Demon God

Chapter 135: Anomaly

"Are you fucking kidding me!?!" Aimon shouted out loud as he was shocked.

Although Aimon knew that Desire grew up from a baby to a child, he didn't know that Desire...could talk.

Hell, he didn't even know Desire could think at that age. After all, it was just impossible for a human to be able to think and talk at that age!

What's more, from how Lionel explained it...Desire was the one to name himself while he was a baby!

He shouldn't even have the capacity to think, and yet, he was able to name himself?!

That was just in the realm of ridiculous!

Of course, Aimon didn't know that Desire was born with his name, and that the system just said it.

It was then that Lionel spoke with quite the smile on his face.

"Of course not. I'm telling the truth here."

"Well, that just explains how special my disciple is. Don't you think so, Aimon?"

Lionel said, but it seems that Aimon's shock is still there as he spoke.

"Impossible! And to think that he would name himself Desire! It's such a waste!"

Aimon said as he thought of the future, the future where Desire would be known as the Lion King's disciple.

How would the people call him? Desire? With that boring name, Desire would just be a laughing stock of the people.

What's more, since Desire would receive the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles, he may even have some awesome nicknames.

However, his official name was just...Desire.

"It's a waste!" Aimon said as his left eye widened as much as possible.

Of course, Lionel knew what Aimon was thinking about. However, Lionel didn't care about that.

After all, Lionel already said that he wouldn't bind Desire to him.

There's no way Lionel would forcefully change Desire's name when Desire wasn't even pointing it out.

Well, if Desire someday wanted to change his name, Lionel would help Desire with that.

It was then that Lionel spoke once more. It seems like their talk has been going on for far too long as Lionel could feel his skin being wet.

He could feel some water sprinkling on him, and that was because they were now near it.

They were now near the waterfall that flows so strong. They were now near the Blessings of Tears, where Desire was building his foundation.

"Anyway, we are here." Lionel said as he looked at the waterfall that seems to go for eternity.

And even though Fyu couldn't feel it, Lionel could. 

Lionel could feel Desire, who was building his foundation right inside the Blessings of Tear.

Of course, Aimon knew what the Blessings of Tear was, and that was why he spoke.

"Aren't you spoiling him too much? Using the Blessings of Tear for his first time...that's a luxury that even most nobles wouldn't be able to afford."

The Blessings of Tear is an item or a product that came from the Dungeon.

And a Dungeon is something that appears rarely. What's more, the Dungeon is a mythical or magical place where masters could be born.

Even Lionel's title, Lion King, was born from the moment he became a Conqueror.

And since someone as powerful as Lionel got his powers from the Dungeon, the items from the Dungeon would be wanted or even needed by the people, normal or fighters alike.

That is why the demand for items from the Dungeon is always high.

And because it is high, the price for the items is ridiculously expensive.

The Blessings of Tear is one of those items that have a price so high that even a noble wouldn't be able to buy it even with his whole house's money.

Well, as Lionel had a clan who could go to the Dungeon, it was literally free.

However, no one could deny the price that the Blessings of Tear would have once it is released on the market.

"Hmm? Isn't it obvious that I would only want the best for my disciple?"

Lionel said as he disappeared! It was weird that he talked before disappearing, but that was because he was sure Aimon would be able to follow him.

And that was the truth as Aimon also disappeared, as Aimon followed right after Lionel!

And where they appeared was right on top of the branches of the trees.

Well, they didn't want to wait in a place where they were getting wet.

"Well, I could understand your thought about, what are we gonna do now?"

Aimon said as he could feel Desire right inside the Blessings of Tear.

Although Desire hadn't really stayed inside the Blessings of Tear for a day now, it didn't matter. Desire probably had a foundation by now, and that foundation would be acceptable for Aimon.

That was why Aimon thought that Desire would be getting out of it soon as he was here now.

After all, the reason why he was here was that he would perform the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles on Desire.

And he wouldn't be able to perform the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles on Desire if he were staying at the Blessings of Tear.

Of course, Lionel knew what Aimon meant when he said those words.

However, Lionel thought otherwise. Lionel wanted the best foundation possible for Desire at his age, and that was why Lionel told Desire that he should endure for a day.

After all, it would be unsatisfactory if it weren't the best!

That was why Lionel spoke as he intended to make his intentions clear.

"We would wait here."

However, as if the Blessings of Tear were waiting for those words, the waterfall showed a change!


It exploded! The Blessings of Tear exploded as it splashed on the forest!

Of course, Lionel and the others were already protecting themselves as soon as they felt it.

And as if it didn't matter at all...

Boom!! Splash!

The Blessings of Tear exploded once more! It exploded until it made the sky its throne!

And the three people could only protect themselves as they didn't know what was happening.

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