Demon Dragon

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Jin Lin has been out to practice for a long time this time, and it has been more than a day. Bai Susu is very worried in his heart. Of course, Bai Susu is not the only one who is worried about him, but also our little sister Hu Xue. However, Bai Susu’s worry was written on his face and expressed in his actions; while Hu Xue’s worry was written on his face and his actions were the opposite.

When Jin Lin came back, Bai Susu couldn’t help but ask questions; and what about Hu Xue? Hu Xue twitched his lips, “I don’t care where he goes to play!”

Jin Lin saw that in the great hall of the Monster Palace, Hu Qi, Black Bear, Hu Huahua and four of his subordinates had already gathered Great Commander, I’m afraid something is wrong.

As expected, seeing Jin Lin coming back, Hu Huahua opened the mouth first and said, “Palace Lord, Qingfeng Village in the northwest of our country, an invitation came yesterday, saying that it was the Mid-Autumn Festival and invited Palace Lord. Go drink and enjoy plums at their place.”

I went! The monsters still play this set, appreciate plums? Jin Lin thought he heard it wrong, “Did you hear it right? You asked me to go to enjoy plums? Our Monster Race is also fashionable now?” It’s very common in Mortal World, but even cultivators don’t do this kind of mundane things, let alone our Monster Race. The reason why Qingfengzhai said this is just to find a random reason to let you go to their place. Just a trip.”

“Oh…” Jin Lin nodded his head. as the saying goes Qingfengzhai asked himself to drink and appreciate plums for no reason. Obviously, it wasn’t as simple as trying to gain somebody’s friendship. It seemed that they had other goals.

The black bear was still sitting there in silence.

Hu Huahua said: “Palace Lord, when Qingfeng Village sent an invitation yesterday, Palace Lord went out to practice and didn’t return, everyone was worried. Fortunately, Palace Lord is back, we But you have the backbone.”

Jin Lin thought to himself, you vixen is quite good at taking flattery, but Young Master, I obviously don’t eat this set, he said with a fatal smile, “Flower elder sister , do you think I’m going? Or not?”

The elder sister called Hu Huahua’s heart. Good intentions, Palace Lord still don’t go.”

“Haha, they must be watching the new owner of the Monster Palace, bullying me for being young and inexperienced, and wanting to give me a disdain?” Jin Lin disdain Said, thinking about this trick, Young Master I’ve seen a lot.

Hu Qi pondered then said, “In my opinion, don’t go there. There is no need to take this risk.” In a flash of inspiration, he came to his mind, “No, of course we have to go! If I don’t go, won’t they look down on us. From now on, won’t our group of Monster Palace be suppressed by others?”

“But it’s too dangerous…”

“What are you afraid of! I’m not the only one in the Monster Palace group, there are so many brothers, if they really dare to treat me How, they are not afraid of revenge from the brothers?” Jin Lin said, this also has hidden meaning, the subtext is, I trust the brothers.

Sure enough, when they heard his words, including the black bear and the commander of the demons, they couldn’t help but glance at Jin Lin. I secretly thought that Ao Lie died not long ago, and no one took revenge for him. Are you so confident? But even though he thought so, but Jin Lin showed his trust in them. It can be said that he entrusted his life to them, and they were deeply moved. Immediately, the four leaders immediately knelt down:

“Please don’t worry Palace Lord! The subordinates swear to follow Palace Lord!

Seeing this scene, Black Bear and Hu Huahua can’t take their stand. , they had no choice but to follow the example, half-kneeling, “My subordinates swear to follow Palace Lord to the death! “

“Get up!” How can it be so serious! I guess, they just want to scare me, touch me, but they still don’t dare to do anything to me. Going this trip, at most, is a near miss. “These monster brothers are too cute!

“Jin Lin, so you really want to go?” “Hu Qi is Jin Lin’s teacher, with different identities and different names.

“Teacher, don’t worry, everything is on me. “Jin Lin patted his chest.

“Then, the Monster Palace will pick some of the most powerful ones and go with you, and there will be someone to take care of. “Hu Qi said.

“No, no, I’m going alone into enemy lines!” “Jin Lin said arrogantly, and added, “By the way, don’t tell my mother about this, lest she worry. “

Of course, several subordinates and Hu Qi were not at ease, but seeing Jin Lin’s confident appearance, they refused to listen to persuasion, so they had to give up. After all, Jin Lin was the Palace Lord, and they could only Persuade him, but he can’t make the decision for him. Hu Qi secretly arranged a group of capable subordinates to be placed on the edge of the sphere of influence of the group Monster Palace and Qingfeng Village to support him. After everything is arranged, it is a little reassuring.

The black bear was secretly convinced by Jin Lin’s arrogance. Let’s not talk about his strength, let’s talk about his arrogance, which is incomparable to ten Ao Lie!

Of course Jin Lin is not stupid, He had already made up his mind.

“old monster. “Jin Lin’s Divine Sense got into the small space in his mind and woke up Zhang Baichi, who was meditating.

“Boy, don’t disturb the old man’s practice. “Old monster is a little unhappy.

“Old monster, stop practicing, I’m in trouble. “Jin Lin smiled hehe, how can there be any trouble?

“What do you have to do with me? “The old monster chose to ignore it.

“Old monster, don’t forget, you live in my body. Don’t you want body possession? If I’m killed by someone, you’ll be dead as well. “Jin Lin is threatening.

“Who is going to kill you?” Who dares to kill you? “Once I heard Jin Lin’s words, the old monster became anxious. I wanted this body of body possession, so I couldn’t be killed by others.

“Hehe, no one has killed me yet. But I’m afraid there will be. Someone invited me to eat at hongmen just now. “Jin Lin continued to use Divine Sense to communicate with the old monster.

“Red stewed swallow? If someone invites you to eat, just go and eat. “

“Uh…” Jin Lin was very speechless, this old monster is really uneducated, he is indeed an idiot who only knows how to cultivate, “Let me tell you, they set a trap and wanted to call I dig in, intending to harm me. “

After saying that, Zhang Baichi understood it, “What kind of idiots are they? “

“It’s all Monster Race on this Cabernet Island, I guess it’s Primordial Spirit Realm, at most the cultivation base of Early-Stage. “Jin Lin said, “How about this, can you handle this trivial matter? “

The old monster is very conceited, “These little monsters? An old man can crush them all with just one tentacle! “

Tentacles…don’t be so disgusting, okay, Jin Lin scolded.

“However, I haven’t fully recovered yet, and killing them will also hurt my vitality, so I can’t do it is the best. “Zhang Baichi thought of his failure in Transcending Tribulation, his fleshy body has been destroyed, and his strength has dropped greatly, so he couldn’t help feeling a little sad.

This is not possible, Young Master, I also hope to use you, you can’t be depressed first. Now, Golden Lotus quickly said with Divine Sense, “old monster, don’t worry, you don’t need to kill them. Just scare them off. “

“What kind of scare method? “

So Jin Lin and Zhang Baichi explained it like this.

The poor old monster was so used by the little golden snake… But who told him to have to Relying on Jin Lin to exist? He can’t help it!

Jin Lin is ready to go to Qingfeng Village with confidence, he is going alone into enemy lines!

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