Demon God

Chapter 124: Fyu!

"Now then, shall I meet that guy..." Lionel murmured as he turned around.

He was planning to leave for somewhere else to meet someone, but it's not like he could just leave Desire here defenseless.

Although Desire was inside the Blessings of Tear, he's not completely safe.

If a strong master came here, it could be said that Desire would be in a bad situation.

Of course, Lionel knew all that. That was why he was thinking of what to do.

After all, Lionel had to meet with that guy in order to fulfill his word.

It was then that Lionel finally thought of something, and he spoke as soon as he realized it.

"Fyu, are you there?" Lionel said as he looked at the sky.

However, his eyes soon landed back down on the ground as he felt someone.

He felt someone appear right in front of him, and of course, Lionel saw that from miles away.

And what Lionel saw was someone kneeling down on the ground with his head bowing down.

This person was a man, and he was draped in a cloak. It was plain black, but there was something that was striking in that cloak.

And that was the person's shoulders, there was something like a badge.

Of course, two badges were on the man's shoulders as the man had two shoulders.

And the two badges...were the sign that someone is the Lion King's Soldier.

It was clear that this man was one of the feared soldiers of the Lion King!

It was then that the man spoke as he raised his head up.

"Yes, my lord?"

And when he raised his head, Lionel could see something like a mask on the man's face.

However, the only thing that the mask was covering was the man's eyes.

Right, the mask was only covering the man's eyes.

"Fyu. You probably know what's going on by now." Lionel said as he looked down.

This man was someone who was protecting Lionel from the shadows, so it wouldn't be weird if Fyu already knew about Desire.

And that was proven as Fyu answered.

"Yes, my lord."

Fyu then continued speaking as he lowered his head once more.

"If I may that child your successor? Aren't you retiring too young, my lord?"

And when Lionel heard what Fyu said, he opened his mouth wide!

It seems that he was angry that Fyu even asked about such a thing, but...


...that was just because Lionel couldn't help but laugh.

Right, Lionel laughed at what Fyu said, and he couldn't even begin to stop.


And because of that, Fyu thought that he said something stupid.

After all, there's no way Lionel would laugh this hard if it were not for something like that.

And that was proven as Lionel finally got a grip of himself.

"Ahhh...that was a good laugh."

"What the hell are you talking about, Fyu? Me? Retire? Kuahahaha! There's no way I'll retire in my life!"

"I'll fight even if I'm old! I'll fight even if I'm missing all my limbs!"

"Don't even say such stupid jokes."

Lionel said as he wasn't planning to retire. However, Lionel didn't want to cause any confusion to his subordinate, and that was why he spoke once more.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't be weird for you to think that way."

"And what you said is the truth. Desire is indeed my successor."

"I'm already training him, but in the end, the choice is his."

"Though, I'm quite sure he wouldn't reject becoming the second Clan Master of the Lion Clan. Kuhahahaha!"

Lionel said as he looked at Fyu.

It was then that Fyu raised his head once more. It seems that he still had some questions about the whole situation.

After all, Fyu has only been watching things. This will be the only time that he could ask the questions that he had on his mind.

"What about the young miss, then? She won't be your legitimate successor?"

"Won't she be...mad at you, then?"

However, it seems that Fyu didn't have to worry about that part as Lionel continued speaking.

"Ah, don't worry about her. She would probably happily give up that position if Desire would be the one to get it."

"Besides, I think they are getting married. There's no problem if they get married."

What Lionel said was the truth. If Desire and Jarina were to have a relationship, there would be no problem with legitimacy.

Besides, Desire was the disciple of Lionel. It wouldn't be weird for him to become his successor.

"As long as it is by your will, the Lion Clan shall obey." Fyu said as he lowered his head once more.

It seems that he was extremely loyal to Lionel for him to declare something like that.

After all, Desire was completely unrelated to the Lion Clan until now.

He just became Lionel's disciple because of the similarity he had with Lionel.

That was why it wouldn't be weird for Lionel's subjects to lash out at him for choosing such a successor.

After all, the basis of choosing one was how similar one is to Lionel.

It was just a stupid way of choosing a successor, but it seems that Fyu's loyalty to Lionel was strong.

"Anyway, I didn't call you here for this chit-chat." Lionel said.

"I called you here to stay guard for that little bastard."

"No one is allowed near him."

"Do you understand?"

Lionel said as he looked down at Fyu! His demeanor was overbearing, and he was overly-arrogant!

It was as if Lionel had a double personality, but this was normal.

After all, he was ordering his subordinate as the Lion King.

It means that no failure is allowed!

"Yes, my lord." Fyu said as he lowered his head even more.

It seems this kind of Lionel was normal as he didn't even shake.

Of course, Lionel was no longer looking at him as he disappeared!

Lionel disappeared so fast that even Fyu couldn't sense him go!

And while Fyu was kneeling, he only had one thought in his mind.

And that was...

'The lord's successor...what should I call him...?'

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