Demon Dragon

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

These three months are a rare period of time. Of course, Jin Lin will not waste it easily.

The Divine Dragon Mantra is now well-practiced in Chapter 1, and has just begun to be practiced in Chapter 2. However, the second chapter is very slow to practice, because the second chapter of Divine Dragon Art itself corresponds to the later stage of returning to the Great Ascension Realm cultivation base. Under normal circumstances, the Dragon Clan Disciple during the recovery period has just begun to repair the second chapter of the spirit refinement. With Jin Lin’s current Primordial Spirit mid-term cultivation base, it is relatively reluctant to practice Chapter 2, but fortunately, his Divine Sense has reached the late stage of Void Return, so he can barely continue to practice.

Jin Lin jumped into the sea again when he came to the seaside reef where he used to practice.

Long time no cultivated in the waters of Chixia Island! It has been more than a year since the departure.

The waves crashed, and the familiar feeling came back again. At the beginning, Jin Lin was cultivating here at Core Formation Realm, and now it is the middle stage of Primordial Spirit. These waves lapped on him, and they were already light and light, and they felt powerless.

Just dive into the seabed!

The seabed world is still so beautiful, the algae swaying gently and the coral colorful. Every now and then, a group of fish swim by playfully, and when Jin Lin touches them, they spread out again and flee quickly.

Two years ago, I encountered an old monster in this seabed, and was almost succeeded by his body possession, but didn’t expect the old monster to be self-destructed in the end, fulfilling myself. The old monster also got the opportunity to reincarnate and recultivate, and found him himself. The past is vivid in my mind, and in just over two years, such a big change has already taken place, which makes people sigh.

The Cave Mansion where the old monster was located last time should be in the depths of the seabed, but now I can’t find it anymore. I was also sucked in by the undercurrent vortex at that time.

Since the impact of the sea water is not enough, then continue to dive and use the high pressure in the depths of the sea to strengthen the training.

The deeper you dive, the deeper you go. The light all around started to get a little dark, and the sea water absorbed most of the light. However, there will still be some luminous things in the sea, as long as there is a little light, with Jin Lin Primordial Spirit’s mid-cultivation base, it is enough to see clearly.

The pressure of the sea water is increasing, and it has reached the bottom of the continental shelf where Cabernet Island is located. The continental shelf is like a sloping hillside with a small slope, extending toward the depths of the ocean.

Jin Lin didn’t feel any discomfort at all while snorkeling at the bottom of the continental shelf several hundred meters deep. After repairing to Primordial Spirit Realm, it has begun to resemble a dragon, and the strength of this body is really different. Jin Lin is very satisfied with his physical strength, the ordinary person diving several dozen meters is almost the limit, and he does not feel any discomfort in this kind of place.

A seabed appeared in front of the seabed, and at the edge of the continental shelf, the land under the water changed from a slow slope downward to a steep drop.

Come on, just dive into the trench and see!

Thinking of this, Jin Lin accelerated his diving speed and plunged into the trench.

In the trench, the speed of diving is even faster, five hundred meters, six hundred meters, seven hundred meters…a thousand meters! The depth is roughly estimated by Jin Lin based on the surrounding scenery. When he reached a depth of one thousand meters, he finally felt the enormous pressure of the sea water. Water seems to be continuously infiltrating from every pore on the surface of the body, and the water in the body seems to be squeezed into the cells, and the tissues and skeletons of the whole body are under heavy pressure. Jin Lin directly transformed into the body, a snake with horns on its head and limbs, with a strange appearance. He is now half-snake, half-dragon body, and can breathe directly in seawater, so that the body is filled with seawater inside and outside, but it offsets part of the pressure. But for each cell, this squeezing effect of seawater is real.

It took a while for Jin Lin to get used to the pressure of this depth, and he decided to continue diving because the pressure was far from the limit!

Finally, we reached the bottom of the trench. This trench is not too deep, but it is more than two kilometers deep. The water pressure of more than 200 atmospheric pressures presses the skeleton and cells of the whole body. be more rigorous. However, Jin Lin felt that he had not reached the real limit he could bear!

Jin Lin crawls directly at the bottom of the trench, cultivating the Divine Dragon trick. After all, he is not here to find the limit that the body can bear. He is here for cultivation, using the pressure of sea water, just to promote cultivation. If you really get to a deeper place, although you can find the limit of your body, but at that time there is no room for cultivated.

In this environment, the body will stimulate its potential by resisting the pressure, and at the same time, the demon energy in the body will circulate more rapidly because of the effect of resisting the pressure of the seawater. Jin Lin’s previous cultivation had accumulated demon essence to a critical level, and at this time, with the help of the seawater pressure, he finally succeeded in progressing a small realm, from the middle stage of Primordial Spirit to the late stage of Primordial Spirit!

After progressing to one small realm, the original feeling of pressure was immediately relieved a lot. Jin Lin was very excited and decided to create the 3rd Style of Divine Dragon’s nine-turn warfare here.

First Style, long distance, fast movement, powerful single attack.

Second Style, the dragon fights in the wild, every attack is false and real, the body moves in a large range, and the group attacks.

And now the 3rd Style to be created should be different from these two.

In the seabed, feeling the pressure of the seawater, Jin Lin suddenly thought of the vibration of the seawater! It is possible to imitate the movement of ocean waves and create a shock wave attack!

Jin Lin started at the bottom of the trench, trying again and again. He is now in the form of a half-dragon half-snake. Every time he swings his body and swipes his claws, it will cause the sea water to tumble.

These seawaters are pressured and fluctuated, and can cause tremendous pressure on the inside of the target, shattering the target from the inside!

After practicing many times, Jin Lin launched such an attack on the seabed mountain range next to the trench. The layers of sea water, wrapped by the demon Essence Power, rushed towards the mountain wall. After one blow, the mountain wall is still the mountain wall, and it seems that nothing has changed.

Jin Lin pushed his paw lightly, and the mountain wall suddenly shattered and collapsed, forming a large cloud of smoke in the sea water.

Jin Lin hurriedly escaped from the choking smoke, but his eyes were filled with joy, and the shock really shattered the rock mass from the inside.

Because this move is a multi-layered, overlapping wave attack from baring fangs and brandishing claws just now, so this move is called “Golden Dragon Dance”! Golden Dragon dances wildly. It has a miraculous effect on the enemy who wears heavy armor and is not easy to attack directly. It uses the demon Essence Power to imitate the layers of waves, which can completely penetrate the armor and attack the opponent’s body.

After practicing the body form, Jin Lin turned into a human form again. Now standing in a trench more than 2,000 meters deep in human form, there is no obvious discomfort. Jin Lin has improved the Golden Dragon dance technique to adapt it to be used in human form.

After practicing dozens of times, Jin Lin was almost proficient. Jin Lin jumped up and hurried upstream. When it came to the surface, it was already second day. This time seabed cultivation , the cultivation base was raised to the late stage of Primordial Spirit, and the Golden Dragon dance method was created, and the harvest was huge.

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