an ant compared to her, He was much stronger than her so he faced her with confidence oozing from his being. He knew that she very urgently wanted to leave and terminate the outsider so he decided to draw out the conversation.

As for the outsider running rampant? He didn't care for such a thing, The outsider posed no threat to him or any of the other primordials, It only posed a threat to Shēnghuó's influence and interests.

"Alright let me continue. Where was I again? Maybe I should start from the beginning.... Ah yes the outsider's soul. Unlike this world's inhabitance whose souls are made up of many parts, The outsider's soul is made up of only two", The primordial spirit of death explained while holding up his middle and index fingers similar to a peace sign.

"Wouldn't that mean that it would be even worse for it to attempt to absorb La's soul? If it tried it would be instantly destroyed.", The mother of faces asked obvious question knowing that the primordial spirit of death was waiting for someone to ask such a simple question.

"That's what you would think, However the outsiders soul isn't made up of two identical small parts but is composed of two comparatively large and different parts, Instead of taking a honeycomb like structure made up of many hexagonal parts, The outsider's soul is structured like a fruit with the core hiding inside the flesh of the fruit. The large core stores the self through a highly complex interlocking web while the outer part stores the Qi. The inner controls the outer but they are still separate. Due to that the outsider's Qi doesn't posses much will, If any at all. Such a unique structure allows for highly hastened processing and thinking speed and a much larger amount of Qi then what would be normal of such a juvenile creature to posses.", The primordial spirit of death concluded his explanation.

"However it does come with downsides; First although having so much Qi is advantageous, Not having your will infused into it sacrifices utility.", The father of all names said as he picked up a rock with his two front legs.

"With this rock for example, Using my Qi I can almost freely change it's hardness, Elasticity, Density, Sharpness or shape however I wish. That is due to the will that is infused inside my Qi. Non infused Qi can only strengthen the properties an object has, It's like the difference between a seasoned craftsman with a wide variety of tools and a man with no fingers but wearing a strong armour. The craftsman can make a variety of weapons to pierce the armour.",The father of all names explained with his horrid voice but the other spirits didn't react to it, Only paying attention to what he was saying.

"He also won't be able to have multiple trails of thought at the same time", The mother of all faces said.

"But how did he manage to absorb La's soul? You still haven't answered that.", Shēnghuó said to The primordial spirit of death.

"Well, I don't know the exact method but I figured out the gist of it, Each living being has a mark on their soul left by the world upon the soul's creation, Each mark has a sort of ever evolving serial number that changes along with them, After killing a target, The outsider changes his own soul mark to an exact copy of his target and through the use of an unknown law or principal he tricks the world consciousness into thinking that both him and his target are the same being which prompts the world consciousness to fuse them together, If this was attempted while the target was alive and well it would result in a disaster for both sides but because the target's soul is outside of it's body and knocked out, The outsiders soul having the dominant position integrates the target into itself.", Explained the primordial spirit of death.

"It's a genius technique but it has its limitations, The biggest of which being that it can only be used once in each world, It only works if you don't have the world's mark. Which would explain the reason for why he went to a different world but not why he came to an entirely different plane. He wouldn't even need to leave his universe, All he would need to do is find creatures from a different world.", He further commented.

"Then what will we do about it? I say we kill it, Probably has more tricks up his sleeves.", Uju said.

"We can't do such a horrible thing, So many ocean lives would end without the spirit of the ocean and I would feel sad at his death.", The mother of all faces said.

"Why would you feel sadness at a plagues death?", Shēnghuó said.

"Meh, I'm sure they wouldn't mind taking one for the team", Commented from the side.

"Well it did fuse with La. I think we should try to reason with it, La might still be in there somewhere. It would also be a tremendous loss to you if there was no ocean, You're already injured, You can only keep those oceanic creatures alive for a few centuries before some of them start going extinct, Finding a new ocean spirit might take millennia. ", The father of all names said.

"I don't need you to tell me how to do my job, I can take care of myself.", Shēnghuó said.

"I agree with the father of all names's suggestion, I don't think it's beyond reasoning with, Though I do think that striking a deal of mutual profit will be a better approach then trying to appeal to it's feelings.", The primordial spirit of death said. Keeping the thing alive would surely bring only loss to Shēnghuó and her loss was his gain.

"What do you think Jikan?", Uju asked the primordial spirit of time, He wasn't expecting an answer though. Jikan hasn't done a single thing in millions of years, He hadn't moved or spoken. Even if he did something they wouldn't know, He was the primordial spirit of time after all.

In all honesty him becoming unresponsive is understandable, They have all lived for billions of years, Time has changed all of them, Although they might banter or not act their age sometimes, It was mostly forced, Time tests people, The longer you live out it's test the more from you it takes. 

Feelings and emotions slowly die out, Living in constant boredom erases the meaning of the word itself, You give all your attention and time to every little action you take no matter how trivial, It's the only way of anchoring yourself to reality and to not be swept by time, The longer you live the faster time seems to go due to less and less unique memories to anchor yourself on.

It would only take a thousand years for a human to be reduced to their most simple and basic state. Before loneliness polishes them completely, Being the oldest person in the world means everyone that was alive on the day of your birth is dead, Your parents, Siblings, Friends, Good people, Bad people, The rich and the poor, The powerful and the weak, The old and young, Everyone you knew, Everyone you didn't know. All just fertilizer.

Anyone ten times your age or more is akin to an infant to you, Young, Naive, unknowing and unlearned of the truths of life.

To spirits such problems are lessened, Their natural lifespan is endless, They don't need to eat, Drink or sleep. They mature slower as they don't have a need to be in a hurry, To a ten year old human a hundred years is very long time, Could be longer then they get to live, There is a pressure to live out their lives before they reach their expiry date.

To a ten year old spirit, A hundred years might still be a long time but many of it's friends that it plays with are a hundred years old and there are many spirits far older walking all over in the spirit world. 

There's no pressure to change.

But even a rock can be eroded by the constant dripping of water, And just like the dripping of the water, Time is constant, It's effects may not be visible immediately but over time it erodes everything.

All the primordial spirits are billions of years old, But Jikan, The primordial spirit of time is probably the oldest by a long shot he might be hundreds of trillions of years old for all they know.

He had long stopped interacting with them but they still interacted with him, They still talked to him, Even if he never answered, Everytime they had a meeting just like the one today they would have it in his home. The place where he one day stopped in and never moved again.

They hoped that one day he would answer.

A minute passed while everyone was waiting for him to speak, They always gave him a minute to answer before they moved on. 

Just as it seemed he would remain silent as usual.

"He can control time.", Jikan spoke.


Welp that's the end of it, My phone kept rebooting while I wrote this, I almost went crazy, This will be the last chapter until I fix my dang phone. Don't forget to suggest platforms where I can post this story to. Currently posting on Webnovel and Wattpad.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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