Demon Dragon

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Hu Huahua suddenly proposed to make Jin Lin the master of the Monster King Hall, which was really unexpected.

Jin Lin, who was standing in the field, and Hu Qi, who was hiding in the group of little demons, were stunned for a moment: It’s getting harder and harder to see what Hu Huahua’s heart is thinking.

“He? He just killed our boss, how can we call him our new boss, no no no!” The little demons shook their heads quickly.

Hu Huahua asked back, “Why not? Since he has defeated Ao Lie and replaced him, isn’t it reasonable? We Monster Race, is this kind of thing rare?” The little demon didn’t refute it, Monster Race always speaks with strength. It’s not uncommon for a monster to kill another and take all his property and power instead. However, is the little golden snake really stronger than the boss, Ao Lie? Although he did kill Ao Lie just now, the little demons always felt a little strange.

“Third Sister’s proposal, I agree!” The black bear made an unexpected statement.

Hei Xiong’s statement is a set of things. Once Ao Lie died, Black Xiong was the most popular candidate for the boss. Since he also agreed to let Jin Lin take the top position, what else can others say? In addition, this matter was brought up by Huahua. Among the three bosses, the boss died, and the third boss of Second Boss agreed. Who would object?

Although the little demons are still a little reluctant in their hearts, it’s nothing. It’s just a change of boss.

So this matter is settled.

Jin Lin didn’t object. This is what Hu Qi told him before. Even letting the black bears act is only a temporary measure. Hu Qi’s meaning is to want Jin Lin to unify the red Xia Dao, now that the black bear will give way directly, there will be less trouble in the future. For Jin Lin, the situation of his mother and son was not good at first, so he also felt that being the head of this Monster King Palace, it seems to be beneficial at present, at least no one dares to embarrass their mother and son.

Although Bai Susu was taken as Mrs. Yazhai by Ao Lie, Ao Lie did not trust her and kept her under house arrest. He usually sealed part of Bai Susu’s cultivation base, and added the room. The prohibition set up inside, so Bai Susu can’t escape. At this time, Bai Susu was still staring at the window in the room in a daze, but suddenly heard a “mother” shout from behind.

That voice is the voice I have heard countless times in my dreams over the past six months, and it is the person Bai Susu has been caring about.

“Lin’er?” Bai Susu turned around quickly, she could see clearly, it was really her Lin’er, her Lin’er was here!

“Mother!” Jin Lin’s heart aches when he sees the haggard Bai Susu. Everyone will be moved by Bai Susu’s meticulous care for him over the years. Jin Lin has long regarded Bai Susu as his closest person in this world.

Plop! Jin Lin knelt in front of mother, “Mother, child unfilial, let mother suffer!”

“Lin Er, you’ll be fine.” Bai Susu had tears in his eyes, but his face was full of tears. with a smile. Seeing that his son is safe in front of him, all the suffering seems to be considered nothing.

The mother and son talk about the past six months, and there are countless heartfelt things to say. Hu Huahua was very knowledgeable, and after unblocking the room, she pulled everyone away. The mother and son Bai Susu and Jin Lin were left in the room.

Jin Lin found out now that although Bai Susu was under house arrest for half a year, Ao Lie never succeeded. And the reason for this is because of the necklace that Bai Susu is wearing. Jin Lin couldn’t help but be surprised and happy. Of course, Jin Lin didn’t feel pity because Ao Lie didn’t make that last step against mother. Ao Lie clearly wanted to kill himself. If it wasn’t for his good luck, he would have been killed by Ao Lie long ago. And imprisoning mother for half a year with the intention of indecent assault will never be forgiven.

“What the hell is this treasure?” Even Jin Lin became curious.

“You’ll know later.” Bai Susu didn’t want to say more.

Since mother refused to speak, Jin Lin certainly didn’t want to ask more. The identity of the mother and her own life experience have always been a mystery. Although I don’t know why mother keeps it a secret, Jin Lin knows that she must have her reasons for doing this. Mother’s love for herself is selfless, and that’s enough.

“I swear, from today onwards, no one can bully our mother and son again, no matter whether he is a human, a demon, a god or a fairy!” Jin Lin promised himself in his heart. oath.

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