
72 - The Proposal

It was only in the morning that Lori realized she should have taken steps to protect against Rian while she was unconscious… but immediately dismissed the thought. He was completely blind to those two, and now the third one, staring at his posterior for months. He either preferred men as the rumors said, or his libido was completely non-functional.

Speaking of her lord, she looked at him in bemusement as he lay face-down on the other wooden bed, one leg twitching. Why…?

Shaking her head, Lori got out of the bed, sighing happily as she did so without the pains of sleeping only a layer of laundry above wood. Ah, she'd miss this when she had to give Rian back his bedroll. It was a nice bedroll, with some kind of cushioning froth material.

Shaking her head again to clear out the possessive thoughts, she carefully folded over the bedroll and stretched. Then she went out to find a latrine.

She was back very soon, as a latrine had apparently been dug in sight of the house sometime during the night. Actual digging was involved, as there was a pile of dirt and small stones next to the hastily moved outhouse that stood over the hole. Whoever had done it must have been working in the dark. It hadn't been there when Lori had brought out the plates from last night's dinner to be taken care of.

Digging through the bag, Lori pulled out a jar of rations for Rian, putting the firewisps she'd managed to gather from a ray of sunlight to warm it as she waited for the negotiated breakfast.

Shanalorre had better give her proposal soon so she could go home.


It was midmorning before Shanalorre had time for her. Lori and Rian were taken to the younger Binder's office under escort. It was a bit too late, since the attack had already happened, but she supposed it was a sign that River's Fork was developing functional government. After all, how often had her mother complained about measures being put into place AFTER what they were supposed to prevent had already happened?

Actually, did River's Fork even have codified laws? She couldn't see anything like the list of laws she'd put up near the Dungeon's entrance…

It was just the four of them in the office this time. Lori and Rian faced Binder Shanalorre and… what was his name… Yllian! They faced Binder Shanalorre and Lord Yllian over the table room's table. The two men were warily watching each other and the Binder opposite them. At least, Lord Yllian was. Rian had his usual friendly, cheerful smile and gave the impression he was merely listening attentively, while Lord Yllian looked ready to kick the table over at the slightest move towards his Binder. Notably, the table was bare but for a few cut planks of wood.

"Binder Lolilyuri," Shanalorre nodded. "Good morning. I shall not take up more of your time, so I shall go straight to my proposal. I want to borrow Lorian Demesne's manpower. River's Fork is currently suffering a labor shortage, and while we have just enough people to allow us to survive, we do not have enough people to do more than that."

"I have no intention of telling my people to come back here, Binder Shanalorre," Lori said. "They are mine."

"I am not asking you to, Binder Lolilyuri," Shanalorre said. "I am asking for Lorian Demesne to enter in a partnership with River's Fork for a mutually enriching venture." She glanced at Rian momentarily for some reason. "You might be unaware, but River's Fork is in possession of a mine. Indeed, this site was originally specifically chosen because we identified signs of ores in the water and some of the nearby hills."

Lori turned to stare at Rian.

"Yes, I knew they had a mine," Rian said. "I just never brought it up because it was never relevant."

Lori let her stare linger, before turning back to Shanalorre. "What is this venture?"

"We have a mine, but not enough people to work it," Shanalorre said simply. "You have people. We would like to request you send some of your people to work the mine until at least the first snows. In return, we shall house, feed and provide for them. Those are our investments in the venture. In return, any copper that is extracted during that period, we divide between us. Four in ten parts for you, six in ten parts for us, measured by weight. We can renew the arrangement again after the thaw, provided both parties find it has been acceptable."

Lori stared at Shanalorre.

Metal. They had metal. No, wait…

"Is there actually metal there?" Lori said. "You said you had a mine, but in the time you were operating it, did it actually produce in useful amounts?"

"It did, actually," Shanalorre said. "This specific mine was excavated because there was an exposed copper ore seam. Operations only shut down because of the aftermath of the dragon. I've inspected the site myself. The copper ore is still there. With workers, we can resume operation even with hand tools."

"I will require my own visual confirmation," Lori said. "I want Rian to be shown the alleged copper."

"Me?" Rian said, sounding surprised.

"Of course. I'm not entering a hole in the ground I didn't dig myself. That would be unsafe," Lori said. There might not be sufficient structural supports, meaning the ceiling could collapse! No, she couldn't have that.

"Lord Yllian, could you please escort Lord Rian to inspect the mine?" Shanalorre said. "I will stay and answer Binder Lolilyuri's questions."

The older man glanced at his Binder then, for some reason, at Rian. From the corner of her eye, Lori saw Rian glance at her, meet the older man's gaze, shrug and start moving towards the door. A moment, and the older lord followed. Lori returned her attention to the other Binder across from her.

"Does River's Fork actually possess the tools for mining?" she inquired.

"We do," Shanalorre said. "Many of the tools were stored in the mine itself. Presumably, those who left the demesne intended to retrieve them after another demesne was found, as they were heavy and had no immediate use during the evacuation."

"What became of the ore previously mined?"

"We were able to smelt some of it, but it is now almost depleted," Shanalorre said. "That was part of my impetus to bring this proposal to you. Had you not arrived, I would have been forced to send a messenger to make the trek upriver to your demesne."

"My injury was fortuitously timed for you," Lori said blandly.

"I hope you are not accusing me of attempted assassination," Shanalorre said, equally bland. "As I understand it, the circumstances were self-inflicted."

There was a moment of silence as they just looked at each other.

"As I understand it, mining is a dangerous, potentially lethal occupation," Lori eventually said. "What sort of reparations can I expect should one of mine—" Heh. "—expire while in your care?"

"You would trade human lives for material gain?"

"You started it," Lori said.

Shanalorre tilted her head, clearly thinking. "Yes, I did, didn't I?" She twitched slightly, shaking her head and taking three deep breaths, her eyes closed. When they opened, her gaze was once more composed. "I request we postpone this discussion until such an event occurs. However, in the interest of prevention, I will station myself near the site at all times to minimize potentially fatal injury, as well as begin operations with a rigorous structural integrity check. However, in reciprocity, I will require you to render aid in securing worker safety as well."

"In what way?"

"Air will need to be circulated in the mine to prevent asphyxiation. I request your contribution be a means for insuring this air circulation. The mine had a manually-operated pump that was intended to pump air through a series of fabric hoses, which would bring fresh air down to the other end, deep in the mine. Unfortunately, this pump was damaged during the dragon, and we have been unable to repair it due to lack of technical expertise. The replacement we have managed to devise is crude, more labor intensive, less efficient, and very likely to break. Since it has been shown you are skilled enough to create a means of propulsion for your boat, perhaps you can concoct a similar means to propel fresh air."

Lori raised an eyebrow. "What would you have done had I not brought up the issue?"

"As I said, the current replacement is lacking," Shanalorre said. "A better replacement is in progress, but it requires more seelskin, and further construction. However, I have been advised that at the current depth of operations, the current replacement will suffice, and will only be a precautionary measure. I am sure a replacement pump can be procured at Covehold, which can be reached soon. Surely before winter arrives."

They both stared at each other.

"I will research a means of providing usable air circulation, though I make no promises as to anything usable," Lori eventually said. "At worst, we will provide the necessary seelskin for the improved replacement, according to how much is needed by the design proposal that will be submitted."

Shana tilted her head and nodded. "And any necessary replacement, should it need repairs."

"According to the repair proposal."

They both tilted their heads, then nodded.

"Now…" Lori said, "As to the minimum requirements of 'feeding', 'housing' and 'providing for' my people… "


"Well, there does seem to be copper," Rian said after he returned from being shown the mine. His trousers were dusty, and his face was stained with sweat.

"Are you sure?" Lori pressed.

Rian shrugged. "How would I know? It's not like I know what it tastes like when I lick it. It looks like metal, it's orange-ish, and it's definitely a part of the wall." He held up a small stone. "This is a part of it that had fallen. I thought maybe you'd be able to tell. At worst, we can ask the smiths back home."

Lori raised an eyebrow at him. "How did you think I would be able to tell?"

"If this is really a copper compound, I figure you'd be able to tell by seeing if lightning passes through it," Rian said. "Then unless we're REALLY unlucky, that it would probably be a metal of some kind."

"Let us not upset our hosts by utilizing lightning indoors," Lori said blandly, taking the bit of stone. It did look metallic, and between her fingers, Lori moved a few lightningwisps from one finger and to her other finger through the stone. They passed through.

"That would be very appreciated, yes," Shanalorre agreed.

"You know what I mean," Rian said, standing beside Lori.

"I will take back this sample to check if it does in fact contain copper," Lori said.

"Of course," Shanalorre said. "And the proposal?"

"It is… agreeable," Lori said, "provided that the split be forty-five parts in a hundred for me and fifty-five in a hundred for you, of ALL metals and minerals extracted from the mine by weight, not simply copper." She held up the stone. "Copper ores usually contain either iron or brimstone, or both, either of which would be useful to me."

"Four in ten and six in ten," Shanalorre countered, "and I will provide healing at request for all members of Lorian Demesne, not simply those who would be working here."

Lori ignored the strange sound Rian made.

"Forty-five and fifty-five," Lori said, "and I include three cubic paces of ice a blue month until the first snows."

Shanalorre tilted her head. "Make it five."

"Done," Lori declared. "Conditional on this ore in fact containing copper."

"Done," Shanalorre agreed.

They both nodded.

"Shall we draft the agreement, then?" Binder Shanalorre "I believe we still have some ink and paper left in this demesne… somewhere. Yllian?"

"Yes, Great Binder."

Actual paper? Huh, she hadn't seen real paper in literally months… "Yes, that would be for the best," Lori affirmed. "An agreement must be notated, witnessed, and confirmed by both parties or else it is not official."

"Paperwork, or it didn't happen," Rian… agreed?

"That is very mistrustful," Shanalorre noted.

"Of course," Lori said. "This is commerce."

Shanalorre raised an eyebrow as both Rian and Yllian nodded in agreement.

"The reason paper is used for this purpose is that it cannot be manipulated by a Deadspeaker or Binder without there being obvious marks, Great Binder," Lord Yllian explained. "The same for why ancient agreements were written in fabric with paints. It prevented tampering, and as long as both copies agreed on the substance, then it was proof that neither had been altered after the fact."

"I see…" Shanalorre said, nodding.

"Though obviously that doesn't rule out blatant forgery and replacement of copies," Rian said. "But everyone knows that. There are stories about it. So, keep it in a box or something."

"Noted, Lord Rian," Shanalorre said.

As the paper, ink and pens—actual pens! Not just burnt bits of wood!— arrived, Lori realized something.

"Binder Shanalorre," she said slowly, "can you write?"

For a moment, the other Binder looked nervous. "Um, a little? I was learning, but…" She fell silent.

Eventually she shook her head, her face smooth once more. "I can read, and I know how it is done in theory… but I would hesitate to call it legible."

Lori sighed. They'd spoken of a LOT of things while their lords were away…

"I will draft the agreement," Lori said. She looked down at her stool, then at the tabletop. "I will need a taller seat."

"Use mine," Shanalorre said, rising and vacating the taller stool in front of her desk table. "As recompense for the work, I'll make you some bread. For the journey home."

Lori winced. Hopefully she would be able to do this quickly… then remembered they would need at least two copies, possibly four so they both had a duplicate, and then the word-by-word inspection for any possibly deception… "Thank you," she said.

She wasn't getting home until nightfall, was she?

She should have turned down the proposal!

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