Demon God

Chapter 145: A mysterious voice

The mighty lion that woke up in Desire's Spiritual World was just watching Aimon float around in this place.

It seems that it wasn't planning to attack Aimon or something like that. It was just watching.

However, it was the fact that its eyes were so sharp that it looked like the mighty lion was about to pounce on the poor man.

Right, in front of this mighty lion, Aimon could only be described as a poor man.

After all, the lion...was just so big that it was unbelievable. In the world, there were animals. Of course, the king of the jungle, for the animals, was indeed the lions.

However, this world also had monsters and humans who were just too powerful. That was why lions weren't really that scary.

But...this was just too big for it to be described as an ordinary lion.

In fact, it would be more correct to say that this lion is a monster lion that came out of nowhere!

With the shade of his mane being too black, it was clear that this lion was the dominant male of its species!

However, the weird part about this lion was that...its whole body was white. The lion's mane was black, but its whole body was white.

It was indeed weird to see such a distinct feature to a lion, and it just speaks how special looking this lion is.

However, the weirder part of this whole situation was that...the lion was inside Desire's Spiritual World.

That was weird as something like this lion shouldn't even exist in Desire's Spiritual World.

It would be easier to understand if it were in the First World, or in the physical world.

What's more, the lion could feel that Aimon...was floating towards the place where the lion was.

And that means only one thing. Desire's incarnation was near to the lion.

No, to be exact, Desire's incarnation was right behind the lion!

Right, Desire's incarnation was sleeping in a special bed, which was covered with something like a barrier that was shining with a bright light.

It was indeed weird that the lion was near Desire's incarnation in his own Spiritual World.

It was as if...the lion was like a guard dog. And that was proven as to how the lion's mane quickly rose to the air as the lion saw Aimon with its naked eyes!

The lion's pressure became heavy, and the lion announced its presence to the poor man with a bellowing roar!


The lion's roar echoed out in the whole place, and Aimon was able to hear it clearly.

After all, Aimon was right in front of the lion right now. And as soon as Aimon saw the lion, his eyes widened!

"What the?" Aimon murmured as he saw the air twist around the lion. He also stopped in his tracks as he just stared at the lion.

However, the reason why Aimon was surprised about this was that...there was nothing like this in the many Spiritual Worlds Aimon has visited before.

What's more, Aimon could tell...he could tell that the lion was stronger than him.

Of course, he didn't know if that was because this place was the Spiritual World or something like that.

However, Aimon knew that he would be killed if he did something stupid.

'Hmm...he isn't doing anything other than stare at me.' Aimon thought as he looked at the lion.

Although the lion indeed let out a thunderous roar to threaten Aimon, the lion didn't do anything else.

He didn't pounce on Aimon, and he didn't let out some vicious attack. He just stayed there like a good boy.

And that was weird. After all, even if this was a Spiritual World, a lion is a lion.

A lion would attack anybody that dared creep up near to him. A lion might just attack somebody just because he felt like attacking.

However, the lion...didn't even show any traces of doing something like that.

He just stayed there with his mane rising to the air while having his fangs out.

It was clear it was prepared for battle, but it seems to Aimon that the lion...was preferring to avoid battle.

Of course, Aimon preferred to avoid a battle with the lion, too. After all, it would just be pointless to fight a lion in a Spiritual World.

Something or someone in a Spiritual World is just connected to the person who owns that Spiritual World.

That means that this lion was something like a part of Desire himself.

That was why it would be pointless to fight against this lion. Although it was abnormal for Desire's Spiritual World to have a lion, it wasn't really that weird.

Aimon has seen cups in another Spiritual World. Aimon has seen birds flying around in another Spiritual World.

However, the fact that the lion was...stronger than Aimon himself was the weird part.

And the fact that the lion seems to be on guard was the most crucial one.

After all, the lion might mess up everything with Aimon's plans and tasks.

What's more, Aimon knew that Desire's incarnation in the Spiritual World was right behind the lion.

Aimon definitely needed to have the lion move out of the way so he could perform the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles.

That was why he was thinking of ways to make the lion move or be gone.

And it was then that Aimon heard something spoke to him.


The voice said, and that was all the voice said. Of course, this caused Aimon to look all over the place to find the speaker.

After all, there's just no way that the speaker would be the lion.

Although some monsters or animals were able to speak, Aimon had not seen the lion move his mouth.

That was why Aimon knew that it was not the lion who spoke. However, there was no one else in this place that could have spoken to Aimon.

"Who are you?!" Aimon said as he felt confused about all this.

Well, it was only natural that he would be confused. A strong lion showed up all of a sudden, and he was having a hard time dealing with it.

And now, a strange voice was talking to him. Although Aimon was strong, the whole mental pressure about being in an unknown place was heavy.

He also had to balance his strength in this place as he didn't want to kill Desire.

He also had to make sure that he wouldn't do anything stupid so that it wouldn't affect Desire's future or anything like that.

It could be said that the mental stress and pressure was the main reason why the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles is a hard technique to use.

That was why Aimon was sweating buckets right now, even though he was like a ghost.

And it was then that the voice spoke to him one more time.

-...It's not time yet.-

The voice said as it resounded out in this place, and also in Aimon's ears.

And as soon as Aimon heard that, his face...turned into a frown.

'It's not time yet? What the hell does that even mean?!' Aimon thought as his eyes looked sharp.

Aimon's confusion just rose to another level as he didn't know what the voice meant.

What did it mean by saying it's not time yet? Does it mean that it's not time for Aimon to do this?

Does it mean that it was not the time for Desire to wield all three styles?

No matter what it meant, Aimon would not be able to decipher its meaning at this moment.

After all, Aimon didn't know the context or whatsoever.

However, it seems that the voice was not done speaking at all as it continued.

-Go back...- The voice said as it echoed once more in this room.

And its message was clear. The voice wanted Aimon to go back.

After all, Aimon was the only person here who 'invaded' Desire's Spiritual World.

"What the hell..." Aimo murmured in pure disbelief as shock overcame him.

After all, this was the first time that something so outrageous happened to him.

Well, it might not be the first as Aimon was there when Desire basically sucked in the Blessings of Tear.

Either way, this was the first time something like this happened to him while he was visiting a person's Spiritual World.

However, it seems that things have not ended there as the voice spoke once more.

-...You are not qualified enough to use me.-

And what it said was truly weird. At least, for Aimon, it was weird.

After all, Aimon was not here to use something or someone.

He was here to perform the Divine Sharpness of the Ghost Needles.

That was why Aimon spoke to quell any misunderstanding.

"I'm not here to use anyone or something like that!"

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Come out!"

Aimon shouted as loud as he possibly could. Aimon was getting frustrated with the voice now.

After all, the voice was just basically playing with him with all these out-of-context words.

It was clear as day that Aimon was really angry about the voice and their nonsensical conversation.

However, what Aimon all got as an answer to his anger was...

-How foolish.-

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