Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Milf [R18]

[3553 words] a true big chungus

here's a joke for ya, how many milfs does it take to change a lightbulb

they don't change it they just get fucked to death

btw after I released the previous chapter the views on this story jumped all the way from 12k views to 20k views, plus the amount of people who added this story to their collections on the day it released was two times more than any previous day, that just goes to show my impeccable writing skills hahahah, hah who am I kidding both you and I know the reason

it's because of the one and only horny dao

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



"ah~", the red haired woman arched her back and moaned cumming while clutching the white sheets, and as the post nut clarity washed over her. she reflected on what had happened in the past and what had just happened.

three years ago she had started dating her now husband. they were in love, there was so much passion and love between them and so one year later they decided to get married. they wanted to have children and make a family. but after an entire year of trying and failing they decided to go and consult a doctor, they found out that she was incapable of bearing children.

after that it all spiraled down, her husband slowly grew more and more distant, he started spending less and less time with her and more time on his work. at this point it has been more than six months since they had last laid together.

and just like that her perfect and happy marriage was gone. in a last desperate effort to get it all back she decided to bring up the topic of adoption to her husband. she was overjoyed when he seemingly easily agreed.

and so upon going to the orphanage they decided to adopt a cute blue haired, red eyed boy. she felt sad for the boy without memories and so she decided to make him part of her family.

but here she was, laying naked on his bed and spreading her legs to him as he fingered her with his small and slender but affective and efficient fingers

he was now looking at the fluid she sprayed on his fingers still looking at it with those same cold eyes and that neutral never changing expression on his face.

she was supposed to be his mother and take care of him and give him the familial warmth and love he deserved, but it hadn't even been two days since he came here and as soon as her husband went to work she already took advantage of him

she couldn't resist that maddening itch deep within her core when she saw his big girthy cock on full mast.

she was truly a horrible woman. a whore who would taint a child's innocence

but even if she couldn't undo what already happened she could still stop it from getting worse.

yes as long as she stopped now and dedicated her all to being a good mother she could salvage this. and so she got up 

when she did the boy looked at her without moving, one would think that his face was frozen if it wasn't for his eyes closely following her. over the last two days she had noticed that he was always constantly observing one thing or another even when his mind wandered off his eyes would always be observing his surroundings it seemed like he was always on guard

she walked to the bathroom, wore her clothes, this time without any of her usual sexy motions that she had learned in hopes of enticing her apathetic husband. leaving the bathroom she saw the boy still silently standing there and looking at her, she just silently went to his closet took some clothes, put them on him with steady hands and silently left the room closing the door behind her with a click


'wow that was slightly surprising, looks like the cum induced enlightenment she got helped her remember that she was about to do it with a child, though I only look like one. well although she blue balled me this is still a good outcome, but if she went through with doing it with me that would have helped me in advancing my little plan by allowing me to make use of her through blackmail or through her guilt that would still be a dangerous road to tread after all if she goes full sicko mode on me she could still overpower and kill me and I doubt I'll be lucky enough to be reincarnated twice', I thought while sitting on my desk chair and doing a spin

'but this is still a good outcome although I don't get complete control of her, I bet that if I were to ask for something right now she would probably agree, that's more than good enough, as for her blue balling me that doesn't matter, I'll fuck her just not yet'


and so two weeks later here I was, with a backpack on my back and a large gate Infront of me and the sounds of devil spawn howling around me yes I am in a place so horrible, so disgusting, so mind numbing. the name of this horrid place you ask? this hell hole is most commonly referred to as SCHOOL *DUM DUM DUM*.

'to think that I would willingly request to come here', I thought to myself as I walked through the white hallways with walls lined up with red lockers, and even as I felt the stares of the hell spawn and heard their murmurs about my hair and eyes I simply ignored them and continued walking to my assigned classroom, I entered where upon I was greeted by the sight of an almost empty classroom and someone whom I presume to be the teacher sitting in his desk, hearing the door open he looked up from the paper work he was doing

"ah you must be the new student, I'm Sam wabajak your math teacher for the rest of the year, although it's a bit late into the year I'll do my best to help you, so if you have any questions or something you don't understand I'll be happy to help you with that", the math teacher sporting black framed sunglasses, short brown hair and a clean shaven face introduced himself, he gave off that nice teacher vibe, never trust a teacher with that vibe

"thank you Mr. wabajak" I replied

"your welcome, why don't you take a seat over there next to Dave", the teacher replied with a smile as he pointed toward a seat next to a kid playing on his phone his old ass phone, well old by my standards

I nodded, walked to my assigned seat and sat down, the kid known as Dave stared at my hair for a few seconds but didn't say anything and just kept playing on his phone

few moments later the bell rang and students came flooding through the doors while chattering, after every one of them took their seats they still kept talking, a lot of them were talking or snickering while pointing at me, maybe they were talking about my hair or eyes or my height, after all this was a middle school people at this age tended to be quite mean, not the street thug I'm gonna break your bones slowly if you don't pay me kind of mean but in a sweaty 12 year old kind of mean

'how the hell did I get here?', I wondered. I had asked the pedo if she could send me to school, of course I wasn't really expecting her to do so, I mean this is literally fucking March most of the school year was already over, but she managed to do it. now you might be wondering about what kind of fucking school would allow someone to join at this time of year?, and the answer is private greedy schools, and not just any private greedy school, a fucking middle school, and so here I am a blue haired red eyed short boy with feminine features and short stature stuck where the scum of society gather. middle school, this is gonna turn out fucking Great with a capital G

so anyway after calming down the demons the teacher started speaking

"alright today is Monday so as usual we'll start with a few equations that we learned from last week's lesson to refresh you a bit, so take out your copybooks so we can start", the teacher said as he started writing math equations on the black board

'wow this stuff is really easy, not gonna do it tho', I thought as I decided to draw on my copybook instead

'what to draw what to draw, I have no inspiration, oh how about drawing my new face, I haven't gotten used to it completely so drawing it should make me more familiar with it'. having decided I started drawing, my hands were steady so the lines came out impeccable, each curve was perfect it looked like it was drawn by a machine not a human hand after all a human hand was unsteady and flawed 

"yes D would you like to come up and solve the equation", I looked up as I heard the teachers voice and saw him looking at me, more specifically my copybook looks like he wants to teach me a lesson and embarrass me Infront of the whole class, what dick

closing my copy book, I got up and walked to the front of the class. everyone was staring at me, walking up to the black board I look up at the equation, 'easy enough ', I grab the chalk and start solving the equation, after a few seconds of fast writing on the chalkboard where the only sounds that could be heard were the fast and repeating sounds of the chalk impacting the board I was done, and with that I put the chalk back in its spot and walked back to my seat

"and that's correct, uhh good job D", the teacher said

and with that the lesson continued and two hours later it ended, the other two lessons were history and chemistry

and so after the cumulative six hours of agony I was walking back to my house, going through busy areas and pick pocketing people I pass by with expertise, this was the real reason why I wanted to go to school it was so I could Walk back by myself with that I would be able to pick pocket people on the streets and buy and smuggle anything I need back

after half an hour I came home, going inside I had something to eat and went back upstairs to my room, there I put all the wallets I stole on the table, there were 20 wallets in total, and inside there was around 3,000 freedom bucks, one thousand of it was from a single wallet probably their rent money or something welp it's mine now

after collecting my spoils I hid them and the wallets in my secret space

the next day 'I woke up', dressed up, went down stairs, had some breakfast with the milf and left for school, after school I went to a certain bus stop and sat there

fifteen minutes later a man with a black backpack showed up and stood next to the bus stop and started looking around, he seemed to be looking for someone, I got up and walked up to him

"hi you must be Jake", I said grabbing his attention

"oh uhh are you D ", he asked seeming weirded out

"yes I am, so did you bring it?",I affirmed then asked

"oh yea, I got it right here", he said as he pulled out a small plastic container from his backpack and handed it to me, inside was a single spider but not just any spider, a banana spider, and it was the reason why I came here

"alright, here you go", I said as I pulled out a thousand dollars in a roll and gave it to him

"you forget a thousand things every day Arnold wenbinger you make sure that this is one of them", I called him by his real name and walked off, hearing what I said he looked around a few times then he hurriedly left

I paid him a lot of money and called him by his real name, that was to keep him paranoid and make him never talk about our deal, his imagination and fear would stop him from blabbing about the kid whom bought an extremely toxic spider for him, hell knowing the human brain he probably now thinks I'm some sort of errand boy for the mob

going to an empty back street I open my backpack, grab the container, put it on the ground and opened it

a spider slowly climbed out of it and onto the ground


it was then stomped on and crushed by a black boot that came from above

after killing the spider I got the notification asking if I wanted to use my skill, I affirmed

i jolted, lost my balance then fell on the ground

when I used my skill I saw that spiders entire life in a single second from the day it hatched till the moment I crushed it, I was the spider.

after collecting myself and remembering that I was D not a spider, I got up grabbed my backpack and walked away leaving the plastic container and the spider that disintegrated to nothing due to my ability


and so for two months my daily life was completely the same, get up, have breakfast with the milf and the Walter white knockoff, go to school, walk back, pickpocket, buy canned food and other things I need, go home, have lunch with the milf who seems to be trying to act like an actual mother, go back to my room, stash my stuff, go on the internet, have dinner, go back on the internet, rince and repeat

other than that I memorized the entirety of the map of north America and by that I mean the entire continent, I also got familiar with my new spider powers, looks like I am strong enough to pull the entirety of a tree from the ground, really fucking fast, how fast exactly well I still haven't figured out my top speed, but I can run a hundred meters in 0.37 seconds but that caused a lot of destruction to the forest, I can make webs from my finger tips and and can walk on walls, I also have really strong venom that I can use through my teeth, it can probably easily kill someone in a few minutes, not to mention the fact that I can transform into a spider


while walking back home I see something strange, a man who looks really pale sitting on a bench, his eyes were wandering and there was a long scratch mark running through his fore arm, he seemed to have a really bad fever, he was sweating heavily

I looked at him for a few seconds and hurried my step to go back home, it was about to start, I could tell that man was definitely gonna turn soon


reaching home I enter and close the door behind me, I was in a hurry, it wasn't because I was anxious or afraid, no as soon as I absorbed that spider I was already more than fully equipped to be able to easily survive this mediocre upcoming apocalypse, all those other preparations would only provide me with a bonus and a slightly easier life

the reason why I was in a hurry is because I had something to do, no more accurately I had someone to do

the milf was in her room I could tell with my senses, we were the only ones in the house

walking up the stairs I throw away my shirt, pull my pants down and rip off my underwear and took my shoes and socks off, reaching the door to her bedroom which was slightly open, I peak inside.

the room was dark, the windows were closed shut without even a spec of light entering, the milf was standing Infront of a large mirror, she was posing in black lingerie, her breasts were in a black bra, her sexy long legs were in black stockings, and her pussy was covered by nice lacy black panties, her white sexy body and the black lingerie made such a beautiful contrast

pushing the door with a creak I enter closing the door behind me, she turns around startled from the sudden sound, she looks at my naked body

"honey you're back so early, why are you naked?", she asked

"it's cuz I'm here to fuck you", I said nonchalantly as I approached her

"what", she asked clearly dumbfounded

"I said I'm here to rail your slutty pussy", I said as I got close to her and grabbed her soft ass giving it a nice squeeze and a tight slap

"what are you talking about", she said as she tried to Push me away from her only to realize that she couldn't budge an inch

"what's wrong?", I said as I pushed her on the bed and got on top of her

"isn't this what you wanted?", I whispered in her ear as I slip her panties down her closed thighs and rub her pussy

"n-no", she said as she tried to struggle away from me

"come-on don't you want me to drill your tight needie pussy with my fat cock", I held her neck and continued to whisper

"no", she said in a small voice

"good ", I said as I moved back

"but", I beamed as I tore her lowered panties and forcefully spread her legs

"what you want doesn't matter", I professed as I lined up my cock with her drooling lips and violently thrust it all the way inside

"ah!!", she screamed this time not from pleasure but from pain

I grabbed her wide hips tightly and started violently fucking her

the bed frame screeched against the floor with every one of my thrusts

"ah, hah, aaahhh"

she felt no pleasure no happiness, just the pain from being gripped so tightly and raped so harshly

I kept thrusting into her with the same pace for 3 minutes, hard enough to keep her screaming but soft enough not to literally tear her apart, Ah the benevolence.

sadly after 3 minutes the bed collapsed. I stopped my thrusting, pulled out, grabbed her by the arm threw her on the ground making her groan, pick her up again and pushed her towards the mirror

"grab the mirror frame and bend over", I ordered

she obediently grabbed the sides of the mirror and arched her back pointing that round sexy ass towards me

I grabbed her ass sinking my fingers inside her soft flesh and gave it a slap



and another



*slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap*

I kept slapping her white ass cheeks until they turned red, they weren't playful slaps like the ones used normally in bed, they were my slaps, hard and firm aiming hurt not pleasure

I tore her bra off, and after rubbing my cock on her pink slit I thrust it back inside her, I grabbed both her arms tightly and went to town

she started screaming in pain and agony, she begged and pleaded for me to stop but I just kept going even harder, hearing such beautiful screams of agony looking at her crying face through the mirror I couldn't help but get turned on, so I slowly started thrusting into her without holding back, holding her arms so tightly that her bones creaked, looking at her cry and scream even louder, it made me so aroused that I was about to cum 

it felt so good being able to completely dominate someone by force, to know that if I wanted I could pluck someones life away as easily as plucking the a roadside flower, it felt so good that I almost went insane as I couldn't stop my mouth from forming into a crazy twisted smile

and finally, I used my full strength and came inside her, tearing off both her arms from her shoulders and sending her mangled body crashing through the wall

"haaaaah, it's really nice to get the edge off every now and again", I sighed comfortably as I stretched my toes and threw away the arms of the now mangled mess that was all over the bathroom wall, oop there was also a bit of her dripping from the sealing

I walking out of the messy room and walked towards mine


I hope you liked the R18 cuz I sure did, if you didn't then you're just not cultured enough this was a Big boy chapter I'm exhausted , but seriously I'm gonna need to add a rape and gore tag to the story

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