Demon Dragon

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Others certainly have no objection to this arrangement. So Jin Lin walked at the front, cautiously walking along the chain.

Jin Lin soon discovered that if he just used the demon energy to keep his body in a semi-flying state, with iron chains under his feet, he would not be affected by the ban. It is estimated that the role of the ban is to prevent flying. After all, the ban is dead, and people are alive. Jin Lin’s approach did not cause the ban to respond.

“Although it can’t fly, it can stay in a semi-floating state. As long as it sticks to the chain, it doesn’t matter.” Jin Lin immediately informed everyone of the discovery.

When Jin Lin said this, everyone followed suit, using the effect of true essence or demon essence to make their body in a semi-floating state. It’s relatively easy.

After walking to the iron chain, the scene under my feet became clearer. Before looking down on the cliff, it was just a flicker of rays of light, but now I can see clearly, there are actually Countless spiky crystals! The crystals are densely packed underneath, they are very sharp, and the smooth surface shimmers with all kinds of brilliance, and although they look beautiful, they are actually dangerous. These spiky crystals are like sharp knives. The cultivator who had been restricted from flying and fell down just stuck on one of the crystals and died directly. There may be some other prohibition down there, the cultivator couldn’t even escape the Primordial Spirit, really dead.

Below, it can be said to be the deadly Blade Mountain, once it falls, it is the dead end!

In this case, the psychological pressure caused to people is very large. Just like walking a high-altitude tightrope, in fact, the hardest thing is not walking the tightrope itself, but how to overcome the huge psychological pressure and keep the body and mind in a stable state. Just imagine, if a single-plank bridge with a width of one palm is erected at a height of only half a meter on the ground, like a relatively long balance beam, I believe that even an ordinary person can walk over it without difficulty. But if it is a single-plank bridge that is only the width of a palm, how many people dare to walk?

In fact, the single-plank bridge is still that single-plank bridge, but people’s mentality has changed, so the difficulty of walking has changed.

If there is no other danger, just walking the iron chain, in the case that everyone can use the demon energy or the true essence force to make the body in a semi-suspended state, it is actually not too difficult; but the following The Blade Mountain is always in my heart, which invisibly caused huge psychological pressure, making this chain very difficult to walk. The distance that could have been walked relatively quickly has also become very slow, and the crowd is moving slowly like a snail.

However, things are not that simple. When Jin Lin walked almost one third distance, suddenly the scene in front of him began to change again. Suspended mountains appeared around him without warning, and those suspended mountains actually collided with the chains! What’s more terrifying is that the suspended mountain is also covered with sharp crystals, like a flying Blade Mountain, crashing into Jin Lin!

How about this? To avoid these Blade Mountains, get off the chains, but get off the chains and fall to your death! But if you don’t leave the chain, you will be hit by this Blade Mountain! No matter what, it seems to be a dead end!

Jin Lin looked back quickly, Liu Yiyun and the others were still walking the chains cautiously a few steps behind. Although their expressions were nervous, they were not much different from before. It seems that Liu Yiyun and the others did not see these floating mountains that came over. In this way, these floating mountains may only be seen by themselves, and they may be illusions!

Jin Lin thoughts are revolving, no time to hesitate, only bet!

This chain is absolutely not to be left. If you leave the chain, you will fall down and die. This has precedent. And this mountain, which appeared suddenly, is not necessarily true!

“You stop first.” Jin Lin did not forget to remind Liu Yiyun and the others behind him. Then he simply closed his eyes and let the hovering Blade Mountain collide directly.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, my body didn’t feel anything, and there was simply no floating mountain hitting me. When Jin Lin opened his eyes to see, the suspended Blade Mountain that was supposed to hit him went through and flew to the other side.

“Everyone be careful, everything that appears next is an illusion! No matter what, don’t leave the chain! Remember!” Jin Lin shouted, reminding everyone to pay attention.

Jin Lin was very worried in his heart, whether Liu Yiyun and the others could withstand the psychological pressure caused by the collision of the suspended Blade Mountain, he slowed down and got closer to Liu Yiyun and the others, in case something happened Accidentally, myself would immediately save them. Fortunately, Liu Yiyun and the others also have good psychological qualities. Although at first they were shocked when they saw the floating mountain colliding, but after Jin Lin reminded them, they didn’t lose one’s head out of fear. Stepping on the chain, he did not leave.

However, there were still a few people behind, who failed to calmly face these illusions. In panic, they stepped on the air and fell down! After a few screams, several more cultivators died.

“If you don’t want to die, don’t leave this chain. Even if you see your body being hit by a mountain or stabbed by a knife, you can’t leave!” Jin Lin shouted with demon energy, his voice clear reached everyone’s ears.

Between the two cliffs, there are three long iron chains, along which more than 100 people walk from one cliff to the other! And beside them, there are many phantoms of suspended mountains covered with spiky crystals, flying around, rampaging! This scene can be said to be terrifying!

There is only one way to leave the original place. Step on the chain, never leave, step by step forward.

It’s here! Jin Lin was the first to step on the opposite cliff. Then, Liu Yiyun, Liu Rufeng, Hu Xue, and Hu Yufei also walked over in turn. Everyone’s face became a little stiff because of the tension just now.

“Come here, don’t be sulky, just smile. Xiao Xueer is good, smile first.” Jin Lin teased Hu Xue.

“I was really scared to death just now.” Hu Xue patted her chest with her right hand, “How can I still laugh.”

“It will change if I keep my face sullen. Ugly, when the time comes you can’t get married if you’re ugly.” Jin Lin teased Hu Xue.

“hmph ~ I won’t!” Hu Xue said so, but she seemed to be worried that she would really become ugly, so she pinched her face with both hands and pulled, Don’t get too tight.

She amused everyone by her appearance.

The little monsters have so many bad ideas, and Liu Yiyun was also amused, thinking that maybe only the little monsters can laugh at this time.

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