Demon Dragon

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Since there are demons in this world, there will naturally be immortals, and of course there is no less a person of cultivation—cultivator.

One day, when Jin Lin and Black Horn came home from Hu Qi teacher, they saw two human cultivators flying in the sky. They are wearing golden robes, fluttering clothes, extraordinary bearing, and holding strange magic weapons in their hands.

“Hey! immortal!” Jin Lin was very excited when he saw the two cultivators flying around in the sky. Isn’t this the legendary cultivator? He even wanted to say hello to them, ask for an autograph or something… oh, it should be a recipe for a cultivation immortal technique.

“Boss, don’t be in a daze, run.” Black Horn pulled Jin Lin, who was in a daze, and ran.

When the demons on the ground saw the cultivator approaching, they ran away to avoid it.

The magic weapons of the two cultivators flashed rays of light from time to time, and each hit of the light took the life of a demon.

Those demons who were beaten back to their original form were quickly taken away by two cultivators. When Hu Qi arrived after hearing the news, the two cultivators had already flown away. The place where they were just now was in a mess, and several houses were destroyed. The house is where the demons live, but don’t think that the demon will definitely live in the cave.

speaking of which, the demons live in the house, and Jin Lin’s credit is there. Originally, Jin Lin lived with Bai Susu in the cave, but Jin Lin felt that he was not used to it. When he could talk, he had to live in a house like a human. Bai Susu actually agreed to this request. As a demon who has reached the Core Formation Realm, his mana is not weak, so building a house is naturally easy. So Jin Lin and the others lived in a house.

The nearby demons soon discovered the advantages of living in a house, which is much more comfortable than living in a cave, so they also followed suit. Although a house is much less defensive than a cave, it is easy to be attacked by the enemy, but on the other hand, it is also easier to escape. Running in the cave is not so easy.

Let’s not talk about gossip, I just said that the two cultivators just got into trouble and hurt a lot of demons. Jin Lin lived near a family of colorful pheasant. The patriarch, Jin Lin usually called him Uncle Qi, was taken away by two cultivators just now. The hostess was left behind, and a few young pheasants were sobbing softly. Bai Susu comforted them for a long time, while Jin Lin kept looking at the sky, the direction where the two cultivators flew away.

When returning to his home, Jin Lin asked mother, why did this happen?

“The two human cultivators are holding a lupus fan, and the feathers on the fan are the tail feathers of the colorful pheasant.” Bai Susu said, she knew that the feathers of the colorful pheasant were the refined lupine fan A good material for a magic weapon.

“They killed Uncle Qi just to use him as a fan?” Jin Lin couldn’t believe it.

Bai Susu nods.

“Then they want something else, will they come to kill us again?” Jin Lin cried.

Bai Susu sighed slightly and remained silent.

Jin Lin was in a daze… He realized that he was no longer of the same kind as humans.

“They are human, I am a demon.” Jin Lin muttered this sentence in his heart, “I am no longer human… Human cultivators simply won’t agree with me.”

Of course Jin Lin knows that the cultivator and the demon are almost mortal enemies. But he never thought that he would face this problem as a demon.

What should I do?

Being a human once gave him an unfathomable mystery to the human cultivator, but now that he is a demon, he has to think about it from a demon’s point of view. He also saw the cultivators killing monsters just now, and he couldn’t accept this kind of behavior.

He couldn’t ask anyone this question, but buried it in his heart, asking himself again and again, what should I do?

This question is difficult to answer, but one thing is for sure, improve your strength!

In this world full of dangers, strength is the foundation to survive. If the cultivator sees him Jin Lin one day and wants to capture him or kill him, he can’t obediently surrender.

Jin Lin became more diligent, he spent more time on cultivation.

I’m fifteen years old.

Jin Lin has turned into a handsome boy. He has entered the late stage of transformation and is about to form an inner core. This realm is enough to keep his human form stable. Under this realm, even if you are seriously injured, you can maintain your human form without turning back to your original form. That is, since this year, Black Horn is no longer his opponent.

Although the Black Horn innate talent is different, it is only the strength of the early-stage transformation, but it cannot beat Jin Lin in the later stage of transformation. Of course, Black Horn didn’t care about this. He admired Jin Lin since he was a child. He has always been Jin Lin’s boss, but he couldn’t beat his own boss. That’s a normal thing, and it’s not shameful.

A teenager likes to look up at the sky, the sky is still so vast. Hear about cultivated to Core Formation Realm, and you can fly in the air with Magical Artifact. He looked at the sky and often wondered, when will he be able to fly freely in the sky without fear of anyone?

As usual, Jin Lin came to a small lake not far from home to cultivate his cultivation technique.

Suddenly two shadows passed over the lake.

Jin Lin’s heart was a little nervous, he raised his head and looked at the sky, there were two silhouettes flying in the sky, it looked like two cultivators again! Are they here again?

However, there seems to be something wrong with those two… When they flew, they felt a little anxious, as if they were avoiding something. Jin Lin even saw the panic when they were flying, so that they flew a little unsteadily. And those two people actually moved towards the lake where he was and flew over!

“I’m no longer human, I’m a demon, don’t forget.” Sighed in his heart, Jin Lin planned to hide for a while. If the two human cultivators found out, it would be troublesome.

Fearing what to do, Jin Lin didn’t have time to escape. The two cultivators had already flown down, and they flew directly over, apparently finding Jin Lin.

“The little monster in the metamorphosis period?” A male cultivator could easily identify Jin Lin’s cultivation base.

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