
Demesne Snippets 4: Parental Embarrassment

Riz had been avoiding her family ever since she'd started sleeping with Rian—and Mikon and Umu technically, since they all shared the same bed. This wasn't out of any sort of dislike or personal issue, the way the Great Binder was always implying she had some sort of disagreement with her mothers. Mikon had been much the same, clearly avoiding her cousins and aunts unless it couldn't be helped—such as when she was weaving—although not her uncle for some reason. Umu… well, Riz didn't really pay much attention to what Umu did outside the house, despite Mikon constantly going on about how the two of them should get along better because they were both sleeping with Rian and any ill feelings would make things awkward in bed and…

… in hindsight, Mikon's ulterior motives were much more obvious.

However, she couldn't avoid her family forever. For one thing, they ate in the same Dungeon—and a part of her was a bit astonished she'd gotten used to eating in the demesne's dungeon every day—and since there were only two baths for women, it was inevitable that she'd run into someone she was related to eventually.

She just wished it wasn't in the Um—it was also a little astonishing she'd gotten used to that name too, because it had used to catch her between sighing at how stupid it was and snickering at how stupid it was—while she was lying down with her head on Mikon's lap.

"Hello, Auntie Mirralca," Mikon said cheerfully as Riz hastily straightened up and since when had Mikon been talking to her mother? Oh, right, right, weavers, that's probably when. "Hello, Uncle Rolah. How's Auntie Milcarra?"

Riz stared in horror as she realized Mikon was on speaking terms with her entire family to hear the start of her mother's response. If she was calling everyone 'auntie'…

"She's fine, Mii," her mother said, "my sister just decided she'd rather sleep tonight. Hello, Riz. How have you been doing? Is there a room for us?"

Riz really wanted to say yes, just to get her parents to move on and leave her alone. Unfortunately, all the water clocks were dripping into the bucket, meaning all the rooms were full, and while there were a couple were almost empty, they weren't empty yet. Maybe if she tipped one over…?

Her hand twitched to do just that, except her ears were clamoring for her to pay attention as she heard her father say, "How are you doing, Mikon? Still… uh, doing well, I hope?"

"Doing very well, uncle," Mikon said cheerfully as she slipped her arm around Riz's elbow possessively. "Erzebed and I have been getting along wonderfully."

"No rooms, but we have a few who should be done soon," Riz said, perhaps just a bit too loudly. "Why don't you go take a bath and come back later, the rooms should be open by then!" And it will be Raradina's shift by then, so she didn't have to be here—

"We'll just wait then. It's been so long since we last talked, Riz," her mother said with a smile. "How have you been? Things with Rian seem to be going well."

"Oh, they are," Mikon said cheerfully as Riz turned to stare at her woman in horror. "Umu and I have been finding the two of them gone in the morning, and when this one shows up in the baths she's always tired and sweaty."

"I told you, I was out doing quarterstaff practice to keep Rian company while he did sword practice," Riz said. "That's all the two of us were doing!"

Mikon looked at her in confusion. "Yes? If you and Rian wanted to have fun making music, you'd have stayed at home." Her treacherous woman turned back towards her mother. "I'm so glad for them. They're doing more than just sleeping with each other now."

Riz was a proud and blooded militiawoman—and these days she was wondering if she was really all that retired, given what she was doing for the Great Binder—and had faced beasts, abominations, and the Great Binder when she was in a foul temper. She did not look away and blush when her mother started laughing, and anyone saying otherwise was a lying civilian and naturally not to be trusted because they didn't know what they were talking about!

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