Demon Dragon

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Jin Lin, who had regained his freedom, began to sweep the Cave Mansion of Heavenly Dragon daoist, and took everything he could. One of the most valuable things should be the storage ring of Heavenly Dragon daoist, which is too rare in Monster Race. Jin Lin put the bits and pieces into the storage ring, and then put the ring on his hand.

After thinking about it, if it turned into a snake’s body, wouldn’t this ring have no place? He simply took the ring off his finger and swallowed it.

The prohibition at the entrance of Cave Mansion, of course, Jin Lin still has no ability to crack, but it does not need to be cracked to get out. The arrangement of the ban is very complicated. Heavenly Dragon daoist himself is also impossible to break the ban every time he goes out? Jin Lin had already observed the behavior of the Heavenly Dragon daoist, and knew that there was a spiritual stone at the entrance of the cave, and moving the spiritual stone would temporarily open the restriction, and then he could enter and exit.

He didn’t dare to do this before because he was afraid of being discovered by the Heavenly Dragon daoist, who would easily be caught up and taken back. And now that the Heavenly Dragon daoist is dead, there is no need to worry anymore.

Jin Lin walked out of Cave Mansion triumphantly and took a deep breath.

But he immediately ran into trouble again, because this Cave Mansion was too far away from Chixia Island, thousands of miles away.

It took only a few hours for the Heavenly Dragon daoist to fly over these thousands of miles, but for Jin Lin, this is not the case, and he is not capable of such long-distance flight . There was nothing he could do, so he had to jump into the sea and swam desperately towards Chixia Island.

It took more than ten days for Jin Lin to swim back to Chixia Island. Fortunately, there was no danger on the way. There are quite a few Spirit Pills in the storage ring, but Jin Lin the past few days does not worry about eating and drinking. However, swimming for more than ten consecutive days still made him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Finally home! Looking at the courtyard in front of him, Jin Lin sighed with emotion. It has been nearly five months since he was arrested in the Monster King Hall and locked in the water prison.

But there is no one at home, mother is not at home.

Jin Lin was a little worried, so he hurried to ask the neighbors nearby. The neighbors were very surprised by Jin Lin’s appearance – they all thought Jin Lin had already died, this was the news released by the Monster King hall, saying that Jin Lin was taken away by a cultivator. Surprised and overjoyed neighbors told Jin Lin that Bai Susu should still be in the Temple of the Monster King.

What? Still at Monster King Hall? Jin Lin couldn’t help being stunned when he heard the news. He could imagine that in the past five months, Ao Lie, the Monster King, must have abused his mother in every possible way. As a son, how can you endure such a thing.

Jin Lin originally planned to take revenge on Ao Lie, but he was not strong enough, so he wanted to endure it for a while. But now that he heard the news, how could he bear it? And now that he has obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly Dragon daoist, he is not powerless. If the plan is good, it is not impossible to deal with Ao Lie.

Hu Qi heard that Jin Lin was back and brought Hu Xue to his house. Jin Lin’s good friend Black Horn also came.

A large group of neighbors were indignant when they heard about Ao Lie, but they persuaded Jin Lin to give up on Jin Lin’s desire for revenge. In their opinion, it is simply impossible to defeat Monster King Ao Lie.

Give up? That’s it? Jin Lin doesn’t agree! Mother’s humiliation, my own humiliation, must be returned to Ao Lie!

Only Hu Xue and Black Horn expressed their support for Jin Lin to take revenge, and Black Horn patted his chest and said, Boss, I will do whatever you ask me to do, go through water and tread on fire No resignation. This moved Jin Lin a little.

Hu Qi never made a statement. When the neighbors dispersed, Hu Qi took Jin Lin back to his house.

“Master, what do you want to say to me?” Jin Lin is not stupid.

“Jin Lin…you have to deal with Ao Lie, I have no objection.” Hu Qi expressed his position in the first sentence.

“It turns out that the teacher also supports me, very good!” Jin Lin is very happy, his teacher is really different from the general demon, not a timid person.

“However, Ao Lie is not easy to deal with. Also, have you considered the consequences?” Hu Qi said, “There is not only one Ao Lie in the Monster King Hall, even if you can kill Ao Lie, How can you deal with so many of his subordinates?”

“Ao Lie treats me like this, I will never let him go! Listening to the teacher, it seems that you have something else to say?” Jin Lin ask.

“Yes, killing Ao Lie is not enough. What you have to do is to overthrow the Monster King! Only in this way can you not fear their revenge.” Hu Qi’s eyes seemed to have bright light glittering.

“Overthrow the Monster King Temple?” Teacher’s words surprised Jin Lin, teacher thought more than himself!

“Although there are many Monster Races on Chixia Island, they are scattered.” Hu Qi said word by word, slowly, “It’s time to unite them.”

The smart Jin Lin immediately understood what Hu Qi meant. As a human before he crossed over, he had seen this kind of plot a lot. This is probably asking me to kill Ao Lie and take his place.

Hu Qi said that since Jin Lin was a child, he was different from ordinary little demons.

Hu Qi is a wise man, he can see what others cannot. He has long felt that this survival situation of Monster Race in Cabernet Island must be changed, but there are some things that he is not suitable for. Hu Qi has been waiting, waiting for a suitable person to appear. Jin Lin has been different since he was a child. Sometimes, Hu Qi even feels that Jin Lin has a special temperament that even Monster King does not possess, and even Hu Qi cannot see through it, which makes Hu Qi Seven was very surprised.

Hu Qi told Jin Lin that the Monster Race in Chixia Island was not really strong enough. If you really unite the demons of Chixia Island, even if the overall strength is not as good as the cultivation Great Sect, it should be not far behind. And why has the Monster Race of Cabernet Island been suppressed by the cultivator, and even become the prey? Because there has never been a unified force.

Although Jin Lin understood, what should I do?

The size of Cabernet Island is tens of thousands of Monster Races, and it is not easy to unify. However, the first step is to consider overthrowing the Monster King Temple and unite the Monster Race in this area controlled by the Monster King Temple. Ao Lie must be removed, but how to get rid of Ao Lie requires a long-term plan.

Jin Lin simply told Hu Qi that he had taken the relics of Heavenly Dragon daoist. He didn’t say anything about his Dragon Clan Bloodline for the time being. The mother wouldn’t say it, I’m afraid it must be. There are reasons for confidentiality.

Hu Qi was both surprised and delighted. Among the relics of Heavenly Dragon daoist, there are many powerful magic weapons, as well as many high-level medicine pills, including poison to death Heavenly Dragon daoist’s absolute heart pill. Toxic. With these things, the feasibility of dealing with Ao Lie is quite high.

“Black Bear, the second leader of the Monster King Hall, is quite dissatisfied with Ao Lie’s behavior, and may be able to win over and divide. Even if he refuses to help us, if he can keep him neutral, he will also treat us well. It’s already very beneficial.” Hu Qi analyzed. In the past six months, he has heard rumors about the black bear and Ao Lie being incompatible. Black Bear is outspoken, while Ao Lie is vicious and vicious, and friction is inevitable. But Hei Xiong and Ao Lie are Brother Yi’s younger brother after all, and it’s hard to convince him to betray Ao Lie.

“Contacting with the black bear is also very risky! If the black bear is not persuaded by us, then he has learned of our plan to deal with Ao Lie. If we tell Ao Lie, we will be finished.” Hu Qi reminded again.

To become a major event, why not take risks? Jin Lin knows this very well. With his current strength and status, if he wants to deal with Ao Lie and then overthrow the Monster King Temple, it is almost like a mantis trying to stop a chariot. Since the black bear was a possible target, Jin Lin immediately decided to contact the black bear.

Hu Qi bought a little demon under Black Bear and passed a message to Black Bear.

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