Demon Dragon

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

In order to strengthen his body, he even ran to the shore of the island and jumped into the sea, letting the sea lap his body. The impact of the sea water was very strong, as if someone was holding a boulder and pounding his chest continuously, causing his blood to surge every time. Jin Lin leaned against the reef tightly behind his back to prevent it from being washed away by the rushing water. The demon essence in the body circulated rapidly, resisting the impact of the waves. If it wasn’t for Yao Yuan’s support, maybe he would have fainted long ago. During this almost cruel torture, his body was constantly transformed and strengthened by the demon essence.

Bai Susu used to sneak in the vicinity to watch Jin Lin’s cultivation, watching the huge waves engulf him again and again, her heart tightened. Later, she couldn’t watch it anymore, so she forced herself to stay at home and not see Jin Lin. Although she was worried, she never stopped Jin Lin from doing that. Because Bai Susu knew that Jin Lin was different and his destiny was not ordinary. However, God made a joke, even though Jin Lin’s life experience is very extraordinary, it gave him an ordinary identity and ordinary childhood, which is too cruel.

“When the heavens will assign great responsibilities to the people, they must first suffer their minds, their muscles and bones, their bodies and their skins, and their bodies empty…” Bai Susu thought of this famous saying in the human world, “Lin Er, mother won’t stop you, but mother is very distressed.”

Hu Xue also secretly looked at Jin Lin, she was also a little worried, but more worshipped, even in her eyes A lot of little stars have popped up.

Jin Lin didn’t know that he was being watched by two women all the time. In this almost self-destructive cultivation, his attention had to be concentrated attention completely, against the natural formidable power, and it was impossible to be distracted. . Days passed, and Jin Lin became stronger every day, Heaven and Earth. He already felt that he was about to reach a limit, and there was a huge force in his body that was beginning to stir. Just one chance, just one breakthrough, he will reach a new realm.

Today’s waves seem to be particularly big. The galloping waters are continuously hitting the coast and have the momentum of engulfing everything.

Jin Lin remembered that today is August 15th, which is also the time when the tide is at its highest in Chixia Island. Jin Lin was used to the strength of the waves, but today’s sea seems more terrifying than usual. How to do? Do you want to give up cultivation today?

Jin Lin quickly dismissed the idea! No, cultivation must not be given up. In the face of challenges, he never backs down.

Took a deep breath, the demon energy circulated in his body, and then he jumped into the sea water and swam towards the reef where he usually cultivated. The part of the reef that is out of the water is already only the size of one third in normally.

A big wave hit, pushing Jin Lin straight back. He struggled, little by little approaching the reef. Against the waves like this, he gradually moved forward.

Finally got to that reef!

However, as he was walking around the reef, trying to face the onslaught of the water head-on as usual, a huge wave came and his body was involuntarily thrown against the reef. He slammed into the reef fiercely from behind, the bones seemed to be about to be broken, and the severe pain almost made him unable to resist.

Never faint! Jin Lin endured it, and must not faint. Once fainted, the terrifying sea water will completely engulf him. Not only that, he has to concentrate one’s mind, control the movement of the demon essence in his body, and fight against this terrifying power.

Because the impact of the waves today is particularly large, the body can hardly be fixed against the reef as usual.

Jin Lin has transformed!

He turned into a golden snake with a length of ten feet. With the deepening of the cultivation base and the assistance of medicine pills, his body has grown rapidly, and the recent cultivation has greatly increased his body Tenacious.

The golden snake was tightly wrapped around the top of the reef, and despite the continuous pounding and slapping of the waves, it never left the reef.

There seems to be a kind of magical power that is continuously generating in the body. It fuses together with the demon Essence Power. In the process of constantly contending with the external force, the demon Essence Power not only does not weaken, but instead becomes stronger and stronger. Strong, these forces continue to impact the body’s veins.

My body hurts so much…

Not only the impact of the waves, but also the impact of the Essence Power that suddenly swells and explodes in the body. Under this internal and external attack, Jin Lin feels an unprecedented drama. pain.

He suddenly raised his head and let out a long whistle!

The howling is like a dragon roar, soaring into the sky!

The demon Essence Power burst out completely, breaking through Jin Lin’s whole body meridian and rushing out of the body. Under the severe pain, Jin Lin finally fainted.

And those demons, Essence Power, automatically formed a dragon shape on his head. The dragon baring fangs and brandishing claws for a while, and then reluctantly got into Jin Lin again. body of.

As these demon Essence Power entered the body, it began to automatically repair Jin Lin’s broken meridian. And Jin Lin’s meridian has been repaired, not only wider and stronger than before, but also the direction of the meridian has changed, which is different from ordinary snakes.

It took a long time for Jin Lin to wake up from the coma.

The reef he leaned over was almost completely engulfed by the sea, and the sea even submerged most of his body, leaving only a small part of his upper body still above the sea. The high tide process has ended and the tide has stabilized.

Jin Lin woke up and was surprised to find that his body had completely improved. Not only did he not have any pain, but he was full of strength and felt unprecedentedly sharp, and even the scales of his body could feel the sea water nearby. The water flowed slightly.

When he looked inside the body, he found that the original inner core the size of a ping-pong ball had almost doubled in size. On the inner core, there seems to be a faintly coiled pattern of a small dragon. This pattern is almost transparent and cannot be noticed without careful observation.

It seems that it has entered the middle stage of Core Formation, Jin Lin is ecstatic, he can be regarded as a genius in this world, and his cultivation is very fast. Since the Dragon God Bloodline was inspired by the old pervert of the Heavenly Dragon daoist, the cultivation speed has grown by leaps and bounds. It didn’t take long for it to enter the middle stage of Core Formation from Core Formation Early-Stage.

There seems to be something strange on the head, Jin Lin subconsciously touches it. But once he changed back into human form, he felt nothing, and the strange feeling disappeared.

He turned back into a snake again, and this time he touched the top of his head with his tail and found two protrusions.

“It’s going to grow horns…” Jin Lin felt a little amused, but he was more looking forward to it, “Maybe one day, I can really turn into a dragon.”

The snake with horns on its head is a bit strange, but this is only the first step to become a dragon, and there are more changes waiting for him in the future.

After the realm promotion, Jin Lin felt that he was full of energy and his condition was better than ever. And the sea, which was originally very terrifying, was much calmer at this moment. Jin Lin suddenly had an impulse, he threw himself and jumped into the sea with a loud voice.

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