Demon Dragon

Chapter 837

Chapter 837

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“Are the guests satisfied with these fruits?” The Old Tree Man asked after they had eaten for a while.

“It’s really a good thing, thank you for your hospitality.” Seeing Old Tree Man like this, Jin Lin knew that he must have something else, said with a slight smile, “I have a question I want to know, What the hell is going on with those Sky Wings? If we need help, we might be able to help.”

Old Tree Man and a few other treemen murmured a few words, and then Nominate.

“The guests have amazing abilities, and if you’re willing to help, you can definitely help us defeat the Sky Wings,” said the Old Tree Man. [

“Why did the Wing and you conflict on that day?”

“Because of the fruit.”

“The fruit? It’s what we eat now. These?”

“Yes.” Old Tree Man said, “Is it like this…”

After talking, they realized that the so-called Tianyi people are in the tree people village A different kind of human in the vicinity.

They are also essentially green vegetative people, but they have wings on their backs and can fly in the air. Because of the advantage of being able to fly, they look down on the tree people and think that the tall tree people are first class. The relationship between the two races is not good. The Tianyi people often come to attack the village of the tree people. They have a great advantage because they can fly.

Every time they attack, they always rob some of the output of the tree people village, and the most important thing to rob is this kind of fruit. Whether it’s the tree people or the Tianyi people, they all take these fruits very seriously.

In the years of fighting, the tree people have also accumulated a lot of experience to deal with the Tianyi people, so the Tianyi people are not easy to take advantage now.

Say Cao “Cao”, and Cao “Cao” arrives.

Not long after Jin Lin talked to the Old Tree Man, a wave of Sky Wings came to attack the Tree Man village.

And Jin Lin and the others also saw clearly the appearance of these so-called Tianyi people. They are vegetative people with green wings. Maybe because of frequent flying, their bodies don’t look like tree people. So rough, but smoother and more human-like. Aside from the green color all over his body and his wings, he looks like a human.

The Tianyi people flew from the sky and tried to attack the village of the tree people. Although they can fly, they don’t have any particularly powerful means of attack. They just throw some leaf-like darts in the air, and a few people use wooden bows.

The tree people hid in houses made of branches and leaves, and fought back with their wooden bows through the gaps in the branches.

Whether it’s a tree man or a Tianyi, their weapons are very primordial, not too lethal, at least for Deity, they are not lethal.

Jin Lin and the others shot at will, which caused a great threat to the Tianyi people.

Chi Yan waved her hand and threw a faint flame.

To deal with vegetative people, a very weak flame is enough. That little flame hit a Flügel, instantly turning him into a big Fireball. That day, the winged man let out a whimper, and the two winged men beside him didn’t know what to do, so they rushed over to help him, but they were all involved and burned into a big fire.

These three Tianyimen, because they were caught on fire and jumped “chaos”, quickly lost their balance and fell from the air.

They landed on a big tree and immediately set the tree on fire. [

The fire developed very fast, and in less than half a minute, the whole big tree had turned into raging flames, and the three treants wailed in the flames.

Looking at the flames, both the tree people and the Tianyi people were terrified. As a plant life, there is a natural fear of fire. They even forgot about the battle with each other and just stared blankly at the burning tree. There are no Tianyi people, and they dare to rescue the three burned Tianyi people.

“Don’t burn it, stop it!” Jin Lin shouted loudly. If the fire goes on, the village will be destroyed.

Chi Yan also realized that the situation was not good, and quickly stopped the arson.

Liu Yiyun did not hesitate and pinched a secret art.

A large piece of water suddenly appeared in front of her. She waved her hand gently, and the water formed a wall of water and pushed it towards the burning tree.

Suddenly, the water evaporated.

And the fire was quickly extinguished.

The burning only lasted for less than a minute, but this time had already burned down most of the big tree, and the charred part was dark and ugly.

And the three Tianyi were even worse. At this time, they fell to the ground, their bodies were already burnt to charcoal, their mouths choked, and they made low, hoarse voices. Although they are not dead yet, they are already dying, and they are not far from death.

The rest of the Sky Wings stared at Jin Lin and the others in panic and anger.

And the tree people are also very frightened, dodging far away, not daring to approach them.

Jin Lin and the others only intended to help the tree people, but now this situation has obviously frightened them.

“Those Tianyi people are so pitiful.” Liu Yiyun couldn’t bear it, “Why did you set fire to them?”

“They came to invade the village, your kind heart Isn’t it too flooded…” Chi Yan retorted, she didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.

“Forget it, stop arguing.” Jin Lin quickly stopped it, so as not to cause another quarrel, “Meng Yao, is there a way to save them?”

“I’ll give it a try, okay? No, I don’t know.”

Zhang Mengyao stepped forward, summoned Divine Sword heavenly punishment, and used Azure Wood Art.

Soon, the body of the Divine Sword was covered by a cloud of green rays of light.

Zhang Mengyao pointed at one of the scorched Tianyi with the tip of her sword, and a beam of green light shone on him.

The places where the Tianyi’s body was scorched quickly began to turn green, and the flesh grew back.

The Winged Man had already entered a semi-conscious state that day, but he suddenly felt an indescribable comfort in his entire body, as if his vitality had returned. He opened his eyes and looked at himself in amazement. His whole body had recovered, and it was better than before the injury. [

“Jiji wow!” The winged man flew up in surprise that day, flapping his wings.

And the Tianyi people next to her were both surprised and delighted, they suddenly knelt down to Zhang Mengyao.

“Jeepee!” They kept kowtowing, saying things they couldn’t understand.

The general meaning can still be judged, and it must be thanks to Zhang Mengyao and the like. However, Jin Lin and the others discovered that the languages of these Tianyi people and the tree people seem to be different.

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