Demon Dragon

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

The entrance of the underground cave “cave” is not big, but it is deep inside, and it also has a place of charm and beauty. There are also many forked passages along the way, leading to various places. Almost one hour later, my eyes suddenly become brighter.

This is an underground karst cave, above it, is the rock dome; below, is the rock ground. Numerous large and small stone pillars connect the dome and the ground, supporting this space. There are also countless stalactites and stalagmites here, which add a somewhat mysterious beauty to the cave. There are some tiny luminous bodies in the rock, probably some luminous substances, which provide the light source for the cave.

This cave is so big that it can’t even see the end at a glance, it looks like an underground world.

These human beings who live underground seem to be very adapted to the dark environment, although only a little light source is enough for them to see everything clearly.

“Guru, why do you live underground? Isn’t it bad on the ground?” Jin Lin was a little surprised, so he asked. [

“Sir Divine Envoy, no one can live on the ground.” The guru has gradually become accustomed to this way of communicating his thoughts.

“Why can’t people live on the ground?”

“Because the ground is too dry, it’s all sand, and there’s no water at all, so people can’t live there.”

Jin Lin immediately understood, and Guru was right, if it was all desert, humans simply couldn’t survive. The strange thing is how those animals and plants can survive on the ground. Even in the cave, Jin Lin felt very dry and didn’t even have any moisture. It is conceivable that the desert on the surface may dig a few feet into the ground, but there may not be groundwater.

Jin Lin suddenly had a weird feeling, don’t those creatures simply don’t need water? After all, water is needed for survival, which is just a habitual concept of human beings, but this strange planet may not be the same type of life.

“Then why did you go to the ground just now? Did you go hunting?” Jin Lin asked again.

“No, those wild beasts on the ground, they are all dry and uneatable,” replied the guru.

Sure enough, I guessed right, I am afraid that those wild beasts also have no water in their bodies, which is really a weird place.

“Then what are you doing up there?”

“It’s a funeral, Sir Divine Envoy.” The guru replied respectfully, “Our ancestors came down from the ground. After our clansman die, we will send them back to the surface. The sand will engulf their bodies, and their souls will return to the place where their ancestors rested.”

“Oh.” Jin Lin denomination , it turned out to be a funeral ceremony.

“We usually will not go to it except for funerals. Because on the ground, there are usually very difficult to deal with sandstorms. Only a few days in the middle of each month will it be calmer. We chose to hold the funeral in the past few days.”

It turned out that I was in good time, which happened to be the past few days when the desert was calm, Jin Lin thought to himself. But what does the guru mean when they say that their ancestors came down from the ground?

They didn’t come here from other planets, did they? Were these primordial-looking humans, their ancestors, capable of interplanetary migration? After immigrating here, they found that the surface could not survive, so they migrated underground again? Because these people are accustomed to the underground environment of the cave, their stature has become short, and it is very dry here, so the skin is so rough.

Jin Lin thought of these explanations easily, and some hope rose in his heart. If someone really came here from other planets, it means that this planet may be able to return to other planets. If you can find a way, your chances of going back to Zero Origin Star will increase.

“Guru, I heard you just now, Great Immortal spare your life. Who are those Great Immortals?”

“Sir Divine Envoy, we don’t know where the Great Immortal came from , but they are not like us, they can fly.” The guru mentioned the Great Immortal with fear in his eyes.

It seems that the so-called Great Immortal is mostly a cultivator, but will this planet also have a cultivator? Jin Lin is even weirder. Judging from the Guru’s reaction, they should be very afraid of these cultivators, and it is estimated that they are not less oppressed by them.

While speaking, they finally came to a settlement, which is where the Guru usually lives. [

Small caves with obvious traces of population excavation are scattered all over the rock walls of the caves. These small caves are the houses of Guru and the others. These small caves surround a large open space in the middle, like the central square of a village.

“Ulu, woohoo.” Guru stood in the central square and shouted a strange language.

Then from those within caves, many of the same natives drilled out.

One of the oldest-looking natives came to the front of the crowd and talked to the guru. Their voices gradually became more intense, as if they were arguing about something. The old man looked into Jin Lin’s eyes with obvious distrust.

“Guru, what’s going on?” Jin Lin asked.

Guru said quickly: “Sir Divine Envoy, please forgive me, Gucci patriarch still doesn’t believe in your identity and thinks you are with the Great Immortal, please don’t blame him, I will persuade him Yes.”

In fact, the name of Gucci patriarch sounds like “Goo Chi”, Gucci is translated by Jin Lin according to his own habits.

The guru was a little frightened, obviously afraid of his clansman, and offending the messenger means offending God.

Jin Lin was a little embarrassed. It was estimated that the “Great Immortal” they were talking about should be those human cultivators who looked similar to him-although he was a monster cultivator in disguise. It is inevitable that the patriarch will not trust himself. It seems that the guru is very easy to accept himself, maybe it has something to do with the fact that when the time comes in the desert before, he did not embarrass them.

“It doesn’t matter, he will understand that I’m different from those people.” Jin Lin didn’t take it seriously, bullying these natives is no fun.

Although patriarch was somewhat distrustful, after listening to Guru’s explanation, he was a little dubious. But whether he believed it or not, he didn’t dare to offend Jin Lin after all, so he still tried to warmly entertain him.

The middle of the square is covered with a layer of animal skins, which are only used for entertaining distinguished guests. Usually, these natives sit directly on the ground. On the fur in the middle, there was a pile of bodies that looked like some animals, and this was the food they served Jin Lin, the angel.

“It’s raw again…” Jin Lin sighed, eating raw meat, but he has had a mental disorder since he was a child. When he first crossed into this other world, he was frightened by the live frogs and mice brought by Bai Susu.

It is indeed a strange thing for a snake to be afraid of eating raw meat, but some things are just like that.

Jin Lin looked at the things, which looked like some kind of crustacean. There are a few of them that look like huge spiders, and some that look like ladybugs or something. Jin Lin has no interest in the food in front of him at all, let alone eating it raw, even if it’s cooked, he probably doesn’t want to eat it.

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