Demon God

Chapter 119: You like being near death?


With the sound of something clapping, Lionel spoke.

"Oi, wake up."

And his hands were...slapping Desire left and right. After all, Dawn was sleeping right now.

Of course, that would be the case. Although what Desire did might look simple, it was actually not.

There's no way something like the Death stage of the Refreshing Technique would be simple.

"Oi! How long you gonna sleep for, huh?!" Lionel said as he continued slapping Desire's cheeks.

He wasn't putting any of his strength in those slaps of his, but Desire's cheeks were getting red now.

After all, he was getting hit at a speed unknown to an ordinary man!

However, even with that, Desire was not waking up. It seems that he was more tired than Lionel thought.

Of course, that's not an excuse to sleep.

And getting pissed off that Desire isn't waking up, Lionel put a little bit of his strength.


And that slapping sound resounded out in this whole forest. After all, it was just that strong.

Desire even looked like he was bitten by a bee right now as his cheeks were swollen.

And with that kind of look, Desire opened his eyes.

"H-huh...Master?" Desire said with a voice quite...weird.

After all, his mouth was messed up as Lionel slapped it real hard.

"You're finally awake." Lionel said as he removed his hand from Desire's cheeks.

He then stood up and began to shake his hand.

"You took too long to wake up. Do you think you could just sleep when we are training?"

"No. Now, get your ass out of that land and stand up."

Lionel said as he looked at Desire.

Of course, Desire was currently rubbing his cheeks as he felt that it bad condition.

Even though it wasn't registering in his brain, it still hurts, and it was affecting even his vision.

After all, Desire could literally see his cheeks peeking in his field of vision.

However, it's not like Desire would cry about that.

Desire has experienced something even crueler than this. He experienced pain greater than this.

After all, he already felt being burned alive. If that's not one of the cruelest ways to die, then Desire didn't know what is.

That was why Desire stood up quite normally after he got a hold of himself.

He was just shocked that Lionel was beating him up.

"W-what happened? Did I pass out...?" Desire said.

It seems that Desire didn't even notice that he passed out.

After all, Desire was awake, but at the same time, he was not.

That was why it wouldn't be weird for him to not remember about passing out.

Of course, it just depends on how well he masters the Heavenly Demon Trait.

Well, not even Desire would confidently say that he already mastered the Heavenly Demon Trait.

"That's right. Anyway, do you feel anything different now that you finished doing the first stage of the Refreshing?"

As Lionel was the one who created this technique, he was excited to know about the results.

He wanted to know what kind of effects it had on his student.

He also wanted to know how much it would have affected his student's training progress.

After all, Desire was a God-Level talent. It was almost confirmed that he would progress at the speed of light.

And it was all just but a matter of time.

" that you mention it..." Desire murmured as he felt his body...lighter.

It wasn't the point of having his body relaxed or something like that.

He was light. Desire was light and slim because he didn't weigh that much, but this time was just different.

It was as if Desire would fly once the wind blows. It was that kind of light.

However, that was not all Desire could feel.

"Hmm...I'" Desire said as he couldn't describe this feeling.

He couldn't describe how his body felt, and because of that, Lionel had a wide smile on his face.

"See? It's hard to describe things." Lionel said.

"However, it is true that you are 'open' right now. The Refreshing Technique lets your body be open to things, and that is why we came here."

"If you used the Refreshing Technique on a place where someone might interrupt you, your body might get mixed up."

"It is the same with how the Refreshing Technique helps your body absorb training better."

And when Lionel said that, Desire looked up with his...messed up face.

And it was because of that Lionel spoke while handing Desire some pill.

"Ah, damn it. You look damned. Here, take it."

"It's a healing pill. It should be able to make your face return to normal. And it should also help you for the next step."

The pill that Lionel mentioned fell right to Desire's palms as Desire instinctively held his hand out.

And when he realized he opened his hand, Desire widened his eyes.

"Wait, what?" Desire murmured as he looked at the pill and his hand.

He was that shocked to see that he was able to catch it without his knowledge.

"Oho. So, it's already taking effect." Lionel said as he watched Desire.

"Anyway, eat it already so we can train for real."

Of course, when Desire heard what Lionel said, he immediately ate the pill by throwing it down his throat.

And without Desire needing to do anything, his face returned back to normal.

It didn't take long as it healed Desire quite naturally. Of course, Desire didn't fawn over that.

Instead, he just looked at Lionel once more, and he asked.

"Master, you said that you'd only teach me one stage of the Refreshing Technique, but why is that?"

Desire could remember Lionel saying that he would only teach the first stage.

And as far as Desire is concerned, the Refreshing Technique seems to be effective.

After all, it was already working wonders. That was why he wanted to know the other steps or stages of it too.

However, it seems that was not the case as the wide smile on Lionel's face was wiped away.

It was then that Lionel spoke with a serious face.

"I just noticed this, like being near death, huh?"

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